2019-2020年八年级英语下学期第一次月考题 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下学期第一次月考题 人教新目标版班级 姓名 座号 分数 注意了,请同学们把答案写在答题卡相应的表格上。I.听句子,选图片。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)看图听句子,选择与句子一致的图片。每个句子只读一遍。1. 2. 3. 4. 5._ II听句子,选答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读两遍。( )6. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent . C. Sorry , I dont know ( )7. A. Yes, l am. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do.( )8. A. That sounds good. B. Nice to meet you . C. Bey-bey.( )9. A. No, they are. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they dont.( )10. A. Its on the table. B. They are on the table. C. They are keys.III.对话理解。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。( )11. What are they talking about? A. The radio B. The weather C. The rain ( )12. How is the weather there ? A. It is snowy. B. Its sunny C. It is raining.( )13. Is Jim having a good time? A. Yes, he is . B. No, he isnt C. Its terrible( )14. What is Jack doing? A. Reading B. Watching TV . C. Listening to the radio.( )15. What color does the woman like ? A. Green. B. Yellow. C. BlackIV.短文理解。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)根据你所听到的短文内容,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。( )16. Linda is from . A. Japan B. England. C. China( )17. Judy is years old. A. eleven B. twelve C. seven ( )18. Linda and Judy are . A. friends B. teachers C. sisters ( )19. Liu Lin is . A. Lindas English teacher B. Lindas mother C. Lindas Chinese teacher ( )20. Lindas QQ number is . A. 498482468 B.489482648 C. 498482648 第二部分 笔试V. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)A)单词辨音。从A、B、C三个选项中找出画线部分与其他单词发音不同的选项。 ( ) 21. A. foot B.blood C. understood ( ) 22. A. head B.mean C. deaf( ) 23. A. repair B.clever C. excited( ) 24. A.while B.wheel C. whose( ) 25. A. spirit B. knife C. sickB) 选择填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。( )26.-Toney,whats matter with you ? - I have toothache. A. a , the B. the ,a C. / , the ( )27.You should _ more water when you have a fever.A. drinks B. drink C. drinked ( )28.You shouldnt eat_junk food. A. much too B. too many C. too much( )29. The girl had a fever . The doctor took _ temperature. Ashe B. her C. hers( )30.The young man was sent to the hospital _. He was saved. A. in time B. on time C. at times( )31.Internet makes easy for us to get the information . A. that B. it C. this ( )32.Our parents often tell us alone in the river in summer.A. not swim B.not to swim C.dont swim( )33. I think I should keep on the guitar at home.A.play B.to play C. playing( )34. The book isfor us to read.A.good enoughB.enough good C.too good( )35.I saw the boysin the river. A.swam B.swimming C. swim( )36.He didnt finish the room.A.clean B.cleaned C.cleaning( )37.Bob used to in the countryside . But now he is used to in the big city . A live ; live B live; living C. living ; living ( )38. We should be careful when wethe bus.A.get down B.get out C. get off( )39. She got up late and hurried to school without _ breakfast.A .have B. to have C. having( )40.I have a bad toothache. -_A. Whats the matter? B.You talk too much C. You should see a dentistVI完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。Dear Dr Know, Im not happy. I have too 41 rules in my family. I have to 42 at 6:00 every morning. I cant 43 my friends after school 44 I have to 45 my dog for a walk. I cant watch TV on school nights. And I have to 46 in bed by ten oclock. 47 weekends, I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Then I have to help my mother 48 dinner. Later I have to learn the piano at the 49 club. I never have any fun. 50 can I do? Mary( ) 41. A. many B. much C. a few ( ) 42. A. go to bed B. get up C. go home ( ) 43. A. watch B. look C. meet ( ) 44. A. so B. then C. because ( ) 45. A. bring B. take C. carry ( ) 46. A. be B. is C. am ( ) 47. A. In B. On C. At ( ) 48. A. make B. making C. wash ( ) 49. A. chess B. Chinese C. music( ) 50. A. Why B. How C. What VII. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)() Henry is nine years old. He goes to school near his home. He always goes there and es home on foot. One day he es home late. His mother sees him and asks him, “Why are you late, Henry?”“My teacher is very angry and asks you to go to her office (办公室) tomorrow.” “To her office? Why?” his mother asks. “Because she asks a question in class,” says Henry. “Nobody can answer it, but I can.” “You are so clever, my son.” his mother says with a smile. “Her question is Who puts the tomato on my chair and makes my pants (裤子) dirty? ”( ) 51. Henry is late because he _. A. does his homework at school B. plays football at school C. is asked to stay at school( ) 52._ can answer the teachers question in class. A. Nobody B. HenryC. Many students( ) 53.There is a _ on the teachers chair. A. bag B. bookC. tomato( )54.The teacher asks Henrys mother to go to school tomorrow because_. A. Henry makes her angryB. Henry is nineC. Henrys home is near( ) 55.The teachers pants are dirty because _. A. it is raining B. she falls to the ground C. she sits on her chair and a tomato is on it() We are all leaning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe (可能) he cant speak English.If you want to know how to swim, you must(必须) get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football. So, you see. You can learn English only by using it. You must listen to your teacher in class. You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your classmates and also you must write something sometimes. Then one day, you may find your English very good.( ) 56. You know a lot about English but maybe you _.A. cant speak it B. can study it C. cant study it ( ) 57. If you want to learn to swim you should _.A .get into the river B. read books about swimming C. play football well first ( ) 58. If you want to be a football player, you should _.A. buy a good football B. practice football C. watch others play football ( ) 59. The story of learning swimming and playing football tells us _.A. we learn English by using it B. swimming needs water C. playing football is easy( ) 60. If you want to study English well, you must often _.A. speak and listen to English B. write in English C. A and B阅读C篇语言材料,并根据语言材料,按要求完成下列各题。(C) Its Sunday today. The Blacks are all at home. Mrs. Black is in the kitchen. She is making cakes. Mr. Black is in the living room (客厅). He is sitting in a chair and reading a book. Tom is in the garden with Mike. Mike is Toms classmate and good friend. They are playing soccer. Where is Sue? Oh, she and her friend, Ann, are in her bedroom. They are watching TV now.根据短文内容,按要求完成下列各题。61. Where are the Blacks?(根据短文内容回答问题) 62. Who is Mike?(根据短文内容回答问题) 63. What is Mrs. Black doing?(根据短文内容回答问题) 64. They are playing soccer now. (对画线部分提问) 65. 写出短文中画线单词 “ they” 所指代的内容: VIII.情景对话(每小题1分,共5分)A: Hello, Lisa. 66 B: Guess.A: Are you doing your homework?B: 67 A: Are you watching TV?B: 68 What about you?A: Im drawing, but its boring. 69 B: Good idea! 70 A: Lets play in the park.B: OK. See you then.A. What do you often do after school? B. No, Im not. C. Can we play football in the park? D. What are you doing now? E. Would you like to play football with me? F. Yes, I am. G. Where can we play?66. 67. 68. 69. 70. IX. 词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)A) 选用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。每个词只能用一次。you knife have decide make71.There are two on the desk.72.Be careful, or you will cut .73.He _ a sore back last week.74.We have to make a _.75.Lucy taught her brotherhow_abanana milk shake.B) 根据句意及词首字母或汉语提示,补全单词。76. Whats the mwith you?77.The old woman cant see anything . She is b (失明的) .78.There is only one p (乘客)in that bus.79.They decided to _(推迟) making the plans.80.He (志愿)to help old people at an Old People House.X写作(满分25分)A)话题写作(满分10分)题目:I have a good (按要求描写人物)要求:1.补全题目。2.写出至少五句话的小短文。3.内容丰富,语法正确,语句通顺,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,书写规范。 I have a good B) 书面表达。(15分)提示:假如你是Jeff,你的朋友Nick病了,请根据提示写一封信,告诉他该做什么,不该做什么。字数60。shouldshouldntdrinkalotofwatergotobedlatehaveagoodrestworktoohardseeadoctorget tiredDear Nick: Yours, Jeff

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