2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Growing pains Reading教案 牛津译林版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit2 Growing pains Reading教案 牛津译林版必修1The analysis of this part: In this period a play named Home alone is shown, which describes a big fight in an American family. Through reading this play, the Ss can know more about the causes of growing pains and they also can learn some important language points. Following this play, there are six exercises. By doing there exercises, the Ss can understand the play better, consolidate the language points and know how to face the growing pains.Teaching aims: 1The Reading strategy of this part teaches Ss some characteristics of a play and the basic skills of how to read a play. 2. Enable Ss to master some important language points. 3. Make sure the Ss can deal with the problems that happen in their family correctly and peacefully.Teaching important and difficult points:1. Help the Ss understand the text better.2. How to improve Ss reading ability.Teaching methods:1. Ask Ss to do fast-reading to get general idea of the play.2. Ask them to do careful-reading to understand detailed information.3. Pair or group work to participate in class.Teaching procedures:Step One: Lead-in T: first please look at these pictures, what are the feelings of kids who are left home alone? Well, “Growing Pains” was a very popular TV show during the 1960s & 1970s. The teacher has to make sure Ss know about it by introducing parts of the famous TV show. Last period, we talked about parent-child relationship. And we know problems can happen when families dont discuss how they really feel. This class were going to learn a play about the big fight an American family had, whose name is Home Alone. Nowadays, Parents are usually working outside and they have to leave their son alone at home.1. Have you ever had this kind of experience when your parents had to go away and leave you alone or with a pet?2. If no, can you imagine what might happen if you were left alone?3. Could you handle all the responsibility and keep everything clean and safe?Step Two: Fast-reading1. Ask Ss to read the play quickly and find answers to Part A.2. Check them together.Step Three: Careful reading1. Ask Ss to read the play a second time and tell them to pay attention that the play has two acts, each with different themes, encouraging them to read it out loud.2. Finish Part C1-C23. Check answers together.Step Four: Reading strategy 1. Ask Ss to discuss, read the reading strategy on page 23 and know how to read a play.2. Practise reading the play.3. To find more sentences said by each character of the play4. Then finish Part D1-D2-EStep Five: Practice I. 单词拼写:根据句意及汉语提示或首字母,写出各句中所缺单词的正确形式。1. No one goes to the school during the v_.2. Youre in a nice m_ now because youve been caught stealing.3. The hotel c_ me $50 for a room for the night the other day.4. I dont mean to praise myself because I have my f_.5. His feet left dirty m_ all over the floor.6. I was very u_ to see how hurt she was.7. The first s_ in the second act contains a very long speech.8. How many points did he s_ in that basketball game?9. The books title sounded s_ but it was really a serious study.10. I paid him $ 60 for the painting but its real v_ must be about $ 600.11. He was nearly driven m_ by the terrible noise near the airport.12. We got into an a_ about whether to go by sea or by air.13. A s_ person puts his own interests first.14. Martin won a prize for good _(行为) at school.Key: 1. vacation 2. mess 3. charged 4. faults 5. marks 6. upset 7. scene 8. score 9. silly 10. value 11. mad 12. argument 13. selfish 14. behaviorStep Six: Consolidation Ask Ss to finish part E.Language practice Translate the following sentence by using what you have learnt in the text.1. 这些计划预计很快将被实施。(expect)2.一群学生跟在老虎四身后进来了。 (follow)3.人们指望他当一名科学家, 他却选择当了医生。 (be supposed to) 4.中国人用洋油的日子一去不复返了。(gone)5.这些货物不能不包装。(go)6.你最好请医生给你女儿检查一下。 (have sb. done)7.这问题值得进一步讨论。(deserve)8.既然你长大了, 你必须停止这样幼稚的行为。 (now that)9.你考试失败了。 你本应该努力学习的。should have done)10.不要对孩子太苛刻。(hard) Suggested answers: 1. These plans are expected to be put into practice soon. 2. A group of Ss came in following the teacher. 3. He was supposed to bee a scientist but he chose t be a doctor. 4. Gone are the days when the Chinese people used foreign oil. 5. These goods cant go unpacked. (go without being packed.) 6. Youd better have your daughter examined. 7. This question deserve a further discussion= deserves to be discussed further. 8. Now that you are grown up, you must stop this childish behavior. 9. You failed in the exam. You should have studied hard. 10. Dont be too hard on children.Step Seven: Homework Go over what they have learnt in class.Preview Word part.

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