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【课内四基达标】. 找出划线部分读音不同的单词( )1. A. manyB. SaturdayC. catchD. have( )2. A. drinkB. littleC. differentD. Friday( )3. A. pleaseB. meatC. heavyD. cheap( )4. A. wallB. smallC. walkD. half( )5. A. shoppingB. pencilC. singingD. swimming( )6. A. machineB. chairC. teacherD. lunch( )7. A. studyB. upC. supperD. put( )8. A. lateB. factoryC. JapanD. Canada( )9. A. thenB. withC. thankD. these( )10. A. whatB. whoC. whereD. when. 根据句意和首字母拼写单词1. Lets go and have a d of tea. 2. Im going to the shops. Can you help me do s ?3. Can I help you ?Yes, please. I would like to b a pencil. 4. Fifty and fifty is one h . 5. Let me help you c the heavy box. 6. Dont f to close the window. 7. Tom and Jack are in d schools. 8. Mary r a bike to school every morning. . 选出与句中划线部分意义相近或相同的选项。( )1. The two little boys look the same. A. look no differentB. look like their motherC. look like each other( )2. China is great. A. very goodB. very bigC. very much( )3. Please write soon !A. write it downB. write a letter to meC. do your homework( )4. My mother stays at home every Sunday. A. on SundaysB. this SundayC. one Sunday( )5. Her bike is broken. She wants some help. A. wants to buyB. wants to help somebodyC. wants somebody to help her. 选择填空( )1. do they sell there ?A. HowB. WhatC. WhenD. Where( )2. It sells school things books. A. asB. withC. likeD. likes( )3. He her what she . A. asks, wantsB. wants, asksC. ask, wantD. want, ask( )4. This kind of is cheap. A. flowerB. flowersC. a flowerD. the flowers( )5. This dictionary is helpful the middle school students. A. toB. forC. ofD. with( )6. Go and it in your bag. A. findsB. looks forC. findD. look at( )7. are getting the bus. A. These all children, onB. All these children, onC. There all childrens, intoD. All these children, into( )8. Can you buy pears the shop ?A. some, toB. any, forC. any, inD. some, on( )9. What the man and woman in the park ?A. is, doingB. are, doC. is, doD. are, doing( )10. do you do the machine ?A. How, withB. What, withC. Who, forD. What for( )11. Could I have a kilo of milk ? . There isnt any. A. YesB. OKC. CertainlyD. Sorry( )12. Ten years a long time. A. areB. beC. isD. am( )13. do you make the machines ?A. Whose, toB. Who, forC. What, toD. Who, on( )14. Please write . A. downB. them downC. down themD. it down( )15. She often a red shirt. A. put onB. puts onC. wearsD. is. 根据答语完成句子1. A: your father ? B:Hes fine, thanks. 2. A: trees are there near the house ? B: Therere about twelve. 3. A: is the ruler ? B: Ninety fen. 4. A: do you ? B:I live in Wuhan. 5. A: do you Chinese food ? B:I like it very much. 6. A: with your kite ? B: Its broken. 7. A: your mother ? B: She is a teacher. 8. A: you ? B: Im doing my homework. a . 6. We have some colour pencils. (改为一般疑问句) you colour pencils ?7. He es from the USA. (提问划线部分) he from ?8. She has breakfast at 630 in the morning. (改为否定句) She breakfast at 630 in the morning. 9. She is having lunch at home now. (用every day改写句子) She lunch at home every day. 10. your father ? My father works in a middle school. (根据答句写问句)11. School 400 the afternoon. (下午四点放学)(根据中文完成句子)12. there, things, a, lot, of, in,the, shop, be(连词成问句) ?13. The boy likes swimming,(改否定句) The boy swimming. 14. She has lunch at home. (用now改写) She lunch at home . 15. What do you want ?(不变句意改写) What you ?16. The meat is eleven yuan. (对划线部分提问) is the meat ?17. I can see two bottles of water on the table ?(同上) bottles of water you see on the table ?18. Miss Gao works in Beijing. (同上) Miss Gao work ?19. My bike is broken. (同上) with your bike ?20. He is watching TV now. (同上) he now ?. 交际英语,将左右两栏中的句子配对。( )1. How do you do ?A. Youre wele. ( )2. Can you help me carry the things ?B: Yes, a little. ( )3. What do you want to buy ?C. Here you are. ( )4. Wheres the shopping basket ?D. How do you do ?( )5. How are you ?E. Some drinks, please. ( )6. Whats he doing ?F. Its under the table. ( )7. Do you speak Chinese ?G. Certainly. ( )8. How do you like China ?H. Hes mending his bike. ( )9. Thank you very much. I. Fine, thanks. ( )10. Please give me some water to drink. J. Very much. Its great ! . 补全对话:Nancy: Hi, Joan, look, Mary is standing 1 the tree ?Joan: 2 she 3 there ? Lets go and see. Nancy: Oh, she is singing and shes 4 a nice dress. Joan: I like the colour 5 her dress. Its white and blue. Nancy: Hi, Mary ! What are you doing ?Mary: Im 6 a Chinese song ? Do you like it ?Joan: Certainly. A Chinese song ?Mary: I can 7 a 8 Chinese. But its 9 to sing in Chinese. Joan: I think its nice 10 you, Nancy ?Nancy: Yes. 【能力素质提高】. 用首尾字母相同的单词完成句子:1. she t t she was right. 2. Are you sure its nothing s s ?3. Can you tell me the way to the m m, please ?4. He was just falling asleep when there was a loud k k at the door. 5. Would you mind her opening the w w ?6. Can you r r my kite ? Its broken. 7. They often k k football on the playground. 8. Yesterday was r r cold. 9. I like the red sweater, but its too e e. 10. Did your teacher go to Shanghai y y ?11. There was no e e. 12. They often do their homework in the evening, but they watch TV s s. 13. Today is Christmas E e, Merry Christmas !14. The old man finally got o o the bus. 15. Could you borrow me your r r ?16. Han Meimei is a good student. She set a good e e to us. 17. Which TV programmed do you think is more e e ?18. See your watch, look at the back, you may see the English words“Made in China”, look at something e e, for example, a radio. 19. Zhumulangmafeng is 8848. 13 metres h h. 20. It is my cat. Oh, Im sorry, Its d d. . 单词接龙zer pe in a rouser oldie ea ifferen hro it il icenc i gh omorro hic undre oubl x cus as e tuden hank choo i ttl ver o s n ello as i uc m ornin ree o o l aughte in ir o he u a eopl venin ues eve ex hi wi is tan uc no oul ifferenc g oodnes oc il rang leve umbe ive o an oile al nif xercis rase ule u e ron rea e o h f is al orge w fte ve ic nglan res mal unc el ostcar a es it ightee ic e ol isten. 叠罗汉在空格中填上适当的字母,使横行构成一个单词。(注:词末字母均为y,所填词不能重复。 )【渗透拓展创新】. 完形填空。Mike had been delivering(送) newspapers for a week, but he was still not quite sure 1 he was going to like his first job. Today he was to 2 the months money from his customers(顾客). At the first house, Mike walked 3 the Pierces barking dog, 4 was tied up in the front yard. When he 5 the door, he got up enough 6 to ring the bell. He told the man what he 7 . Mr. Pierce didnt smile or say anything, 8 he handed Mike a bill. Mike 9 counted out the mans change. 10 the time got to the 11 house, Mike felt a little 12 at ease. Mr. Simon was repairing his 13 . He, too, gave Mike a 14 , but he smiled and talked 15 Mike gave him his 16 . As Mike walked to the third house, he 17 a bit uneasy. Mr. Swenson was just 18 home from the store, and he stopped 19 he saw Mike. Mr. Swenson 20 Mike the exact amount in change. They stood 21 in front of the house 22 , This wasnt 23 to be such a difficult job 24 , thought Mike as he continued on his 25 . 1. A. whatB. why C. whetherD. which2. A. fetchB. seizeC. collectD. select3. A. toB. pastC. fromD. beside4. A. itB. heC. whichD. who5. A. arrivedB. reachedC. wentD. got6. A. courageB. moneyC. newspapersD. demand7. A. likedB. believedC. wantedD. had8. A. butB. forC. soD. that9. A. hardlyB. latelyC. carefullyD. nearly10. A. ForB. InC. OnD. By11. A. thirdB. firstC. secondD. fourth12. A. bitB. quiteC. lessD. more13. A. gardenB. dogC. carD. job14. A. moneyB. billC. payD. change15. A. soB. forC. asD. because16. A. newspaperB. helpC. smileD. change17. A. wasntB. continuedC. hadntD. went18. A. atB. inC. ingD. going19. A. soB. thusC. whereD. when20. A. returnedB. paidC. snatchedD. left21. A. talkingB. to talkC. backD. by22. A. in no timeB. at onceC. for a whileD. by and by23. A. trueB. goingC. happeningD. that24. A. by farB. any longerC. at onceD. after all25. A. wayB. jobC. customersD. money. 阅读理解The first English window was just a slit(裂缝) in the wall. It was cut long. So that it would let wind in as much as possible, and narrow(狭的) to keep out the bad weather. However, the slit let in more wind than light. This is why it was called “the winds eye”. The word window itself es from two old Norse words for wind and eye. Before windows were used, the ancient(古代的) halls and castles(城堡) of northern Europe and Britain were dark and smoky. Their great rooms were high, with only a hole in the roof(屋顶) to let out the smoke from torches(火炬) and cooking fires . ( )1. The first window was a . A. large hole in the wallB. hole covered with canvas( 帆)C. slit in the wallD. silt with a piece of paper over it( )2. The word window means . A. opening to look throughB. light givenC. windD. winds eye( )3. The window got its name because it . A. kept out the windB. blew out the smokeC. let in more wind than lightD. let in mostly light( )4. In the ancient castles smoke went out through . A. the windowsB. the doorsC. the chimney(烟囱)D. a hole in the roof( )5. The title(题目) of the article(文章) is . A. The Larger, Canvas-Covered WindowsB. The First English WindowC. The Winds EyeD. What does the Word “Window” Mean. 小作文将下列对话改写成一段短文,内容为Lucy向Mary介绍照片上的人物。(5070字)Mary: Whos that,the man near the river ?Lucy: Thats my uncle. He likes fishing. Can you see ? He is catching a fish. Mary: Who are those people in the river ?Lucy: Oh, theyre some friends. You cant see them very well. Theyre swimming. Mary: Where are you ? Are you in the picture ?Lucy: Yes, Lily and I are in that boat, They are in the river !Mary: Do you like boating ?Lucy: Yes, I do. Look, this is my father. Hes cooking lunch, and thats my mother ! Shes helping him. Mary: Its very nice photo !【中考真题演练】1. Ten hours a long time. (重庆) A. amB. areC. beD. is2. She is teaching her son the toy. (武汉) A. playingB. to playC. playsD. play3. How much are the trousers ?(同义句) (吉林) What is the the trousers ?4. do you do the machine ? (江西) A. What, forB. Who, forC. What, withD. How, with5. Doing more exercises is good for your . (healthy) (河北)6. 这个超市卖得很多东西,像食品、饮料、衣服等等。(云南) This supermarket many things, food, drinks, clothes . 2019-2020年七年级下册:6mainly revision(旧版)【课内四基达标】. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. B. 1. rink 2. omething 3. uy 4. undred 5. arry 6. orget 7. ifferent 8. ides. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. C 13. B 14. B 15 . C. 1. How are 2. How many 3. How much 4. Where live 5. How like 6. What wrong 7. What does do 8. What are doing. 1. is from 2. are on work 3. Would like or 4. When or 5. Thanks lot 6. Do have any 7. Where does e 8. doesnt have 9. has 10. Where does work 11. is over at in12. There are a lot of things in the shop. 13. doesnt like 14. is having now 15. would like 16. How much 17. How many can18. Where does 19. Whats wrong 20. What is doing. 1. D 2. G 3. E 4. F 5. I 6. H 7. B 8. J 9. A 10. C. 1. under/near 2. Whats 3. doing 4. in 5. of 6. singing 7. speak 8. little 9. hard 10. of【能力素质提高】. 1. hough 2. ister 3. useu 4. noc 5. indo 6. epai 7. ic 8. athe 9. xpensiv 10. est erda 11. xcus 12. ometime 13. v 14. nt 15. ule 16. xampl 17. xcit 18. ls 19. ig 20. ea. 单词接龙:zero open nine eat trousers soldier read different throw with hill license eight tomorrow whichhundreddoubleexcuseeasyyesstudentthanksschoollittleeveryyouUSAanyyellowwashhimmuchhmmmorning greennottooolddaughterringgirllotthemmummappeopleeveningguesssevennextthisswimMissstandduchknowwoulddifference egggoodnesssockkiloorangeelevennumberriverrowwanttoilettalkknifeexerciseeraserrulerrunnewwronggreattennowwhoofffishhalfforgettwooftennooverriceEnglanddresssmalllunchhelppostcarddaddeskkiteeighteenniceerreddolllisten. 叠罗汉:A:my, fly, play, sorry(study), family, weekdayB: Saturday, Monday, heavy, only, buy【渗透拓展创新】. 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. B 15 . C 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. A 22. C 23. B 24. C 25. A. 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B. A Nice PhotoLook at the photo, Mary. Its a nice photo of my family. The man near the river is my uncle. He likes fishing. He is catching a fish. Some friends are in the river. You cant see them very well. Theyre swimming. Lily and I are in that boat in the river. We like boating. My father and my mother are over there. My father is making lunch and my mother is helping him. 【中考真题演练】1. D 2. B 3. price of 4. C 5. health 6. sells, like, and so on


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