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2019-2020年九年级下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(VI)注意事项:1、本试卷共分两部分,第卷为选择题,第卷为非选择题。2、卷面总分为120分,考试时间为100分钟。第卷 (选择题,共60分)一、单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,计 15 分) 从A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。1. Its reported that Nanjing Metro Line 3 was in service April 1, xx.What exciting news! I believe the public transport system of Nanjing will be much better. A. on; an B. on; / C. in; an D. in; /2. Excuse me, is the price of the iPhone 6 Plus?It costs about ¥5,700. A. what B. how many C. how much D. which3. I think that “Duang” must be one of the words on the Internet this year. A. deepest B. widest C. hottest D. highest4. Excuse me, sir. When can we have a swim in the pool?Not until it next month.A. repairs B. will repair C. is repaired D. will be repaired 5. Would you mind helping me look after my baby for a while? A. Of course not, dear. B. Oh, dont you like children?C. Sure, I am glad to. D. Yeah, I hope so.6. How do you like the movie Cinderella? . A. I watched it online B. Ive seen it twice C. It was shown last month D. Its a fantastic romantic film7. Liu Xiang has announced the end of his sporting career. . But I think he is still one of the greatest athletes in China. A. Dont mention it B. Thats such a pity C. I cant agree more D. Im afraid he couldnt8. Someone is knocking on the door. Is it Nancy? It be Nancy. She has gone to Shanghai on business. A. mustnt B. cant C. may not D. will not9. “One Belt, One Road” (一带一路) will serve to _ markets for China as well as other countries along.A. put up B. open up C. take up D. look up10. Taobao, Chinas biggest online shopping platform, _ the ways Chinese people shop and live.A. changesB. changedC. has changed D.was changing11. Of all the movies, Birdman got the awards at the 87th annual Academy Awards ceremony. A. more B. many C. some D. most 12. To live on Mars, you need to wear boots which _ to prevent you from floating off into space. A. design B. designed C. are designing D. are designed13. We set World Reading Day _ teens to form a good reading habit. A. to encourage B. encouragingC. encouraged D. encourage14. Wow, I have never thought about travelling abroad alone. . A. Me neither B. I think so C. So have I D. Neither do I15.Daniel, I am still not sure . Why not? No one is better than you in our class. A. how I can prepare for the petition B. where I can go to apply for the petition C. whether I should take part in the petition or not D. who I can ask for more information about the petition二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A group of frogs were traveling through the woods. Unluckily two of them fell into a hole. When the other frogs saw how 16 the hole was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs didnt 17 them and tried to jump out of the hole with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to 18 . Finally, one of the frogs believed what the other frogs were saying and 19 . He fell down and died. The other frog continued to jump as 20 as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs shouted at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and 21 made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said “Did you not 22 us?” The frog explained to them that he was 23 . He thought that they were 24 him all the time.This story teaches us a/an 25 :There is power of life and death in 26 . An encouraging word to someone who is 27 in moods can lift him/her up and help him/her make it 28 the day. A destructive(破坏性的) word to someone who is in bad moods can even 29 him/her.Be careful of what you say. Speak hopefully to those who cross your path. It is sometimes 30 to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. Remember anyone can say words that can encourage another person to continue his/her way in difficult times.16. A . wetB. roundC. farD. deep17. A . listen toB. look forward toC. move toD. turn to18. A. leaveB. jumpC. tryD. stop19. A . broke upB. got upC. gave upD. looked up20. A .fastB. farC. gladlyD. hard21. A. quicklyB. finallyC. slowlyD. possibly22. A . hearB. seeC. needD. know23. A. cheerfulB. greatC. deafD. surprised24. A. laughingB. greetingC. frighteningD. encouraging25. A. exampleB. lessonC. sayingD. way26. A. liesB. storiesC. wordsD. books27. A. downB. relaxedC. boredD. angry28. A. on B. aroundC. intoD. through29. A. helpB. killC. surpriseD. hurt30. A. easyB. strange C. hard D. surprising三、阅读理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWhen you hear Westerners(西方人)say “ Drop in anytime”(随时来玩)or “e and see me soon” , you should realize that it doesnt mean you are wele to e over to their house anytime. Its wise to telephone before visiting someone.Never accept an invitation unless you really plan to go. You may refuse by saying, “Thank you for inviting me, but I may not be able to e.” If you are unable to e after accepting the invitation, be sure to tell those who invite you in advance(提前)that you will not be there.When you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, it is polite to bring small gifts with you, such as bottles of drink, flowers and chocolate. Sometimes Westerners may take you out to dinner in a restaurant and it does not necessarily mean that he is going to pay the bill at the end of the meal. He might want you to “go Dutch”, which means each person pays his own bill.31. The best title of this passage is _ A. Drop in anytime. B. e and see me soon. C. Invitation in western countries. D. Westerners. 32. When Westerners say “ Drop in anytime” or “e and see me soon” , it means _A. you are wele to visit them anytime B. you are wele to visit them, but you still need to call them before going to their house. C. they dont want you to visit them. D. they will hold a party for you.33. If a westerner invites you to go to his house, _A. you may refuse if you dont plan to go. B. you have to accept the invitation even you dont want to go.C. you cant accept the invitation.D. and you accept the invitation, you must go. 34. If you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, what kind of gifts will you bring? _A. Money. B. Televisions C. puters. D. some orange juice35. The underlined part “go Dutch” means “_” in Chinese. A. 去荷兰 B. 去Dutch这家餐厅 C.实行 AA制 D. 请客BWhat personal qualities are preferred in a teacher? Probably no two people would give the same answer to this question. As we know, the teachers personality should be favourably lively and attractive. This is not to say that ugly-looking people cannot be considered here, because many such have great characteristics. But it does mean that those impatient, cold, unfriendly people with negative personalities can never be good teachers. But I think the following would also be generally agreed.A teacher should be intelligent (聪明的) and well-organized. As a teacher, he or she should always know what is going to happen in class. Always be prepared to solve a problem, to answer a strange question and to suggest a good idea. At the same time, a teacher also needs to be honest. Everyone makes mistakes, and a teacher shouldnt be embarrassed by this but bravely admit (承认) his/her own faults.A teacher should know how to appreciate students progress, when to avoid making students feel stupid, and praise students as much as possible. A teacher should know that being strict doesnt mean you dont encourage children. Children would prefer to correct their mistakes when you encourage them rather than when you criticize them seriously. Positive words are always better for helping children.In addition, a good teacher should know how to behave in an amusing way at the right time. Jokes are the best friends of a teaching method. A funny and relaxed class will help children to love learning. Dont be afraid of being laughed at. Making friends with children is not an embarrassing thing. You will find in fact that children will respect you more than you imagine.I think a teacher should also be a learner. Teaching is a job; it will never be perfect. There is always something more to learn about it. There are three important things in teaching: the subjects, the method of teaching and the most importantthe children, young people or adultsthe learners. A good relationship between two personsthe teacher and the learnermakes a good education.36. According to the text, what qualities are preferred in a teacher? A. lively and attractive B. honest C.helpful D. Hard to say. 37. A good teacher should be .A. cold and serious B. strict and friendlyC. homorous and strange D. good-looking and lively38. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. A good teacher never makes mistakes at any time. B. A teacher should always behave in an amusing way. C. It isnt embarrassing for teachers to make friends with students. D. A teacher should criticize students instead of encouraging them.39. The word “appreciate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “ ” in Chinese. A. 欣赏 B. 羡慕 C. 感激 D. 确认40. What is the best title of the passage? A. A good teacher, a good learner B. What makes a good education C. Three important things in teaching D. The personal qualities of a teacher CAs Keira climbed into bed, she thought about tomorrows field trip. Her class was going to a presentation by a West African traditional storyteller. Keira was excited because she was of West African descent. Her great-grandmother had e to the United States from Senegal, a country in West Africa. Until now, Keira hadnt thought much about her roots(根源). Early the next morning, Keira looked everywhere for something to show her West African roots. She dug through every drawer, but she couldnt find anything that really stood out. Finally, she put on a white shirt and jeans. Although she wore ordinary clothes, she hoped that her interest in her West African roots would not go unnoticed.At the munity center, Keira was lucky enough to get a front-row seat. The first speaker talked about African writers and how they often use traditional stories with traditional characters, such as the Tortoise and the Spider. The speaker mentioned writers her mother and grandmother liked! Also, Tortoise was a favorite character in Keiras bedtime stories. Finally, the speaker mentioned Doudou NDiaye Rose. He was Keiras favorite drummer. He was from Senegal. She began to realise just how much her West African roots influenced her American life. Finally, the storyteller came up. He told a story that explained how the chameleon, a small lizard(蜥蜴), changed its colors. Then he introduced the Spider and Tortoise. It was known that they appeared to be generous but in fact they wanted to keep everything for themselves. Some of the stories made these characters seem poor as they fought for every last piece. However, they were simply naughty(调皮的). They certainly did learn their lessons!Keira couldnt keep her mind from thinking about all the different stories her mother had told. Her memory was pouring out again! She knew about everything the storyteller said.After the presentation, the class talked to the storyteller. Keira told about how her great-grandmother had moved to the United States from Senegal. Her great-grandmother left her village because of a famine, a time of hunger. She had explained to Keiras grandmother that the villagers spent days begging for food. Her great-grandmother finally came to the United States. Keira told the storyteller about those of her bedtime stories. When Keira was finished, the storyteller pointed out that she had just done his job. She had described her family and the stories they told. Keira could hardly wait to tell her mother and grandmother the news!41. Keria was _ about the presentation on the evening of the day before. A. nervous B. excited C. surprised D. unhappy 42. Keria wore ordinary clothes that day because _. A. the clothes made her stand out B. they were her favourite clothes C. she didnt find anything with West African roots D. she didnt want to show others her West African roots43. _ was a favourite character in Kerias West African traditional stories. A. Tortoise B. Spider C. Lizard D. Chamelon44. The underlined word “famine” in Paragraph 5 most probably means a time short of _. A. money B. foodC. water D. job45. From the passage, we can learn _. A. culture cant go without certain kinds of clothes B. one cant find his roots without going to his own country C. culture not only appears in something material like clothes D. culture will die soon after you live far away from your place 第II卷 (非选择题,共60分)四. 任务型阅读(共2篇,计20分) A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,填入一个最恰当的单词One of the most famous child stars in the history of films in the United States was the great Shirley Temple. Temple starred in some of the greatest movies ever made during the film industrys infancy (初期). Born on April 23, 1928 in Santa Monica, California, Temple was encouraged by her mother to develop her interest in singing, acting, and dancing. She enrolled young Shirley into a dance school at the age of 3. She also began styling Shirleys hair copying silent movie star Mary Pickfords look. Her first acting experience came while she was still in the dancing school at a very young age. She appeared in a series of short films where child actors were used to play adults. The shorts, as they were called, were satirical (讽刺的) in nature, and soon fell out of favour with the public. Temple gained valuable acting experience at a young age, though. A Fox Film songwriter was very taken by the young star, and he introduced her to studio executives. She was signed to do her first film in 1933 at the age of 5. The film Stand Up and Cheer was a big success, and Temples career was off.Her career is one of the most remarkable in Hollywood history. She made lots of successful films as a child actress. She was very mature (成熟的), and talented for someone so young, but by 1942, her films began to flop. Her career was seemingly over by her teen years, and announced her retirement in 1950. This did not stop Temple though, as she began a second career as a public servant. She got involved with the Republican party, ran in a special election, in California, in 1967, but lost. She was then noticed by U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, who offered her a diplomatic (外交的) position, which she accepted. She served as ambassador (大使) to several countries during her political career under President Gerald Ford, and President George H.W. Bush. On February 10, xx, Shirley Temple passed away at home. Shirley TempleFrom Child Star to DiplomatTimeEventsIn 1928Shirley Temple was 46 in California.In 47 Temples mother enrolled her into a dance school to make her 48 in singing, acting, and dancing.At a very young ageShirley Temple appeared in a series of short films and gained valuable acting 49 . In 1933 Shirley Temple 50 a songwriters attention. Shirley Temple played the role in the film Stand Up and Cheer and her acting career 51 . Before 1942Shirley Temple was so mature and talented that she played 52 in lots of films.In 1950Shirley Temple announced that her acting career was 53 . In 1967Henry Kissinger noticed Temple and 54 her with a diplomatic position.In xxShirley Temple 55 at home.B) 根据短文内容回答问题Dear Helen,Thanks for your last letter. Yes, Im enjoying myself on my exchange program in France. Its even better than I thought it would be. I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be. My host family are really nice. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. And you wouldnt believe how quickly my French has improved! Im very fortable speaking French now. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt make me worried as it used to. My biggest challenge (挑战) is learning how to behave (表现) at the dinner table. As you can imagine, things are really not the same as the way they are at home. For example, you shouldnt put your bread on your plate. You should put it on the table! I thought that was very strange at first, but now Im used to it. You shouldnt eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit! (You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.) Another thing is that it is very rude to say youre full. If you dont want any more food, you should just say, “It was delicious.” Also, its rude to put your hands in your lap. You should always keep your hands, but not your elbows (肘部), on the table. I have to say, I find it difficult to remember everything, but Im gradually getting used to things and dont find them so strange any more.Ill write soon and tell you more about life in France. Hope youre having a good school year.Yours,Li Ying56. Where is Li Ying now?_57. What does Li Ying think of her host family?_58. How does Li Ying feel while she is speaking French now?_59. When can Li Ying eat things with her hands there?_60. Why do you want to go there if you have the chance to take part in an exchange program? (请自拟一句话作答)_五词汇运用(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。61. If you want to achieve a balance between your schoolwork and your hobbies, you should plan your time (明智地).62. Do you know how much a mon Chinese family (花费) for education every year? Sorry, Im not sure about it.63. Its amazing that our eyes are the same size from (出生). 64. Do you know the (歌手) name? Yes. She is Han Hong, a famous singer in China. 65. President Xi met with Bill Gates on March 28 and exchanged views on improving public health (服务). B. 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。66. The overseas Chinese in Yemen got (excite) when they saw Chinese soldiers e to their help. 67. We went to Yandu Park and enjoyed (we) last Sunday.68. The Chinese government has made laws to improve the standards of food (safe).69. His wife has been dead for years and now he has got used to (live) alone.70. The (twenty) World Cup was successfully held in Brazil xx.六、短文填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整,每空限填一词。Some people succeed, while others may not. This is because some people have certain q 71 , which others do not have.The first thing you must remember is that in order to s 72 , you must be optimistic(乐观). If you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as people who do expect to win. You also need to have a clear aim


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