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2019-2020年九年级10月反馈练习英语试题一,单项选择 (15分)( )1. I would rather _than _ a bus.A,to walk, to take B, to walk, take C, walk, take D, walk, to take( )2.Try to spend as much time as you can _, please.A. to take exercise B. on having a rest C. in your homework D. relaxing yourself( )3. Colours can make us _or sad. A. to feel happily B. feel happily C. to feel happy D. feel happy( )4. The painting you drew is beautiful. But why not paint the walls . A. blue B. in green C. to white D. with pink( )5. Simon is _ to make us all_.A.enough funny; laugh B. funny enough; laugh C. enough funny; to laugh D. funny enough; to laugh ( )6. _ hard work! Im afraid I cant finish it by myself.AWhatBwhat aCHowDHow a( )7. Well go to see a film if it _ tomorrow.Awont rainBisnt rainCdont rainDdoesnt rain( )8. This blue shirt doesnt fit you. I think that black one _ good _ you.A. will look, in B. look, on C. will look, on D. look, in( )9. I have no difficulty _ writing but I have some difficulty _ pronunciation.(语音)A. in; in B. with; with C. in; with D. with; in( )10. Jane was made_ the truck for a week as a punishment(惩罚).A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing( )11. You havent been to Beijing, have you? _. How I wish to go there!A. Yes, I have. B. No, I have. C. No, I havent. D. Yes, I havent.( )12.Good hobbies can help us_ and make our lives_. A. relaxing,colourful B. relaxing,colour C. relax,colour D. relax,colourful( )13. I felt _ yesterday evening , and then I fell _ quickly .A.sleeping ; asleep B. asleep ; sleepy C. sleepy ; asleep D. asleep ; sleepy( )14. There _ ice and snow in winter.A. are too much B. is too much C. are much too D. is much too( )15. “Do you mind if I sit here?” “_. Its for Mr Brown.”A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D.Of course not二,完形填空(10分)Farley worked for the Canadian government. One day, he was 1 to learn whether wolves killed lots of big animals or people.Farley got to a 2 by plane. There were no houses or people but lots of animalsand lots of wolves. He remembered people told terrible stories about wolves killing and eating people. He was 3 . He had his gun with him 4 .One day, he saw a mother wolf, a father wolf with some young wolves living together. He watched them every day. The mother wolf was a very 5 mother. She gave milk to her babies and gave them lessons. They learned how to 6 food. The father wolf got food for the mother. They were a nice, happy familya wolf family! Farley did not need his 7 any more. In a short time, he 8 with the wolf family and learned many new things about wolves. He learned that many stories about the wolves were not 9 . Wolves do not eat people or many large animals.Later, Farley wrote a book about wolves. He wanted people to 10 them and not to kill them.( )1. A. seenB. toldC. heardD. found( )2. A. townB. cityC. placeD. village( )3. A. afraidB. happyC. angryD. tired( )4. A. at timesB. all the timeC. once a weekD. every afternoon( )5. A. badB. goodC. hungryD. thirsty( )6. A. cookB. makeC. getD. order( )7. A. foodB. clothesC. gunD. plane( )8. A. was fed upB. got on wellC. got togetherD. caught up( )9. A. goodB. trueC. easyD. clear( )10. A. growB. haveC. teachD. understand三 阅读理解 (30)AHere are three ads. Read them and answer the following questions.Wanted(招聘)3 part time shop assistantsAged between 1826Working hours: during the eveningCall 3996788WantedA boy or a girl to sendnewspapersHours: 6:00 a. m.8:00 a. m.Mondays to SaturdaysWrite to:My Robert HansenWanted Some college students tohelp with classesHours: Saturday morningCall: 7807832Or write to:Miss Barbara Green( )1. If you are a college student. You want to find a part-time job and can only work in the evening, you may .A. call 7807832B. call 3996788C. write to Mr. Robert HansenD. write to Miss Barbara Green( )2. If you get the job of sending newspapers, you need to work hours a week.A. 2B. 10C. 12D. 14( )3. You can probably see the three ads above in .A. lettersB. newspapersC. dictionariesD. students booksBLast week the manager of an old shop received a letter. As he was very busy, the letter lay on his desk till teatime. Then he opened it and $100 fell out onto his desk. Together with it was a short letter. It reads:Dear Sir, In 1935 I got engaged(订婚), but unluckily I lost my job. At that time a lot of people were out of work. Six months later I got a job again, but of course I was very short of money.I came to your shop to buy a wedding ring(结婚戒指). The girl took out some rings for me to look at, but she was called away for a moment, and I put one of the rings in my pocket. When she came back, I said I did not know the size of my girlfriends finger. So I left the shop without paying.My wife died a short while ago and I had felt ashamed(羞愧的) for not paying for the ring all these years. At that time the ring cost $20, so I think the ring may cost about $100 now, and I am sending you the money.Yours truly,A customer(顾客)“Well, well, well,” said the manager. “Life is full of surprises.”( )4. The writer of the letter sent $100 .A. to buy a ring for his wifeB. to thank the girl for her kindnessC. to pay for his wifes ringD. to give an order for a ring( )5. How did the writer of the letter get the wedding ring?A. The girl gave it to him.B. He bought it from the shop.C. He borrowed it from the shop.D. He took it from the shop without paying.( )6. From the text we can know that the manager was .A. afraid of seeing the moneyB. too excited to say a wordC. surprised to get the money unexpectedly(出乎意料)D. sorry for what the young man had doneC Popular music in America is what every student likes. Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street. Adult(成年的) drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, and the life of American people. Most of the radio programmes are music. Pop music singers make much money. They make a CD tape which radio station use in many places. Once the popular singer is heard all over the country, young people buy his or her tape. Some of the money form these tapes es to the singer. Wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her. Now the singer has bee a national(全国的) star. There are other kinds of music that are important to Americans. One is called folk(民间的) music. It tells stories about the mon(普通的) life of American. Another is called western or country music. This was started by cowboy(牧童) who would sing at night to the cows they were watching. Today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music.( )7. kinds of music are mentioned in this passage.A. TwoB. ThreeC. FourD. Five( )8. When pop singers , they will bee national stars.A. make much moneyB. make a CD or tapeC. are loved by all the young peopleD. are wanted to sing on the radio( )9. From the passage we know that country music is about the .A. mon life of AmericansB. country life and love storiesC. life of cowboysD. school life in America( )10. What would be the best title for this passage?A. American Music.B. Popular Music.C. History of Music.D. Western Music.DDaily Horoscope(占星)on May 5thAries Everything 15 getting ready . You are in the right place at the right time . Cheer up and catch good chances . Taurus If something isnt what you think , dont worry. Wait patiently and you will have a better chance . But a mistake now will bring you trouble . Gemini Your experience and ability will attract others attention today . Youll be asked for your opinions , and you will be able to get everything you want . Cancerl Put on a big push and you will make some extra money . This is a great day to go for interviews or talk to someone about your ideas . Leo Youll have success at work but don t spend too much money . A short trip will bring good results . Virgo If you dont know enough about something , keep away from it . Think before you take actions . Be honest, or youll be in trouble .Libra Joining a good group will rnake you catch a chance. Then you can get what you want . Capricorn Dont believe anyone who pretend(假装) to know everything . Do everything on your own.Aquarius Try your best to help others and youll attract everyones attention . Friendship is the most important thing to you . Pisces You may meet someone who will invite you to a talk or a meeting . Be careful enough or youll make enemies(仇敌). ( ) 11 . Who has the best luck on May 5th ?A . A Gemini . B . A Virgo . C . A Leo . D . A Pisces . ( ) 12 . Who has the worst luck on May 5th ? A . An Aries B. A Leo . C . A Pisces . D . A Libra . ( ) 13 .Who has a mixture of good luck and bad luck on May 5th ? A . A Taurus B. A Cancer . C . A Virgo . D . A Capricorn . ( )14. The underlined part “put on a big push” means _ inChinese . A.用力推一下 B.用力拉一下 C.穿件大衣服 D.奋力拼搏一下 ( )15. Who neednt pay attention to others but depend on(取决于)himself ? A . A libra . B. A Cancer . C . An Aquarius . D . A Capricorn四,单词(10分)1. Yesterday we were _(划分) into 4 different teams.2. Have you been invited to their _(婚礼).3. Nobody knows when her _(情绪) change.4. I felt _ (放松) lying on the grass after the days work.5. He is brave enough to face the _(困难) and danger.6. Can you tell me how many _(不同之处) between the two words.7. Almost everything can be _(可获得的) in the supermarket.8. Sometimes we can see a _ after a rain.9. He is a _ person. He often tells jokes to make us laugh.10. -You are late. Whats the matter?-My bike broke down. I had to have it _. It took some time.五,翻译句子(15分)1. 你有足够的耐心教我如何发电子邮件吗?2. 在下雨天,他宁愿睡觉不愿意出去.3. 我们瞧不起残疾人是错的.4. 这部电影使我想起了30年前的那次地震.5. 今天的报纸上有重要的东西吗?六、书面表达。(20分)Millie想推荐Sandy为她们班的班长,帮她写一封信给班主任吴老师。词数为80字左右.信的提示如下:1.Sandy是音乐俱乐部的成员,擅长唱歌和跳舞。上学期曾主持过慈善演出。有领导欲望。2.她新歌唱得好,学得快,每天练唱两小时。3.她自信,聪明,勤奋,为人善良,不自私,注意细节。经常在学习上帮助我们,不介意为学校做额外工作。xx-xx学年青云中学第一学期第一次练习初三英语(答题纸)一、单项选择 (15分)1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_ 5、_6、_ 7、_ 8、_ 9、_ 10、_11、_ 12、_ 13、_ 14、_ 15、_二、完形填空 (10分)1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_ 5、_6、_ 7、_ 8、_ 9、_ 10、_三、阅读理解: ( 30分)1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_ 5、_6、_ 7、_ 8、_ 9、_ 10、_11、_ 12、_ 13、_ 14、_ 15、_四,单词拼写 (10分)1、_ 2、_ 3、_ 4、_ 5、_6、_ 7、_ 8、_ 9、_ 10、_五,翻译句子 (15分)1、_ 2、_3、_4、_5、_六,书面表达 (20分)Millie想推荐Sandy为她们学校的学生会主席,帮她写一封信给班主任吴老师。词数为80字左右.信的提示如下:1.Sandy是阅读俱乐部的成员,擅长唱歌和跳舞。上学期曾主持过一场慈善演出。她有领导欲望。2.她唱歌唱得好,每天会练唱两小时。3.她自信,聪明,勤奋,为人善良,不自私,注意细节。经常在学习上帮助我们,不介意为学校做额外工作。_参考答案 单选: CDDAB / ADCCA / CDCBC完形:BCABB/CCBBD阅读:BCBCD/ CBCCA / ACADDdivided wedding moods relaxed difficultydifferences available rainbow humorous repaired1. Are you patient enough to teach me how to send e-mails.2. On rainy days he would rather sleep than go out.On rainy days he prefers sleeping to going out.On rainy days he prefers to sleep rather than go out.3. Its wrong of us to look down on the disabled.4. The film reminds of the earthquake 30 years ago.5. Is there anything important in todays newspaper?

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