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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit1Whatsthematter练习(B卷,无答案)(新版)人教新目标版B练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Tom saw a dog _(lie) on the road just now.2. They went to work without _ (eat) breakfast this morning.3. No one teaches him English. He teaches _(he).4. We expected her _ (give) away her money to homeless people.5. Did you hurt yourself _ (play) soccer yesterday?6. The doctor told me _ (take) some medicine.7. His sister is used to _ (read) after supper.8. Tom is looking forward to _ (receive) a birthday gift from his uncle.9. After _ (finish) his homework, he went to the movies with his friends.10. Would you mind _ ( clean) the room?11. I didnt know what _(happen) to Bob yesterday.12. Although it is difficult, Ill never give up _ ( learn ) English.13. Mr. Smith couldnt go to work because of his _ (ill).14. Mike was always ready _ ( help) others.15. I have made a _ (decide ) to study English hard.二、阅读理解:A. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳选项: Although many Chinese people love their parents very much, they are too shy to say “I love you” to them, according to a survey. The survey shows although 74.6 per cent of people said they knew their mothers birthday, only 25.5 per cent like to actually tell their mothers “I love you”. “This survey shows mothers take up an important place in most peoples minds. Yet, many people still find it embarrassing(令人为难的) to express their affection,” the surveys organizer said. “I do love my mother deeply but I have never said I love you. It is quite unnatural for me to say it to her in person,” said a 27-year-old office worker, nothing that she prefers to express her feelings in writing on birthday or Christmas cards. “Very few Chinese, at least those I know, are used to saying I love youthey may never even say it once,” said an American working in Shanghai as an English teacher. Hu Shoujun, a professor(教授) from Fudan University said, “The personality of the Chinese people is generally quiet, reserved(矜持的)and serious. For Chinese, its unnecessary and even regarded as unnatural to display their affection(感情)for relatives and friends.( )1.Chinese people are_ to say “I love you” to their parents according to a survey. A. too outgoing B. too active C. too shy( )2.The survey shows only_would like to actually tell their mothers “I love you.” A. 25% B.25.5% C.74.6%( )3. A27-year-old office worker said that it wasnt _ “I love you” to her mother in person. A. natural B. polite C. unnatural( )4.A professor said the personality of the Chinese people was generally _. A. quiet, reserved and serious B. kind, reserved and outing C. friendly, quiet and serious.( ) 5.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? A. The survey shows mothers take an important place in most peoples minds. B. A 27-year-old office worker said that she preferred to express her feelings in keeping a diary. C. The professor said that it was necessary for Chinese to display their affection for relatives and friends.B. 阅读短文,回答问题: A mother and her daughter lived in a village. Every night, the mother would lock the door with three locks, because she was afraid that a thief might e in. As time went by, the daughter became tired of her boring life there, and dreamed of going to the city to see the outside world. One day, she left home without telling her mother. “Forget me, mum.” She thought. But the outside world wasnt as good as she thought. Ten years later, she came back home with a tired body and mind.When she got home, it was dark. She knocked the door, but nobody answered. To her surprise, she found that the door was unlocked. She came in and saw her mother lying in bed, sleeping. Tears ran down her face. Hearing the cry of her daughter, the mother awoke. They hugged and cried. Later, the daughter asked, “Mum, why didnt you lock the door?” “Since you left, I was afraid you wouldnt be able to get in when you came back.” 1. Why did the mother lock the door every night? _ 2. Did the daughter like living in a village?_ 3. How long did the daughter stay outside? _ 4. Did the daughter e back home at night? _ 5. What do you learn from the story? _三、英汉互译: 1.汤姆在上学路上看见一个老太太躺在路边。 2. 他的父亲习惯饭后散会儿步。 3. 去年他放弃了上大学,当了个公交车司机。 4. 有很多次,Jack差点因为意外丢掉性命。 5. Bill用棒球拍打着了John的头。


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