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常熟市第一中学初二英语奖学金考试 xx.9注:考试用时60分钟,总分100分。 选择题部分用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上,第四大题开始写在答题卷上。 一、单选题(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1. It is_ unusual thing for us to find _ UFO. A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a2. Shanghai is east of China and north of Guangdong. A. in the;不填 B. in; to the C. in the; on the D. to the; on the3. Why do you like keeping goldfish as your pet?Because goldfish are easy_.A. to take care B. take care C. to take care of D. taking care4. Li Lei _his leg, didnt he?Yes. He was in hospital for two weeks. A. hurtedB. hurtsC. was hurtD. hurt5. There are about _ students in our school. A. four thousand B. four thousands of C. four thousand of D. thousand of 6. Do you get_ ready for your camping? No. We still have_ to do. A. anything, something B. anything, anything C. everything, something D. everything, nothing7. _ exciting the match between Zhang Yan and Wang Hao is!A. What B. What an C. How an D. How8. How much do you usually_ on books every month? About ¥60. A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend9 Now, everyone, please turn to Page_ and look at the_ picture.A. Twelve; nineth B. Twelfth; ninth C. Twelve; ninth D. Twelfth; nine10. John works in a hospital_ his home. So he takes a train there every week. A. far away B. away from C. far from D. from11. I was_ to know that dodos_ on the earth a long time ago A surprised; live B surprised; lived C surprise; live D surprising; lived12. _ a book in her hand, our Chinese teacher came into the classroom. A. There is B. Be C. With D. Has13. He_ down the hole and _ very sad. A. fell, feels B. felt, fell C. fell, felt D. felt, felt 14.What do you like about Changshu? _ A. Very nice B. Very much. C. I like it. D. The people and food.15. Hello, there is something wrong with my notebook puter. OK, I_ an engineer to check it for you.A. ask B. is asking C. am going to ask D. will ask16. My mother is a teacher and she always helps my brother and_ with_ English.A. I; our B. me; ourselves C. me; our D. I; my17. There is always too much homework. I often do my homework_ ten oclock every night. A. for B. on Cat D. till18. Lucy, what_ two days ago? A. you happen B. you happened C. did you happen D. happened to you19. 一Do you have any plans for this summer holiday? 一Im not sure. I take a trip to the USA.A. should B. need C. must D. may20.一_? 一Yes,please. Id like some lemons. A. Who are you B. What would you like to buy C. How many lemons do you need D. Can I help you二、完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)One night a man came to my house. He told me, There is a family with eight 21 .They havent eaten anything for days. After I asked him where the family was, I took some 22 with me and left. When I finally got to that family, I 23 those little children were so hungry that they could not say 24 . There was no sadness in their eyes, just the deep pain(痛苦)of hunger(饥饿). I gave the food to the mother, She took half of it, and then 25 . When she returned, I asked her, “ 26 did you go? she gave me this simple 27 ,To my neighbors. They are also 28 !” I was not surprised that she gave the food to others, because poor people are always very kind. But l was surprised that she knew her 29 were hungry when she was also in need of food. Usually, when we are in trouble or in danger, we always 30 ourselves first, and we have no time for others.21. A. children B. boys C. girls D. workers22. A. flowers B. water C. food D. juice23. A. found B. watched C. showed D. looked24. A. something B. nothing C. it D. a word25. A. went out B. came back C. rushed in D. hurried back26. A. How B. Where C. Why D. When27. A. question B. answer C. smile D. reason28. A. ill B. unhappy C. hungry D. tired29. A. people B. neighbours C. family D. children30. A. think of B. talk about C. look for D. laugh at三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分24分)2019-2020年八年级上学期奖学金考试英语试卷1. 2. Starring(主演): Leonardo DiCaprio ,Will Poulter, Poul Anderson3. Directed(导演) by: Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu4. James Wan 5. Written by: Michael Punke6. Running time: 156min 7. Showtime: 8. 3D screen The first show starts at 9:30 am9. The last show starts at 10:30 pm IMAX screen The first show starts at 11:10 am The last show starts at 10:40 pm.Adults RMB¥100 for 3D, RMB¥140 for IMAXChildren RMB¥50 for 3D, RMB¥70 for IMAX,on weekdays VIP Membership 60% off Mon.-Thu. & 50% off Fri.-Sun.VVIP Membership 60% off Any TimeOnline Booking 40% off Any Time31. How long does The Revenant film last ? A. Seven days. B. Five days. C. Three hours. D. Over two and a half hours .32. Who plays no role(角色) in the movie ?A.Leonardo DiCaprio B. Will Poulter C. Michael PunkeD. Poul Anderson33. What kind of ticket is the cheapest every day?A. VIP. B. VVIP. C. Online Booking. D. Weekend tickets.34. The last show on IMAX screen ends at _. A. 12:16 p.m. B. 1:16 a.m. C. 12:56 p.m. D.10:40 p.m.35. A couple decide to see the 3D film together with a 10-year-old daughter this Thursday. Howmuch will they have to pay if booking on the Internet ?A. 150 yuan. B. 120 yuan.C. 170 yuan. D.210 yuan.BSuzy won an award in the USA for her popular talk show on TV. Her show is very popular so even people all over the world know it. Why is her show so popular? Because she cares about people and the world. She usually invites important people to her show to talk about some important issues that everyone cares about. And she is not afraid to fight with the bad things. One of her famous stories is about the mad cow disease(疯牛病). When Suzy learned that some businessmen(商人) sold bad beef and lied to people that the cows were without mad cow disease, she got angry and worried. She didnt want people to get sick, so she told everyone in her show that she decided not to eat beef any more. She knew that people would follow her and the businessmen would be angry, but she was not afraid. She knew what was the right thing to do.36. Why is Suzys show popular? A. Because people all over the world know her. B. Because only important people go to her show. C. Because she cares about the world. D. Because her show is easy to watch.37. What does the underlined word issues mean? A. Shows. B. Cows. C. People. D. Problems.38. Which is Right about Suzy? A. Fighting with others is her hobby B. Talk shows make her famous C. She never eats beef. D. She hates businessmen.39. What do you think of Sue? She is . A. rude B. happy C. polite D. brave C On a Friday night, a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the entrance(入口)of the subway station. The music was so great that people put some money into his hat. The next day, the violinist came to the entrance again. He put down his hat as usual. Beside the hat was a piece of paper with some words on it: A George Sang has put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Wele to claim(认领)it.”After a while a man named George Sang ran here quickly and got back his important thing. The important thing was a lottery ticket(彩票).Sang bought it and won a prize of $500,000. But when he gave$50 to the violinist for his wonderful music, he threw the lottery ticket, too. The violinist was a college student. That morning, he was going to Vienna for his education. However, when he found the ticket, he cancelled the flight and returned to the entrance. He said, Although I dont have much money, I live happily. If I lose honesty(诚实), I wont be happy forever.40. The young man played the violin for_ at the entrance the next day. A. honesty B. money C. food D. happiness41. George Sang put_ into the violinists hat on a Friday night. A. money B. a lottery ticket C. money and his lottery ticket D. nothing42. The underlined word cancelled means _ A取消 B延误 C预定 D结束四、阅读与表达(共3小题;满分6分) 阅读短文,根据上下文,回答问题。Why do people cry? Scientists say the body produces(产生)tears because it needs them. One kind of tears(眼泪)is for the eye, the other is for the heart. They both work as cleaners. If something else like dust(灰尘)gets into your eye, tears also e into the eye to clean it out. If you are hurt by something,your strong feelings produce some poisonous chemicals(毒素)in your body, and at the same time, tears e out with them. If tears dont help clean out these poisonous chemicals, they will do harm to(伤害)the heart. In the United States men have heart problems more often than women do. Doctors say heart problems have something to do with the pressures(压力)of living and working now. Perhaps men have more of these illnesses because they do not cry enough. They need to cry more. In fact,you can find many ways of reducing(减少)the pressures to keep fit. Crying is a natural(自然)and physical(生理)one.43. How many kinds of tears does the body usually produce? (1分) 44. What do tears do when dust gets into your eyes? (2分) 45. Will you cry if you fail in the exam? Why or why not? (3分) 五、单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)46.She never (担忧)about her study because she always works hard on all the subjects.47. The man was caught because he set cars on fire and (烧毁)a building.48.My father will go to Guangzhou on business. Do you know where it is? Oh, Guangzhou is in the (南) part of China. 49.He is tall and strong now but you cant believe he (重)2 kilos at birth.50.You should knock at the door before you _(进入) the room. 51. The white (老鼠)in the cage look quite lovely.52.We all think China has the _(能力) to solve(解决) the problems in the South China Sea.53.You will have to drive slowly because there is always lots of _(来往车辆) on this road.54. Nobody _(教) him Chinese and he learnt it all by himself.55. He _ (未能)to pass the driving test, so he decided to work harder .56.If you want to learn English well , you should _ (操练)more.57. Can you put a dr:f into a refrigerator? Its neck is so long.58. About half of the students will go to_ soon59. Why were you late for the meeting? I the early bus and had to wait for another ten minutes.60. Does your grandfather live with you? No, he lives .But he doesnt feel lonely.六、动词填空 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分10分)61.I dont know what kind of present_(get). 62.Daniel is waiting for his parents _ (bring) him birthday presents.63.If one of them_ (e) tomorrow, well go skating.64.Tom _ (visit) the museum next week, isnt he?65.There are some kites _ (fly ) in the sky in spring.66.Can you stop talking and _ (give)me a minute.67.There is nothing wrong with _ (write) a poem.68. Please help me. I have much trouble _(prepare) for the exam.69.In the past, only a few people _ (wear) silk clothes.70.Please turn off the TV, Jack _ (do) his homework.七、翻译句子 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)71.沿着第八大街一直走,你会发现邮局在你的左边。72.我认为后天约翰不会来。73.从那时起,我再也不害怕喂大象了。74.Alice个子太高了不能穿过那扇门。75.于我而言,每天遛狗是很有趣的。 常熟市第一中学初二英语奖学金考试答题卷 班级 姓名 学号四、阅读与表达(共3小题;满分6分) 阅读短文,根据上下文,回答问题。43. How many kinds of tears does the body usually produce? (1分) 44. What do tears do when dust gets into your eyes? (2分)_45. Will you cry if you fail in the exam? Why or why not? (3分)_五.单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)(一空只填一词)46._ 47._ 48._ 49._ 50._51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ _ 55._56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._六.动词填空(共10小题;每小题5分,满分10分)(一空可填一个词或多个词)61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65. _66._ 67._ 68._ 69._ 70. _六、 翻译句子 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)71.沿着第八大街一直走,你会发现邮局在你的左边。_72.我认为后天约翰不会来。_73.从那时起,我再也不害怕喂大象了。_74.Alice个子太高了不能穿过那扇门。_75.于我而言,每天遛狗是很有趣的。_常熟市第一中学初二英语奖学金考试答案一、单选题(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)DBCDA CDDCC BCCDD CDDDD二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)ACADABBCBA三、阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)DCBBACDBDACA四、阅读与表达(共3小题;满分6分)43. Body usually produces 2 kinds of tears.44. Tears also e into the eye to clean the dust out.45.Yes, because crying can reduce the pressures (to keep fit). No, because I can do exercise-to reduce the pressures. 五、单词拼写(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)46.worries 47. burnt/burned 48.southern 49.weighed 50. enter51. mice 52.ability 53.traffic 54.taught 55failed 56 practice/practice 57giraffe 58 college 59 missed 60 alone 六.动词填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)61.to get 62.to bring 63es 64 is going to visit 65flying66 give 67writing 68 preparing 69 wore 70 is doing七、翻译句子 (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)71Walk straight on along Eighth Street, you will find the post office on your left.72.I dont think John will e the day after tomorrow.73.From then on ,I wasnt afraid of feeding elephants any more.74.Alice is/was too tall to go through the door.74.Its interesting/fun for me to take the dog for a walk/walk the dog every day.

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