2019-2020年八年级英语3月单元测试试题 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语3月单元测试试题 人教新目标版、听力(15分)一、情景反应:听句子。选择与所听内容相符的图片,每个句子读两次。(5分)A B C D E1 2 3 4 5 二、对话理解:听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次(5分)( )6Why didnt the boy want to eat anything?A、Because he has a cold.B、Because he has a toothache.C、Because there is something wrong with his stomach.( )7Whats wrong with the girl?A、She has a cold. B、She has a sore throat. C、She has a fever.( )8Who has a headache?A、Lucy. B、Lucys brother C、Peters brother.( )9What did Wang Ping do yesterday?A、He took an old man lying on the road to the hospital.B、He talked with an old man.C、He was lying on the road.( )10Why did the boy go to Doctor Lis office?A、Because he wanted to see her.B、Because he hurt himself when he had his P.E. class.C、Because he had a fever.三、听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次。(5分)( )11What will the boy do first?A、Have dinner. B、Wash his hands and face. C、Help his mother with the cooking( )12Where are the speakers?A、In a store.B、In a library.C、In a post office.( )13Who often does the housework in the boys family?A、His mom.B、His dad.C、His grandmother.( )14Where doesnt the boy have to go tomorrow?A、The zoo.B、The school.C、The hospital.( )15Who will clean the window?A、Tom.B、Toms momC、Toms dad.、单项选择(共15分)( )16Many social workers went to Yaan to help clean water and food to local people.A、put outB、e outC、give out( )17David Burs dream in China is to go into the west and a school there.A、clean upB、look upC、set up( )18Nancy a bus to school, but now she rides a bike.A、is used o takingB、was used to takeC、used to take( )19My uncle is fixing up some old bikes these days. He plans to to charity(慈善机构)A、give them away B、give them upC、take them away ( )20Speak slowly, Mr. Wang. I cant follow you.A、understand B、hear C、listen( )21You have to your mother the housework.A、helps; to do B、helps; doingC、help; do( )22If you want to change the world, you have to yourself first.A、enjoyB、checkC、change( )23My parents told me alone.A、not to travelB、not travelC、to not travel( )24My son can different kinds of puters.A、take upB、clean upC、fix up( )25Dont smoke here, look at the on the wall.A、sign B、mark C、design( )26Look! She is skiing so fast!Hard to her legs were once broken.A、knowB、realizeC、imagine( )27Hes a little upset. Lets .A、cheer up himB、to cheer him upC、cheer him up ( )28You helped to make it possible me have the dog “Lucky”.A、for; forB、for; toC、of; to( )29Mr Zhang lives , but he doesnt feel because many volunteers often visit him.A、alone; aloneB、lonely; lonelyC、alone; lonely( )30The news made us .A、exciting; excited B、excited; exciting C、exciting; exciting、完形填空(共15分)Mr. Yorkwelll was blind when he was seven. He had seen many doctors but none of them could do 31 for him. He could never see the world 32 . Now he has a seeing-eye dog. A seeing-eye dog can help a blind man 33 along the streets. He is called a seeing-eye dog 34 he is the eye of a blind man.One day, the bus was full of people 35 Mr. Yorkwell 36 the bus with his seeing-eye dog. There no seats for Mr. Yorkwell at all. He stood 37 so many people before a few bus-stops passed. Then, one man got up and 38 his seat and got off the bus. The dog took little 39 there. The dog began to push the people on each side with his 40 .He pushed and pushed until the people around moved away and there was enough place for 41 people. Mr. Yorkwell sat down and the dog got up on the seat 42 Mr. Yorkwells. He lay down and put his head on the blind mans 43 . Soon he fell asleep. People around were not 44 with him and all 45 at this.( )31A、nothingB、anythingC、everything( )32A、againB、onceC、always( )33A、run B、jumpC、walk( )34A、or B、soC、because( )35A、whenB、whileC、before( )36A、got offB、got on C、looked for( )37A、amongB、between C、above( )38A、took B、started C、left( )39A、houseB、seat C、room( )40A、teethB、hair C、nose( )41A、oneB、two C、many( )42A、underB、above C、beside( )43A、headB、foot C、leg( )44A、angryB、sad C、happy( )45A、spokeB、smiledC、worried、阅读理解(一)(每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。ALoot at the instruction on the bottle of the medicine and then choose the right answers.John is twelve years old. He had a bad cold and coughed day and night. He went to see a doctor. The doctor gave him some cough medicine.Cough Medicine.Shake(摇动) it well before use.Take it three times each day before meals.Dose(药量):Age: over 142 teaspoonfuls(勺) 813 1 teaspoonful 47 1/2 teaspoonfulNot right for children below the age of three. Put it in a cold place. Use it before December 1st xx.( )46John should take a day.A、2 teaspoonfuls B、3 teaspoonfulsC、4 teaspoonfuls ( )47The medicine should be kept in . A、a fridgeB、hot waterC、any place( )48John should before he takes it.A、shake the medicine wellB、eat nothingC、do some exercise( )49When people are years old, they cannot take this medicine.A、eightyB、thirty C、two( )50John will the medicine when it is left after Dec. 1st, xx.A、throw away B、stop to takeC、take onceBThe City of Miami needs your help on Clean-Up Day! If you like to work outdoors, you could help clean up our city parks or streets. These places have too much trash(垃圾). If you like to work with children, you could baby-sit and play games with them while their parents help clean up the parks or streets.If you like to read stories, you could read to them, too. If you are artistic, you could volunteer to paint the libraries or the post offices. If you like to talk on the telephone, please call up ten people and ask them to volunteer with you on Clean-Up Day.( )51The City of Miami needs volunteers to clean up the .A、aquariumsB、parks and streetsC、banks( )52If you like to , you could read to the children.A、teach EnglishB、read storiesC、play games( )53 might baby-sit while parents clean up the parks or streets. A、Teachers who have time after schoolB、Teenagers who have jobsC、People who like to work with children( )54The City of Miami needs help painting the .A、schoolsB、libraries and the post officesC、zoos( )55People who like to talk on the telephone could ask others to .A、volunteerB、watch TVC、give moneyCMany parents make their children do chores around the house. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is easy. But in other families, getting children to do some housework can be a very big problem.It is a good idea for parents to teach their children at an early age. All family members must work together to make the house clean, and each person must do his or her share(份) of the work. We can do this by starting plan of chores and responsibilities when children are young.Chores are good for children even very young ones. Doing chores can teach children many important skills(技能) like working together. Jobs also teach children what is fair(公平). The skills and value(价值) from doing chores will be good to children all their lives.( )56The first paragraph(段落) tells us .A、all the parents make their children do choresB、its easy to teach children to do choresC、teaching children to do chores is different among different families.( )57The underlined word “responsibilities” means in Chinese.A、杂事B、琐事C、责任( )58Its good to teach to do chores.A、young children B、girlsC、parents( )59Children can learn from doing chores.A、working together with othersB、what is fairC、A and B( )60Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A、Its a small thing to teach children to do chores.B、Only the children who do chores know what is fair.C、Some children like to do chores but some dont.(主观卷)45分、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词,短文读两次(5分)NameLoveVolunteeringNickplaying footballteaches the 61 childrenDave62 works in the zoo or animal hospitalsJohnreading and telling funny stories63 sick kidsSallypaintingpaints for the school 64 Annasingingsings for the old people or sings to raise money for 65 people、补全对话(共5分)从方框中选出适当的句子,完成对话,有两项为多余选项。Boy:Im ready to do some volunteer work for our city. Id like to work outside.A、She could play games with themB、What would you like to do?C、but she doesnt like to work outside.D、Does she want to volunteer today?E、I would sing songs to cheer them up.F、she could give out food at the food bank.G、You could help pick up trashWoman:66 beside the streets.Boy:I could do that! But what could my sister do? She wants to volunteer, 67 .Woman:What does she like to do?Boy:She likes to play with children.Woman:She could visit children at the hospital. 68 .Boy:Thats a great idea! Now, how about my mom? What can she do?Woman:69 .Boy:Yes, she told me shed like to help homeless people.Woman:70 .、阅读理解(二)(每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,简要回答所给问题。In Europe many people died during World War. As a result, at the end of the war there were many orphans(孤儿) there. A man called Hermann Gmeiner wanted to help these children. His idea was simple. He wanted the orphans to have a home, and to have the care and kindness of parents. Gmeiner asked people to raise some money. With the money he built the first SOS Childrens Village at Imst, in Australia. It opened in 1949. This is how the SOS Childrens Village started. The letters SOS stand for “Save Our Sols(灵魂)”. This means “please help us!” The SOS Childrens Village gives help to orphans.Hermann Gmeiners idea of helping orphans soon spread all over the world. By 1983, there were 170 SOS Childrens Villages in the world. People in many countries give money to help the villages. Today the children from the first Childrens Village have grown up. Now some of them work in other SOS Childrens Villages. In SOS Villages orphans live in family groups. There are several houses in each village. The biggest villages have 40 or 50 houses! From seven to ten children live in a house. A woman lives with each group of children and looks after them. She gives the children a lot of love and kindness. She cooks for them and makes a fortable and happy home for them.Of course, the children dont spend all their time in the village. They go to school, go out with their friends and also go to town. But the village gives them a homefor the first time in their lives.71What do we call a child who has no parents? 72What do the letters “SOS” stand for? 73How many SOS Childrens Villages in the world were there by 1983? 74Can the woman who lives with the orphans do some cooking for the children? 75The children dont spent all their time in the village, do they? 、词语运用(共10分)根据所提供的语篇内容,用方框中所给出的词的正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、正确、连贯。方框中有两个词是多余的。dirty,evening,whole,surprised,again,living,watching,everywhere,later,helpIt was half past five in the evening when Sarah came home from work. She walked into the 76 room and looked at her three children. The children were 14,13 and 9. They were 77 TV.The room was very 78 and untidy. There were empty glasses and dirty clothes on the floor. There were cakes on the sofa. Toys were 79 , Sarah got angry. “How dirty and untidy this place is!” she said to her children. “I cant work all day and then do chores all 80 . Im not doing the chores!”And so, Sarah didnt do the chores. She didnt clean the floor. She didnt do the dishes. She didnt wash the clothes. Every evening she sat in the sofa and watched TV.Two weeks 81 , every dish in the house was dirty. All the childrens clothes were dirty, too. Every rubbish can was full. The 82 house was dirty and untidy.Then one day Sarah got very 83 when she came home from work. The house was clean. The children were washing the clothes.Sarah told the children, “OK, Ill do chores 84 , but you must 85 me.”Now Sarah and her children do the chores together. Then they all sit in the sofa and watch TV.76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 、书面表达(共15分)你愿意帮助他人吗?如果你有机会成为志愿者,你愿意做什么工作呢?为什么?根据以上要求,写一篇短文,词数在60左右。 八年级英语答案:人教、一、15 B C D A F二、610 C B B A B三、1115 B B C B C、1620 C C C A A 2125 C C A C A 2630 C C B C A、3135 B A C C A 3640 B A C C C 4145 B C C A B、4650 B A A C A 5155 B B C B A 5660 C C A C C、61、young 62、animals 63、visits 64、newspaper 65、homeless、6670 G C A D F、71、We call him/her an orphan. 72、They stand for “Save Our Souls”. 73、There were 170. 74、Yes, she can. 75、No, they dont.、76、living 77、watching 78、dirty 79、everywhere 80、evening 81、later 82、whole 83、surprised 84、again 85、help、略八年级英语听力材料:人教一、情景反应:听句子。选择与所听内容相符的图片,每个句子读两次。(5分)1、Look! Peter is making the bed.2、May I use your puter tomorrow?3、I often help my mother sweep the floor on Sundays.4、The girl is helping her mother rubbish?5、Could you please take out the rubbish?二、对话理解:听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次(5分)6、:Doctor Wang, I eat too much meat yesterday, and I didnt want to eat anything.W:Oh, there is something wrong with your stomach.7、M:You dont look well. Whats the matter?W:I talked too much this morning. I have a very sore throat.8、M:Whats wrong with your brother, Lucy?W:He has a headache, Peter.9、M:Was Wang Ping driving on the bus at 900 a.m. yesterday?W:Yes, and he took the old man lying on the side of the road to the hospital.10、M:Who came to your office just now, Doctor Li?W:A boy came in. He hurt himself in P. E. class.三、听对话,根据其内容选择最佳答案,每组对话读两次。(5分)11、:Mom, Im hungry.W:Dinner is ready. Oh, wait! Look at your hands and face. They are very dirty. Go and wash them at once.M:OK. Mom.12、:Excuse me. Could I borrow some books, Mr. Li?W:Sure, but you must return them on time.13、W:Who often does the housework in your family, your mom or your dad?M:No, they dont. In fact, my grandma does.14、M:Mom, please wake me up at six tomorrow morning.W:Bout tomorrow is holiday, and you dont have to go to school.M:Yes, but I have to take some photos of animals in the zoo.15、W:Tom, can you help me clean the window? Im late for work.M:But mom, I need to catch the bus now. Why dont you do it after work?W:I cant tell when I will finish my work. Maybe I can all your dad and leave it to him.、听短文,根据短文内容完成表格,每空一词,短文读两次(5分)A my classmates are volunteers. Nick enjoys playing football and he teaches the young children how to play. Dave loves animals and on weekends he works in the zoo or animal hospitals. John likes reading funny stories and he is good at telling stories and jokes, so he often visits sick kids in hospital to cheer them up. Sally likes painting, so she paints for the school newspaper. Anna loves singing and she sings for the old people or sings to raise money for homeless people. All of them are very happy because they can offer their help to others.

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