2019-2020年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期期末考试试题 人教新目标版一听力部分。(20分). 情景反应根据所听到的句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分)( )1. A. Its cloudy. B. Its Tuesday the 29th. C. Its December xx. ( )2. A. Three times a week. B. At ten oclock. C. About half an hour.( )3. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there will. C. Yes, there is.( )4. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. C. The news. ( )5. A. Delicious. B. Serious. C. Understanding. 对话问答 根据对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(5分)( )6. A. To play games. B. To play tennis. C. To play the piano.( )7. A. A dancer. B. A singer. C. A pilot.( )8. A. It has the biggest screens. B. It has the most fortable seats. C. It has the friendliest service.( )9. A. Mary and Tony. B. Peter and Mary. C. Tony and Peter.( )10. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didnt. C. Nothing special. 听下面的对话,回答第11至12小题。 ( )11. What do they want to do ?A. To make a banana shake. B. To make a sandwich. C. To make fruit salad.( )12. How many bananas do they need?A. One B. Two C. Three听下面的对话,回答第13至15小题。( )13. Does Alice like talk shows?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. I dont know.( )14. How does Alice like soap operas? A. She likes them. B. She doesnt mind them. C. She cant stand them.( )15. What do they decide to watch?A. Talk shows. B. Soap operas. C. News.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)( )16.Where did Sam go on vacation?A. The beach. B. The countryside C. The town. ( )17.How was the weather there?.A. Sunny and warm. B. Sunny but cold. C. Warm and windy. ( )18. Who did they meet?.A. Someactors. B. Some farmers. C. Some engineers. ( )19.What do the farmers hope to have in the future? A. Cars. B. puters. C. Robots. ( )20. How long did they stay there?.A. For two weeks. B. For two days. C. For two months. 二、笔试部分 (100分).根据首字母及句意填入所缺单词。(5分)21.A_ is my favorite season.22.Could you give me some a_ on how to learn math well?23.He became a writer after graduating(毕业) from the c_.24.Pandas are i_ danger. We should take care of them.25.She is writing something on a piece of p_.用所给词的正确形式填空。(10分)26.Whats the _(mean) of this word?27.I _ (fall)down from the bike yesterday afternoon. 28.LiYundi is a famous _(piano) around the world.29. Look! There are two new _(build) in front of the shopping center.30. Dont worry. He wont refuse _(help) you.31. In China, the Spring Festival is a _(tradition) festival.32. Tom made a few mistakes because he is too _(care).33.Ms Clark came into the classroom without _(say) a word.34._(final), enjoy the milk shake.35. I am looking forward to _(visit) the famous writer soon.III. 单项选择。(15分)( )36. My sister is _ university student. She majors in medicine.A. an B. a C. the( ) 37.It took_ people three months to build this great bridge.A. two hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds of( )38.Which do you want, ice-cream or hamburger? _. They are both bad for my health.A.Both B. Neither C. None ( )39.We didnt go out to play _ we finished our homework.A. until B. when C. because ( )40.-_ can you finish your homework? -In about an hour.A.How long B.How soon C.How often( )41.The question is _difficult for me _answer.A.very, for B.too, to C. so, that( )42. _ spoons of honey do we need?A. How much B. How many C. How often( )43.Im sorry I cant go with you. I have _work to do.A.too many B. much too C. too much( )44. Aunt Li doesnt know if it_ tomorrow. If it _tomorrow, she wont go to the park. A. will rain, rains B. rains, will rain C. will rain, will rain( )45. You need to cook it for _ five minutes.A. another B. other C. the other( )46.The _ pollution is being more and more serious. We havent seen blue skies for several days. A. noise B. water C. air ( )47.Now, its time _ lunch. Lets go. A. to have B. for have C. to having( )48.I _ think there _ more pollution.A. / , wont be B. dont, will be C. dont, will have( )49.Dont worry about Shirley. She can _ herself.A. look at B. look after C. look for( )50.-Lets make Russian soup. -_. A. Thats a good idea. B. Thats all right. C. Youre wele.IV. 交际运用(15分)A. 完成对话从方框中选出最佳选项。(5分)M: Good morning. Can I help you, madam? A. Why not call a taxi to go there with your friends?B. Our sightseeing bus will take you around the city.C. How can I get there?D. Could you introduce me a nice place to see over the weekend?E. Hope you will have a good time there.F. How much does it cost?G. Its the right time to go there.W: Yes, please. (51)_M: OK, Qingdao is a nice place to visit. (52)_ The weather is neither hot nor cold.W: Sounds good . (53)_M: You can get there by train.W: Shall I visit places of interest by bus in Qingdao?M: Sure. (54)_W: Really perfect. (55)_M: 280 yuan each person. It includes train tickets, park tickets, hotel and meals.W: Well, its nice. Id like to book the tour for two.B.补全对话根据对话内容,在空格上填入适当的话语,使对话完整。(10)A: Hi, Jenny! (56) _ my birthday party on Saturday afternoon?B: Sure,(57)_. A: (58)_you, Linda?C: Im sorry I cant. I (59)_ study for a test on weekends.A:Thats too bad. Maybe next time.C:Sure. Thanks for your (60) _.V. 短文填空从方框中适当的选项,完成短文。有两项是多余的。(10分)A. soundB. nice C. write D. friendly E. feel F. badG. yourselfH. like I. need J. how K. Helping L. what We have a lot of trouble in our life, but we have to face them. When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, there are six ways to make you 61 good about yourself.(1)Look in the mirror and say to 62 , “Im a special person and theres no one in the world 63 me. I can do anything!” It may not 64 so good, but it really works!(2) Do something 65 for someone. 66 others always makes you feel good.(3) Smile! Be 67 to people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family.(4)Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate(装饰) your own room or learn_68 to swim? Go for it! New challenges (挑战) are fun and give you a sense of acplishment (成就) when you have finished.(5) Read and start a diary. Turn off the TV and let your imagination(想象) fly! If you have any thoughts, dreams or anything you want, 69 them down! Writing always helps to express your feelings.(6) Stay with your family. We all 70 our family time. Talk with your Mum and Dad or maybe even your cousin.VI. 阅读理解(30分)(A)Friendship between animals sometimes seems stronger than that between men.In France, a man had to move to a new job two hundred kilometers away. He had a dog and a cat, and he loved them both. But he thought that the cat would like to stay in the same house with new owners. So he moved and took only the dog. About three weeks later, the dog was suddenly lost. For several days, the man looked for his dog, but didnt find him. Then, seven weeks later, the dog came back but he was not alone. By his side was the cat. They were tired and hungry after their long trip. And they never left each other again. Another story is about goldfish. We usually think fish are cold-hearted, but sometimes we may be wrong. A friend had to work in another country. So I took her pet goldfish and put it in a bowl with mine. They two lived together for six months. When the friend came back, she took her fish home. Then, I found my goldfish was acting strangely, hitting against the side of the bowl. The next morning he died. Later that day, my friend phoned to say that her goldfish was also dead. I believe they died of sadness. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(5分)( ) 71. What did the Frenchman take when he moved to a new job? A. A dog. B. A cat. C. A fish. D. A dog and a cat.( ) 72. How long did it take the pets to walk 200 kilometers ?A. 2 weeksB. 7 weeks. C. 2 months . D. 7 months .( ) 73. What do people usually think about fish according to the passage?A. Theyre alone. B. Theyre friendly. C. Theyre beautiful. D. Theyre cold-hearted. ( ) 74. What did the writers friend do after she came back?A. She took her fish home B. She put the fish in a bowl C. She kept it for 6 months. D. She killed it.( ) 75. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. Dogs and cats are good friends and they never leave each other. B. Goldfish are clever than the other fish so they can make friends. C. Men should be friendly to animals because they are our good friends. D. Friendship between animals sometimes seems stronger than that between men (B)Reading books helps you open different windows to many colorful worlds. But today few Chinese people like to read. In xx, a Chinese read an average (平均) of 4.39 books. Things are different in many other countries. A South Korean (韩国) man reads 11 books a year, a Japanese reads 17 and an American reads 21 books.What to readIn China, many people only read self-help (自助) books. These books are usually about how to get success and health. In the US, teachers give students a reading list every few weeks. These books are about everything, like science and adventure (冒险).How to get good reading habitsRead in short periods (周期). If you cant concentrate for a long time, this way is helpful. 10 minutes on the way to and from school, 10 minutes when waiting for friends, 15 minutes before going to sleep. Then its 45 minutes a day, about five hours a week.Make your own reading list. Your list can be the best selling books on famous websites like The New York Times, Dangdang, or same books your teachers tell you to read.Talk about your reading with your family or friends. It doubles (加倍) the fun to read. The more fun you get from books, the more books you will read.根据短文内容,选择正确答案.(5分)76. A Chinese read an average of _ books in xx. A. 4.39B. 11C. 17D. 21 77. Which of the following is right according to (根据) the passage? A. Self-help books are only about success and health. B. Many Chinese like reading books about how to get success and health. C. American teachers give students books every few weeks. D. American students dont like reading books about science and adventure. 78. What does concentrate mean in the passage? A.集中B.分散C.节约D.匀出 79. Which of the following are good reading habits according to the passage? Reading books for a short time once Reading in bed with a bright lightMaking careful notes while reading Eating something while readingHaving a good reading list Sharing the fun with your family or friends after readingA.B.C.D. 80. Whats the passage about? A. Reading is helpful and interesting. B. Which are the best for you to read? C. What are people around the world reading? D. Choose right books to read and have good reading habits. (C)A The plan, known as the APEC China Year xx and Low Carbon Model Town World Campaign(低碳示范镇的世界运动), has already organized more than 20 science and research institutes and enterprises and 50 experts to assess (评估)Shenzhen as an International Low Carbon City.B Huo Zun,23, is the writer of the song ROLL the Beaded Curtain (卷珠帘). He was the winner of the TV program Sing My Song (中国好歌曲), a talent show. His beautiful melody and Chinese flavor lyrics won him the best song and millions of fans. C People gathered at the Hull Truck Theatre and cheered with joy when Minister Maria Miller announced Hull as the UKs xx City of Culture. Every four years, the UK government chooses a city for the award. Its hoped that more people will travel to the winning place, making it more popular. D A pany in Poland plans to build hotels which can be moved to any chosen and suitable place in the sea. The hotel rooms can float about 50 feet below the surface. The whole building is underwater, and you can only get into it by swimming down and entering through an opening at the bottom. There is a television, air conditioning and wi-fi in the lodge. E International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world every May 12, the anniversary of Florence Nightingales birth. She spent all her life taking good care of those patients. She set up the first nurse school in London. 请根据下面五位人物的愿望,在上面所给的信息中找出与其相匹配的选项。(5分)81. Kathy has interest in the underwater world. Shes expecting to visit Poland. 82. Fred enjoys traveling. He wants to go somewhere new and exciting in the future.83. Mrs. Yang takes part in the campaign that can make people live in a low carbon(碳) city. 84. Dan is a student in a nurse school. He hopes to be a nurse to look after other patients.85. Alex is a fan of the TV program Sing My Song. He loves listening to the beautiful songs.(D)A. Never be the first one to leave.B. Get to work on time.C. No matter what, always be neat and clean.D. Make sure that your supervisor has told you what is expected of youE. These co-workers will be important to you.根据短文内容,从以上选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使意思通顺,内容完整。(5分)No one wants to look silly or do the wrong thing at a new job. Its important to make the right impression(印象). You will face new people. You will be in a new place. It may be difficult to know what to do. Here are five tips to help you make it through the first days at a new job:First impression can last forever. Make sure you make a good one. Before your first day, find out if your new job has a dress code(rules about what you can wear to work). If so, be sure to follow it.86 _87_ Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time. Pay attention to introductions. One of the first things that your supervisor may do is to introduce you to co-workers.88_ They are the ones who will answer your questions when the boss is not around.Ask plenty of(大量) questions. 89_ If he or she has not told you your duty, ask for a list. Set daily and weekly goals(目标) for yourself.90_ Observe(观察) what your co-workers do around quitting time(下班时间). It isnt good for you to be eager(渴望)to leave.(E)We went to Hong Kong Disneyland(迪士尼) in May with our two children (ages 7 and 9) on a Monday and a Tuesday. It rained heavily so there werent too many people in the park. We bought our son a Disney raincoat for Hong Kong $45.The park is beautiful. It was wonderful for our kids as the activities were not too scary and there was hardly any waiting time. On the first day, we arrived at the park at about 2 pm, met Minnie and Mickey, and saw an interesting show. We stayed until 8 pm. The next day, we visited our favorite activities again, and after my husband (丈夫) and son went back to the hotel, my daughter and I stayed to meet all the Princesses (公主).My husband and I think the visit to Disneyland can make our children happy and show something new on our vacation. As parents, we also enjoyed Disneyland and had great fun.根据短文内容,回答下面的问题。(10分)91. Where did they go on vacation?_92. How much was a Disney raincoat for their son?_93. Why werent there too many people in the park? _94. How many hours did they stay in Disneyland on the first day? _95. Did they feel happy when they were in Disneyland? _. 书面表达(20分)难忘的xx年即将过去,请你以My resolutions for the ing year为题,谈一谈你对新一年的打算。 要点提示: 1.更加努力学习,取得更好的成绩 2. 帮父母做家务3. 吃更健康的食物,多运动4.多交朋友 5.学习弹吉他要求: 1. 作文中必须包含提示中的所有内容2. 信息表达清晰、完整,语言流畅,词汇丰富,格式正确,书写规范My resolutions for the ing year第一段New Year is ing. I have made some resolutions for the ing year.第二段第三段 I will try my best to make my resolutions e true and make myself a better person.

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