2019-2020年高考英语大二轮复习 第四部分 写作 专题三 语篇写作 第2讲 提纲作文素能特训.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语大二轮复习 第四部分 写作 专题三 语篇写作 第2讲 提纲作文素能特训.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高考英语大二轮复习 第四部分 写作 专题三 语篇写作 第2讲 提纲作文素能特训.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年高考英语大二轮复习 第四部分 写作 专题三 语篇写作 第2讲 提纲作文素能特训.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高考英语大二轮复习 第四部分 写作 专题三 语篇写作 第2讲 提纲作文素能特训.完形填空xx江西南昌一模 On Thanksgiving morning, I got up early to run in the local 5Kilometer. It was _1_ that morning so everyone was jumping around to stay warm.Sitting in the grass was a man _2_ in a blanket. It was pretty _3_ he was homeless. As usual, most people _4_ not to see him. I went over and talked with him for several minutes. He said that he was a _5_ and had hoped he might earn a few dollars to go buy a Thanksgiving _6_.It was time for the race. I told him Id talk to him more _7_ the race. He said he would be there _8_ “the parade” that he hadnt expected that _9_. Im in the military. It always _10_ to see someone who served going through a rough time. He hadnt asked me for anything, _11_ I wanted to do something for him. I only had a couple of dollars, _12_ not enough for a Thanksgiving dinner.After the race I sat in the _13_ next to him, which got me a few odd looks from other runners. We talked for half an hour about sorts of things, including the _14_ we share in Christ. During our _15_ I gave him the cash. He didnt want to accept it. He said something that I didnt _16_. He said “Thank you. I havent really talked to anybody in a long time.” This man is thanking me for just talking to him? Im nobody _17_. I went up to other persons to ask if they had some dollars for a homeless veteran. I went to the run to do something for myself, but he did more for me than I could ever have gotten out of _18_. He showed me how to smile through the _19_ times and reminded me not to take for _20_ the many blessings I have.本文讲述的是作者在参加一个跑步比赛时看到一个无家可归的人,作者想要在金钱方面帮助他,但是他拒绝了作者的好意,反而他对作者的精神方面有所帮助。1A.warm Bcool Cfreezing Dfrozen答案:C考查形容词。根据下文“so everyone was jumping around to stay warm.”可知天气寒冷。freezing“严寒的”;frozen“冻结的”。2A.folded Bmanaged Ccovered Dwrapped答案:D考查动词。“我”可以看到有人坐在草地上,又因为天气寒冷,所以此人应该“裹在”毯子里。wrap“包裹”;fold“折叠”;cover“覆盖”,故选D项。3A.obvious Bstrange Cnormal Dcurious答案:A考查形容词。根据此人出现的地点和外貌特征,可以明显看出是一个无家可归的人。obvious“显而易见的”。4A.escaped Bpretended Cplanned Dcontinued答案:B考查动词。句意:像往常一样,多数人都假装没有看见他。结合此人的身份和最后一段“which got me a few odd looks from other runners”,可以知道答案。5A.beggar Bveteran Cmerchant Drunner答案:B考查名词。根据最后一段的“if they had some dollars for a homeless veteran.”可知此人的身份。6A.drink Bflower Cdinner Dpresent答案:C考查名词。根据第12空所在的句子,可知答案。7A.after Bbefore Cin Dover答案:A考查介词。因为该比赛了,所以“我”应该是想要比赛过后再和他谈谈。8A.staring Btaking Cresting Dwatching答案:D考查动词。结合后半句他要看我跑过终点线,所以此处他应该是要看这场他没有预料到的比赛的。看比赛用watch。9A.morning Bnoon Cafternoon Devening答案:A考查名词。结合第一段1空所在的句子,可知比赛是在上午举行的。10A.harms Bdamages Churts Dinjures答案:C考查动词。作为一名士兵,看到一位老兵过的生活如此艰辛,“我”感到伤心,心痛。11A.and Bor Ceven Dbut答案:D考查连词。结合句意,可知此处前后两个句子是转折关系。12A.finally Bcertainly Cregretfully Dfortunately答案:B考查副词。结合句意,我只有几美元,所以应该是当然不够吃一顿正餐。13A.bench Broad Cgrass Drestaurant答案:C考查名词。结合第二段2空所在句子,和后面的定语从句,可知“我”挨着他坐在草地上。14A.love Bfaith Cfortune Dtime答案:B考查名词。我们俩坐在那里谈论了很多事情,包括我们对基督的共同信仰。15A.conversation Bsilence Csurprise Dsympathy答案:A考查名词。上一句提到我们谈了比较长的时间,我又准备帮他,所以是在谈话时给他钱。16A.expect Bknow Cdoubt Dcatch答案:A考查动词。他生活困难,我帮助他,他应该接受;但是从下文他说的话可以看出他不接受我的钱,却感谢我和他聊天,所以这些话是我不曾预料到的。17A.popular Bsimilar Cnecessary Dspecial答案:D考查形容词。我认为我不是什么特别的人物,所以对他感谢我和他说话感到吃惊。Im nobody special.“我不是什么特殊人物”。18A.talking Bworking Crunning Dhelping答案:C考查动词。上一句说我参加跑步比赛是为了自己,所以此句承上句是他对我的影响比跑步更甚。19A.rough Bgreat Chappy Dsuccessful答案:A考查形容词。根据10空所在的句子可知他过的生活,所以他显示出的应该是对rough“艰苦的”生活的应对。20A.recognized Bgranted Cawarded Dallowed答案:B考查动词。take sth. for granted“认为理所当然”,是固定词组。.阅读理解xx辽宁沈阳质检一Standing desks have bee mon across Silicon Valley, offering health benefits to those willing to work on their feet. However, due to their high price, they have failed to catch on until now. Recently, Ikea has brought out Bekant convertible standing desk that can bee a normal desk at the touch of a button. The $500 adjustable desk can transform from a standard desk to a standing one, and Ikea hopes it could make the standing desk mainstream.Experts say that changing from a seated to a standing desk can improve productivity. Similar desks have bee a mon sight at tech firms such as Google, where some employees have even installed treadmill (跑步机) and bicycle desks.The desk is not the first “convertible” on the market. As early as xx, Stir Kinect brought out an adjustable desk. The $3,890 Stir Kinect desk has a motor to raise and lower itself, converting it into a standing desk or a traditional desk. The desk can even be programmed to move up and down slightly, making it appear to take a gentle breath to remind the users to change their positions. To move between sitting and standing positions, owners simply double tap on the screen. The desk can learn the users preferences and suggest the best seating position.The Stir Kinect desk was created by a team of exApple and Disney engineers. It has a builtin touch screen to control and track movement, and can tell users exactly how many calories they burn by standing during their working days. It also has devices containing power points and USB ports for charging phones, to keep cables hidden.“Ikeas heightadjustable desk is great for opening up the lower end of the market,” said JP Labrosse, founder and CEO of Stir Kinect.站立式办公桌对人们的健康有益,但是它的价格高昂。最近,宜家公司推出了一种价格相对便宜的可调节高度的站立式办公桌。1What is the text mainly about?AIkea has brought out an adjustable standing desk.BSilicon Valley offered health benefits to officials.CGoogle formed its tech firms to design bicycle desks.DThe Stir Kinect desk will bee mainstream in the market.答案:A考查主旨大意。本文主要讲述的是,Ikea(宜家公司)最近推出了一种价格相对便宜而且可调节高度的站立式办公桌,故A项正确。2Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?ABefore Bekant desk, similar adjustable desks have been widely used.BThe seated desks will take the place of the standing desks in the future.Cpared to the Stir Kinect desk, the Bekant desk is much cheaper.DThe adjustable desks were designed by the Apple and the Walt Disney pany.答案:C考查细节理解。根据第三段可知,the Stir Kinect desk的价格是$3,890;根据第一段可知,the Bekant desk的价格是$500。由此可知,选C项。3The Stir Kinect desk _.Acan breathe in and breathe out by pressing the button onceBcan charge phones by using a device containing a power pointCcan tell you how many calories you need for a walkDcan advise you to do more exercise at a proper time答案:B考查细节理解。根据倒数第二段中的“It also has devices containing power points and USB ports for charging phones”可知,the Stir Kinect desk上面有电源插座和USB端口,可以给手机充电,故B项正确。4What can we infer from the last sentence given by JP Labrosse?AIkeas adjustable desks will be popular with average people.BIkea will have to sell furniture at a lower price in the future.CThis heightadjustable table can only be found in Ikea.DIt is not necessary for Ikea to open up the market at all.答案:A考查推理判断。最后一段JP Labrosse所讲的话的意思是:宜家公司所推出的可调节高度的办公桌能很好地打开低端市场。由此可推断,宜家公司的可调节高度的办公桌将会受到普通人的欢迎,故A项正确。1benefit n/vt. 好处;使受益2.transform vt. 转换3standard adj./n. 标准的;标准4position n. 位置;姿态;职位5preference n. 偏好;优先权1due to 由于;因为 2.fail to do 未能;没有做3take a breath 喘口气;吸一口气原文:Standing desks have bee mon across Silicon Valley, offering health benefits to those willing to work on their feet.(分词作状语)译文:站立式办公桌已经在硅谷非常普遍,为那些愿意站着工作的人们的健康带来好处。仿写:Faced_with_this_problem,_we can find a proper time to have a talk with them, trying_to_get_rid_of_the_misunderstanding.面对这样的问题,我们得找个合适的时间与他们谈一谈,尽力排除误解。B xx河北唐山统考一Some of the most painful moments I spend as a vet (兽医) are those spent with my customers assisting my animal patients from this world to the next. Making this final decision is not easy, and I have often felt powerless to fort the sorrowful owners.That was before I met Shane.I had been called to examine a tenyearold dog named Belker who had developed a serious health problem. The dogs ownersRon, his wife, Lisa, and their little boy, Shanewere hoping for a miracle (奇迹). But I told the family there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia (安乐死) for the old dog in their home. As we made the arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for the fouryearold Shane to observe the euthanasia. They felt Shane could learn something from the experience.The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belkers family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, patting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.A few minutes later, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belkers death without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a little while after Belkers death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives.Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up: “I know why.”Shocked, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next astonished me. Id never heard a more forting explanation.He said, “Everybody can learn how to live a good life, like loving everybody and being nice, right?” The fouryearold continued, “Well, animals already know how to do that, so they dont have to stay so long.”作者对名叫Belker的狗进行了安乐死。此时,作者和狗的主人都很悲痛。然而一个四岁的孩子对生命的独特见解让作者感到吃惊并深感安慰。5Shanes parents wanted Shane to witness the euthanasia mainly because _.Athey knew he hated to part with BelkerBthey hoped he could gain something from itCthey wanted him to remember Belker foreverDthey intended him to learn to carry out euthanasia答案:B考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“As we made the arrangements, Ron.the euthanasia. They felt Shane could learn something from the experience”可知,Shane的父母让他目睹对狗执行安乐死的过程是因为他们觉得Shane会从这次经历中有所收获,故选B。6What can we learn from the third paragraph?ABelker got sick mainly because of lack of care.BShane didnt feel sad about Belkers death.CThere was no hope for Belker to recover but to suffer.DBelker didnt want to live any longer because of the pain.答案:C考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“But I told the family there were no miracles left for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia (安乐死) for the old dog in their home”可知,Belker已经没有康复的希望,只剩下痛苦,故选C。7We can infer from the underlined sentence that _.Athe vet would rather not perform the euthanasiaBthe vet was familiar with the feelings of Belkers ownersCwords failed the vet when he tried to fort Belkers ownersDthe vets throat was unfortable with Belkers owners around答案:C考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“Making this final decision.felt powerless to fort the sorrowful owners”可推知,作者也常常觉得自己无力安慰悲伤的动物的主人,即作者不知说什么才能安慰Belker的主人。8What would the author say about Shane?AHe knew little about animal lives.BHe had a unique opinion about lives.CHe felt unexpected about Belkers death.DHe was an outgoing and warmhearted boy.答案:B考查推理判断。根据文章最后两段可知,四岁的Shane对生命有着独特的见解,这让作者感到吃惊并深感安慰,故选B。1assist v. 帮助;助攻2.sorrowful adj. 悲伤的;伤心的3familiar adj. 熟悉的;亲近的4surround vt. 包围;围绕 5.confusion n. 混乱;困惑6astonish vt. 使惊讶1turn to 转向;求助于 2.live a.life 过着的生活原文:Id never heard a more forting explanation.(否定词比较级表最高级)译文:这是我所听过的最让人安慰的解释啦。仿写:How beautifully she sings! I have_never_heard_a_better_voice!她唱得多么动听啊!这是我听到的最好的嗓音啦!.语法填空 xx江西南昌一模Lionel Messi,_1_ player from the South American country Argentina, is one of the greatest soccer players alive today. At a young age, he _2_ (move) to Spain and now plays _3_ (profession) for the FC Barcelona. Messi started playing soccer at the age of 5 for a small soccer team _4_ (own) by his father. Even as a young boy, he did very well. But when he was 11 years old, he found out he had a sickness which would prevent him from growing much _5_ (tall). There was a way to help him grow more, _6_ his parents did not have enough money to pay for his medical needs. So, they looked around for a soccer club _7_ would be able to do this for them. The clubs in Argentina couldnt help him, but the famous FC Barcelona in Spain offered _8_ (accept) Messi on the junior team and pay for the bills. The Messi family happily took the offer and moved to Spain. In the FC Barcelona, Messi was one of the best _9_ (play) through his teen years._10_ his incredible talent, Messi has surprised the world.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._本文主要讲述了著名足球运动员Lionel Messi的成长故事。1a考查冠词。player是可数名词,且第一次在文章中出现,故用不定冠词修饰。2moved考查动词的时态。根据时间状语“At a young age”可知,此处表示过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时。3professionally考查词性转换。此处用professionally修饰动词plays。4owned考查非谓语动词。“own”和“a small soccer team”构成动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。5taller考查形容词比较级。much/far/any等副词往往修饰形容词或副词的比较级,根据语境可知,此处用taller。6but考查连词。根据上下文语境可知,此处表示逻辑上的转折关系,故用转折连词but。7that/which考查定语从句。that或which引导限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词“a soccer club”。8to accept考查非谓语动词。此处是固定词组offer to do sth.,不定式短语作宾语,符合语境。9players考查词性转换。根据提示“the best”和代词one可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。10With考查介词。此处用with表示“具备,有”,其后跟名词、代词或动名词,符合语境。.短文改错 xx河北七校联考It is an honor of me to stand here to give you some advices on how to prepare for the ing examination.There is no doubt that every student wish to be successful. The first thing we should do it is to keep a normal state of mind. What is less, we should estimate ourselves correct and have a conversation with our parents and friends. It is of great important to keep a good diet and have a proper rest. Finally, we must remember that the proper goal will make us feel relaxing.Work hard, you will make much progress and realize your dreams. Thank you for your patience.答案:It is an honor me to stand here to give you some on how to prepare for the ing examination.There is no doubt that every student to be successful. The first thing we should do is to keep a normal state of mind. What is , we should estimate ourselves and have a conversation with our parents and friends. It is of great to keep a good diet and have a proper rest. Finally, we must remember that proper goal will make us feel .Work hard, you will make much progress and realize your dreams. Thank you for your patience.

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