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2019-2020年高中英语Unit17LaughterSectionmunicationWorkshop课时作业北师大版选修.语法填空1The department has_(starve) resources.答案:been starved of/for 2Thanks _free education,the poor children in our hometown can go back to school.答案:to3. The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already _(lay) for a meal to be cooked.答案: laid4As we know,the camel is _great help to the Arab.答案:of5The police are very tough _drunk drivers.答案:on 6The best method _(acplish) this goal is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible with the labour movement itself.答案:to acplish.完成句子1难怪“食在广州”家喻户晓。_that “eating in Guangzhou” is widely known.答案:No wonder2由于他的努力,获得了比我们预期的更大的成功。 _,it is more successful than we have expected.答案:Thanks to his efforts3我们正在做的工作非常有价值也非常重要。The work we are doing is_.答案:of great value and significance 4整个下午他都锁着门在房间里工作。All the afternoon he worked_.答案:with the door locked 5很多人发现英语越来越有用。Many people found_.答案:English more and more useful.完形填空It was a clear,warm autumn morning.The wind made Kates cheeks_1_up pleasantly as she walked to work.Pale sunlight_2_on the bare branches of the trees,and fallen leaves moved and made a noise round her feet.Her contentment went away,_3_,the moment she reached the office,where she was _4_with angry voices and a lot of quick activities._5_,she asked what was wrong. “We have been _6_over by another pany,” someone said,“and theyve fired everyone.” Kates heart_7_.She had refused to believe office stories of the takeover,but at that moment she felt_8_and afraid.She had no idea what she could do,or where she should go.Very surprised,she didnt even take off her coat,but _9_took away a few of her own things from her desk.Slowly making her way to the park,Kate sat on a bench and looked at the ducks moving on the river.After thirty years of loyal_10_,she told herself bitterly that she had been put aside.No one would_11_an elderly secretary who knew nothing about puters.Then a familiar voice suddenly_12_her thoughts,“Cheer up,Kateits not the end of the world!” Looking up,she saw her boss,Mr Thomson.As soon as he _13_about the takeover,he explained,he decided to make another plan,and_14_a small hotel in the south of Spain.“My wife and I need a_15_,” he continued nicely,“and youd be just _16_for the job.”Kate looked at the beautiful colours of the fallen leaves and _17_that this was the chance of her dreams.She was happy with the idea of making a new _18_in the later part of her life,and a big_19_was seen on her face.She knew the events of that day would _20_her life forever.语篇解读凯特高高兴兴地去上班,结果发现她的公司已经被另一家公司接管,突然失业的她独自一个人漫步在公园里,老板托马斯未雨绸缪,早就为凯特准备好了一份工作,这一天的风景也随着凯特的经历变幻莫测起来。1A.speedBlightCwarm Dget解析:前文描述了一个秋高气爽的秋日早晨,下文提到凯特愉快地去上班,根据前后情景可以推断秋风吹得她的脸颊熠熠生辉(light up)。答案:B2A.shone BblewCtrembled Dshook解析:本句继续描述自然风景,苍白的阳光照耀着(shine)光秃秃的树枝。tremble使颤抖;shake使摇动,意思表达偏离语境。答案:A3A.therefore BhoweverCmoreover Dotherwise解析:承接上段语意:然而(however),当她到达办公室的时候,她的意气风发随之烟消云散了。此处考查情景的转折。答案:B4A.followed BmetCsatisfied Dfaced解析:在办公室里面,面对(be faced with)她的是嘈杂的愤怒声。跟随(follow)不能准确表达当时的语境。答案:D5A.Inspired BPuzzledCInterested DAmused解析:当凯特走进办公室时,一系列的异常情景,让她感到困惑(puzzled),后文提到她想知道到底发生了什么事情。受鼓舞的(inspired);感兴趣的(interested);娱乐的(amused)不符合语境。 答案:B6A.taken Bgone Cthought Drun解析:根据下文的描述,公司的人都要下岗了,可以推知她们的公司被别的公司接管了(take over)。答案:A7A.jumped BsankCdisappeared Dsurvived解析:根据下一句话,她不愿意相信公司被接管的事实,可知当时她的心情十分沉重(sink)。答案:B8A.stuck BinvolvedClost Dexcited解析:根据下文,她不知道要做什么,要去哪里,可以推知她现在感到迷茫(lost)而又害怕。答案:C9A.nearly BfairlyCsimply Dhardly解析:面对突然的打击,她没有像往常一样脱掉外套,只是(simply)从办公桌上带走了几件个人的物品。答案:C10A.practice BoffferCprocess Dservice解析:她独自一人走到公园里,想到三十年来对公司忠心耿耿的服务(service),却被无情地抛弃了。答案:D11A.receive BhireCinterview Dphone解析:根据生活常理推断,没有公司愿意雇佣(hire)一个连电脑都一窍不通的老秘书。答案:B12A.left BpushedCsurprised Dinterrupted解析:当凯特独自在公园里惆怅不已的时候,一个熟悉的声音打断了(interrupt)她的思绪。答案:D13A.talked BknewCheard Dcared解析:当老板托马斯先生听说(hear about)公司被接管的时候,他立即决定启动新的生活方案。答案:C14A.designed BexpectedCexchanged Dbought解析:根据语境,托马斯向作者解释了他的解决困局的思路,即在西班牙南部购买了一家旅馆。答案:D15A.guide BdirectorChousekeeper Dactor解析:老板托马斯未雨绸缪,早就制定了另外一条方案,在西班牙的南部购买了一家旅馆,让她做旅馆的管家。答案:C16A.right BpossibleCfamous Dbetter解析:根据托马斯说话时的神情描述,他和他的妻子都很需要凯特这样的管家,相信她非常适合这项工作。答案:A17A.realized BorderedCpretended Dinsisted解析:此时此刻的凯特重新看到了生活的希望,落叶的色彩都十分美丽,意识到(realize)这是她梦寐以求的机会。答案:A18A.advance BstartCchart Ddiscovery解析:凯特很高兴地把这次工作机会视为后半生生活的新开始(start)。答案:B19A.gift BkissCtreat Dsmile解析:随着故事的发展,这时候凯特的脸上终于浮现出欣慰的笑容(smile)。答案:D20A.continue BchangeCsettle Drepresent解析:文章最后一句话升华了文章的主旨,这一天发生的一系列事件将永远改变(change)凯特的一生。答案:B.阅读理解Half of all sevenyearolds are sitting for up to seven hours a dayalmost half the time they are awakeaccording to shocking figures.Only one in two is active for the remended (建议的) minimum of 60 minutes a day.The girls are among the least active for the remended time.The findings e from detailed analysis of the activity levels of 7,000 children aged around seven from primary schools across the UK,who are awake for 15 hours a day.It shows that fitness levels of British children are falling faster than anywhere else in the world as obesity levels are rising.Their health could be at risk simply because they are sitting too much.Researchers in London,Bristol and Cambridge monitored the duration (持续时间) and strength of childrens daily physical activity levels between May xx and August xx,using an instrument called an accelerometer (加速度计),fastened to a belt around their waist.The children took this off only when they bathed or went to bed.Latest UK guidelines remend children to take part in some physical activity such as sports,walking and running for at least an hour every day.They should also reduce time spent sitting down,although no maximum has been specified for this.The analysis showed that on average,across the entire sample,children managed 60 minutes of physical activity every day.But the accelerometer readings also showed half the children sat for six or seven hours every day,and that half of them didnt reach the daily remended exercise target.Girls were less physically active than boys.Just over onethird of girls met the exercise target pared with almost twothirds of the boys,according to a report in the online journal BMJ Open.Professor Carol Dezateux from UCL Institute of Child Health,London,called for policies to promote more exercise among girls,and said it must be made easier for children to walk to school.语篇解读调查发现7岁左右的孩子肥胖的越来越多,原因在于坐的时间太长,运动的时间太少,其中女孩更不爱运动。1The sevenyearolds are remended to be active for_.Ahalf of seven hours a dayBless than 60 minutes a dayCat least an hour a dayDup to seven hours a day解析:细节理解题。根据第二段Only one in two is active for the remended minimum of 60 minutes a day.可知七岁孩子每天推荐活动至少60分钟。答案:C2From the research on children,we know that_.Ahalf the girls sat for six or seven hours every dayBchildren should wear the accelerometer all the time unless they bathedCthe duration and strength of physical activity levels were monitored by a beltDhalf of the children didnt manage 60 minutes of physical activity every day解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第三段.half of them didnt reach the daily remended exercise target.及上一段的.children managed 60 minutes of physical activity every day.可知一半的孩子没有完成推荐的锻炼目标(每天至少60分钟)。答案:D3Whats the purpose of Professor Carol Dezateuxs calling for policies?ATo encourage more exercise among girls.BTo promote more exercise among boys.CTo call for children to walk to school.DTo make exercise easier for children.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段Professor Carol Dezateux from UCL Institute of Child Health,London,called for policies to promote more exercise among girls.可知Professor Carol Dezateux呼吁政策的目的是促进女孩进行更多的锻炼。答案:A4It can be inferred from the last but one paragraph that_.Agirls need to increase physical exercisesBonethird of the boys meet the exercise targetCgirls are less physically active than boysDmore than half of girls meet the exercise target解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第二句Just over onethird of girls met the exercise target.可以推断出答案。答案:A


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