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决胜口试 迈向成功 2011年高考英语口试备考讲座,Tips for Oral English Exam 2011,从容应对2011年高考英语口试 讲座提纲,一、报考外语口试的重要性 二、我省外语口试的组织工作、时间、地点及工作程序 三、近年来我市高考英语口试题型及程序 四、历年来考生应试存在的问题分析 五、口试应试技巧与方法,附: 附1:临场特别注意事项 附2:平时课后训练方式 附3: 英语语音基础知识 附4:2007年真题 附5:2008年真题 附6:2009年真题 附7:2010年真题 附8:2007年情景会话话题 真题集锦 附9:200810年情景会话话题 新真题选,一、报考外语口试的重要性 外语专业和其它有外语口试要求的专业 二、我省外语口试的组织工作、时间、地点及工作程序 口试的组织工作 由设区市招考办负责 时间 一般安排在3月下旬、4月上、中旬; 地点 由设区市招考办决定。,工作程序与要求如下: 1、命题 2、口试 3、评分 4、公布成绩 口试成绩根据口试中的朗读、对话两个部分的三方面(语音、语调、语法)内容评定成绩,分4档: 优 良 及格 不及格,江西省2009年普通高等学校招生外语口试成绩记载表 设 区 市 吉 安 市 县(区) 报考科类 类,江西省2009年普通高等学校招生外语口试成绩记载表 设 区 市 吉 安 市 县(区) 报考科类 类 (接上表):,工作程序与要求如下: 1、命题 2、口试 3、评分 4、公布成绩,各种专业的要求 1、一般英语专业要求:至少及格 2、某些涉外专业要求:优(如:理科的对外贸易专业) (专业要求),口试的成绩,由县(区)招考办通知考生。,应试技巧与方法的重要性应试技巧与方法助你打有准备之仗,英语口试的基本目的 英语口试内容 在考察内容中突出 题型: 2011年题型将与往年大致相同:由朗读和口头情景作文两部分组成。朗读部分包括拼读单词、句子,朗读2篇短文的2-3段落,口头情景作文部分即根据所给的情景即席口头作文。,三、近年来我市高考英语口试题型及程序,具体题型说明 一:朗读(分值:80%) 1、读单词:该题有5个单词(其中高一课本1个,高二、高三课本各2个多音节单词)。 例如:朗读单词 1. ignore 2. evolution 3. dynamic 4. arrange 5. contradiction (2010年口试真题),具体题型说明 一:朗读(分值:80%) 1、读单词 2、根据国际音标读句子:该题为由国际音标组成的课本外句子(句中必须包括高中三个年级各一个多音节单词)。 1. hau slu hi iz ! hi sez aim m fa:st 2. i si:z sm w:t in a:w:t? ,(2007年口试真题),例如,3、朗读2篇短文:该题为为一段高三课文和一段与高三课本难度相当的80100个单词的段落。 例如:三、朗读短文 Welcome to the world of J.K. Rowling! It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen. Many of the creatures in Rowlings world are not real, and much of what happens is strange. J.K. Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter, a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past. The books are about magic and strange creatures, but they still tell us something about the real world. (2008年口试真题),具体题型说明 二:口头情景作文(分值:20%) 4、情景对话:该题为一个与学生的学习、生活经历相关的、口头能表达的话题。一般为根据所给主题说话,该题不会在口试题中书面呈现,而以由主考老师口头提问的方式呈现;有时也可能是看图即席口头作文。,二:口头情景作文(分值:20%) 4、情景对话:例如: Suppose youre doing shopping in a supermarket, if you see a thief stealing a purse from an old lady, what will you say and do? (07年口试真题) What do you know about the Internet? (08年口试真题) What do you know about the present economic crisis? (2009年口试真题) What is AIDS? What do you know about it? (2010年口试真题) What will you choose between knowledge and money? (2010年口试真题),注:口头情景作文题 年年都会有相同的问题 年年又都会有不同的新问题,口试程序一般有四步: 考生进入考场,此时考生应主动向评委打招呼、致以问候(评委一般有两人,其中一人为主考老师) 。 主考老师示意考生就坐,并宣布口试开始。 主考老师将抽取的口试题交给考生,有时可能给考生少许时间作准备。之后考生从口试的第一大题(读单词)开始口头答题,直至最后一个大题(情景对话)结束。,主考老师宣布考试结束,如可能说Thats all for the oral test 或OK, the oral exam is over. You may leave now.等 考生离开考场,此时考生可向评委们致谢道别。,四、历年来考生应试存在的问题分析,历年来,有些考生口试成绩不理想的主要原因表现在以下几个方面: 1、心理上的因素 (1)部分考生应试能力较差,胆子小,一进考场便过于紧张,在心理上给自己造成无形的压力,过早疲劳而分散应试注意力。回答主考教师问题时结结巴巴,影响整个口试效果。,(2)有些考生,对自己缺乏信心,勇气不足。对主考老师提的问题不能灵活回答,有的只要一题没有回答出来,就方寸大乱,听不清下一个问题。 (3)由于自卑感、怕羞,所以口试时声音过小,像是自言自语,致使主考老师无法听清,效果大打折扣 。,2、语言环境上的因素 (1)受汉语或乡音的干扰太大。由于在汉语的环境中学习英语,没有条件和机会进行英语听说训练,所以口试时反应速度慢,而严重的乡音干扰了正确的发音。(如:right、light、night、need、lead、read。 ) (2)语音不准,主要是基本知识不熟悉, 表现在: a、字母、音标的读音不准。 b、句子、短文的朗读不流利,语音和语调不规范,意群停顿不当。,3、方法上的因素 (1)考生在朗读单词和句子时,总想读得流利一些,往往读得过快,而导致口齿不清,发音不到位。当碰到一个词或一个句子不太熟悉时,就停下来思考,反复频率高,使得整个语句不连贯。 (2)考生在听音进行情景表达时,总想弄清每个词的含义和语法形式,习惯于逐句分析后再说,整体听音抓意的能力不够,总是听了后句忘了前句,想了前面的,来不及听后面的,很难开口,或文不达意。,(3)回答问题时反应速度慢,往往有一个中译英的转换过程,延误了答题时间。 (4)口头表达逻辑性不强,所述内容不完整,情节结构不严谨,思路打不开,语言组织能力差。 (5)灵活性不够,应变能力差,不能对陌生问题随机应变。,1、消除恐惧自卑心理,树立必胜的信心,首先从心理上战胜它,不要惧怕主考老师,从而消除紧张。入场时应该心情愉快,轻松上阵,应试过程中胆大心细,集中精力认真朗读、回答所提出的问题。反应要敏捷,并注意随机应变。,五、口试应试技巧与方法,2、注意基本礼仪如衣着整洁、面带微笑、多使用礼貌用语:如进门时面带微笑问候主考老师:Good morning/after-noon, sir/madam. Nice to see you! How are you?等。遇有疑问需询问则可说:Excuse me, but ?结束时应致谢:Thank you very much. Its very nice meeting/ to have met you. Goodbye!等。 3、读生词应注意读准重读音节(重读音节时间应更长);注意清音浊化现象。 如 steidjm,4、根据国际音标读句子: 临场准备时应抓紧时间读出该句子,特别注意识别虚词的弱读形式, thatt or waswz werew fromfrm somesm butbt andndofvasz注意:有时试卷上可能不写弱读而只有重读形式。 注意读准升降调和句子重音以及连读,有时会在音节后右上方加注连读的音 如 lets ju:z au aiz ,-r,r,5、读短文应注意: 语速不必太快 最好带有感情色彩 注意读准句子重音和弱读,读出节奏感。 注意:句中强调的单词即使是虚词也必须重读,不被强调的单词即使是实词也不重读 注意连读,例:Large companies may have their own advertising department, but most companies choose to hire an independent advertising firm. Ive waited for an hour. I need your advice. Please stay away. I had to ask for help.,6、最后一大题: a)若为看图说话题应先审题看懂图片意义,即把握该图或该组图的意思,按该图或该组图整体叙述或Picture onePicture Two等逐个叙述,之后最好要说几句总结性的话。 b)若为回答主考老师的提问,考生应集中精力听清问题,随机应变作答,不要答非所问。,c)若为根据话题说话即根据主考老师口头的设置情景发表见解,考生一般有少许时间打腹稿.叙述时应注意观点明晰,内容积极健康,条理分明,建议采用“总 分 总”式结构 。 另外,在叙述的过程中(尤其是开头和结尾)若能引用经典名言、谚语、格言等,运用高级词汇、多用复杂句式(如倒装句式、强调句型、各种从句等),巧用衔接词等,则定能给评委留下好印象,提高得分。, , ,特别注意:口头情景作文时要尽量少犯以下典型错误:时态混乱、句子结构混乱、人称不分等。如 1. Last week, we have a football match. 2. My mother is teacher. He is strict to me. There are many people like music. 3. In our campus There have many tree is beautiful. 4. I am very like sports. We are have sports every day. 5. I am learn English for 6 years. 6. I have a little nervous.,7. They catched a bird in the woods. 8. Mr. Ma has teached us 2 years. She is love we students, so we are love she, too. 特别注意:请读准以下单词:sinkthink/sankthank/sunkthunder/ needleadread/ nestlestrest/ garage/ usually/ treasure/ measure/ hot/ pick/came/ become/ boy/ work/ wait/ height/width/depth/ speak/ sky/ steal/ street/ bags/ books/ lends/ beds/ students/ studies/ wishes/ watches/ sandwiches/ oranges/ wrong/ writewrotewritten/ ridden/ driven /know/knee/ booked/ escaped/ climbed/ traveled/ managed/ wanted/ needed/ hired/ stayed/ lose/loss/lost loose/done/Shanghai/ recently/popular ,示范 根据话题说话 即根据主考老师口头的设置情景发表见解 1.请某同学模拟主考老师给主讲人命题 2.主讲人示范答题,附1、口试临场特别注意事项 (1)考生进场拿到题目以后准备时间很短,甚至没有时间准备(事实上近几年几乎都没有)。 (2)朗读时应一直读下去(除非被评委老师打断或叫停),个别音标、单词若实在不会读则干脆跳过去,不要卡壳。,(3)评委老师有时可能因为时间不足而中途叫停,但并非考生表现不好,不必多虑。 (4)不要说汉语、不要用汉语的拖腔(如smoking 啊/pollution吧/go on 吗?) (5)情景会话题如Say something about 一般说一分钟左右即可,结构可采用“总分总”式,说话内容应积极健康向上。,(6)看图说话题型可能没有,而一般都是根据所给主题说话。 (7)是否自己的老师监考并不重要。 (8)不要过早兴奋,导致入场时已经感觉疲劳;最重要的是克服紧张,要从容不迫,沉着应考,否则可能一进场则大脑一片空白或语无伦次或错误理解评委的提问,在往年口试中就曾爆出笑料,如: What will you say to persuade your father out of smoking/drinking?,I will suggest my father to stop to smoke/drink,或Health is bad for smoking.,What animal do you like best?/ Which animal is your favorite in the world?,My mother.,附录4:2007年高考英语口试真题 真题一 English Oral Test Paper (2007) 一、朗读单词 1.appropriate 2.emergency 3.environment 4.decade 5.anniversary 二、根据国际音标朗读句子 1. ai wil weit f ju n til ju km bk 2. hv ei nt tuld ju niu:z ,三朗读短文 Next , von Frisch and his colleagues set up a feeding place close to the hive .Then they slowly moved it farther and farther away . Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely .With a stop-watch ,they counted how many times the bees repeated the dance during one minute. They discovered that the farther away the feeding station was , the slower the dance was .So another astonishing fact came to light .The number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place .They also found out that bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 kilometres between their hive and a feeding place. 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而 由主考老师口头提出),真题二 English Oral Test Paper (2007) 一朗读单词 1.confuse 2. architecture 3.interviewer 4. accommodate bination 二根据音标读句子 1. ju mei gu nau if ju laik 2. in minit, h kmz tu tri: ,3朗读短文 The planning of an advertising campaign usually begins long before the product is introduced to customers . Advertisement professionals meet with representatives of the company to discuss how the product should be presented and promoted .Large companies may have their own advertising department ,but most companies choose to hire an independent advertising firm .In the first few meetings ,the people who make the product and advertisers discuss not only how the product should be marketed ,but also how the design of the product might be changed in order to attract as many customers as possible. 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),附录5:2008年高考英语口试真题 真题一 English Oral Test Paper (2007) 一、朗读单词 assess 2.access 3.ambitious 4.amateur 5.intelectual 二、根据国际音标朗读句子. 1. wi prugrm wil ju u:z tu w 2. its taim t hv fn nd ri lks ,三朗读短文 It will not be business as usual in the future. Many companies and consumers have already begun reforming the way they do business. E-commerce, or business done on the Internet, is becoming more and more popular as people discover the advantages of online shopping. The Internet also makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with customers and companies in other countries. For people who do go out to shops, shopping is no longer just a necessity. It has become a form of entertainment. Instead of searching a crowd for basic goods, such as food and clothes, people want to go to a pleasant mall and combine shopping with fun. The malls of the future will be like small cities where you can shop, eat, see a film and even dance. To pay for their purchases, people will use smart cards, which contain a tiny chip, instead of cash.四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),2008年高考英语口试真题选 真题二 English Oral Test Paper (2008) 一、朗读单词 1.psychology 2. disability 3.harmony 4. gifted 5.motivation 二、根据国际音标朗读句子 1. ai wnd if wi d gu t it 2. wt d ju ik wi d du: in i i:vni ,三朗读短文 Welcome to the world of JK Rowling! It is a world of magic and wonders, a world where anything can happen. Many of the creatures in Rowlings world are not real, and much of what happens is strange. JK Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter, a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past. The books are about magic and strange creatures, but they still tell us something about the real world. 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),附录6:2009年高考英语口试真题 真题一 English Oral Test Paper (2009) 一、朗读单词 specialist 2.mosquito 3.ambulance 4. available 5.investigation 二、根据国际音标朗读句子. 1. its bi:n peintid bai ti:nei 2. bt ai msn(t) tel ju: :l diteilz ,三朗读短文 At that time in the southern states, blacks were not treated as equal citizens. Although slavery ended in the USA in 1865, almost a hundred years before, the South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites. Mixed-race marriage were forbidden by law, there were separate sections for blacks in shops, restaurants, hospitals and on buses and trains. Often blacks were not allowed into hotels, schools and libraries at all. Black children were educated in separate schools, and black people had no right to vote in the southern states. 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),附录6:2009年高考英语口试真题 真题二 English Oral Test Paper (2009) 一、朗读单词 powerful 2. permanent 3. concrete 4. enthusiastic 5. contribution 二、根据国际音标朗读句子. 1. hau slu hi iz ! hi sez aim m fa:st 2. i si:z sm w:t in a:w:t? ,三朗读短文 At that time in the southern states, blacks were not treated as equal citizens. Although slavery ended in the USA in 1865, almost a hundred years before, the South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites. Mixed-race marriage were forbidden by law, there were separate sections for blacks in shops, restaurants, hospitals and on buses and trains. Often blacks were not allowed into hotels, schools and libraries at all. Black children were educated in separate schools, and black people had no right to vote in the southern states. 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),附录6:2009年高考英语口试真题 真题三 English Oral Test Paper (2009) 一、朗读单词 1. jungle 2. variety 3. endanger 4. qualification 5. environmental 二、根据国际音标朗读句子. 1. w:k iz siti nd tr i: nd hvi rest 2. wen spri kmz, tri:z gri:n gein ,三朗读短文 Zheng He renewed relations with the kingdoms of the East African coast. One African king sent the Ming emperor a royal present: two giraffes. The wonderful gift and the contact with the black court so excited Chinas curiosity about Africa that Zheng He sent a message to the king and to other African states, inviting them to send ambassadors and open embassies in the new Ming capital, Beijing states, inviting them to send ambassadors and open embassies in the new Ming capital, Beijing. The response of the African rulers was very generous. They sent the emperor zebras, giraffes, shells, elephant ivory and rhinoceros-horn medicine. In return, the Ming court sent gold, spices, silk, and various other presents. The exchange of goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves. By trading with the fleet the African kings were showing their friendship to the emperor of china. 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),附录7:2010年高考英语口试真题 真题一 English Oral Test Paper (2010) 一、朗读单词 1. original 2. giraffe 3. negative 4. calendar 5. exhibition 二、根据国际音标朗读句子. 1. bri j: selfun wen ju aut 2. m: i red it, m: i laikt it,三朗读短文 English is the official language of Australia. Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English, and some of the vocabulary used “down under” is quite different from what you may have learnt in your English class. Australians are fond of their language and love to have fun with it. “No worries” is Australian for “Everything will be OK”. “Mate ” usually means “friend” or “companion”, but can be said to anyone. A “sheila” is a female, the “outback” is the wilderness, a “billabong” is a water hole in a dry riverbed, a “uni” is a university, and to “go walkabout” is to take a long journey to get away from ones daily life. While some of the Aboriginal languages have been lost, people are trying hard to protect and record what is left. Perhaps the best known example of Australian English is the friendly “Gday mate” that a visitor to the land down under is sure to hear. 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),附录7:2010年高考英语口试真题 真题二 English Oral Test Paper (2010) 一、朗读单词 1. ignore 2. evolution 3. dynamic 4. arrange 5. contradiction 二、根据国际音标朗读句子. 1. stil, ei hv lt v w:k t du: 2. pi:pl fn gu swimi in ri:vz: nd leiks ,三朗读短文 We are now living in a “knowledge-based society” where knowledge and learning, especially organizational learning, has become the focus of current literature and management practice. However the central process of knowledge has not been identified. In this article ,we reconsider the different definitions for knowledge and provide our understanding for this important concept. After comparing the process of knowledge movement and that of fermenting, we put forward a new model 四情景对话(该部分在考生试题上不书面呈现而由主考老师口头提出),附8:2007年口试情景会话题真题集锦 (注/ 者为出现频率较高的问题,且以上大多数话题在08、09年和10年已经重复出现,在2011年必然还会重复出现),1.Suppose youre doing shopping in a supermarket, if you see a thief stealing a purse from an old lady, what will you say and do? 2. Which university would you like to enter if you have a chance to choose?/Which university is your favorite/idealest one? 3.The College Entrance Examination is drawing near, how are you going to arrange your time properly in preparation for the exam? 4.What are you going to do during the few months in your summer vacation/after you finish your College Entrance Examination? 5. What do you do on weekends/in your spare time?,6.Can you tell me which city is your favorite/you like best in the world? 7.If you have a chance to travel, which city will you choose first/which city will be your first choice? Why? (And which city will be your second choice? Why?) 8. Who do you like best in this world? Why? (Note:The answer had better be your parents or other seniors(长辈),who are significant to you, instead of pop stars like Jay Chou. Otherwise, judges may think it ridiculous.) 9.What animal do you like best? Why? 10.Whats your favorite TV programme ? Why do you like it?/Can you list the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV? 11. Who is your favorite teacher? Please say something about him/her. 12.Whats your favorite subject? Why do you like it best of all? 13. Do you like English? Why/Why not? (Why is it interesting?) What problem(s) do you have with your English study?,14. Who is your best friend? Please describe him/her. 15.Please say something about friendship/your best friend/family/parents/life/school life/school/the environment in your school. 16.Our environment/Our Earth is suffering from pollution of all kinds. Can you say something about what we can do to /how we can protect our environment ? 17.What do you know about pollution? Can you say something about pollution?/Should industry develop regardless of environment protection? 18.Our world is becoming hotter and hotter ,which is called global warming .What do you know about global warming? Can you say something about it?,19.What do you want to do when you grow up ? Why? 20.Everybody has his/her dream? Whats your dream? 21.Whats your hobby? Please say something about it . 22.When is your birthday ?Do your parents/you celebrate your birthday ?When are your parents birthday? Do you celebrate your parents birthdays ?Why/Why not ?What do you think of this phenomenon? 23.Suppose your father smokes heavily , how are you going to persuade him out of this bad habit? What suggestions will you give to him? 24.What do you know about Christmas ?Please say something about it., 25. Say something about your English teacher. Do you like him or her? Why? 26. Please describe the lady/ gentleman here. 27. How do you usually spend /celebrate Spring Festival? 28.The 2008 Olympic Games are drawing near. Can you say something about it ?What can we do for the 2008 Olympic Games?,附9:20082010年口试情景会话题新真题选,1. Is Tree-planting Day/ planting treees really so important to us? 2. What do you know about Internet? 3What program will you watch when you turn on the TV? 4. What do you think about playing computer games? 5. What do you know about Olympic Games?,附9:20082010年口试情景会话题新真题选,6. Say something about your English study. 7. Talk about your relationship in your class. 8. Say something about the Taiwan issue. 9. If you are Chairman of China, what will you do? 10. Why do you choose arts/ science subjects? 11. Say something about the Taiwan issue. 12. What do you know about the present global economic crisis? 13. What is AIDS? What do you know about it?,14. What will you choose between knowledge and money? 15. Please say something about your English study. 16. Please say something about your English class. 17. Please say something about your English teacher. 18. Please say something about your childhood. 19. What kind of friends do you make, including male and female? 20. When you disagree with your parents, what will you do? 21. What differences are there between American English and British English?,附9:20082010年口试情景会话题新真题选,22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cell- phones? 23. What are the good and the bad about computer games? 24.What do you dislike about your hometown? 25. Many people drive their cars to work, what influence do you think it has over the environment? 26. If you have a chance to study abroad, which country will you choose to go to? 27. If you lose your job one day, what will you do? 28. If people dye/color their hair, will you follow them? 29. Suppose someone comes here for the first time, can you please introduce Jishui to him or her? 30. Why is water important to us? 31. ,附9:20082010年口试情景会话题新真题选,GOOD LUCK with your English Oral Exam !,Thank you !,

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