2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 第10讲 非谓语动词经典精讲练习(中).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 第10讲 非谓语动词经典精讲练习(中)开篇语have sth. donehave sth. doing have“使、让” “分水岭”have sth. to do have“有”have sth. to be done题一:I had my bicycle _ the other day.A. repair B. repaired C. repairing D. to repair题二:I have the lights _ all the afternoon.A. burning B. burnedC. burnt D. to burn题三:I have a lot of homework _ tonight.A. to doB. to be done C. to be doing D. done题四:Mary, I want to go to the post office. Do you have any packages _?Thank you all the same. I can manage it myself.A. to post B. postedC. to be posted D. posting“白骨精”题: make do have sb. do let do help (to) doMy mum made me buy some eggs a few hours ago.如何把这个句子变成被动语态?I was made to buy some eggs a few hours ago by my mum.题五:but/except/besides1. He did nothing but _.A. sleeping B. to sleep C. slept D. sleep2. He said nothing but _there.A. stood B. stand C. standing D. to stand3. I have no choice but _ up this bad behavior.A. give B. to give C. giving D. givendodo原则:dodoes butdid except dodone besidesdoingto do八大动词1. stop 2. go on 3. remember 4. forget5. try 6. consider 7. mean 8. regret题六:1. Why not _ at the back of the boat?A. to try sitting B. try sitting C. to try to sitD. trying to sit2. The lights are still on now. Our monitor must have forgotten _ them off yesterday.A. turning B. to turn C. to have turned D. turns非谓语动词当中的“主动表被动现象”1.be worth doingThe book is well worth reading.2.be to blameYou are to blame for the accident.3.be + adj. + to doThe homework is easy to do.4.need/want/require doing/to be doneThe bike needs repairing.The old man requires looking after.非谓语动词中的主动还是被动系动词/不及物动词主动表被动被动表主动looksmellsoundtastefeelremainappeardisappearhappen1. be worth doing2. be to blame3. be + adj. to do4. need/want/require doing/to be donedressseatfacedevotelosemarryprepare非谓语动词当中的省略现象1. While I was walking along the main road, I noticed that a man was stealing a purse from a woman.2. Once it is seen, it will never be forgotten.3. When it is necessary, we can go there to have a look.4. If there is any, please point out my mistakes.“删删”题前提条件:主句和从句的主语是同一个主语。做题原则:去掉从句的主语和be动词。题七:Unless _ with properly, the situation could be worse.“情感动词”excite, surprise, interest, worry, bore, please, puzzle, amaze, amuse, astonish, frighten, inspire, shock题八:1. The book is _.A. surprisedB. surprising C. surpriseD. surprises2. Tom is _.A. surprisedB. surprising C. surpriseD. surprises3. Look at Tom. He is solving the math problem now. There is a _ look on his face. A. puzzledB. puzzling C. to puzzleD. puzzle题一:B题二:A题三:A题四:B题五:1. D 2.D 3.B题六:1.B 2.B题七:B题八:1.B 2.A 3.A

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