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2019-2020年八年级英语第一学期期中考试卷 (考生注意:本卷满分120分,考试时间:100分钟 ) 听力部分(20分).听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ) 1. A. drink B. drank C. dark ( ) 2. A. position. B. petition C. puter ( ) 3. A. hand B. bank C. band ( ) 4. A. seems B. seeds C. bees ( ) 5. A. then B. than C. that.听五段短对话, 选择正确答案。 每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )6. Where does Mary work?A. In England. B. In Beijing. C. In Paris.( )7. Where is Jasons jacket?A. At home. B. In his bike C. At school( )8. How does the woman go to school?A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike( )9.When did the man go to college?A. At the age of twenty. B. At the age of eighteen. C. At the age of twelve .( )10.How does the woman want to go to cinema?A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.三.听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11-12题。( )11. When did the boy go to France?A. Last week. B. Last month. C. Last year.( )12. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?A. 234 meters. B. 322 meters. C. 324 meters. 听第二段对话,回答1315题。 ( )13. What is the boy going to do this afternoon?A. To see a movie. B. To watch a magic show . C. To visit the Science Museum.( )14. Where will they meet?A. At the bus stop. B. At the train station C. At the school gate. ( )15. How much is the ticket? A. Its five pounds. B. Its five dollars C. Its free. 听短文,选择正确答案,短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. Mr. Lin moved here . A. last week B. last month C. last year( )17. Mr. Lin thinks Mr. King is a(n) person. A. friendly B. unfriendly C. serious ( )18. Mr. Lins family is going to have a party next Saturday.A. dance B. dinner C. birthday( )19.Mr Lins son is years old.A. A.12 B. 13 C. 14( )20. Mr. Lins son cant study well at night because . A. he doesnt like studying B. the weather is too hot C. the music is too loud. 笔试部分(100分)一、选择题(65分)I. 单项选择 (每题1分,共20分)( )21. She is very about the news .A. excited; excited B. exciting; excited C. exciting; excited D. excited; exciting( )22. My father some flowers yesterday morning.A. plant B. to plant C. planted D. planting( )23. I dont think its easy in a new place. A. live B. to live C. living D. living( )24.Fathers Day is on Sunday in June.A. third B. the third C. three D. the three( )25. The car Tom 30,000 dollars.A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took( )26. I walk a shop on my way to school.A. pass B. past C. cross D. through( )27. What she said made me very .A. angry B. to eat C. sadly D. happily( )28. Jimmy is than any other girl.A. funniest B .more funny C. the funny D. funny( )29. Youd better a taxi to school, or youll be late.A. take B. by C. takes D. taking( )30. His mother has so many good books .A. read B. to read C. reads D. reading ( )31. Its nice you to give me a hand.A. for B. of C. with D. to( )32. I think there is with the puter.A. anything wrong B. wrong anything C. something wrong D. wrong something( )33. There a sports meeting next week.A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. is( )34. I have fun .A. say B. speaking C. to speak D. to say( )35. His grandfather for twenty years.A. died B. has died C. has dead D. has been dead ( )36. There is water on the floor.A. So many B. so much C. such many D. such much( )37. My mother advised me the smaller T-shirt. A. choose B. to choose C. choosing D. chooses( )38. -I dont know when she . -I will call you when she .A. will e; es B. es; es C. will e; will e D. es; will e( )39. it was raining, we stayed at home. A. Because; so B. Because; and C. So; because D. because; / ( )40. We will have a holiday to celebrate the National Day. A. seven days B. seven days C. seven-day D. seven-daysII. 完形填空(每题1分,共10分) The bicycle is one of the simplest(简单的,单纯的) yet most useful inventions in the world. What the most surprising is that it was not 41 earlier, although the great inventor Lenardo da Vinci (达.芬奇)had drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things were not produced(生产,制作) 42 long after he died. A person riding a bicycle uses 43 energy (能量,精力)to make the bicycle move, and there is no pollution(污染) at all when you are riding. Even so, in developed(发展,揭露) 44 , most people dont travel to work by bicycle. It is because 45 cars on the roads bees larger. It certainly bees 46 to ride a bicycle. As a result, more people put their bicycles away and go to work 47 their cars and, in this way, the situation (形式,处境,局面)is made more serious. 48 the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create (创造,产生)paths only for bicycles, and to make 49 so difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to 50 their bicycles.( )41. A. invent B. inventing C. invented D. to invent( )42. A. before B. when C. since D. until ( )43. A. much B. quite a lot of C. very little D. many ( )44. A. world B. countries C. land D. earth ( )45. A. the number of B. a number of C. this kind of D. all kinds of ( )46. A. safer B. more dangerous C. much dangerous D. safe ( )47. A. by B. in C. use D. drive ( )48. A. Hardly B. May be C. Perhaps D. Nearly ( )49. A. it B. them C. us D. uses ( )50. A. use B. using C. to use D. uses III. 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分) A About fifty years ago, there was an old man in a village. He had a large farm. He wasnt kind to the workers and nobody would work for him. He and his wife and his children had to work on it. So they were tired all the time but got a lot of money. He had only one son, but he never bought any books, exercise books or pencils for him. Even he didnt want to pay the teachers any. So they wouldnt teach his son. Now the boy was eleven, but he didnt know what one and one was. And he even didnt know how to spell his name. One day the boy was fooled when he bought something in a shop. The old man was worried about it. He thought and thought and at last he wanted to invited a governess(家庭教师)to teach his son. But he needed a man who worked more but ate less.One day he met a friend near his house and the man wanted to play a joke with him. He said to the old man, “I know a young man. He can teach your son but wants no pay.”“Does he eat much?” “No, nothing but(只有) the northwest wind.” The old man was happy and going to invite the young teacher. At that time his wife came out and said, “What shall we give him if it blows from the southeast? ” 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的填 “T”,错误的填“F”。( ) 51. The old man was not good to his workers.( ) 52. The old man only had one child.( ) 53. The old mans only son never went to school at all.( ) 54. The old mans son bought a lot of things for his parents one day. ( ) 55. The old mans friend didnt invite any teacher for him.B Mr. Jones and Mr. Brown worked in the same office. One day Mr. Jones said to Mr. Brown, “We are going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Would you and your wife like to join us?” Mr. Brown said, “Thank you very much. That is very kind of you. We are free that evening. I think, but I will telephone my wife and ask her. Maybe she wants to go somewhere else that evening.” So Mr. Brown went to the other room and telephoned. When he came back, he looked very sorry. “What is the matter?” said Mr. Jones. “Did you speak to your wife?” “No,” answered Mr. Brown, “She wasnt there, my small son answered the telephone. I said to him,Is your mother there, David ?and he answered, No, she is not in the house, Where is she then?I asked .She is somewhere outside. What is she doing? She is looking for me.” ( ) 56.A small party will be held . A. at Davids house B. at Mr. Browns house C. in the office D. at Mr. Jones house( ) 57. Mr. Jones asked to the party. A. Mr. Brown B. Mrs. Brown C. Mr. and Mrs. Brown D. all his friends( ) 58. The telephone was . A. in the same office B. in a room next to the office C. in the post office D. near Mr. Jones house( ) 59. Mr. Brown spoke to on the phone. A. Mrs. Brown B. Mrs. Jones C. David D. Davids friend( ) 60. Why was Mrs. Brown looking for David? Because . A. he went out of the house. B. he was answering Fathers phone. C. she knew David had lost his way. D. she thought he was playing somewhere outside.C Once upon a time, there lived a rich man. He had a servant(仆人).He and the servant loved wine and good food very much. Each time the rich man left his home, the servant would drink the wine and eat up all the nice food in the house. The rice man knew what his servant did, but he had never caught his servant doing that. One morning, when he left home, he said to the servant, “Here are two bottles of poison (毒药)and some nice food in the house. You must take care of them.” With these words, he went out. But the servant knew that the rich man had said was untrue. After the rich man was away from his home, he enjoyed a nice meal. Because he drank too much, he was drunk and fell to the ground. When the rich man came back, he couldnt find his food and his wine. He became very angry. He woke the servant up. But the servant told his story very well. He said a cat had eaten up everything. He was afraid to be punished, so he drank the poison to kill himself.( )61. In the story, liked wine and good food very much. A. the rich man B. the servant C. both A and B D. neither A and B( )62. The rich man knew that it was that drank the wine and ate up all the nice food. A. the cat B. himself C. nobody D. the servant( )63. The rich told the servant that there was poison in the two bottles, because . A. there was in fact poison in the bottles B. he did not want the servant to drink his wine C. he wanted to kill the cat D. he wanted to kill the servant( )64. In fact, ate all the nice food and drank the wine.A. The servant B. cat C. the rich man D. nobody( )65. From the story, we know that the servant is very .A. lazy B. bad C. clever D. kindIV. 补全对话(每空1分,共5分)从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项(有两项是多余的)A: What do you want to be in the future?B: 66 A: Can you tell me why?B: Because I like English and children. What about you?A: 67 A teacher is poor, I think.B: What do you want to be then?A: 68 B: Why do you think so?A: 69 They look very poor when they are sick.B: You are great. 70 B: Thank you very much. And I hope you can be a good teacher.A. I hope you can be a very good animal doctor. B. English teachers can help the students learn English well.C. I dont want to be a teacher.D. I want to be an English teacher.E. Whats the matter with the animals?F. Because I want to help the sick animals.G. I want to be a doctor for animals.二、非选择题(35分). 词汇(每题1分,共15分)A )用所给词的适当形式填空71. She often spends much time (read)books in the library.72. I want to learn how (exercise) healthily73. He (study) Chinese for two months.74. There are thirty (man nurse)75. Amy had an (enjoy) trip in Lanzhou last year.B ) 根据句意和汉语提示填空76. (记得)to close the window when you leave the room.77. We know the old saying that practice makes (完美的).78. As (通常的),they get together and talk with each other.79.She likes (地理)very much.80.They had a (讨论)about how to organize the sports meeting just now.C) 用所给短语的适当形式填空 introduce .to have the pleasure of e overbe careful borrow.from81. He a book the library yesterday82. We talking to Yao Ming.83. They their English teacher us.84. He didnt until 10 oclock.85. ! There is a dog.VI. 完成句子(每空1分,共10分)86. She had a delicious meal last Sunday.( 改为一般疑问句) _ she a delicious meal last Sunday?87. The children are playing happily.( 改为感叹句) _ _ the children are playing!88. She has already finished her chart.( 改为否定句)She finished her chart .89. My mother did some shopping yesterday.(对画线部分提问)_ _ your mother do yesterday?90. Why dont you e here early? (改为同义句) _ _ e here early?VII. 书面表达(10分)以“I Love Autumn”为题写一篇80词左右的作文。提示: 1. 秋天的天气;2. 秋天的天空;3. 秋天的庄稼地; 4. 秋天的果园、菜园; 5. 秋天的树木; 6. 介绍中秋节。 I Love Autumn_ _

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