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2019-2020年中考英语复习-数词练习 ()1.On February 25, xx, Li An, a Chinese director, won the best director again.It is his _ time to win an “Oscar”Afirst Bthree Ctwice Dsecond ()2. How was your weekend?Great! It was my grandmothers _ birthday.We enjoyed _.Aninth; themselves Bninetieth; ourselvesCthe ninetieth; ourselves Dnineteenth; themselves()3.In this exam, youre asked to write a position of about _.A90words B90word C90 words D90 words()4.How old is your daughter?_.We had a special party for her _ birthday yesterday.A.Nine; nine BNine; ninth CNinth; ninth ()5.Mothers Day is on the _ Sunday in May every year.A.two Bsecond Csix Dsixth()6.Lets go to the bookstore at half past nine tomorrow morning. Its too late.Lets make it _. Aa quarter to nine Btwenty to ten Ca quarter to ten()7.They are the students of _. Agrade 7 BGrade 7 C7th grade DGrade 7th ()8._ of our classmates are good at basketball. AThree quarters BThree fourth CThird four ()9.To finish the task, weve tried three times, and after dinner well try _ time. Athe fourth B.a fourth C.fourth D.four()10.What should we do now, Mr.Clark?Please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture. ATwelve; fifth BTwelfth; fifth CTwelve; five DTwelfth; five()11.You can see _ if you go out at night.Amillion stars Bthousand of stars Chundreds stars Dmillions of stars()12.He wrote his _ novel when he was _.Afive; fifties Bfifth; fifty Cfifth; fiftieth()13.There are _ days in a week and Tuesday is _ day of the week.Aseven; third Bseven; the thirdCseventh; three Dthe seventh; three()14.Would you like to have _ apples?No, thank you.Ive had enough.Aother two Banother two Cmore two Dtwo others()15.In order to finish the project, well have to work _ hours a day.Amore two Btwo more Ctwo another()16.A _ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father. Athreeyearold Bthreeyearsold Cthree years old()17.If a3 and b4, whats the answer to the problem: ab1? The answer is _.Atwelve Bnine Ceight Dseven()18.Three students ran faster than Lily in the race.Lily was _.Athe fourth Bfour Cthe third()19.The _ action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema.A.130minute B130minutes C.130 minute D130 minutes()20.About _ of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the_. Athree five; 1996 Bthree fifths; 1990s Cthird fifth; 1997 Dthird fifths; 1990s ()21.The park is far away from here indeed.Its about _ walk.Athree hour Ba three hours Ca threehours Da threehour()22.Christmas Day is on _ of December. Atwentyfive Bthe twentyfive Ctwentyfifth Dthe twentyfifth()23.David Beckham has _ children. Brooklyn Beckham is his _ son. Athird; first Bthree; one Cthree; first Dthird; one ()24.Its never too old to learn.Karl Marx began to learn English in his_. Athe fiftieth Bfiftieth Cfifty Dfifties()25._ month of the year is May. ATwo BThe second CFive DThe fifth()26.Tom, a _ boy, can speak English quite well.He wants to learn_ language next term.A.twelveyearsold; second Btwelve year old; the second C.twelveyearold; a second ()27._ fans would like to go to Brazil to watch the World Cup.A.Million of BMillions of CMillions ()28.How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha? It is a _ flight from Tianjin to Changsha.A.2hourlong B2hourslong C.2 hours long D.2 hour long()29.Which is the biggest number of the four? _. AOne third BTwo thirds CA half DA quarter()30.Batman and Spiderman are _ of the most famous American cartoons. Atwo Bsecond Cthe second()31.During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with _ trees around.Athousand of Bthousand Cthousands Dthousands of ()32.Its said that _ of the water around the world _ polluted.Atwo thirds; has Btwo thirds; isCtwo third; are Dtwo thirds; have ()33.Helen loves reading.She has read _ books this month.Afive Bfifth Cfive of Dfifth of()34.Its my _ time to e to the bookstore this month because most of the books in it are my favorite.Aforth Bfour Cfourth()35.December is _ and last month of the year.Athe twelfth Btwelfth Cthe twelve()36.This is the _ time that I e to Paris.I have been here twice.Me too.The world is so large that I want to see more of it.Afirst Bsecond Cthird()37.Jack is nine years old.Today is his _ birthday.Anine Bninth Cnineth Dninety()38.The book Journey to the West is very popular.Yeah, more than _ students in our school bought it.Athree hundred Bthree hundreds Chundred()39.Whats five and seven?Its _.Atwelve Btwenty Cthirtyfive()40.No way! I dont think _ should be allowed to drive.I am worried about your safety.Afifteen years old Bfifteenyearolds Cfifteenyearsold()41.Whats the date today?Its June _, xx.Aseventeen Bthe seventeen Cthe seventeenth()42.Its reported that over eight _ lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal this year.Athousand Bthousands Cthousand of Dthousands of()43.A quarter to four is _.A3:15 B3:45 C4:15()44.Its reported that there are more than 300 _ smokers in China, nearly a third of all the smokers in the world.Amillion Bmillions Cmillion of Dmillions of()45.It is reported that people throw _ plastic bags along this street every week.Ahundred Bhundreds Chundreds of Dhundred of ()46.Tonys mum looks young and beautiful.Its hard to imagine she is already in her _.Afifties Bfifty Cfiftieths Dfiftieth()47.The _ biggest earthquakes in Nepal (尼泊尔) have killed more than 8,000 people.Atwo Bsecond Ctwice()48.Boys and girls, please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture.AFifth; five BFive; five CFifth; fifth DFive; fifth()49.It is said that _ students like to talk with friends online.Atwothirds Btwothree Ctwothird()50.Im satisfied with my _ shopping online.Aone Bthe one Cthe first Dfirst答案15DBBBB 610ACAAB 1115DBCBB1620ABABA 2125DDCDD 2630CBABA3135DBACA 3640CBAAB 4145CABAC4650AADAD

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