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2019-2020年中考英语阅读理解训练:22阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Every year, many foreign students go to America to study English. Some of them will live in an American family, but others will make a different decision. Theyll live with friends who e from their own country. I believe that if a foreign student thinks carefully about the two ways, hell decide to live with an American family. Even though there are one or two disadvantages to the first way, there are far more advantages. In making his decision about how to live in the USA, the foreign student is careful to think about one or two disadvantages to live with an American family. First of all, he must know that hes going to feel homesick(想家的) at first. Living in an American family may make this feeling bee stronger. Also, the American family may do too much to take care of him. They may ask him where hes going, when he leaves home, and when hell return. If a foreign student lives in an American home, hell know the country and its people much better. For example, hell see how the parents teach their children. Hell feel better because the American family will help him get used to a new life. In an American family, he can learn English fast. Family members can help him with his homework. When he speaks English, they can help him correct the mistakes he makes. In this way, he can learn English more easily. Although there are some disadvantages to live in an American family, there are more advantages.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。41. Which of the following isnt seen as an advantage in living with an American family?A. The student may know the country better. B. The family may do much to look after him.C. The student can learn English fast.42. What is the best title of the passage?A. Living with an American FamilyB. Getting to Know America Better C. Two Ways of Living in the USA43. The two ways of living in the USA for foreign students in the passage are_.A. living with an American family and living in a room in schoolB. living with an American family and living with friends from their own countryC. living with friends from their own country and living in a room in school44. By living with friends from his own country, a foreign student_.A. may soon get to know American people B. can learn faster C. may feel less homesick45. The writer thinks that its good for a foreign student to live_.A. in an American home B. in a room in the school C. with friends from his own country参考答案4145、BABCA (来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 My sister Alli and I have been trying to get people to stop dropping cigarette butts(烟蒂) for seven years. One day, we were walking in our hometown and saw hundreds of cigarette butts on the ground. They made the town look so ugly that we decided to start a group to make people stop dropping butts. We called it “No Butts About It”. At first, we drew pictures with “The Earth Is Not Your Ashtray(烟灰缸)” written on them. We put the pictures around our hometownin parks, by beaches, and along roads. We wanted to make people understand that dropping butts hurts the environment. Most smokers dont think that dropping butts hurt the earth. But it does! All rubbish does. Later, we wrote to panies and asked them for money to help us. We used the money to buy ashtrays to give smokers. We wanted smokers to carry the ashtrays with them so they didnt have to drop butts. At the moment, we are trying to get cigarette panies to put an ashtray in each pack of cigarettes. Some panies want to do it. Many people have started to join our group since it began. Today there are 45 other “No Butts About It” groups in America. And there are even groups in England, Australia and India! Many newspapers have written about my sister and I over the last seven years. And we have won many prizes for our good work. But we are not interested in prizes. We just want to make the earth a better and cleaner place for animals, plants and people. One day it will be.根据短文内容选择最佳答案。46. When did “No Butts About It” start? A. Many years ago. B. Seven years ago. C. Its not mentioned.47. Why did they start the group?A. Because they wanted to make money. B. Because they dont like cigarettes. C. Because they wanted to protect the environment.48. How many “No Butts About It” groups are there in America?A. 45. B. 46. C. Over 46.49. Where does the writer live? A. America. B. England. C. Australia.50. Which of the following is NOT right? A. Alli is the writers sister. B. They asked panies for help. C. They have been into winning prizes.参考答案4650、BCBAC (来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 根据以上所提供的信息选择最佳答案。51. If you want to go to Betty and Jacks party, you can call_. A. 3421525 B. 3427350 C. 8780951952. Mike Green has to sell his washing machine because_. A. he wants to set up a book club B. he will move to a new house C. he will go abroad53. Smiths book club is open for _a day. A. 8 hours B. 10 hours C. 12 hours54. What is not mentioned in “Foreign Teachers Wanted? A. Age. B. Pay. C. Teaching experience.55. You can use the e-mail _if you want to read some books.A. mikegreenhotmail B. sisxxfoxmail C. smith15hotmail参考答案5155、ACCBC(来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Do you enjoy reading? Here readers of your age from all over the United States remend great books for you to read:My favorite book is Dont Die, My Love by Lurlene McDaniel. I love all her books, but this was the first one I read and I have to say, it is by far my favorite. It doesnt end like other books, and I cried while reading. I think Nancy Drew is great! Nancy is a detective who has many wonderful ideas! I love it because its a book from when my grandma was my age, and I can share the fun with her! I highly remend Skinny Bones by Barbara Park. It is funny, so please add it on your book list. You dont want to miss out funny stories!I would suggest_ by Judy Blume. It is based on real things that happened to Judy Blume. It is about a girl, Alice, who meets some girls at a new state(情景). They bee friends, make a club and meet once a week. They stop after two weeks because they all like a boy in their class and put him as number one. I think every girl should read this because it is about our growing up.I read a book called Neela: Victory Song and it was so good I read it twice! It takes place in India in 1936 and this 12-year-old girl named Neela tries to save her father! It has lots of history in it! I also learned a lot about different cultures! The authors name is Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni.31. From which book can we learn different cultures?A. Skinny Bones. B. Nancy Drew. C. Dont Die, My Love. D. Neela: Victory Song.32. The best name of the 4th book is _.A. My Secret B. Growing Trouble C. Three Friends D. Alice Learns a Lesson33. Which is TRUE about Nancy Drew? A. It doesnt have a mon ending like other books.B. Its based on real things that happened to the author.C. Its about a 12-year-old girl who tries to save her father.D. Both the reader and the readers grandma love this book.参考答案31-33 DBD (来自xx中考模拟训练)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A priest(牧师) had a cat that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to e down. The tree was not strong enough to climb, so the priest decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove away so that the tree bent(弯曲) down, he could then reach up and get the kitty. He did so, checking his progress in the car again and again, then work out if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent enough for him to reach the kitty. But as he moved a little further forward, the rope broke. The tree went “boing!” and the kitty at once sailed through the air out of sight. The priest felt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if theyd seen his kitty. Nobody had seen a lost kitty. So, he prayed, “God, I just give this kitty to your keeping,” and went on about his business. Several days later he was at the grocery store, meeting one of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. Before this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, “Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?”She replied, “You wont believe this,” and told him how her little girl had been begging(恳求) her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, “Well, if _, you can keep it.” She told the priest, “I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. You wont believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A cat suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws spread out, and landed right in front of her. ”34. The priest drove his car to bend the tree in order to _. A. get his kitty down from the treeB. persuade his kitty to e down C. feed the kitty D. see if the rope was strong enough35. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably means that the priest _. A. was happy he didnt have to care for the kitty B. hoped his neighbors would look after his cat C. thought his kitty might be lost or killed D. didnt want to see his kitty any more36. Which is the most possible to plete the sentence in the last paragraph? A. the priest sends you a cat B. God gives you a cat C. you have enough money D. you have enough time 37. Which may be the best title of this passage? A. A flying cat B. A lucky girlC. God sent her a cat D. An unlucky priest参考答案34-37 ACBA

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