2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 仁爱版 第卷 选择题(共90分)第一部分 听力测试 (每小题1分,共20分).听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5分)1._ 2. _ 3._ 4._ 5._.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )6. A. Mrs. White is in the office.B. Mrs. White is at school. C. Mrs. White is at home. ( )7. A. The Kings will have a picnic today. B. The Kings will have a picnic next Saturday. C. The Kings had a picnic last Saturday. ( )8. A. Robert and Allan e from England. B. Only Robert es from England. C. Only Allan es from England. ( )9. A. Lilys bag is black. B. Lilys bag is brown. C. Lilys bag is green. ( )10. A. Mary is a clever girl. B. Mary runs the fastest in Grade Two. C. Mary lost the race. .听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Something cold.B. Coffee.C. Both coffee and tea. ( )12.A.Yes, its too far to walk. B. No, its within walking distance. C. Yes, shed better take a bus or a taxi. ( )13. A. See a film. B. Go to the Capital Cinema. C. Go shopping. ( )14. A. She didnt like the dress at all. B. She thought that the dress was quite cheap. C. She didnt buy the dress because it was too expensive. ( )15. A. He is in his office. B. He is at lunch. C. He is at the Friendship Hotel. .听短文,填空。短文读三遍。(5分) (此题省略不做)Sometimes you can see the moon and the stars at night when it is fine. But many of the starscant be 16 because they are too far away from us. The moon is the 17 of the earth.It looks 18 than the stars because it is nearer to us than the stars. Man has visited the moon 19 . So far, no man has 20 in any stars.16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._.听短文,判断下面句子正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍。(5分)( )21.Many students know how to study English fast. ( )22.People learn much faster if they want to learn. ( )23.If you feel learning is pleasant, you will put more time and energy into it. ( )24.Clever students can master a foreign language in a short time. ( )25.Doing practice as much as possible is helpful to your study. 第二部分 英语知识运用(每小题1分,共30分)第一节 单项选择 (15分)( )26. Its said that an A-shaped tower _ in the center of the city next year. A. builds B. will build C. will be built D. is built( )27. -What do you want for dinner tonight? -_ Well have whatever you want.A. Its up to you. B. Help yourself. C. Never mind. D. You neednt worry.( )28. -How can spaceships fly into space without astronauts? -They mainly use _ controls. A. sunlight B. electric C. electricity D. electronic ( )29. This is one of the most interesting books _ I have ever read. A. which B. what C. one D. that( )30. -Tom, could you _ these books to the next room? -OK, Ill _ a box to pack them. A. bring; get B. get; take C. take; carry D. take; fetch ( )31. -Can you introduce the schoolboy us all? -OK. He prefers drawing and always loses in it.A. to; him.B. for; himselfC. to; himself D. for; him ( )32. The weather here is so pleasant that visitors will e here for their holidays in winter. A. the number of B. a great number of C. the great number of D. numbers of ( )33. He became a famous writer when he was _ . A. in his fiftyB. in his fiftiesC. in fifty years oldD. in fifties ( )34. -Do you know about Yuan Longping? -Yes. Chinese people are proud of the man _ hybrid rice is famous.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. whose( )35. You _ by nothing to succeed if you work hard and never give up. A. arent discouraged B. are discouraged C. discourage D. dont discourage( )36. It _ Armstrong with his partner 2.5 hours _ and collect soil and rocks to take back to the earth.A. spent ; exploring B. took ; to explore C. took ; explore D.spent ; explore( )37. _ the help of the Internet, news can _ every country of the world.A. Under; arriveB. With; reachC. In; goD. With; get( )38. Not only his parents but also his brother _ to the Summer Palace. They havent been back. A. have beenB. have goneC. has beenD. has gone( )39. -Do you know who _ the tomb of Emperor Qin and who _ the mobile phone?-No, but we may ask our teacher. A. discovered; inventedB. was discovered; was inventedC. invented; discoveredD. was invented; was discovered( )40. The movie is very interesting and it _ . A. is well worth watching B. is well worth to watch C. is worth well watching D. is worth watching well 第二节 完形填空 (15分) The monkey is a very lovely 41 animal, and is found in many parts of the world. A lady once had a monkey. It was a birthday present from her husband. This monkey, 42 all others, was very fond of making tricks and of doing whatever he 43 others do. The lady found him one day sitting on the toilet table, holding in one hand a little china mug(杯) with water in it, and in 44 her toothbrush, with which he was 45 his teeth, looking all the time in the glass. Her little daughter, Maria, had a large 46 with a very handsome head and face. She one day 47 this doll in the small bed, and went out of the room. The monkey came in, took the doll in his 48, and jumped upon the washstand, he began to wash 49 face. He first rubbed it all over with soap. Then seizing the towel, he dipped(蘸水) it in the washbowl, and rubbed it 50 hard that the dolls face was entirely ruined, and the paint was all 51 off. There have been many tales of monkeys. They are armed with sticks, and they have joined together and made 52 against their enemies successfully. These are not true, as it is known that in their 53 state(状态) monkeys have no idea of weapons. The sticks and other objects said to be thrown at travelers as they pass under the branches of trees, are usually the dead branches, etc., accidentally broken off, as the monkeys, with the natural curiosity(好奇心) of their tribe(种族), pass along the tops of trees to watch the 54 of the people below. They can, however, be 55 to use a stick, and to use it well. ( )41. A. low B. small C. little D. big( )42. A. as B. from C. like D. against ( )43. A. told B. asked C. saw D. heard( )44. A. the mouth B. the toilet C. the other D. the air( )45. A. cleaning B. watching C. pulling D. feeding ( )46. A. doll B. box C. mirror D. toy ( )47. A. forgot B. made C. left D. let( )48. A. mouth B. face C. arms D. hands( )49. A. its B. his C. her D. its( )50. A. very B. so C. such D. really( )51. A. washed B. fallen C. broken D. dropped( )52. A. war B. money C. friends D. trouble ( )53. A. native B. poor C. good D. normal ( )54. A. actions B. noises C. games D. running( )55. A. taught B. teaching C. learned D. learning第三部分 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共40分)( A ) Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. Every year water sports, especially surfing and water skiingattracttourists to the island. Hawaii has been a magical name to people who like to travelformany years. People onboth sides of thePacific Ocean, in Japan and in America, dream ofseeingthese beautiful islands in the middle of theocean. In the tropical lands, the sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea, and it drops soquickly that you can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the sky in the quietwater.People often have a quiet, enjoyable time walking along the water. This scenery here is not very different fromthe exciting beauty that greeted the first tourists to these islands centuries ago. They came in canoes not much biggerthan small boats. They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees, but there were no grand hotels likethe onewe see today. The first people came to Hawaii nearlytwothousand years ago, but skyscraper hotels were only built in the last 25 years. Now planes make it possible to fly to Hawaii for a weekend from Tokyo or San Francesco. No matter wherepeople e from, they really want to see the earliest beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains which are almost hidden by the tall hotels.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )56.What does the sun drop like in the tropical lands?A. The sea. B.A ball of golden fire. C.A glow. D. The quiet water. ( )57.The first people came to Hawaii .A. in 1987 B. in 1012 C. about twenty-five years ago D. about two thousand years ago( )58.The beauty of the islands for centuries.A. has changed B. has greeted the first touristsC. has remained nearly unchanged D. has been the same( )59.Which is TRUE according to the passage?A. People really want to see the earliest beauty of Hawaii. B. People often have a quiet, unhappy time walking along the water. C. People only in Japan dream of seeing the beautiful islands. D. People found the beautiful red sand beaches in Hawaii.( B ) We know music is very important in our daily life. Do you notice music playing at any of those places when you go somewhere? Today most stores, stations, restaurants and other places play music. You might even hear music in an office or on a farm. Scientists believe that music influences the way people behave. They think that the sound of western classical music makes people feel richer. When a restaurant plays classical music, people spend more money on food and drinks. When the restaurant plays modern music, people spend less money. Without music, people spend even less. Scientists also believe that loud, fast music makes people eat faster. Some restaurants play fast music during their busy hours. This makes people eat faster and leave quickly. Restaurants can make more money in this way. Some scientists think that music makes you think and learn better. They say that music helps students to be more active. It is true that people learn better when they are relaxed. And listening to music can help you relax. The next time you hear music somewhere, be careful. It might influence the way you do things.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )60. According to the text, scientists believe that music can _. A. create different feelings for us B. help us to develop good habits C. develop our interest in money D. influence natural environment( )61. Western classical music is often considered to be _. A. a sign of being slowerB. something about manners C. a sign of being richerD. something with new styles( )62. The habit of listening to music can make a student _. A. slow in actionB. care about manners C. fresh in mindD. worry about studies( )63. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. Music in Restaurants B. Good and Bad Music C. Types of Music D. Music and Behavior ( C )What do people do with their old, out of date but still useful puters? Most people dont know how to deal with them. Many old puters are put away. Many more are simply thrown away as rubbish.Finally, some panies are thinking of ways to bring down the number of old puters. Sony has agreed to help recycle old Sony products. Dell, Hewlett Packard and other panies now also take back some old puters of their own brands.In some countries, laws have been passed, too. puter panies have to pay for collecting and recycling their used products. And 70% of puter waste must be recycled. The idea behind the laws is that puter panies themselves should pay for the cost. That will encourage them to make puters which are easier and cheaper to repair and upgrade(升级).Yet many people are throwing away good puters, while others cannot afford them at all. Hundreds of organizations are working on this problem. They collect and repair old puters. Some also teach others how to repair puters. These repaired puters then go to schools, charities(慈善团体) or people who need them. Giving a used puter to one of these organizations can turn one persons rubbish into someone elses useful things and cut down waste, too.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( 64.What do many people do with old puters?A. They repair them.B. They sell them.C. They send them to others.D. They stop using them.( )65.How many puter panies are mentioned in the second paragraph?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.D. Four.( )66.According to the laws in some countries, puter panies must _.A. recycle most of their products B. collect all their used productsC. repair and upgrade old putersD. make more cheaper puters( )67.What is the main idea of this passage?A. Repairing old puters.B. Encouraging to make cheap puters.C. Recycling old puters.D. Helping those who need puters.( D )NamePersonal InformationFei JunlongBorn in 1965 in Jiangsu, ChinaAn astronaut Traveled in Shenzhou VI in outer space with Nie Haisheng from October 12th to October 17th, xxJay ChouBorn in 1979 in Taiwan, ChinaA popular singerFavorite music: Hip-HopAlfred Nobel(1833-1896)Born in SwedenA scientistKnown for the Nobel PrizesHelen Keller(1880-1968)Not able to see or hearWorked hard and became one of the famous writers in AmericaWrote a lot, such as The Story of My Life根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( )68.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng traveled in outer space for _ days.A. fiveB. sixC. sevenD. eight( )69.The _ was born in 1833.A. playerB. singerC. astronautD. scientist( )70.The Story of My life is the name of a _ .A. sportB. songC. prizeD. book( )71.Which of the following is true? A. Fei Junlong is from Zhejiang.B. Jay Chou is from Shanghai, China.C. Alfred Nobel was a French man. D. Helen Keller couldnt see or hear. ( E )“Sometimes you just get a strict teacher. Instead of letting others know that this isnt your favorite class, make an effort to show your teacher you are doing your best.” Jocelyn Howard, 16“Learn to put your activities in order of importance. School es first, and if you just study as soon as you get home, its OK. You can also relax and play puters or do other things you enjoy. But dont lose yourself in just getting by. Try hard! And dont be afraid to get help from teachers.” April Madlangbanyan, 17 “If you have trouble getting along with a specific teacher, pray about it. Ask God to help you see that teacher through HIS EYES, not your own. And talk with that teacher. Good munication can strengthen any relationship-even with a hard-to-get-along-with teacher.” Lisa Shaw, 21“Being a good student means being organized. Remember to bring all your supplies, everything to each class every day. Make sure that youll never skip (逃) class. And when youre in class, really pay attention! Dont let yourself daydream or write notes to friends. pleting your homework on time is also important.” Victoria Walsh, 16“When youre having trouble getting along with a certain teacher, stay calm! You may not agree with him or her, but youve got to remember the teacher is the authority (权威) figure. So make sure that youre respectful and open-minded. Ask for a specific time when the two of you can talk. Explain yourself and address (探讨) the problem, not the teacher.” Amanda Baken, 18“Being a good student means studying often, not just cramming (填鸭式的用功) before a test. Identify (识别) your weak areas. For example, maybe you dont have good reading skills or its hard for you to take notes. Once you identify what your weakness is, ask for help in these specific areas. Be willing to go in early or stay after school to get extra help. Go into the school year knowing that being a good student will require time and effort!” Tiffany Irving, 20根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )72.According to Lisa Shaw, _if you have trouble getting along with a specific teacher.A. you should try to understand him B. you should avoid seeing him againC. you should ask God for help D. you should look on him as God( )73. What does the underlined expression “getting by” most probably mean? A. Continuing ones way of life without aim. B. Wasting ones time.C. Doing opposite things. D. Having gone.( )74. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Tiffany Irving advises studying hard before a test.B. Victoria Walsh advises pleting your homework on time.C. Amanda Baken thinks that teachers should respect students.D. April Madlangbanyan thinks that a good student should be the first to e to school.( )75. According to passage, we can infer (推断) that_.A. some students praised their teachersB. some teachers said something about schoolC. some students talked about something about schoolD. some teachers talked about specific students第II 卷 非选择题(共30 分)第一部分 词语运用 (每小题1分,共15分)第一节 选词填空 (10分)根据句意用下面方框内所给词的正确形式填空,每词只用一次。die, want, offer, exactly beyondproud, introduce, cancel discover, importantwash away, , no better than, whatever, lay, spit1. He said he would drive me home, but I turned down his_ .2. The structure(结构)of DNA was one of the most important_ in the twentieth century.3. Sun Daolin, a famous artist who died of heart disease in Shanghai has been dead for a few days, and his_ made us sad.4. The house is _ the same as it was 20 years ago.5. My brother didnt realize the _ of English until he began to work in a Canadian factory.6. Jane _ on the phone just now. Mr. Zhang told her to go to school at once.7. -Your success was far _ what we thought . Congratulations! -Thanks !8. Zheng He is really the _ of China.9. I dont know of her. Would you mind _ her to me?10. The order was _ because of his mistake.第二节 完成句子 (5分)根据句意及汉语提示,用短语的恰当形式完成下列句子。11. _(毫无疑问) that our world is being smaller and smaller because of the appearance of puters.12. Herry loves animals so that he _(下定决心) to be a vet(兽医), especially for dogs.13. After the meeting _ (结束), we left the room quickly.14. The little girl lost her way, _ (更糟的是), she forgot her parents telephone number.15. - Why does Mr. Black look tired?- Because he was _(搜寻)his pet dog all the night .第二部分 书面表达。(共15分) 现在网络越来越发达, “中学生上网

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