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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期末学情检测试题(五四制)第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)(一)听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子读两遍。1. A. Its interesting. B. Its my brothers. C. I have read it twice.2. A. I like listening to music.B. I like musicians who play different kinds of music.C. I like music that I can sing along with.3. A. What a wonderful day! B. How kind you are! C. How careless you are!4. A. I hope so.B. I hope to bee a manager.C. He hopes to be a teacher.5. A. Im in Grade Eight.B. I remember being a volunteer.C. Sorry, I cant.(二)听五段对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。6. Who cooked dinner?A. Peter. B. Helen. C. Helens mom.7. What time did Jenny get up this morning?A. At 7:50. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:10.8. What does the girl want to do this weekend?A. To clean up the streets. B. To clean up the park. C. To clean up bikes.9. What kind of pollution are they talking about?A. Air pollution. B. Noise pollution. C. Water pollution.10. Where do you think the woman will be tonight?A. At home. B. At the cinema. C. At a friends home.(三)听两段长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。听每段对话前,你将有10秒钟的时间阅读对应的3个小题。听第一段对话,回答11至13小题。11. What is Weifang famous for?A. Food. B. Clothes. C. Kites.12. What are most kites made of ?A. Bamboo and paper. B. Metal and paper. C. Bamboo and steel.13. When is the International Kite Festival?A. In March. B. In April. C. In July.听第二段对话,回答14至16小题。14. How many bottles has Lily collected?A. 400,000. B. 4000. C. 40,000.15. How did Lily get the idea of collecting bottles?A. His grandparents influenced him.B. His parents influenced him.C. His teachers influenced him.16. How does Lilys father go to work?A. By car. B. By bike. C. On foot.(四)听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。听录音前你将有20秒钟的时间阅读下面4个小题。17. What happened to David this morning?A. He got on the wrong bus.B. He got up very early.C. He missed the bus to school.18. Who did David knock down?A. His father. B. The head teacher. C. His friend.19. What did Mr. White ask David to do?A. To clean his classroom. B. To stay at home. C. To clean his office.20. What did David get that day?A. A present. B. 100 dollars. C. Nothing.第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分20分)第一节 语法和词汇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。21. Could you give me some advice on how to lose weight?Well, I think eating healthily can really make _ difference.A. a B. an C. the D. /22. Is the airport closed because of the bad weather?No. But my flight to Beijing was _ because of it.A. locked B. booked C. lost D. canceled23. He looked at his grades _ disbelief. He thought he could pass the exam, but he failed.Maybe he should work harder.A. for B. by C. with D. in24. How long have you _ in this school?For almost four years. I II graduate in June.A. e B. arrived C. studied D. left25. I think its more and more important for us to protect our environment. _. The air and water are being polluted seriously.A. I agree B. I dont agreeC. All right D. Youre wele26. Do you know _ when you arrived?Five minutes. I missed something exciting.A. how long the show had been on B. how long had the show been onC. how long has the show been on D. how long the show has been on27. Oh, your iPad is very nice. I want to know _.In America.A. how much does it cost B. where you bought itC. which country was it made in D. when you will buy it28. How beautiful the flowers are!Yes. The flowers _ by my grandfather every day.A. water B. watered C. are watered D. is watered29. What kind of teachers do you like?I like those _ are friendly.A. which B. who C. whom D. whose30. Many people play with mobile phones all day _ reading books?Thats too bad. Everyone should be a book lover.A. because B. because of C. instead D. instead of第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入短文相应空白处的最佳选项。It was a hot, sunny day in a national forest. Unluckily, my best friend, Daniel, and I got 31 . When we realized that we were separated(分开) from our group, we tried to find a safe place to 32 our tents at once. We found a small area next to a river. Then we started a 33 with some leaves.While I was watching over the fire, Daniel brought more leaves. He put them in the water and then slowly threw them into the fire. The 34 leaves created a lot of smoke. Then we started to write some short notes, saying WE ARE LOST! If you find this 35 , you will find us upstream(在上游). We are keeping up a smoky fire. Please find us! They were made into paper 36 and sent downstream, one every five minutes. We hoped that these boats would get somebodys 37 .Supposing our group was going well on their way, we wanted to be found by them. Danniel and I started to 38 two hollow logs(空心原木). Our small fire still produced plenty of smoke. Soon we heard someone shouting far in the forest. We were very 39 . It must have been the smoke that worked. Now it was time to started beating the hollow logs we found. We enjoyed this part 40 much that we started to sing and shout along with the beat(节拍). Soon after, we were found by our group and we went back to our camp with an exciting story to tell.31. A. hurt B. cheated C. punished D. lost32. A. put up B. make up C. give up D. cut up33. A. fire B. lesson C. fight D. business34. A. dry B. wet C. old D. new35. A. news B. advice C. message D. answer36. A. houses B. boats C. planes D. animals37. A. protection B. invitation C. attention D. information38. A. look at B. look through C. look after D. look for39. A. surprised B. excited C. angry D. nervous40. A. very B. so C. too D. quite第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项。ABe proud of what you do, whether you are a boss or a cleaner. my father always told me. When I was 15, I got a summer job in a hospital. I was told that my duties would include sweeping floors. I smiled and remembered Dads words.Even though my job was the lowest, it made me feel excited. I saw it as a challenge because it was my first job. I learned to be on time and tried to do everything well. In return, I was treated with respect by doctors, nurses and patients. Each morning I imagined that the dirty dishes would make patients more sick if I were not there to wash them clean. After breakfast was done, I started sweeping the floors of all patient rooms and cleaning toilets. Though I was tired, I wanted the job to be done well. People would say, That young boy really does a good job. That gave me a pride.Working in the hospital taught me that being proud of ones job is important. It does not matter whether the job is sweeping floors or managing a large business. Through every job I have ever had, my fathers words have always stayed with me. I have swept floors, and I have been a manager. I think Dad would be proud of me.41. The writers first job was a _.A. boss B. cleaner C. manager D. doctor42. Which of the following didnt the writer do in the hospital according to the passage?A. Looking after patients. B. Washing dishes.C. Cleaning toilets. D. Sweeping the floor.43. From the passage, we know that _.A. the writers father always stayed with himB. the father didnt like the writers first jobC. the writer wasnt proud of his first jobD. the fathers words encouraged the writer to do everything wellBSharonAged 22The most important thing to keep in mind when going into high school is to be yourself. Besides, I don t know what your middle school was like, but high school teachers will not care about things such as how much homework you already have in one night. Its best to learn to deal with things and use your time wisely so you can achieve everything you need to.FrankAged 21I think almost every kid feels both nervous and excited before their first day in high school. You will probably love it. I know I did. You should join some sports or activities that will make your high school life more enjoyable. Good luck!EddieAged 20 When I started high school I was really nervous because I had been homeschooled(在家教育) all through middle school and didnt really know anyone. I supposed the best advice would be to just relax. The first week can be a little bit hard, but things will bee easier before you know it.DavidAged 19 To be honest, the first day is kind of frightening. But youll get used to it. Dont be afraid of anyone. Upperclassmen(高年级学生) will pick on(捉弄) you more if you let them know youre afraid. Just take it easy. Making some friends and staying with them will greatly help you get used to life in high school quickly. After the first week its really not bad at all. Dont worry.44. Who thinks it is very important to use time wisely in high school?A. Eddie B. David C. Sharon D. Frank45. According to Frank, what should one do in high school?A. Make some friends. B. Read a lot of books.C. Talk to teachers often. D. Join some sports or activities.46. How did Eddie feel when he started high school?A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Upset. D. Relaxed.47. We can learn from the material that the four people _.A. are of the same ageB. were once classmatesC. had similar experiences in high schoolD. offer advice on going into high schoolCWe may know some good health habits, but we dont realize how much difference they can make. In the 1970s, scientists at the University of California - Los Angeles asked 7,000 people about their health habits. Then they followed these people to see how long they lived. The scientists discovered that seven habits were closely linked with(与有关) a longer life. eating breakfast every day avoiding eating anything like cakes between meals keeping a good weightnot too heavy or too thin exercising regularly sleeping seven or eight hours every nightnot more or less not smoking drinking two or fewer alcoholic (含酒精的) drinks every dayThe researchers found that these habits had a powerful effect on health. People in this study who had three or fewer of these habits lived another 21.6 years. People who had six or seven could expect to live another 33 years!But how do you change your habits? Make one small change every week. And be patient. It takes about 21 days to form(形成) a new habit.48. The underlined word they in Paragraph 1 most probably refers to _.A. scientists B. good health habitsC. universities D. 7,000 people49. The idea these habits had a powerful effect on health is supported with _.A. guesses B. stories C. experiences D. facts50. In which page of a newspaper can you most probably read this passage?A. News. B. Health. C. Business. D. Sports.51. The passage is written mainly to tell people _.A. to keep a good weight B. to avoid eating too muchC. to form good health habits D. to keep away from dangerDWe sleep every night. But what if youre not sleepy. Should you still go to bed if you are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open?There are many reasons why you are not able to fall asleep. You might be excited by something you did that day. You might be excited about what you re going to do next day. Maybe you cant fall asleep all alone in your room. All of these reasons are normal. However, there are some steps you can take to help you fall asleep.One thing that can help is talking to a parent or another trusted adult about what youre thinking about at bedtime. For example, if you re nervous about taking a test, or upset about being teased (取笑) at school, it can really help to tell somebody. Knowing that somebody has heard you can help ease(宽慰) your mind so that you can rest.It also helps to sleep in a fortable bed in a quiet and cool room. If theres anything in your room that makes you feel afraid at night, like a picture that looks strange in the dark, be sure to ask one of your parents if it can be moved.If you are usually sleepless around bedtime, doing certain things to relax beforehand (预先) may help you fall asleep when you go to bed. For example, take a warm bath, or listen to a story at least 30 minutes before you want to go to sleep. It also helps to go to sleep at the same time every night. As a result, your body will get the message that it s almost time to sleep.52. How many reasons are given to explain why you are not able to fall asleep?A. Two B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.53. What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. The picture. B. The home. C. The room. D. The bed.54. In order to fall asleep, you can listen to a story at least _ before bedtime.A. ten minutes B. fifteen minutes C. half an hour D. an hour55. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Why people are unable to fall asleep B. How to sleep well before testsC. Why sleep is important D. How to fall asleep at bedtime第卷 (非选择题 共50分)第四部分 书面表达(共四节)第一节 词汇运用(共两题,满分15分)(一)单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据句意、首字母或汉语提示,完成单词。56. We should be t_ to the people who helped and supported us.57. By the time I got to school, the bell had r_.58. She was so _ (口渴的) that she drank a glass of orange juice.59. Do you think this story is _ (可相信的)?60. Donald Trump. will be the new _ (总统) of the United States.(二)综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整。(每词限用一次)because, fool, only , go, be, realize, test, tell, take, showApril 1 st is April Fools Day. It is a celebration that takes place in different countries. On this day people are often (61)_ by their friends, classmates or work-mates. Last April Fools Day, when my alarm clock (62)_ off, I got up, (63)_ a shower, got dressed, and went to school. But when I got there, the school was empty. I was the (64)_ one there. After an hour, the other kids (65)_ up. When I saw them, I (66) _ that my brother had fooled me. This April Fools Day I didnt go to school because I was ill. My friend called me and told me we had a math (67)_ the next day. When I got to school, I was sleepy (68)_ I had stayed up all night studying. Then I found out that my friend had fooled me. We didnt have a test at all!Have you ever (69)_ an April fool? Please (70) _ me the stories about yourself.第二节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,并根据文章后的要求答题(请注意问题后的词数要求)。Animals are peoples friends. Now many wild animals are in danger. If we dont take action to protect them, it will be hard for us to see them in the near future. Many wild animals are endangered because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, their living area has bee smaller and smaller because of the development of cities. They have no place to live in except in zoos. And many of the wild animals now cant find enough food to eat. At the same time, people are killing wild animals just for their fur, teeth and meat.People should realize how serious the situation is and something should (73) _ to save the animals. We are supposed to set up some natural places so that animals can live freely. (74)Besides, people should not be allowed to kill the endangered animals. We should do something to make our world cleaner. Fresh air, clean water and grass are all important to animals.Lets play a part in saving wild animals. Lets take action now.根据短文内容,完成下列小题。71. What will happen if we dont protect wild animals? (no more than 15 words)_72. Why do people kill wild animals? (no more than 15 words)_73. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words._74. Translate the underlined sentences in Paragraph 2 into Chinese._75. 给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。_第三节 完成句子(共10题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据汉语完成句子,每空词数不限。76. 要减少空气污染,我们应该坐公交车或地铁,而不要开车。To cut down air pollution, we should take a bus or subway _ driving.77. 天气不是很好,但至少雾霾不见了。The weather is not very pleasant, but _ the smog has gone.78. 她宁可看报纸,也不愿意在网上和陌生人聊天。She _ read newspapers than chat with strangers on the Internet.79. 天已经黑了,但是他们等的人还未露面。Its already dark, but the person who theyre waiting for havent _.80. 老师经常告诉我们要好好利用周末。The teacher often tells us to put our weekend to _.81. 随着时间的逝去,她变得越来越担心她父母的健康。As time _ , she became more and more worried about her parents health.82. 如果你每天一直练习说英语,你肯定会学好它。If you _ speaking English every day, you are sure to learn it well.83. 请帮我扔掉厨房里的大箱子。Please help me _ the big box in the kitchen.84. 你们听说过电子垃圾吗?Have you ever _ e- waste?85. 回首过去的四年,我想起很多往事。_ at these past four years, I remember many things.第四节 写作(共1题,满分15分)四年的初中生活即将结束,四年中,一定有一位老师给你留下了深刻的印象?最近恰逢某英文杂志社举办题为“The teacher I will never forget”的征文活动。请你根据下列要点提示并结合自身经历,用英语写一篇短文向该杂志社投稿。提示:1. 简要介绍老师的性格或特长; 2. 至少列举一个事例,说明老师是如何在学习或生活上帮助你,给你留下深刻印象的; 3. 感谢老师,祝福老师。要求:1. 80100词;开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 必须包括提示内容,可以适当发挥。3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校,老师的姓名请一律使用Mr. Lee或Ms. Lee。The teacher I will never forgetHow time flies! Nearly four years has passed since I became a middle school student._参考答案第I卷 (70分)注意:1-40小题,每小题1分;41-55小题,每小题2分;共70分。题号1234567891011121314151617181920答案ACCBBBABBACABCBBCBAC题号2122232425262728293031323334353637383940答案ADDCAABCBDDAABCBCDBB题号4142434445464748495051525354

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