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2019-2020年高三上学期期中考试英语试题(无答案)第一部分:听力(共三节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Who is the woman talking with? A. A waiter. B. A sales clerk. C. A policeman.2. Where does the man usually go on weekend nights? A. To a cinema B. To a bar C. To a restaurant3. What did the man do for the woman? A. He bought her a map of the airport. B. He told her to drive to the airport by another route. C. He marked the route to the airport on a map.4. Why should the woman apologize to Rodger? A. For forgetting to call him. B. For saying something impolite. C. For her failing to attend the party.5. What does the man mean? A. He didnt get the book he needed. B. The book is not available in the library. C. The library doesnt open on weekends.第二节(共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分)听下面4段对话,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Why does the man talk to the woman? A. To get some advice. B. To return books. C. To buy something.7. Where will the man probably go next? A. To the reading room. B. To the second floor. C. To the multimedia room.8. Whats the womans job? A. A teacher. B. A librarian. C. A shopkeeper.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. How many people were killed in the hurricane? A. Less than 20. B. At least 40. C. At most 30.10. Who has gone to the stricken area? A. Soldiers. B. Firefighters. C. Doctors.11. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The hurricane struck the southeast of the country. B. The supply of water has been cut off for 2 days. C. At most 12 people were injured.请听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. What has the woman just done? A. She has gone shopping. B. She has visited a friend. C. She has drawn a picture.13. Where was the man just now? A. At home. B. In a restaurant. C. At Martins home.14. What do we know about Martin? A. He is a rich man. B. He has borrowed money from the man. C. He is the womans friend.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. When did Hollywood bee the US film center? A. In 1911. B. In 1945 C. In 1950.16. What happened in 1915 in America?A. The first major feature film was made. B. The first silent tragedy was made. C. The first film studio was set up.17. What are the two speakers talking about? A. American art. B. American history. C. A famous film star.第三节(共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)听下面一段材料,将第18至第20三个小题的信息补充完整,每空限填一个词或一个数。听材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。本段材料读两遍。 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。Cate BlanchettBirthIn(18) 1969 near MelbourneEarly interestAs a child, she dreamed of being a performer.EducationStudied drama at National Institute of Drama Arts.CareerShe first worked at Australias largest theatre group.In(19) ,she acted in her first Hollywood feature film Paradise Road.With her powerful performance in Elisabeth, she got Academy Award nomination. She became an Oscar (20) in xx for her performance in The Aviator.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节: 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. - I dont feel like going out. Why dont we just stay at home and watch TV instead? - _! You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday.A. GreatB. Why meC. e onD. Hurry up22. That manners are very important in every country is known to us but the trouble is _ different countries have different ideas about _ good manners are.A. what, what B. which, that C. that, that D. that, what23. Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quickly - he hasnt lived there very long.A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up24. - Catherine, everyone was at the two-hour concert except you. - Sorry, but I _ my mother clean up the whole apartment.A. was helpingB. helped C. had helpedD. am helping25. _ good use youve made of your time to study, theres still room for improvement.A. HoweverB. WhateverC. WheneverD. Wherever26. American often say “Theres no such a thing as free lunch.” _, everything costs something and everything has to be paid by someone.A. In additionB. As a resultC. For instanceD. In other words27. At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _ Great Britain.A. three times the size as B. the size three times of C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of28. The newly built caf, the walls of_ painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work. A. that B. it C. what D. which 29. - Has Jim e back? - Not yet. He must have been enjoying himself there, otherwise he _ so long.A. cant have stayedB. wouldnt have stayedC. neednt have stayedD. shouldnt have stayed30. The long-lasting meeting, filled with arguments and quarrels, ended in disorder, _ no conclusion.A. reachesB. reachingC. to reachD. reached31. Sports cars such as Ferraris and Porsches are priced high _ the reach of most people.A. underB. outC. withinD. beyond32. The most important thing to keep in _ mind when dealing with_ emergency is to stay calm.A. /; theB. the; anC. the; theD. /; an 33. - It snowed heavily last night and there must be a lot of snow on Emei Mountain. - No, we found a little snow, as most of it seemed _ off the mountain.A. to have blownB. to have been blown C. to be blownD. to be blowing34. “Only two centimeters higher, _ break the world record,” encouraged the coach.A. you willB. and you willC. or you willD. will you 35. I havent seen _ of her films, but judging from the one I have seen I think shes a promising actress.A. anyB. bothC. noneD. either第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) , 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The lady with the white fence taught me to leave the gate to life openWhen my husband died of a brain disease, I became very angry. Life was not 36 . I hated being alone. One day, as I was 37 down a busy street in town, I suddenly noticed a new fence, which was being set up 38 a house. I pulled off to the side to really admire the fence. The carpenter had done such a good job that my eyes almost 39 up with tears. I could not 40 myself away. I stopped the engine, went over and touched the fence. It still 41 of fresh paint. I could hear a lady was trying to start the lawn mower(除草机) in the back garden.“Hello!” I shouted and 42 at her. “Well, hello!” She stood up and wiped her hands in the apron. “I I came to see the fence. It is so beautiful!” I said.“The fence is not there for my 43 ”, the lady explained to me in a(n) 44 voice. “I live alone. But so many people drive by every day, and I thought they 45 be glad to see something really nice. People see my fence and wave. 46 stop like you and e up to veranda(走廊) to have a chat.”“ 47 werent you sad when they expanded the road and everything changed so much?” I asked.Her reply 48 my life. “Change is a part of life and takes part in 49 us who we are. When something we do not like happens to us, we have two choices: to bee a 50 person or to bee a better person.”I carefully left the gate 51 and drove on with a new feeling inside me. I could not 52 what it was, but I could feel the 53 stone wall around my angry heart breaking off. And 54 a pretty white fence was built. I decided that I would keep the gate open for everything and everyone that came my 55 .36. A. unknownB. successful C. unhappyD. fair37. A. runningB. wanderingC. drivingD. walking38. A. inB. around C. besideD. near 39. A. kept B. welled C. driedD. took40. A. carry B. put C. tearD. send41. A. smelled B. feltC. tastedD. sounded42. A. glared B. looked C. staredD. waved43. A. ine B. sakeC. streetD. job44. A. pleasant B. angryC. frightenedD. doubted 45. A. have to B. ought to C. shouldD. might 46. A. Few B. EveryoneC. NobodyD. A few 47. A. Though B. SoC. ButD. Thus48. A. cost B. gave C. changedD. charged49. A. catching B. makingC. leavingD. finding 50. A. worst B. betterC. bitterD. best 51. A. locked B. openC. closedD. broken 52. A. tell B. discussC. speakD. talk53. A. thick B. thinC. weakD. broken 54. A. instead B. unfortunatelyC. besidesD. disappointedly 55. A. method B. positionC. way D. route 第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A I suddenly felt like drinking some wine last night, because I had a tough decision to make. Its been too long for me to live in the shadow created by myself! Darkness has taken me but fortunately, I finally woke up and decided to make my way out. Amanda bought me a bottle of wine which tasted as bitter as the life I had been undergoing. I told herwhat I had experienced. It is I who chose to be like this! Its my own choice! Had I not e back fromSingapore, not decided to leave FX, not divorced with Maggie, I would not have met you! There are too many things, which are not supposed to happen, but happened to me! My job is stable but not well-paid, interesting but not challenging, relaxing but not what I want. Theres nothing about the job I am proud of, except that I can be the interpreter for the vice mayor sometimes. But is it a big deal? No, I dont think so! There are now two options in front of me. I can either choose to stay in government or leave for foreign panies. I asked Amanda for advice, who suggested me to stay still in the government, and my parents also asked me to be patient! But my mind is totally blank now, and I dont know which to choose. Im confused! Neither option is convincing, in terms of payment and long-term improvement. Working for the government will give me a stable career life. I wont need to worry about my sales targets and whatever insurance. But I will never be rich again! Working for a foreign pany will bring good salaries and bonus to me. But I will be under great pressure to achieve whatever goals made by the pany! Im no longer a young salesman. My confidence is no longer as strong as before! God. its so hard to make the decision!56. Who is responsible for this situation? A. The author himself. B. Amanda C. Maggie D. The authors parents 57. What does the author think of his present job? A. Busy and difficult. B. Highly paid and stable. C. Steady and relaxing. D. Challenging and interesting. 58. The thing that bothers the author most about working for a foreign pany is that . A. he will have to make the decision B. he will not be rich again C. he will no longer be a salesman D. he will be under huge pressure 59. Whats the authors attitude towards his decision? A. Contented. B. Determined. C. Optimistic. D. Uncertain. BAmerican middle school students dont seem to care that theyre worse at maths than their counterparts(同龄人) in Chinas Hong Kong and Finland. I dont need it, my student says. Im going to be a basketball star. Or a car mechanic, or a singer.Middle school students maths skills were tested by the International Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. The United States ranked 28th out of 41 countries tested. After all, when was the last time you used algebra(代数)?But maths isnt just about training Americans to bee scientists. It has its own value. It helps you see patterns and develops your logic skills, and it teaches you to concentrate and to separate truth from falsehood. Maths helps you make wise financial decisions, so you can avoid false claims from advertisers, politicians and others. It helps you determine risk. For example, after an airplane crash, studies show that people are more likely to drive than to take a plane in spite of the fact that they are much more likely to be killed or injured while driving. Planes are not like criminals who repeat the same crime over and over. One plane is not more likely to crash just because another plane recently did. In fact, the most dangerous time to drive is probably right after a plane crash because so many people are on the road.It is not possible to really understand science and the scientific method without understanding maths. A rainbow is even more beautiful and amazing when we understand it.The precision of maths helps us think in a very special way. How do we bring the learning of maths back to life? I dont have the big answer. I try my best to help pupils find answers to some maths problems. When I can get one to say, wow, thats great, I feel the joy of a small victory.60. Some American students dont care about their poor maths results because .A. they dont do well in maths B. maths is useless to most people C. they have no interest in maths D. they think maths has nothing to do with their future 61. The example in Paragraph 3 is used to show .A. a simple fact shows plicated rules B. every coin has its two sides C. we should not be cheated by fault facts D. maths is close to our daily life 62. The writer would agree that .A. American kids dont work hard at school B. its normal that American kids are weak in maths C. without maths we11 miss much in our life D. maths is the most important subject at school 63. This text is most probably written by . A. a student career guide B. a researcher on students problems C. a maths teacher D. a specialist in students studies CLooking for Canadian culture? Try checking out the ice rink. We love hockey, says Marion Alexander, a Canadian English teacher in Beijing. It really is Canadas sport.There is no other sport so close to the hearts of Canadians and no other sport in which they have been so successful. But how much do you know about hockey?Hockey is played on a court of ice called a rink. Each team has six playersa goalie (goal keeper), a center, two defensemen, and two forwards. All of them wear ice skates. Instead of a ball, hockey players use a puck(冰球), a small black object made of rubber.Each team tries their best to hit the puck with their hockey sticks into the other teams goal. Whichever team scores the most goals at the end of the three periods is the winner. Hockey has a lot of rules, says Alexander, But once you are used to it, it seems very natural.In Canada, hockey is part of the national identity. Many Canadians play hockey when they are growing up and many families make a tradition of watching the games. I played goalie when I was younger, remembers Alexander. My family would always watch the Calgary Flames (a team in the National Hockey League) play on TV.Hockey doesnt just unite families. It also brings the whole country together, especially during the Olympics. Canada is a diverse country that doesnt have a strong unified culture like China. That is why hockey is so important. Supporting the national team brings all of Canada together, says Alexander.64. The passage is mainly concerned with .A. the role of hockey in Canadian culture B. the origin and development of hockey C. peoples attraction to hockey D. the rules and significance of hockey 65. Hockey is important to Canadians for the following reasons EXCEPT that .A. it helps unify the whole country B. it is Canadians favorite sport C. it is an event at the Olympics D. it is part of the national identity 66. What does the sentence “Canada is a diverse country that doesnt have a strong unified culture like China” imply? .A. There are not so many things that bring all of Canadas people together. B. There are not so many sports in Canada as in China.C. Canadians are not as friendly as Chinese.D. Canadians are not as united as Chinese 67. Whats the authors attitude towards hockey in the article? .A. Negative B. Supportive. C. Opposing. D. Neutral. DDior was born in Normandy in 1905, and his family s original plans for him included a career in the diplomatic service, but by the time he was twenty-three, with his parents money, he opened a small art gallery in Paris. By 1931, the money had been used up. Dior s friends in the art gallery, asked him to draw and he took his first step at designing and drawing. His first job was with Lucien Lelong from whom Dior learned his craft (手艺).In February, 1947, Dior started the New Look in his first major Paris collection. He was backed by a famous textile producer, Boussac, who looked after the dollars, while Dior looked after the fashions. Dior knew nothing about cutting and sewing, but he was good at fashion design.The New Look started an entirely different look to costume, with a tiny waist, a rounded shoulder and a shapely bust (胸围) , usually with a low-cut neckline and a long, full skirt. To women who had lived through the war years, the femaleness of the New look was a great success, for people were tired of textile extremely plain, wartime restrictive fashions.It is said that dresses by Dior were constructed like buildings, but young people were attracted to his design, and all over the western world, manufacturers plunged (投入) into the production of his new style. Diors revolutionary designs lighted up a whole cycle of fashion, rounded, gentle, feminine, a delight in elegance. A New Look House of Dior opened in 1948, followed by one in London. Considered as King of Couture (women s clothing) for years, the Dior empire grew until it covered every country in the western world, and included furs, hosiery, jewelry, perfumes, mens wear and on and on. More than 1,000 people worked at the Paris headquarters then.His sudden death in 1957 when he was 54 years old did not stop the growth of the House of Dior. Even now, so many years after his death, his name is closely connected with fashion throughout the world, and indeed is one of the most recognized names in the world. His first, great New Look, with its long skirts was an expression of freedom in the late 1940s.68. Which of the following designs is close to Diors? 69. According to the passage, in Diors life, he did NOT . A. open a New Look House B. make creative fashion designs C. work in a diplomatic service D. learn craft as his first job 70. We can infer from the passage that . A. Dior s fashion was not accepted at first B. Dior and his supporter had different interests in business C. Dior s New Look had little influence on people then D. Dior is only a brand of women s fashion 71. What is probably the best title for the passage? . A. The Founder of the New LookDior B. The History of the New Look C. The Growth of the Dior Empire D. An Expression of Freedom-Dior E The tragic death of celebrity (名人)Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery (整容手术), which is being increasingly popular. It seems the aspiring singer Wang Bei has finally achieved the fame that escaped her during her lifetime. Denny Chen, a 27-year-old Beijing hairdresser, dropped his plans for surgery because of the news. Im afraid the same thing might happen to me, so Ive decided to forget it

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