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2019-2020年八年级英语10月月考试题人教新目标版(II)本考场试卷顺序号A. used to; is used to eat B. was used to; is used to eatingC. used to; is used to eating( )6.-When did the accident happen? -It happened _ 6:45 _ a cold and snowy morning. A. on; in B. at; in C. at; on ( )7. Let me help you _it. That will make you_ better. A. do; feel B. do; feeling C. doing; feel( )8. Why did you get up late this morning? _I stayed up late last night, A. Because B. So C. Because of ( )9 . To our_, the little girl is the first to go to bed. A. surprises B. surprise C. surprised ( )10. Our school had to_the basketball games because of the rain. A. put on B. put off C. put up( )11. We shouldnt never _our hope. A. give up B. fix up C. cheer up ( )12. Scientists are trying their best to _ ways to treat the terrible disease called H7N9. A. e up with B. look forward to C. talk about ( )13. The boys are _ notices to people on the side of the road to ask them to protect our animals. A. printing out B. giving out C. selling out ( )14. Jack told his students _ the lights after class. A. turning off B. turned off C. to turn off( )15. It is important for us to learn_ housework? Sure. It can develop our independence. A. how do B. how to do C. what to do( )16. If I stay at home , I might feel . A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely ( )17. - Oh, dear! Your room is untidy. - Sorry, mom. Ill . A. set it up B. clean it up C. put it up ( )18. - Can I help you, boy? - Yes. There is wrong with my bike. A. something B. anything C. everything ( )19. The news is and all of us are to hear it. A. surprise; surprising B. surprising; surprise C. surprising; surprised( )20. - I think every child needs at least(至少) eight hours a day. - I think so. A. sleeps B. sleep C. to sleep( )21. - Jack, you dont need these things at all, so dont your money on them. - Sorry, Mum, I wont. A. spend B. cost C. pay ( )22.This group will the poor people with food and clothes. A. fill B. invite C. provide( )23. - Unluckily, Kate didnt pass the English test.- .A. So did Jim B. Neither did Jim C. Neither Jim did( )24. - When I was young, I was interested in playing with toy animals. -_ .A. So I was B. So was I C. So did I ( )25. I will go to bed I finish my homework. A. while B. as soon as C. until ( )26. Could you me a ruler? My ruler is broken. A. lend B. lend to C. borrow ( )27. The teacher came into the classroom we were writing. A. while B. after C. before ( )28. Thanks for your invitation, but Im so sorry I cant go. I need to_ my sister at home. A. take care of B. look after C. A and B( )29. I need strawberries to make fruit salad. Could you please buy some? A. a little B. a few C. little ( )30. I am just as as you are. A. excited B. more excited C. the most excited 二. 完形填空 (10分)Lucy and Lily are volunteers from a middle school. They _1_ several _2_ each week to help others. Lucy loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He _3_ at an animal hospital. Its hard work, but he will get a strong feeling of _4_ when he sees the animals get better and the look of joy on the _5_ faces.Lily is a book lover. She could read by _6_ _7_ the age of five. Last year she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school _8_ program. She still works there _9_ kids learn to read. Volunteering here _10_ a dream e true for her.( )1.A. give out B.give away C.give up( )2. A.hour B. an hour C.hours( )3. A.volunteer B.volunteers C.volunteered( )4. A.satisfy B.satisfying C.satisfaction( )5. A.owners B.owners C.owners( )6. A.she B.her C. herself( )7. A.in B.on C.at( )8. A.read B.reading C.to read( )9. A.help B.to help C.helping( )10. A.is B.am C.are三、阅读理解(共40分)(AB段每小题2分,CDEF段每小题1分)(A)Do you often have a cold, headache or sore back? If your answer is “Yes”, your health is a problem. Healthy food is good for our health. Tofu is a kind of healthy food. It is also a traditional Chinese food. We often eat it in China. Now, many people in other countries think tofu is good for health, too. They also like eating it. Milk is another kind of healthy food. You should drink one or two glasses of milk every day. Vegetables are important, too. You should eat lots of them. There are vitamin(维生素)A, B, C, D, E and other vitamins in them. Of course, its important to eat a balanced diet. You need some pork, chicken or beef every day. But you shouldnt eat much of them. 判断正误( ) 1. If you often have a cold, headache and backache, you arent healthy. ( ) 2. Tofu is healthy food. ( ) 3. People only in China eat tofu. ( ) 4. To keep healthy we should drink some milk every day. ( ) 5. We should eat a lot of pork, chicken or beef. (B)Jim is a little boy who stays with his grandma. He likes sweets and cakes. He always eats some food with sweets before he goes to bed. And as soon as he gets up in the morning, he can find some cakes on the table in his bedroom.One morning, before Jim got up, his grandma took some cakes to his bedroom. She saw Jim crying in bed.“Whats the matter, dear?” his grandma asked in a hurry.“Ive a bad toothache,” said Jim.So his grandma had to take him to the dentists. Jim was looked over and the dentist pulled out the bad tooth for him at last.Two days later Jim felt better and was at school again. Mrs Hunt asked, “What was the matter with you those days, Jim?”“I had a bad toothache, madam,” answered Jim.“Oh, Im sorry to hear that,” said Mrs Hunt. “Is it better now?”“I dont know, madam. It was left with the dentist.”( ) 1. Who does Jim stay with?A. His father. B. His mother. C. His grandma.( ) 2. What does Jim like? A. Vegetables. B. Fruits. C. Sweets and cakes.( ) 3. What was the matter with Jim one morning?A. He had a headache. B. He had a bad toothache. C. He had a fever. ( ) 4. How long was Jim away from school?A. A day. B. Two days. C. Three days. ( ) 5. Who is Mrs. Hunt?A. Jims teacher. B. Jims mother. C. Jims grandma. (C)Mr. Jenkins liked all kinds of delicious food. As an important officer(官员), he was often asked to dinner. The shopkeepers tried their best to fawn on(巴结)him. They knew it was good for their business(生意). Now the officer got fatter and fatter. He could hardly go upstairs at home and had to sleep downstairs. He often felt tired if he walked or did some housework. He was worried about it and had to go to a doctor.“Stop eating much fat(脂肪) and sugar, Mr. Jenkins,” said the doctor.“Or it will be worse for your health!”It was difficult for the officer to do it. He wouldnt do as the doctor said. He found something was wrong with his heart a few months later. Now he thought the doctor was right. And he had to be in hospital.“You must lose weight(减肥),sir,” said the doctor, “unless you want to die soon!” “Could you tell me a way to lose weight, please?” “You must do some exercise first.” “Which exercise?” “To move your head from side to side when you are invited to dinner!”( ) 1.Mr.Jenkins was often asked to dinner because .A. he liked the delicious food B. he was ready to help othersC. he was friendly to the shopkeepers D. he was helpful to their business( ) 2.What did Mr. Jenkins do?A. A doctor. B. A cook. C. A businessman. D. An officer.( ) 3.What happened to Mr. Jenkins after being invited?A. He got fatter and fatter. B. He hardly went upstairs.C. He felt tired. D. All above(上面的) are right.( ) 4.It was difficult for Mr. Jenkins to do everything, so_ .A. he didnt go to dinner B. he began to do some exerciseC. he went to ask the doctor for help D. he had to take some medicine( ) 5.Which of the following is true?A. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins not to do exercise.B. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins to move his head.C. The doctor told Mr. Jenkins not to go to dinner.D. The doctor thought Mr. Jenkins would die.(D)Should we teenagers help our parents do chores? Is it important for us to learn how to do chores? I think so. Most of the teenagers like us students are the only children in each family. So our parents love us very much. They do everything for us and dont want us to do any housework. I think its bad for us. The following is a real story.I have a classmate named Li Ting. She is the only child in her family. Her parents love her so much that they dont let her do any chores. Every day she only gets up, has meals, goes to school, es home, does homework and goes to bed. So she doesnt know how to do chores. One day, her father was badly ill and had an operation in a hospital. Her mother had to take care of her father in the hospital and couldnt cook the dishes for her. Li Ting didnt know how to cook the meals. She often felt hungry. Later she even ate instant noodles only for her meals. From the story we know its important for us to learn to do chores and other skills from now on.根据短文内容选择正确答案(5分)。( )1. Teenagers are the children who are . A. young boys B. young girls C. middle school students D. primary school students( )2. The writer thinks its necessary for the teenagers to . A. learn to do chores B. do the dishes C. make the beds D. fold the clothes( )3. What does instant noodles mean in Chinese? A. 烩面 B. 方便面 C. 拉面 D. 米饭( )4. Now most of the teenagers . A. like making meals B. can make noodles for themselves and the family C. are the only child in each family D. do most of the chores in the family( )5. Which of the following is true? A. Li Tings father was ill in hospital. B. One day Li Ting was ill and needed an operation. C. Li Ting often does housework at home. D. Li Tings teacher wrote this article.(E)Microsoft founder Bill Gates says that 13 is a right age for a childs first cell phone. He said that he didnt allow his children Jennifer and Rory to have phones until their thirteenth birthday and his youngest daughter Phoebe was still waiting for one.In our family, its 13 where you get a phone, Mr. Gates said. Because of the rule, my children often plained from school. They thought all the other kids had cell phones except them. Though Bill Gates is very rich, he said he wanted their children to be as mon as other kids. It was reported that their children had to do chores and had a little pocket money. And in xx Mr. Gates said that he planned to give most of his $61 billion fortune(财富) away rather than hand it down. That wouldnt be good either for my kids or society, he said.Since he stepped down from Microsoft in xx, he has concentrated(专注) on charity. He said that helping others gave him the same energy as creating software. Mr. Gates was once the richest man in the world, but he became the second in xx after he decided to give away $28 billion to charity.( )1. According to the passage, Mr. Gates has children. A. two B. three C. four D. five( )2. From the passage we know that Phoebe . A. is less than 13 years old B. is more than 13 years old C. usually gets much pocket money D. has got a cell phone( )3. The underlined word that here means . A. having a cell phone B. getting pocket money C. giving away the money D. handing down the money( )4. What did Mr. Gates do after he left Microsoft? A. He sold cell phones. B. He stayed at home and did nothing. C. He opened another software pany. D. He put his heart into charity and helped others.( )5. What can we know from the passage? A. Gates doesnt let his children own phones. B. Gates doesnt love his children at all. C. Gates is strict with all his children in life. D. Gates children will inherit(继承) much money.(F)An old man lived with his little grandson. Every day the old man got up early to read books.One day the grandson asked, Grandpa, I want to read books as you. But I always forget what I read. What are the advantages(优点,长处) of reading?The grandfather didnt answer him, but he said to the boy, Take this little basket to the river and bring back a basket of water for me. The boy went to the river to fill the basket with water, but all the water leaked out before he got back home. The boy was sad, but his grandfather laughed and said, Youll have to walk faster next time.The next time the boy ran faster, but the basket was still empty before he returned home. The boy said, See, grandpa, its no use!Is it useless? the old man said, Look at the basket.The boy looked at the basket and found that the basket was different. It was much cleaner.Thats what happens when you read books. Maybe you cant understand or remember everything. Something will change in your mind after you read. Just like the basket.根据短文内容选择正确答案(5分)。( )1. The old man every day. A. carried water B. read books C. wrote books D. told his grandson some stories( )2. After the grandson read books, he . A. threw the books B. got up late C. always forgot what he read D. couldnt sleep as well as usual( )3. The grandson used to get some water from a river. A. a basket B. a bowl C. a glass D. a bottle( )4. The underlined leaked out may mean in the passage. A. 装满 B. 漏完 C. 沸腾 D. 灌溉( )5. We will after we read books. A. not have any changes B. understand everything C. change something in our mind D. never forget what we read四、词汇(10分)(每题1分)1.Tom is similar to his father.Tom _ _ his father.2. Tom borrowed some money from Bob. Bob _ some money _ Tom.3. It takes students many hours to do schoolwork. (同义句转换)Students _ many hours _ schoolwork.4. The minute I sat down in front of the TV, my mom came over . (同义句转换) My mom came over _ _ _ I sat down in front of the TV.5. You are hard-working. I am hard-working, too.I am _ hard-working _ you are.6. Thank you for _(give) money to Animal Helper.7. At last, I _(understand) why my parents were strict with me. 8.We should learn to take care of _(we). 9. The _ (much) we get together, the _ (happy) we will be.10. I am able to have a “dog helper” because of your _ (kind).五.补全对话(15分)(A)找出合适的答句(5)( )1.Does he have a toothache? A. Sure, no problem.( )2.Should I take my temperature? B. No, you cant.( )3.Could you please take out the rubbish? C. No, he doesnt. ( )4.Could I go out for dinner? D. Because I want to help others.( )5.Why do you want to be a volunteer? E. Yes, you should.(B)用合适的句子或短语完成对话(10)A: _1_? B: I have a cold. I feel unfortable.A: 2 have you been like this?B: For about two days. A:_3 B: No, I dont have a fever. I have a sore throat._4_?A: You should drink some hot tea with honey.B: _5_.A: You are wele. 六、书面表达(15分)(A)假如你生病了,需要请假,请写一个请假条给老师。提示:要写清称呼和落款。_(B)谈谈你对中学生做家务活的看法。_


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