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2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练101.effect n效果,作用;影响have an effect on对有影响(have a/anadj.effect on.)have some/little/no effect on对有些/一点/没有影响in effect实际上,事实上;有效take effect见效,开始起作用;(法律或规章)生效,开始实行e into effect实行,实施,生效be of no effect无效cause and effect因果注意:虽然表达“对有影响”用have an effect on,但表示“有很大/小影响”用have much/little effect on,而不用many/few。The medicine had a good effect on me.那种药对我有良好的功效。The advertising campaign didnt have much effect on sales.这些广告攻势对销售额没起到多大作用。The medicine quickly took effect.这种药很快就见效了。affect/effect/influence辨析(1)affect仅作动词,可以用于以下三种情况:对某人或某物产生不良的影响,通常以被影响的人或物作为宾语。作“影响”讲时,是及物动词,相当于短语have an effect on。Hot weather affects his health.炎热的天气影响着他的健康。作“使改动,使变化”之意讲时,属中性词,没有好坏之分。He wasnt affected by the news.他听了这消息后无动于衷。感动。His speech affected the audience deeply.他的演讲深深地打动了观众。(2)effect通常指使某人或某物得以改进和变化,强调造成一种特殊的后果。作名词时指affect的结果。 This medicine has no effect on his headache.这种药对他的头疼不起作用。(3)influence指通过劝说、行为或事例等对另一方的行为、性格、观点产生潜移默化的或持久的影响,尤其在感情和态度上的影响。有动词和名词两种词性。What we read influences our thinking.我们阅读的书籍会对我们的思想产生影响。完成句子(1)We should learn to distinguish between_(因果)(2)The new law_(生效)from tomorrow.(3)_(实际上),the two systems are the same.单项填空(4)Recently tourism has a great_on the wildlife in my hometown,which causes plaints.Aeffort Beffect Caffect Dreflect2.disappoint vt.使失望The film disappointed him.影片使他失望。(1)有些及物动词的现在分词和过去分词均可用作形容词,现在分词意为“令人的”,一般用来指物;过去分词意为“某人感到的”,一般用来指人。但指人的“表情”“ 嗓音”等时用过去分词。此类形容词有: The disappointing news made us disappointed.这个令人失望的消息使我们很失望。I was moved by the moving scene.我被这令人感动的一幕打动了。(2)Im disappointed that I failed the exam.我失望的是我考试没及格。用disappoint的适当形式填空(1)From his fathers_look,we know the_boy made his father_.(2)The long speech given by that old professor seemed_and endless.(3)The film is ,I have to say,not a bit interesting.Why? Its_than the films I have ever seen.Afar more interesting Bmuch less interestingCno more interesting Dany less interesting3.perform(1)vt.& vi.演出,表演The play was first performed in 1987.这部剧于1987年首次上演。(2)vt.做,履行,执行The surgeon has performed the operation.外科医生已做完了手术。(3)vi.工作,运转(好/不好)The engine seems to be performing well.发动机似乎运转正常。perform an experiment/operation做实验/施行手术perform a play上演一部剧本perform a role in(play a role in.)在中起作用perform well/badly(poorly)/satisfactorily表现得好/坏/令人满意performance n表演,演奏performer n表演者put on performance表演(1)Weve never seen a Shakespeares play_so wonderfully.Aperform Bis performing Cperforming Dperformed(2)Tonight the blind boy will perform_the piano at the party.Great!He succeeded at last!Hes performed_a wonder.A/;/ Bon;on Con;/ D/;on4.impress vt.使(人)印象深刻;印上,压出印记impress sth on sbimpress sb with sth使某人牢记/铭记某事impress sth on sth把印在上be impressed by/at/with.被感动;对印象深刻be impressed on ones mind/memory被印在脑海里,留下深刻的印象impression n印象impressive adj.使人印象深刻的,令人感动的leave/makeThe book didnt impress me at all.这本书没有给我留下一点印象。He impressed me with the importance of the work.他让我明白了工作的重要性。The teachers were impressed by your performance in the exam.所有的老师被你们的考试成绩所感动。(1)He_a design on cloth.What a beautiful design!Apressed Bimpressed Cput Dplaced(2)The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for EXPO xx was strongly impressed_my memory.Ato Bover Cby Don(3)When you stay in a strangers home,you should do everything properly so that you can make a good_on the host.Aexpression Bimpression Csuggestion Dmanner5bine vt.(使)联合,(使)结合bine sth with/and sth把与联合bine with与混合,与化合bine business with pleasure劳逸结合We should bine business with pleasure.我们应该劳逸结合。完成句子你应该努力把锻炼与健康饮食结合起来。You should try to_exercise_healthy diets.6.represent vt.代表;象征;描绘What does this mark represent?这个符号代表什么?representative n代表者,代理人,众议员represent sb/sth as sb/sth把描述成represent sb as/to be.宣称某人为represent sth to sb向某人说明某事,向某人传达某事be well/badly represented很好/很差地展示be representative of.是的代表He represented himself as(to be)a friend of mine.他自称是我的一个朋友。Are your opinions representative of those of the other students?你们的意见代表其他的学生吗?(1)Zhang Yining and her fellow teammates,_Chinas Women Pingpong Team,took park in the xx Olympics Games.A.represent Brepresented Crepresenting Dbeing represented(2)His only aim is_our country at the Olympics in xx.Arepresented Bto be representedCrepresenting Dto represent7.treasure n财宝,财富treasure作“财宝”讲一般是不可数名词;作“珍贵的东西”讲一般是可数名词。也可用作及物动词,意为“珍惜”。There is much treasure in this tomb.这个墓里有许多财宝。We should treasure our friendship.我们应该珍惜我们的友谊。完成句子(1)We should_(爱惜)manpower and material resources.汉译英(2)我珍惜你的友谊。_(3)He_the watch his mother gave him.Alongs Btreasures Cadmires Dappreciates(4)I shall_this gift because it was given by the teacher I loved.Aenjoy Btreasure Cadmire Dappreciate8.quit v停止,辞职He quit his job last month.他上个月辞职了。Quit laughing!别笑了!quitquit/quittedquit/quittedquittingquit后跟动词的ing形式。quit/stop辨析两者都可以表示“停止”。其区别在于:stop:指动作、运行、进展等被停下来,含突然、断然的意味。quit:指最终彻底停止某事,有时暗示遭到失败或面临挫折。用stop与quit填空(1)The police were called to_a fight outside the theatre.(2)In order to keep you healthy,youd better_drinking and smoking.(3)They_work at 5 pm and then went home.Aquit Bdid Cstarted Dbegan9.appearance外貌,外观Dont judge people by their appearances.不要以貌取人。appearance n出现,显露,露面;外观/外貌/外表appear vi.出现make appearance登台,出现make a good/poor appearance 显得一表人材/显得很不雅观at first appearance乍看起来in appearance外貌上,看起来keep up appearances装点门面;装阔气,维持体面Shes made a number of appearances on television.她已在电视上几次露面。His sudden appearance surprised her.他的突然出现使她很惊讶。(1)There is no point in keeping up_when everyone knows were nearly bankrupt(破产)Aengagements Bgatherings Cmeetings Dappearances(2)The environmentalists said wild goats_on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.Aescape Babsence Cattendance Dappearance10.transform vt.转变,转换Success and wealth transformed his character.成功和财富改变了他的性格。transform sb/sth into.把某人/物改变成transform sb/sth from.从中转变而来Transform wind into energy.把风转化成能量。The pany has been transformed from a family business to a multimillionpound operation.这家公司已由一个家庭企业变成拥有数百万英镑的运作机构。(1)Water can transform a desert_a garden.Ainto Bfrom Cin Dwith(2)In only 20 years,the country has_into an advanced industrial power.Atranslated Bdegraded Cdeclined Dtransformed答案:1.(1)cause and effect(2)es into effect/takes effect(3)In effect(4)B2.(1)disappointed;disappointing;disappointed (2)disappointing (3)解析 句意:我不得不说这部电影一点也没有趣。 为什么? 它比我所看过的电影都有趣得多。从句意可知, 第二个人认为那部电影非常有趣,应该用表示肯定的比较级。答案A3.(1)D(2)C4.(1)B(2)D(3)B5bine;with6.(1)C(2)D7.(1)treasure(2)I treasure your friendship. (3)B(4)B8.(1)stop(2)quit(3)A9.(1)D(2)D10.(1)A(2)D


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