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2019-2020年九年级英语下半期测试题(全卷共九个大题满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)第I卷(共100分)I. 听力测试。(共30分)第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Nice to meet you .B. You are wele .C. OK .2. A. I dont think so .B. You are kidding .C. Thank you .3. A. Yes , please .B. Sounds good .C. No .4. A. Its a pleasure .B. Thats all right .C. With pleasure .5. A. What a pity !B. Good idea .C. Have fun .6. A. No problem .B. It doesnt matter .C. Good luck .第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. By bus .B. By car .C. On foot .8. A. Yesterday .B. Last summer vacation .C. Next Friday .9. A. Warm .B. Rainy .C. Cold .10. A. Because its boring . B. Because she doesnt like the boy . C. Because she cant understand what they say .11. A. A doctor .B. An actress .C. An engineer .12. A. 50 yuan .B. 60 yuan .C. 10 yuan .第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍,根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听下面一段材料。回答第13和14小题13. What does the man want to have ? A. Apple pies .B. Salad .C. Hamburgers .14. Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation ? A. The man wants to have his lunch in the White House . B. The woman knows a lot about the White House . C. People began to call it the White House in the 19th century .听下面一段材料。回答第15和16小题15. Whats hard for Tom in English learning ? A. Listening and reading . B. Writing and speaking . C. Listening and speaking .16. What is the womans advice ? A. Finding some pen friends . B. Reading English magazines . C. Joining their English club .第四节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍,根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. We will have the school sale _ . A. next Wednesday , May 14th B. next Wednesday , May 4th C. next Thursday , May 4th18. _ are going to take part in the sale . A. Students from Grade 9 B. All the students C. Students from Grade 719. We cant _ on the sale . A. buy or sell used things we dont need B. exchange things with others for the things we need C. borrow the things from others20. The money we can get will be given to _ . A. our selvesB. teachersC. the people in needII. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. Im sorry to hear that Mr. Li is ill in _ hospital . A. aB. anC. theD. /22. I dont believe what he said just now because he often tells _ . A. storiesB. newsC. truthD. lies23. - I really miss your grandmas delicious cakes . - Lucky you . _ will e to our house this week with home-made cakes . A. HeB. HisC. SheD. Her24. _ June 1st , kids _ 14 usually dress up to celebrate Childrens Day . A. In ; overB. On ; underC. On ; overD. In ; under25. I didnt shut the door last night . _ , someone entered my house and took away my Ipad . A. To begin withB. As a resultC. In factD. After all26. If Tom keeps making careless mistakes , he _ able to pass the ing test . A. isB. will beC. isntD. wont be27. - Miss Griffin , Im afraid I have left my homework at home again . - Oh , _ careless boy you are ! A. WhatB. How aC. HowD. What a28. - Andy , would you like to e to my house for dinner ? - It sounds _ ! I cant wait . A. strangeB. badC. greatD. terrible29. Without medical knowledge , its best _ a person who gets hurt in an accident . A. to moveB. not to moveC. moveD. not move30. Who sang _ in Im A Singer IV , Zhang Xinzhe , Rong Zuer or Coco Lee ? A. the most beautifulB. most beautiful C. the most beautifullyD. more beautifully31. - _ is this broken car ? - It belongs to Mike . A. WhosB. WhenC. WhereD. Whose32. - Jenny , why didnt you appear at the surprise party last night ? - Oh , sorry , I _ the time . A. forgetB. forgotC. rememberD. remembered33. The restaurants near Jin Hui Plaza _ students from NK _ different kinds of food . A. provide ; forB. offer ; withC. provide ; withD. offer ; to34. - I think teenagers should be allowed to choose their own friends . - _ . They cant always choose the right ones themselves . A. I think soB. I agreeC. Good ideaD. I disagree35. Life is a journey with lots of trouble , but with care and patience , you can _ the problem you face at last . A. work outB. hand outC. find outD. put out36. Its bad for our health to _ . A. get up earlyB. stay up late C. take exerciseD. develop good eating habits37. The 31st Olympic Games _ in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil on August 5th , xx . A. are heldB. will holdC. will be heldD. are going to hold38. Descendants of the Sun(太阳的后裔) is _ a popular soap opera _ people of all ages love it . A. so ; thatB. too ; toC. such ; thatD. such ; to39. - Would you mind if I take a break away from the meeting ? - _ . Its your turn to give a report at once . A. Dont trouble meB. Better notC. Certainly notD. Enjoy yourself40. - Daniel , do you have any idea _ ? - Since 1996 . A. when Kobe joined the LakersB. how long Kobe has joined the Lakers C. when did Kobe join the LakersD. how long Kobe has been in the LakersIII. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。A hungry wolf was walking around in the evening when he met a dog . The dog was fat and looked happy . The wolf decided to make 41 with the dog .“ You look better than me . It seems that you are happy . Your skin is so nice . You 42 be fed properly with nice food , ” said the wolf .“ Well , my friend , my life is simple . I watch my masters house . He feeds me four times a day . I have been given a small house and I sleep well there . I dont have any difficulties . ”“ Then your life is good . I also wish the same . But you see I am always hungry . You see how thin I am because I eat very 43 . ”“ OK , then . e and live with me . You will also be happy , ” said the dog .The wolf agreed . 44 of them reached the house where the dog lived and they felt very excited . 45 the wolf entered the house , he noticed the top of the dogs neck by accident . There was 46 fur(毛)there !“ What 47 to your neck ? ” The wolf asked the dog .“ Oh , my dear friend . Why do you ask it ? My master puts a belt(皮带) 48 my neck . The belt rubs the neck while the belt is tied to a chain(链子). My master pulls it and pushes me into my house , ” said the dog .“ What ? ” the wolf said and didnt enter further . He was 49 to hear what the dog said . “ Friend , let me go back . I am not jealous(羡慕的)of you . You eat good food . But you are tied here . My bones are thin , but I am free in my world . I can go 50 I like . Thank you . I shall return to my forest . ”41. A. moneyB. friendsC. mistakesD. faces42. A. needB. cantC. have toD. must43. A. muchB. wellC. oftenD. little44. A. BothB. AllC. OneD. Neither45. A. IfB. SinceC. WhenD. Though46. A. noB. notC. a fewD. few47. A. was happenedB. will happenC. is happenedD. happened48. A. inB. aboveC. withD. around49. A. surprisedB. pleasedC. worriedD. interested50. A. whateverB. whoeverC. whereverD. howeverIV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AInvitation to a going-away partyWednesday , May 17Dear Lucy and Jack ,You are invited to a going-away party for the “ the White familys visit to Africa . ”Departure(离开)Date : July 6The best part of the their journey to Africa will be when they e face-to-face with lions , elephants , crocodiles and other African wildlife . They have always wanted to do this .Party given by : Mr. and Mrs. White , Eric and TomDate : Saturday , June 8 .Time : 6:00 pm to 10:00 pmPlace : 12 Gold Street , New Town , SydneyReply by : Thursday , 4 JunePhone : 6457226Food and drinks will be prepared at the party .51. The invitation was sent to _ . A. Lucy and JackB. Eric and Tom C. Mr. and Mrs. WhiteD. the White family52. The party will take place on _ . A. May 17B. June 4C. June 8D. July 653. The main reason for the White family to go to Africa is _ . A. to visit their friendB. to see the wild animals C. to have a going-away partyD. to taste the food an drinksBDuring the Spring and Autumn period in Chinese history , the State of Wu started a war against the State of Yue . The king of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died . His son Fu Chai became the new king . Fu made up his mind to revenge . He trained his army hard until it became a perfect and strong fighting army . Three years later , he led his army to fight against the State of Yue and caught its king Gou Jian . And Fu took him back to the State of Wu .In order to revenge for his fathers death , Fu made Gou Jian live in a shabby stone house by his fathers tomb(墓). Many years later , Gou Jian was set free . Gou secretly set up a new army after he went back to his own state . In order to remind himself of the hard times , he slept on firewood and tasted a gall bladder before having dinner and going to bed . At the same time , he ruled his country well , developing agriculture(农业)and educating the people . After a few years , his country became strong . Then Gou took a good chance to fight against and won the State of Wu .Now , people use this story to encourage themselves to get over the hardships and try their best to realize their own dreams .54. _ died in the first war between the two states . A. Fu Chais fatherB. Fu ChaiC. Gou JianD. Gou Jians father55. The Chinese meaning of the word “ revenge ” in this passage is probably _ . A. 和解B. 屈服C. 放弃D. 报复56. In order to fight against the State of Wu , Gou Jian did the following things except _ . A. living in a shabby stone houseB. developing agriculture C. educating his peopleD. setting up a new army57. What can we learn from the story ? A. If someone beats us , we should beat back . B. We shouldnt forget about what others have done for us . C. To succeed , we have to get over difficulties and try our best . D. To succeed , we have to live a hard life .CMany of us now live in gated munities(封闭式社区). Only people who live there can go freely inside , and only their cars can pass through the gates . But are you hoping for a more open and convenient environment ?Open munities have already bee popular in many cities of other countries , like Paris , France , and New York City , US . There , the roads , shops and green areas are for everyone . “ Humans need munication and sharing . A good city needs to offer people enough space to do this , ” said Wang Weiqiang , a city planning expert from Tongji University . Turning gated munities into blocks(街区)is one way to achieve this , according to the Chinese government . On Feb 21 , the government said that gated munities should be open to the public .With no gates and walls , everyone can enjoy a city with bigger green areas for picnics and more cafes and bookstores to meet your friends . Another good change blocks may bring is better traffic in cities , according to Professor Li Hongchang from Beijing Jiaotong University . There will be more roads open to the public . And more people may choose to walk rather than drive cars because they dont need to take a long way to get around those gated munities .However , not everyone likes the idea of open munities . Quite a lot of people say they have spent money on the roads inside the munities , and they worry about safety problems when munities are open .The Chinese government explained that the open would be carried out step by step and more detailed(详细的)plans would e out in the future . Also , they have been testing blocks in some areas in Chengdu , Sichuan , and so far it has been working well .58. _ can go freely in the gated munities . A. People with carsB. People living inside C. People living aroundD. Everyone in the city59. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of open munities ? A. They will bring better traffic . B. People can enjoy bigger green areas and more cafes and bookstores . C. People can have more munication and sharing with each other . D. More cars and buses will go through the munities .60. Some people are against this idea of open munities because _ . A. they will take a long way to get around the munities B. they will spend more money on the road inside the munities C. they worry about safety problems D. this idea doesnt work well in Chengdu61. The best title of the news may be “_ ” . A. An Environmental Problem B. The Future City C. The Idea of Open munities D. munication and Sharing of HumansDWho is smarter ? A human being or artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能)? The whole world talked about this question when a Google-developed program called AlphaGo beat the world top player , Lee Sedol from South Korea . puters beat humans in checkers(中国象棋)and chess . Go(围棋), a game first developed in China , is much more plex(复杂的)than those two .Some people are worried that AI will be a bad thing for humans . UK scientist Stephen Hawking warned that the “ development of full artificial intelligence could mean the end of the humans ” . Is that true ?In fact , now robots are ing into peoples lives these days . Robots help people a lot . Japanese housekeeping robots can move chairs , sweep the floor , take away dirty dishes and put dirty clothes in washing machines . Intel , the famous puter maker , has invented a self-controlled robot called Herb. Herb can do simple things that people tell it to do , such as cleaning up waste .Recently a large robot named “ Probo ” has been helping children to feel less worried in hospital . Probo , which was invented by Ivan Hermans , president of the Anty Foundation , has a touch screen on its stomach . The screen teaches children how to use Probo . The green robots face can make expressions to show how medical operations(手术)will make the child feel . “ The main aim of the project is to make emotional(情感)munication with children . ” said Jelle Saldien , one of the researchers .We have a long way to go before AI can truly be similar to the human brain , so there is now need to be afraid of it now . Our fate(命运)is in our own hands ! What we have to do now is to make good use of the technology to improve the world .62. According to the passage , _ is the most plex board game . A. checkersB. chessC. goD. cards63. Herb , which was invented by a famous puter maker , is _ . A. a man-controlled robotB. a self-controlled robot C. a Japanese babyD. a very large robot64. Probo was invented in order to _ . A. play with children in hospital B. teach children how to use it C. show expressions to children D. make emotional munication with children65. According to the passage , we can know that _ . A. the world top player , South Korean Lee Sedol won the game at last B. we should use technology wisely to improve the world C. AI will take the place of humans in the future D. AI is truly similar to the human brain now V. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Which hotel do you want to stay in ?Nice to meet you .Enjoy your weekend .Youre wele .Could you please fill in this form ?Whats more important , its quite cheapWed like to make a trip for the weekend , please .A: Morning ! What can I do for you ?B: 66 A: There are many travel paths(线路). Which one would you like to choose ?B: Wed like to choose Jinyun Mountain .A: Its a really good place to visit . 67 B: Were not sure . Which hotel do you think is fortable ?A: The Holiday Home is very good . 68 B: We dont want to live in an expensive hotel . Thats what we want .A: 69 B: OK . Ill ask my wife to do that . By the way , is it OK if we pay by credit card ?A: Sure . 70 B: Thank you .66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _第II卷(共50分)VI. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共8分)阅读下文并回答问题。If you ask people from different countries “ Could you tell me the way to the post office ? ” You will get different answers .In Japan , people use landmarks(路标)instead of street names . For example , the Japanese will say to travelers , “ Go straight down to the corner . Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market . The post office is across from the bus stop . ”In Kansas , America , there are no towns or buildings within(在之内)miles . So instead of landmarks , people will tell you directions and distance . For example , people will say , “ Go north two miles . Turn east , and then go another mile . ”People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions . They will often say , “ Follow me . ” Then he or she will take you through the streets of the city to the post office .Sometimes if a person , like a New Yorker , doesnt know the answer to your question , he or she might say , “ Sorry , I have no idea . ”But in Yucatan , Mexico , no one answers like “ I dont know . ” People there think “ I dont know . ” is not polite . They usually give an answer , but often a wrong one . A visitor can often get lost in Yucatan !But one thing will help you everywhere . You might not understand a persons words , but maybe you can understand his or her body language . He or she will usually point to the correct direction . Go on in that direction and you may find the post office !71. Will the answers to the question “ Could you tell me the way to the post office ? ” be different in different countries ?_ .72. How many examples are given in the article ?_ .73. What might a New Yorker say if he or she doesnt know the answer to your question ?_ .74. What can you do if a Frenchman asks you the way but you cant speak French at all ?_ .VII. 完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。75. We are going to have a picnic this weekend .(改为否定句) We _ _ going to have a picnic this weekend .76. I went to Canada for vacation last summer .(对划线部分提问) _ _ you go for a vacation last summer ?77. It took him several hours to finish the task .(改为同义句) He _ several hours _ the task .78. 不敲门就进老师办公室是不礼貌的。(完成译句) Its impolite to enter the teachers office without _ _ the door .79. 随着网络社交媒体的发展,人们将不再互相写信了。(完成译名) With the development of the online social media , people _ write to each other _ .VIII. 短文填空。(每空2分,共16分)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。It has bee more and more popular to travel by plane these days because its fast and convenient . On March 19th , xx , a plane crashed in Russia before landing . After that people became worried about the safety of planes . If you often take the plane , its necessary 80 you to know about the safety tips for taking a plane . Of c


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