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2019-2020年中考模拟试卷英语(一)I. 词汇。(15分) i. 同义替换。 从下面每小题的 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分或与其意思相近的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分;计8分)( ) 1. There is no wind and the sea is still. A. noisy B. huge C. quiet( ) 2. The task should be pleted before Christmas. A. started B. damaged C. finished( ) 3. Switch off the TV when you leave the room. A. Turn off B. Turn on C. Turn over( ) 4. On my twelfth birthday, I treated myself to a doll with my pocket money. A. made a doll myself B. bought myself a doll C. borrowed a doll for myself( ) 5. All the people should keep off drugs(毒品). A. keep in touch with B. stay away from C. keep on ( ) 6. This dress is out of date. I suggest you take another one. A. out of place B. very modern C. not fashionable( ) 7. My parents often tell me not to laugh at the people in trouble. A. make fun of B. help with C. give up ( ) 8. Lucy is not only smart but also hard-working, so she always does well in exams. A. clever B. silly C. harmfulii. 单选填空。 从下面每小题的 A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共7小题,每小题1分;计7分)( ) 9. You look tired. Youd better _. A. do some cleaning B. take a break C. go for a walk( ) 10. Today is Thanksgiving Day. My mother is _ a big dinner for us now. A. preparing B. eating C. watching ( ) 11. The problem is so simple. I solve it _. A. with great effort B. without difficulty C. without excuse( ) 12. The meeting is very important, so everyone must _ it. A. attend B. find C. depend( ) 13. After ten years hard work, Mr Green succeeded _. A. at first B. above all C. in the end( ) 14. I will go to the park this afternoon and my brother will go there _. A. already B. as well C. either( ) 15. The news was _! I hope such event will never happen again. A. awful B. perfect C. pleasant II. 语法填空。(10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。(共10小题, 每小题1分;计10分) I am a father and I am a son. My father, Sid, has lived with my family since xx after he suffered 16 a heart attack. As he is old and slow, he seems a trouble to me. That year, my daughter, Lucy, was born. I 17 (bee) a father. The same year Sid came to live with us. As Lucy 18 (grow), I get to know the feeling of being a father. How I take care of Lucy always reminds me 19 my fathers love for me. But I had never told him about that until last year. Last year on 20 (father) Day, Lucy and her mother made a cake for me. At night, as we sat around the table 21 (enjoy) the cake, Lucy came to me and gave me a big hug. “Daddy, I love you,” said Lucy. I kissed her. At that time, I wanted to do the 22 thing to my father. But we had never showed such feelings to each other. I raised my head and looked at my father, who was sitting on a chair. He was looking at me, 23 . The moment I looked into his eyes, I made the 24 (decide). I went over to him and said to him, “Dad, I love you!” My father stood 25 and hugged me tight. He said nothing but later I saw tears in his eyes. Father is never a trouble but always a treasure to me. I should have realized that earlier. III. 完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分;计15分) Tony and Tom were close friends. One Saturday they decided to drive to a nearby 26 to go fishing. After they got there, they sat at a distance and started fishing. Tony got a big fish in a few minutes. He was so 27 and soon he caught a few more fish. After he fished for about an hour, he went over to Tom and asked him 28 he needed any help. Tom said no. In a few minutes, Tom caught a big fish. 29 , he put it back into the water. Soon he caught many big fish, but he just put back 30 of those fish into the water. Very annoyed by what Tom did, Tony 31 asked him, “Are you mad? Why did you put your fish back into the water? They were beautiful and 32 !” Tom replied, “I know, but I dont have a big pan to cook a big fish! So Im 33 some smaller fish that fit my cooking pan!” Hearing this, Tony felt surprised. He advised Tom to 34 the big fish into small pieces to fit the pan. Many people are just like Tom. We are provided with lots of big 35 but we often overlook(忽视) them. We need to work out just the same like Tom needed to make the big fish fit into his small pan.( ) 26. A. mountain B. pond C. garden( ) 27. A. happy B. worried C. bored( ) 28. A. if B. when C. why( ) 29. A. So B. Although C. However( ) 30. A. few B. all C. much( ) 31. A. cheerfully B. angrily C. quietly( ) 32. A. expensive B. small C. big( ) 33. A. looking up B. learning about C. looking for( ) 34. A. keep B. cut C. take( ) 35. A. chances B. challenges C. lessons IV. 阅读理解。(30分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分;计30分)A(易) Mike came back from school. It was the first time for him to stay at home alone. His parents went to have a meeting with his elder brothers head teacher at the high school. He was excited to finally have the house to himself. He opened the door and said to his two pet dogs, “Hey, guys. Just me.” Mike locked the front door behind him, as hed promised his parents he would. “What should I do first?” Mike thought. Mike turned on the TV and got some snacks from the kitchen. After watching a few shows and eating lots of snacks more than he should, Mike got bored. He looked at the two dogs. “Do you want to go outside and play?” Then he picked up two tennis balls and walked to the door leading to the backyard. He moved the wooden bar out of the door and placed it on the floor. The dogs pushed their way outside. And Mike ran to catch them up, closing the door behind him. He chased the dogs all around. When he got tired, he threw the tennis balls high in the air. The dogs jumped up and got the ball in turn. Several minutes later, Mike and the dogs were tired and cold. “Its time to go inside and warm ourselves up.” Mike pushed the back door. But it wouldnt move. “Huh?” He looked in and saw that the wooden bar was back in the door. His cat, Misha, was lying up against it, sleeping in the sunlight. They were locked out.( ) 36. Where did Mikes parents go? A. They went to work. B. They went to Mikes school. C. They went to Mikes elder brothers school. D. They went to Mikes grandparents house.( ) 37. How did Mike feel about being home alone at first? A. Worried. B. Excited. C. Lonely. D. Sad.( ) 38. What did Mike promise his parents to do? A. He promised to take care of the dogs. B. He promised to lock the front door. C. He promised to do his homework first. D. He promised to eat fewer snacks.( ) 39. What did Mike do first after he got home? A. He fed the dogs. B. He cleaned the house. C. He cooked some food in the kitchen. D. He turned on the TV and got some snacks.( ) 40. According to the passage, _ pushed the wooden bar back into place. A. the dogs B. the cat C. the wind D. MikeB(中) Do you want to go to the Moon? In July 1969, two American astronauts arrived on the Moon. Their names were Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. If you visit the Moon today, you will still be able to see their footprints! Besides, they also left behind the American flag on the Moon. When astronauts go to the Moon, they need to wear spacesuits and helmets. Because sometimes the Moon is very cold and at other times it is very hot and the spacesuits can protect them. Helmets are worn to help them breathe because there is no air on the Moon. Do you know that if you weigh 70 pounds on the Earth, you will weigh only 11.5 pounds on the Moon? And if you go for a walk on the Moon, you will bounce(跳) with each step. Some people say the Moon is made out of Swiss cheese because there are many holes, called craters(环形山), on the Moon. The craters are caused by large rocks from space, hitting the Moon. Here is another interesting thing about the Moon: Do you know that the Moon is like a mirror? It reflects the light of the Sun and sends it to the Earth. In this way, it makes the Moon look bright and beautiful! Dont you agree that we have a beautiful Moon?( ) 41. What did the American astronauts leave on the Moon when they walked on it? A. A candy bar and a book. B. A map of the Moon. C. A letter from the Earth. D. Some footprints and an American flag.( ) 42. On the Moon, astronauts need spacesuits to _. A. walk fast B. help them breathe C. make others see them better D. protect them from the cold and heat( ) 43. If you weigh 70 pounds on the Earth, how much will you weigh on the Moon? A. 70 pounds. B. 100 pounds. C. 11.5 pounds. D. 0 pound. ( ) 44. What are the holes on the Moon called? A. Craters. B. Swiss cheese. C. Rivers. D. Rocks. ( ) 45. Why does the Moon shine? A. Because it is a ball of fire. B. Because it gets light from the Earth. C. Because its daytime on the Moon. D. Because it reflects the light of the Sun.C(中) Raising kids is a pleasant experience but its also full of pressure. To parents, childrens health is the most important thing. Tips given below could help you to have a healthy child. Make sure your child has five “doctors”. Who are the five “doctors”? Dont be scared! They are sunshine, water, good sleep and enough rest, healthy food, and activities. They can keep your child active and healthy. Pay attention to the amount of salt and sugar your child takes every day. Adding too much or too little salt and sugar to his food is unhealthy. Take your child to a dentist regularly(定期地) to have his teeth carefully checked. Dont ever feed your child heavy food after 6:00 pm. Encourage your child to drink more water in the morning and afternoon, but less at night. When your child takes medicine, make sure he takes it with water at room temperature not hot or cold water. Dont put your child to sleep right after dinner or after he takes any medicine. Dont let your child play with mobile phones when the battery falls below 20 percent, as low battery creates heavy radiation(辐射).( ) 46. How many tips are given in the passage? A. 5. B. 7. C. 8. D. 9.( ) 47. What can we know from the second paragraph? A. Each child should have five doctors. B. The five “doctors” are very scaring. C. Sunshine, water and healthy food are good for your childs health. D. The five “doctors” are sunshine, water, healthy food, hobbies, and activities.( ) 48. Which of the following habits is good for health? A. Betty drinks a lot of water in daytime but little at night. B. Nancy plays games with her mobile phone when the battery is below 20 percent. C. Jessica always likes drinking cold water even when taking medicine. D. Lucy likes candies and cakes very much and she eats a lot of them every day. ( ) 49. Whats the best title for the passage? A. How to Be Good Parents? B. Tips to Keep Your Child Healthy. C. Five Doctors to Keep You Healthy. D. Experience of Raising a Child. ( ) 50. Who is the passage mainly written for? A. Students. B. Children. C. Parents. D. Teachers. D(难) Every one of you has a favorite season. Have you ever thought about why there are different seasons? Because the Earth moves around the axis(轴) every day, we get day and night. When the Earth faces the Sun, it is bright and sunny day. And when the Earth turns back opposing(背对) the Sun, it is dark night! The Earth also travels across the orbit(轨道) around the Sun. It takes a year to plete one circle. When the Earth gets towards the Sun, more heat from the Sun causes summer. When the Earth goes far away from the Sun, it causes winter. The distance between the Earth and the Sun in the orbit causes changes in the season, which changes the climate(气候). Here are some interesting facts about seasons: June 21 is the longest day of the year and December 22 is the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. There are a few places on the Earth where the season remains the same all the year round. Not all countries or places on the Earth have the same season at the same time. When it is winter in America, it is summer in Brazil. When it is winter in Australia, it is still summer or the end of summer in India. So, tell me, what is your favorite season and why do you like it? ( ) 51. How often does the Earth travel across the orbit around the Sun? A. Once a day. B. Once a year. C. Once a season. D. Once a month.( ) 52. Changes in the season are caused by _. A. the size of the Earth and the Sun B. the time of the Earths turning around the axis C. the speed of the Earths traveling around the Sun D. the changes of the distance between the Earth and the Sun in the orbit( ) 53. The third paragraph is mainly about _. A. how seasons e B. how day and night e C. why the Earth travels across the orbit D. why there is distance between the Earth and the Sun( ) 54. On June 21, there is _ distance between the Earth and the Sun in the northern hemisphere. A. a short B. the longest C. the shortest D. a little ( ) 55. What might the weather be like in Australia when it is hot in India? A. Hot and wet. B. Cool and rainy. C. Hot but dry. D. Cold and snowy. V. 写作。(15分)湖南卫视真人秀节目爸爸去哪儿的热播,带动了亲子游的盛行。越来越多的父母利用假期带孩子们出去旅游。假设以下是去年寒假你父母带你去上海旅游的经历,请根据下面的提示,写一篇短文记叙你的旅行经历。 内容提示:1. 乘火车到达上海;2. 在上海参观了豫园(Yu Yuan Garden)、城隍庙(Town Gods Temple)、外滩(the Bund)、东方明珠( the Oriental Pearl TV Tower)和金茂大厦(Jin Mao Tower)等景点;3. 在上海待了五天,乘火车回家;4. 旅行很累,但是在旅途中欣赏了美景,心情非常愉快。 注意:1. 条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,逻辑严谨;2. 80词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数,可适当扩展。 Last winter holiday, my parents took me to Shanghai to go sightseeing. 九年级中考模拟(一)参考答案1-5 CCABB 6-10 CAABA 11-15 BACBA16. from 17. became 18. is growing 19. of 20. Fathers 21. enjoying 22. same 23. too 24. decision 25. up26-30 BAACB 31-35 BCCBA 36-40 CBBDB 41-45 DDCAD 46-50 CCABC 51-55 BDACDOne possible version: Last winter holiday, my parents took me to Shanghai to go sightseeing. We went to Shanghai by train. There we visited many places of interest, such as Yu Yuan Garden, Town Gods Temple, the Bund, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, and Jin Mao Tower. On the top of Jin Mao Tower, the whole Shanghai city could be seen. It was very beautiful. We stayed in Shanghai for five days, and then we took a train back home. The trip was a little tiring, but we enjoyed many beautiful scenes and had a good time. I hope I will have more chances to travel together with my parents in the future.

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