2019-2020年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 无答案(I).doc

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2019-2020年高一上学期期末考试英语试题 无答案(I) 答题要求:1本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分120分。2答卷前考生务必将自己的班级、姓名、考号和考试科目用钢笔分别填在答题卷密封线内。3第卷和第卷的答案务必答在答题卡中,否则不得分;答题卡用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔答在上面每题对应的答题区域内,在试题卷上作答无效。4考试结束后,只把答题卡交回(试题卷自己保留好,以备评讲)。 第I卷(共85分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第1节 :单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. The police _ the building from room to room, but they didnt find the thief. A. searched B. searched for C in search for D looked for 2-The police have caught the murderer. -Yes, and he admitted _ his boss on a rainy night seven years ago. A. to kill B. to have killed C. having killed D. having been killing 3. It has been ten years since Pierre _ Mathilde. A. married with B. married C. married to D. was married 4. I would _ if you would turn the music down. A. thanked you B. appreciated you C. enjoyed it D. appreciate it 5. He stole some valuable things _ his pany. A. belong to B. are belonged to C. belonging to D. which belongs to 6. The present media have changed our daily munication. The messages _ most of us rely are briefer than they once were. A. to which B. on which C.from that D. in what 7. Johnson suggested the problem worth paying attention _ at the meeting. A. to be discussedB. to have been discussed C. being discussed D. should be discussed 8. Though puters can do a lot of work man cant do, they cant pletely _ human beings.A. replace with B. instead of C. take place D. take the place of 9. To be great, you must be smart, confident, and _, honest. A. therefore B. above all C. in all D. after all 10. Because of her total devotion _music and hard work, she became a musician finally. A. inB. with C. to D. on 11. The two countries put an end to the war in 1988, _ had lasted over eight years and caused great suffering and losses.A. which B. that C. when D. what12. The fishing boats have all returned to the seaport, where they are _ from the dangers of the ing storm. A. absent B. logical C. secure D. analytical13. He _ my suggestion with a laugh. A. responded B. responded to C. responds D. is responding14. Too much smoking and drinking _ him greatly, which meant bad living habits had an _ on his health. A. affect, effect B. affected, effects C. affect, effectsD. affected, effect15. Mother_ us stories when we were young. A. was used to tellB. is used to tellingC. used to tellD. used to telling第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。When we talk about a bad man, we like to call him a “wolf”. But is it really true that the wolf stands for devil (恶魔) and ugliness? Have you read the book “ The Wolf Totem” by a famous writer Jiang Rong, which tells the story of the relationship between wolves and human beings? Have you ever 16 the wolves world? If you had, you would 17 the wolves.In the book, wolves are heroes on the large grassland. They know more about 18 than humans. They can attack lambs without disturbing their mothers. They also know how to 19 full use of the shape of land to 20 sheep. I believe that if wolves were humans, they would be 21 experts good at fighting. The wolf is a kind of special creature that can deeply understand 22 . Each wolf serves its group with its heart and soul. A 23 wolf has little power, but a pack of wolves 24 nothing. All the wolves obey the rules. 25 they are defeated, they run away together. It is their teamwork 26 makes wolves powerful. The wolves also have great self-respect and wont 27 to anyone. The writer, who wrote the book “The Wolf Totem”, 28 stole a one-month-old baby wolf and raised it very carefully. To his 29 , he found the little wolf still wanted to go back with the 30 wolves. He bit through the iron chain that limited him. The wolf was 31 and he never gave in, fighting to his 32 . The little wolf died as a glorious fighter. I was shocked by this kind of 33 : wolves are one of the most respected creatures on earth. I want everyone to look at wolves in a 34 way. They are our teachers. They show us how to survive and 35 in this not simple and dangerous world. Please honor the wolves, please honor all these heroes of nature.16. A. hunt forB. looked into C. watchD. cared for17. A. doubt B. admireC. selectD. pete18. A. spaceB. surviveC. foodD. survival19. A. getB. takeC. haveD. make20. A. fightB. avoidC. trapD. discover21. A. spoiledB. imaginativeC. outstandingD. familiar22. A. operationB. teamworkC. lifestyleD. control23. A. singleB. braveC. lonelyD. fair24 A. fightB. amazeC. fearD. fail25. A. As if B. As thoughC. Even so D. Even if 26. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. one27. A. turn inB. give inC. believe inD. take in28. A. onceB. justC. soonD. only29. A. satisfactionB. disappointment C. pleasureD. sad30. A. anotherB. othersC. othersD. other31. A. proudB. satisfied C. willingD. extra32. A. death B. lifeC. happinessD. way33. A. self-controlB. self-confidenceC. self-respectD. self-protection34. A. curiousB. differentC. strangeD. humorous35. A. inspectB. deserveC. getD. succeed第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:阅读下列短文,选出最佳答案。(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) AWilliam Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon in England. At that time Elizabeth I had been queen for six years.We do not know much about Shakespeares life. However , we do know that his father was a shopkeeper and that his mother was the daughter of a farmer. William went to Stratford Grammar School, where he learnt Latin, scripture and mathematics. When he left school, William worked for his father. He got married to Anne Hatheway when he was eighteen. Three years later he left Stratford for London.We do not know anything about Shakespeares life between the years 1585-1590. We are certain however, that by the end of 1590 he had joined a group of actors and had started writing plays. During that next twenty years he wrote thirty-two plays. He possibly wrote more plays, which he did not have them published or put on.Shakespeare went back to Stratford-on-Avon a few years before his death at the age of 52. 36. Elizabeth I became the Queen _. A. in 1558 B. in 1564 C. in 1570 D. shortly after Shakespeares birth37. What did Shakespeare do in 1582? A. He became the husband of Anne Hatheway. B. He studied in the Grammar School. C. He left Stratford Grammar School. D. He went to London.38. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Shakespeares grandfather was a farmer.B. Shakespeare spent his childhood in his hometown. C. Shakespeare had written thirty-two plays altogether before his death. D. Shakespeare began writing plays after he came to London.39. Most of Shakespeares plays _.A. were written between the sixteenth and the seventeenth century B. were not published or put on until today C. were put on but not published D. were published but not put on 40. Shakespeare died in _.A. 1614 B 1618 C London D his hometown B Oldest , Youngest , or in the Middle ?Were you the first or last child in your family? Or were you a middle or the only child? Some people think it matters where you were born in your family. But there are different ideas about what birth order means.Some people say that oldest children are smart and strong-willed. They are very likely to be successful. The reason for this is simple. Parents have a lot of time for their first child. They give him or her a lot of attention. So this child is very likely to do well. An only child will succeed for the same reasons.What happens to the other children in a family? Middle children dont get so much attention. So they dont feel that important. If a family has many children, the middle ones sometimes get lost in the crowd. The youngest child, though, often gets special treatment. He or she is the “baby”. Often this child grows up to be funny and charming.Do you believe these ideas about birth order? A recent study saw things quite differently. This study found that the first children believed in family rules. They didnt take many chances in their lives. They usually followed their own ideas . They took chances. And they often did better in life. Which theory about birth order do you believe? Look at your own family or you friends families. Decide which idea fits what you see.41. This passage is about _. A. why the oldest children in a family usually succeedB. why some children refuse to follow ordersC. ways in which birth order may affect how children grow upD. how people have a lot of trouble agreeing about ideas42. According to the article, some people think that youngest children grow up to be _.A. babies B. funny and charming C. not capable of doing anything D. strong leaders43. If later-born children take chances rather than following rules, you might expect them to be_.A. creative B. jealous C. spoiled D. obedient employees44. The statement that middle children “ sometimes get lost in the crowd” means that _.A. they have a poor sense of direction B. they cant get along with others C. they have a strong desire to be leaders D. they dont get a lot of attention45. The underlined word “ theory “ means _.A. saying B. parison C. idea D. surprise CDoctors say as many as 20% of children in the United States suffer from some of the learning disorder called dyslexia.Experts on dyslexia say that the problem is not a disease. They say that persons with dyslexia use the information in different ways. One of the worlds great thinkers and scientists Albert Einstein was dyslexia. Mr. Einstein said that he never thought in words the way that most of us do. He said that he thought in pictures instead. Other famous persons who had dyslexia include Loonardo da Vinci, the American inventor Thomas Edison and former American vice-president Nelson Rockefeller. Dyslexia first was recognized in Europe and the United States more than 80 years ago. Many years passed before doctors discovered that persons with the disorder were not mentally slow or disabled. The doctors found that the brains of persons with dyslexia are different. In most people, the left side of the brainthe part that controls languageis larger than the right side. In persons with dyslexia, the right side of the brain is bigger. Doctors are not sure what causes this difference. However, research has shown that dyslexia is more mon in males than in females, and it is found more often in persons who are left-handed.No one knows the cause of dyslexia, but some scientists believe, it may result from chemical changes in a babys body long before it is born. Doctor Samuel Orton fifty years ago was one of the first persons to develop ways to teach persons with dyslexia. In 1949, a year after his death, doctors, teachers and other experts formed the Orton society. Doctor Silvia Richardson is a member of the Orton Dyslexia Society. She says that after dyslexia persons solve their problems with language, they often show themselves to be especially intelligent of creativity. Doctor Richardson warns against trying to teach dyslexia children to learn the same way as other children do. She said they think differently and need special kinds of teaching help. But Doctor Richardson said it is important to help these people develop skills in every area possible. 46. The difference between dyslexia persons and other people are _. A. the right side of the brain of dyslexia persons is bigger B. no difference at all C. the dyslexia persons are foolish people D. the dyslexia persons are mentally sick47 _ know(s) the cause of dyslexia. A. Some experts on dyslexia B. Doctor Samuel Orton C. No one D. Doctor Silvia Richardson48. What does the underlined sentence mean?A. Dyslexia children learn in a different way from others so they shouldnt be taught in the same way. B. Teachers should teach dyslexia children more carefully.C. Teachers should teach dyslexia children the same way as the others.D. Dyslexia children should be treated as ordinary children. 49. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. Dyslexia children never think in words. B. Men are more likely to suffer from dyslexia. C. The Orton Society was started by Doctor Samuel Orton. D. Dyslexia began to spread 80 years ago.50. Which of the following statements is NOT true about dyslexia? A. Dyslexia persons are usually more intelligent than other persons. B. There are some famous dyslexia persons in different areas. C. Dyslexia children should develop their language ability first. D. Dyslexia persons should be paid more attention to their education.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 51_ The celebration takes place during the month of April and has existed since April 1996. During National Poetry (诗歌) Month, booksellers, poets, publishers, libraries, schools and literary organizations e together to celebrate the importance of poetry in American culture. 52_ The special celebration was founded by the Academy of American Poets. 53_ Some of the Academys goals include introducing more Americans to poetry, bringing attention to the work of American poets, and encouraging schools to incorporate (纳入) more poetry into the curriculum. The final goal is to reveal to the American public the importance of poetry in American culture. April is chosen as a special month for poetry awareness. 54 It wants poetry to bee an important part of every Americans life. To encourage participation in National Poetry Month, the Academy sends posters free of charge to teachers, librarians, and booksellers. The organization holds special events during April, including a reading series called “ 10 Years/ 10 Cities” and an event known as “Poetry & the Creative Mind”, supported by well-known American celebrities. Some teachers wish to bring National Poetry Month activities into their classrooms. 55 Some schools choose to make it a school-wide event. Librarians receive information from the Academy about book displays, ideas for programs, and ways to promote their libraries events that relate to National Poetry Month. A. So the Academy produces free lesson plans for teachers. B. National Poetry Month is a month-long celebration of poetry. C. For further information about National Poetry Month, visit poets, org. D. It is an organization devoted to increasing the publics awareness of poetry. E. Besides, poetry readings, workshops, special events, and festivals are held throughout the USA. F. However, the Academy of American Poets encourages everyone to celebrate poetry throughout the year. G. The Academy calls for donations from the public in order to further its task of bringing more awareness to the art poetry.第三部分 写作(共三节,满分35分)第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。56 _(设计) the cover of a book is a very important job.57. In the dark I couldnt find the _ (入口) to the hall.58. By making small changes in the way you live, you can _ (简化) your life, reduce your stress and improve your health and happiness.59. His wet coat was the _ (证据) that he had been outside.60.Johns _ (性格) is quite different from his fathers.61. The elderly need special care in winter, as they are _ (敏感的) to the sudden change of weather. 62. The dog is very _ (凶猛的). Dont get close to it.63What should you do if you are being _ (咬) by mosquitoes?64. Some researchers believe that _(人造的) sweeteners may do harm to peoples health.65. People say that he is rich, and possibly a _ (百万富翁).第二节: 短文改错(满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。3. 格式不正确者不计分。I am luck to have good parents. They gives me enough care and teach me a lot about what to live my life. Parents can be very important teacher in our life. However, actually, they are always the bestteachers for their children. Parents may get too closely to their children. Sometimes they only treat them as “something” of his own. Another problem is that parents may often expecting their childrens interests to be similar to their own. If they love the science, they may make their children love science too. But what if their childrens true love is art, and car repairing? 第三节:书面表达(满分15分)请以 “Let Books Be Our Friends”为题写一篇议论文。题目已经为你写好,不计入总字数。要求120字左右。提示:1。书籍是通向知识的桥梁,它能丰富我们的生活。 2历史上几乎所有的伟人都热爱书籍,不能读书的人实际上是半个盲人。 3书籍能使我们了解过去,展望未来。_


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