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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere练习(B卷,无答案)(新版)人教新目标版四、阅读理解 15分Dear Frank, Im very glad you are arriving in my city at 3:00 p.m., this Saturday. Now let me tell you the way to the White Cloud Restaurant. I will (将要) meet you there. Take a taxi from the bus station and go down New Bridge Avenue. Go across the big bridge. When you see a bank, turn right and go through Bank Street. You will pass three one-way avenues: Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue. When you see a big McDonalds, turn left. Then go along Green Avenue until (直到) you see New Park. Turn left and go down Center Street. The White Cloud Restaurant is on your right. I hope you can have a good trip. Yours, Mike( ) 1. Mike will meet Frank in a _. A. restaurant B. bank C. McDonalds( ) 2. Frank goes to Mikes city by _. A. taxi B. bus C. air( ) 3. The big bridge is on _. A. Center Street B. Bank Street C. New Bridge Avenue( ) 4. The White Cloud Restaurant is _. A. on the left of New Park B. on the right of Green AvenueC. on the right of Center Street( ) 5 .who write this letter?A Mike B Frank C I dont know.五、英汉互译 15分( 1 )在我的街区有一个动物园。( 2 )I like to spend time there on weekends. I love to ( 3 )观看猴子到处爬. The monkeys sometimes fight. ( 4 )They look like my friends and me when we fight! To get there,( 5 )I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road. Then I walk along bridge Road. The zoo is on the right.( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )( 4 )( 5 )

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