2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第3周周末作业 牛津深圳版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期第3周周末作业 牛津深圳版一、 认真抄写短语,并写出它的中文意思。1. in the countryside _ _ _ ( )2. die out _ _ _ ( )3. and so on _ _ _ ( )4. go for a walk _ _ _ ( )5. promise to do_ _ _ ( )6. learn to do _ _ _ ( )7. make sb do _ _ _ ( )8. why not do _ _ _ ( )9. order sb to do _ _ _ ( ) 10. traffic accident _ _ _ ( )11.one grain of rice_ _ _ ( ) 12. play chess _ _ _ ( )13. learn about _ _ _ ( ) 14. asas _ _ _ ( )15.someothers _ _ _ ( ) 二、写出相近的词语或词组。16. Tuantuan e out of her mothers body three years ago. She _ _ three years ago.17. My grandparents live outside the city. My grandparents live _ _ _.18. Human beings can speak a lot of languages, so they have language _.19. If you tell others that you will give them presents for sure, you _ them presents.20. If you invite someone to pete with you in some way, you_ someone.21. The king liked playing chess best. His_ game is playing chess. 22. His inventions include puters. puters are _ _ his inventions.23. If you write an article again without changing anything, you _ the article.24. His grandfather knows a lot. He is a _ man.25. When you _ the number 6, you get the number 12.26. When you know something is wrong, you _ the problem.三、根据所给单词的适当形式填空。27That boy is as _(carefully) as her sister.28. The fat boy doesnt run so _(quick) as that girl.29. Zhou Jielun is a well known _(sing). 30. Tim es from _ (Indian). He is an _ writer. (India)31. Can you _( realize) the importance of this invention.32. He would like _ (go) for a walk with his mother tonight.33. _ (million) of people died in the storm.34. A dozen of eggs may weight 1000_(gram).35. December is the _ (twelve) month of the year.36. You should learn _(read ) loudly and clearly.37. My mother often orders me _ (clean) my room.38. She could answer the questions_. (correct)39. My teacher makes me_ (check) the homework again and again.40. Tomorrow is my_(nine ) birthday.41. How about _(draw) a picture of that cute dog.42. He can speak many different languages. He has strong language _(able)43. I finished the cleaning job, _ (include) wiping the floor.44. I saw some students_(run) in the playground.45. Everyone _(know) the answer.四单项选择46. John smiles _ a child.A. as happy as B. as happily as C. as happy so D. so happily as47. Is there _ in the kitchen to eat? -Yes. There _ some bananas and some cake.A. anything, are B anything, is C. any , are D. any, is48. There were _ programmes on TV tonight. During the _film, we ate_ boxes of sweets.A. nine, ninth, nine B. nine, nine, ninth C. ninth, nine, nine D. nine, ninth, ninth49. Dinosaurs lived on Earth over _ years before human beings. A. 60 million B. 60 millions of C. 60 millions D. million of50. I would like _for dinner. - Ok, no problem.A. delicious something B. something deliciousC. anything delicious D. nothing delicious51. The egg _ bad if you_ put it in the fridge.A. goes, dont B. will go, dont C. goes, wont D. will go, wont52. Mary does well in playing chess and she won _ prizes in the last year, _20.A. a number of , the number are B. a number of , the number isC. the number of, a number D. a number , the number is五完形填空In England, people often talk about the _53_ because you can experience four_54_ in a day. In the morning the weather is _55_ like in spring. An hour _56_ black clouds e, and then it rains_57_. The weather gets a little cold. In the late _58_ the sky will be clear, the sun will begin to shine and it will be summer at this time of a day. In England, you can also have summer in winter, _59_ have winter in summer. So in _60_ you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should wear warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see some English people usually take a(n) _61_ or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning, but you shouldnt laugh at them. If you dont _62_ an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔) later in the day.53. A. money B. food C. weather D. rains54. A. holidays B. seasons C. weekends D. days55. A. warm B. cold C. cool D. hot56. A. after B. before C. later D. ago57. A. hard B. hardly C. slow D. a little58. A. morning B. afternoon C. noon D. night59. A. orB. but C. and D. so60. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter61. A. coat B. raincoat C. umbrella D. skirt62. A. take B. bring C. buy D. fetch五阅读理解 AHave you read the book The Gift of the Magi? It was written by OHenry.The story is about a poor couple (夫妻) who wanted to buy each other gifts for Christmas. The husband wanted to buy his wife a set of beautiful bs for her lovely hair and the wife wanted to buy him a chain (链子) for his favorite pocket watch.Though they worked very hard, they still couldnt make enough money to buy the gifts. So the wife sold her hair to buy her husband the chain and the husband sold his watch to buy her the bs. On Christmas Eve, they gave each other the gifts. The Gift of the Magi is about love and sacrifice (牺牲) and it tells people that objects are not as important as the people we love. We should put the people in our lives first and put love into every gift. Giving a gift with meaning makes people feel good. So when you are out shopping for your wife or husband, your parents, your children and more, think less about the most fashionable gift and more about the gifts of love you can give.( )63. What did the husband receive on Christmas Eve?A. A b. B. A watch. C. A chain. D. A hat. ( )64. The wife sold her hair because _.A. it was too long B. her husband didnt like it C. it was not beautiful D. she needed money( )65. What can we learn about the couple?A. They lived a very rich life. B. They spent much time buying gifts.C. They didnt work hard to make money.D. They sacrificed their own things to buy the gifts.( )66. The underlined word “objects” means “_” in Chinese.A. 内容 B. 诚实 C. 信任 D. 物品( )67. Which of the followings is TRUE according to the passage?A. The wife wanted her husband to buy her a b.B. Giving a gift with meaning can make people feel happy.C. The husband sold his pocket watch because it was too old. D. When you buy a gift, you should think more about the price. BDomo is a robot designed for the old. It can help old people with tasks such as putting away the groceries (食品杂货). Put something in its hand and Domo will shake (摇晃) it to find out what it is and where it goes. You e home late from work and have to cook a meal for your family? No more. Robot Chef will cook dinner for you. It stands about 5 feet tall. This makes a busy moms dream e true.Hawk was designed in Canada. This robot can be taught to do many things. It can open the door, play the drums for you or pour you a drink. It has a GPS system (系统 ), so it can easily find its way around your house.Cybert is like a pet. It has a large vocabulary. It can read you the news or tell you a joke. It needs human contact (接触) , or it will get lonely. Your kids will love it.( )68. _ is designed to help the old people.A. HawkB. DomoC. Cyber D. Robot Chef ( )69. Which robot can find its way around a house?A. Hawk.B. Domo. C. Cybert.D. Robot Chef( )70. Hawk can do the following EXCEPT _.A. playing the drums B. pouring drinksC. cooking a meal D. opening the door( )71. Cybert is probably _ favorite.A. driversB. doctors C. childrensD. mothers( )72. Where can we find the passage?A. In a storybook. B. In a history book. C. In a movie magazine. D. In a science magazine.

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