2019-2020年九年级英语下学期第六周周练试题 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语下学期第六周周练试题 仁爱版一、词汇. (42分) A) 单词: 1. 淋浴 _ 2. 收音机 _ 3. 鸭子_ 4. 同意 _ 5. 令人愉快_6. 英俊的 _7. 马_ 8. 表面_ 9. 大笑_10. 有用的_11. 摇动_ 12. /wek/_13. /hp/_14. /njuz/_15/knst/_16./tru/_17./brev/_18./rzlt/_19. /tip/ _20 /rv/_21. /bmbu/_22.知识_ 23.出现_24.完美的_25.昂贵的_26.军队_27.地震_28保护_ 29.中间_30.木头_31.工厂_ 32.友谊_B) 根据汉语提示,用适当形式完成下列句子.(10分)1. Bill often _ and makes us laugh.(做鬼脸) 2. I_(在洗澡) at this time yesterday 3. Miss Wang _(对-生气)me yesterday.4.The fox usually _ (以为食) meat.5.You can _(查字典) the word in the dictionary.二.选择题(20分)( )1. I rang you up yesterday, but _ answered it. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody( )2. What are these?Theyre _ and _. A. sheep; hensB. hens; shipC. horse; sheep( )3. The student is too young. He cant look after himself _. A. careful enoughB. enough carefullyC. carefully enough( )4. How many students are there in your school?About_ students, I think. A. Thousands ofB. Three thousand C. Three thousands of( )5. Where are you going to work next year?_ Maybe Hefei or Nanjing. A. Im not so sure. B. I think so. C.I hope not. ( )6. Jenny and Jane were talking in the kitchen _ I was reading the newspaper. A. whileB. beforeC. after( )7. Why do you like living in the countryside?Because theres _ noise and _ cars there. A. less; fewerB. fewer; lessC. less; less( )8. If you cant get to sleep, then get up and try to do something _ lying in bed. A. andB. because of C. instead of( )9. I think puters are _ more important than radios. I dont agree with you. A. muchB. veryC. too( )10. The net bar is not a good place for children._. Wed better ask children to stay away from itA. Just so-so. B. I dont think so. C. I agree with you. ( )11. My aunt goes to climb Mount Gu every Sunday. Oh? But she _ hate climbing mountains. A. used toB. use toC. is used to( )12. You must stop _. My father is sleeping. A. talkB. talkingC. to talk( )13. After hard work, he felt _ tired to walk. A. soB. toC. too( )14. Now many children are very _, because their parents do everything for them. A. braveB. uglyC. lazy( )15. Its easy to make friends, but its difficult to keep the _ longer. A. daysB. friendshipC. classmates ( )16. I think classical music is pleasant. _ I think its boring. A. I agree. B. I think so. C. I dont agree. ( )17. Everyone is here _ Li Lei, because he is ill today. A. exceptB. andC. with( )18. Coffee is ready. It _ very nice! Would you like some?A. feelsB. smellsC. sounds( )19. My _ is keeping pets. I am _ in dogs. A. interest; interested B. interests; interested C. interests; interesting( )20. Were going for a picnic tomorrow. I _ whether Jack can e. A. knowB. guessC. wonder三在下列横线上填入适当的句子,补全对话。(10分)(Kangkang rings Jack up. Jacks mother answers the telephone)Hello!Hello! This is Kangkang. Id like to speak to Jack. 21. _(A moment later, Jack es in and answers the telephone)Hello, Kangkang! This is Jack speaking. Hi, Jack! 22. _Im washing my clothes. 23. _I called you to go shopping with me, but nobody answered. This time yesterday? I was watching a movie with my mother. 24. _It was interesting. I like it very much. Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon?Yes, Id love to. 25. _Lets make it 2:30 p. m. at my home. OK. See you then. See you. 四完形填空:从每题的三个答案中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳答案。(8分) The most positive person I have ever seen is my dad! He is so positive that I do not 33 hearing a single word from him which is related to hopelessness! Unlike most mums and dad, my dad never says things that make me feel 34 . He is always there to give me encouragements and help. 35 I do wrong things, he always tells me whats right in a positive way. For example, if I am in 36 , he often tells me to open the books he bought me. Then he asks me to read the stories that can help me with the problems Im facing. After that, we have a 37 together. Even though Im not always a good kid, my dad 38 shouts or gets angry with me. I know that hes 39 a daya day when I grow up and understand things in my life. I can see the reason that he is so positive is because he believes in himself. And he believes that whatever 40 , it is under control. So we have nothing to worry about. Be positive!33. A. mindB. keepC. remember34. A. goodB. badC. poor35. A. WhenB. UntilC. Since36. A. fearB. troubleC. danger37. A. discussionB. reviewC. meeting38. A. usuallyB. everC. never39. A. looking forB. worrying aboutC. waiting for40. A. developsB. happensC. appears五综合填空。(10分)AOnce upon a time, there lived a _(富有的) man. He had a servant(仆人). He and the servant _l_ wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would _ the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rich man knew w_ his servant did, but he had_ /nev /caught his servant doing that. One morning, when the rich man left home, he said to the servant, “There are two bottles of poison(毒药)and some nice food in the house. You must take care of them.” With these words, he went out.But the servant knew what the rich man said was untrue. After the rich man was away _his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. B_ he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the _(地上). When the rich man came back, he couldnt find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He _(叫醒)the servant up. But the servant told his_/ str/very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself.六. 书面表达。(10分)假如昨天下午全校师生进行了一次地震逃生演练(a practice of escaping from an earthquake)。请展开合理想象,以how to protect ourselves from the earthquake为题,写一篇短文。不少于80词。提示词:under the desk, cover the head, run out, one after another (一个接一个), walk on the right down the stairs (楼梯), keep calm._


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