2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解联练(5).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解联练(5)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She couldnt walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stairs,she was soon out of breath. “I suppose I had better go to the doctor,” she thought. She went to the doctor and told him her problem. “Im not at all surprised,” he said. “Its clear what your problem is.” He examined her and then gave her some advice. “If you dont do what I say,Mrs Parker,” he said,”then you will have a heart attack. It could kill you. “ Ellen was very worried as she left the doctors. She knew that she had to take his advice but that it would not be easy and that it would take time. The next day she went shopping.The first shop she went into was a butchers shop. “Id like ten pounds of steak,please,” she said. “Certainly,madam,” the butcher replied and went into the cold storage room and found a large piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and placed it on the scale(秤). “Thats just under ten pounds,” he said. The butcher worked out the price. “At 4.99 a pound that will be 45.50 please. Shall I cut it up into small pieces for you?” “Oh,I dont want to buy the meat,” Mrs Parker said. “If you dont want to buy it,” the butcher replied,”why did you ask me to get it for you?” “I just wanted to see what 10 pounds of meat looked like. “56. Mrs Ellen Parker visited her doctor because _.A. she had had a heart attack B. she was unhappy about her weightC. she had a problem with her health D. she couldnt sleep well【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据Ellen Parker was worried about her health.她有健康问题所以去看医生,故选C。57. After the doctor examined Mrs Ellen Parker,he advised her to _. A. eat more meat B. lose weightC. e and see him again D. look after her heart【答案】B【解析】推理判断题。根据文章的最后一句“I wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.” “I wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.”道出了她称肉的目的。可以推出医生让她减肥,故选B。58. Mrs Ellen Parker asked for ten pounds of steak because _. A. she wanted to buy some for dinnerB. she wanted to lose weightC. her doctor asked her to do soD. she wanted to know the size of 10pound meat【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据“I wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.”道出了她称肉的目的。她想看看十斤肉到底有多大,故选D。59. Mrs Ellen Parkers real problem was that _. A. she ate too much steak B. she couldnt walk quicklyC. she weighed too much D. she couldnt climb stairs【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据短文可知她的体重严重超重,所以医生建议她减肥,故选C。60. We can infer that at the end of the story the butcher was very _. A. angry B. excited C. surprised D. proud【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根据屠夫说的why did you ask me to get it for you?话可以推出他很生气,故选A阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。English is an important global language, but that doesnt mean its easy to learn. Many experts have tried to make English easier for students to learn but they werent always successful.In 1930, Professor CK Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English. It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages, but they couldnt understand the answers in real English! It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasnt in the Basic English word list. For example, if you wanted a watermelon, you asked for a large green fruit with the form of an egg, which has a sweet red inside and a good taste! RE Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, so he invented a language called Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with much simpler spelling. Father became faadher, new became nue and years became yeerz. Unfortunately for some students of English, Anglic never became popular.Even easier is the language which ships captains use: its called Seaspeak. Seaspeak uses a few simple phrases for every possible situation. In Seaspeak, for example you dont say, Im sorry what did you say? or I didnt understand, can you repeat that? . its just, Say again. No more grammar!In the age of international munication through the Internet who knows? . a new form of English might appear. A large number of the worlds e-mails are in English and include examples of NetLingo like OIC (Oh, I see) and TTYL (Talk to you later). In another fifty years, English as we know it might not exist . we will probably all speak fluent Internetish!61. The best title for the passage would be _.A. Seaspeak B. Basic English C. Easy English D. Internetish【答案】C【解析】标题归纳题。根据Many experts have tried to make English easier for students to learn文章开头就指出主题怎样把英语变得更加简单,下文叙述了人们的不同做法,故选C。62. It will take a person about _ weeks to learn Basic English if he spends two hours learning it every day. A. six B. four C. three D. two 【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours.花30个小时,一天两个小时所以总共花两周的时间,故选D。63. According to Professor Zachrisson, what was the biggest problem for learners of English? A. Grammar. B. Vocabulary. C. Spelling. D. Speaking.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据RE Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, Zachrisson教授说最大的问题是拼写,故选C。64. Which of the following is likely to be Anglic? A. A graet batl. B. IOUC. Long time no see. D. Two five, no lights.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。根据Anglic was similar to English,可推出选项A的单词拼写上看出近似于英语但又不是英语,故选A。65. What might happen to English in another fifty years? A. It might bee a global language. B. It might be replaced by Internetish. C. It might take the place of all other languages. D. It might bee more and more difficult.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据In another fifty years, English as we know it might not exist . we will probably all speak fluent Internetish!再过50年有可能出现Internetish语言,故选B。科普知识(阅读理解)由 (xx浙江,B)改编Below is a page adapted from an English dictionary.Important words to learn: Essential Improver AdvancedPump /pmp/noun C DEVICE 1 a piece of equipment which is used to cause liquid, air or gas to move from one place to another:a water/bicycle/fuel pump a UK petrol/US gas pump SHOE 2USUALLY PLURALUS (UK court shoe) a type of plain shoe with a raised HEEL and no way of fastening it to the foot which is worn by women 3 USUALLY PLURALa type of flat shoe, like a BALLET dancers shoe,which is worn by women.4 USUALLY PLURALUK a flat shoe made of heavy cloth, which is worn by children for doing sports. verb LIQUID/GAS1 T USUALLY+ADV/PREP to force liquid or gas to move somewhere:Our latest machine can pump a hundred gallons a minute.The new wine is pumped into storage tanks.The heart pumps blood through the arteries/round the body. INFORMATION 2T INFORMAL to keep asking someone for information, especially in a way that is not direct:She was pumping me for details of the new project.idioms pump sb.s hand to SHAKE someones hand (=hold their hand and move it up and down, especially in order to greet them)pump iron INFORMAL to lift heavy weights for exercise:These days both men and women pump iron for fitness.phrasal verbs pump sth. into sth. to spend a lot of money trying to make something operate successfully: They had been pumping money into the business for some years without seeing any results.pump sth. outMREMOVE1 to remove water or other liquid from something using a pump:We took turns pumping out the boat.PRODUCE2 INFORMAL DISAPPROVING to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated, forceful and continuous: The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda. The car radio was pumping out music with a heavy beat.pump out sth. If someones stomach is pumped out, a poisonous substance is removed from it by being sucked through a tube: She had to go to hospital to have her stomach pumped out.pump sb. up M INFORMAL to make someone feel more confident or excited: He was offering them advice and trying to pump them up.RThe players were pumping themselves up by singing the national anthem before the game.pump sth. upM1 to fill something with air using a pump: Have you pumped up the balloons yet? I must pump the tyres up on my bike.2 INFORMAL to increase something by a large amount:The US was able to pump up exports. Lets pump up the volume a bit!pump-action /pmp kn /adjective BEFORE NOUN describes a device which operates by forcing something, especially air,in or out of a closed space or container:a pump-action shotgun a pump-action toiletpumppriming nounU SPECIALIZED the activity of helping a business,programme,economy,etc.to develop by giving it money:The government is awarding small,pump-priming grants to single mothers who are starting their own businesses.pun /pn/noun. C a humorous use of a word or phrase which has several meanings or which sounds like another word:She made a couple of dreadful puns.This is a well-known joke based on a pun: “Whats black and white and red(=read) all over?”“A newspaper.”verbI(-nn-) to make a pun Punch /pnt/noun HIT 1 Ca forceful hit with a FIST (=closed hand):She gave him a punch UK on/US in the nose.EFFECT2U the power to be interesting and have a strong effect on people:I felt the performance/speech/presentation lacked punch.DRINK3C OR U a cold or hot drink made by mixing fruit juices,pieces of fruit and often wine or other alcoholic drinks TOOL4C a piece of equipment which cuts holes in a material by pushing a piece of metal through it:a ticket punch Have you seen the hole punch anywhere?verbTHIT1 to hit someone or something with your FIST(=closed hand):He punched him in the stomach.2 MAINLY US to hit with your fingers the buttons on a telephone or the keys on a keyboard USE TOOL 3 to make a hole in something with a special piece of equipment:I was just punching holes in some sheets of paper.This belts too bigIll have to punch an extra hole in it.idioms punch sb.s lights out INFORMAL to hit someone repeatedly very hard punch the clock US to put a card into a special machine to record the times you arrive at and leave work:After 17 years of punching the clock,he just disappeared one morning and was never heard from again.1.What does the word“pump”mean in “He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case”?()A.Talk with.B.Ask for information.C.Listen to.D.Provide with evidence.2.When Sally says“The TV program kept pumping out mercials”,she may be .A.excitedB.interestedC.annoyedD.worried3.What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?()A.Sums of money.B.Raw materials.C.Human resources.D.Media support.4.When Sylvia says“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”,she thinks it was not .A.fluent and impressiveB.logical and movingC.informative and significantD.interesting and powerful语篇解读:本语篇节选自词典,考查学生通过查词典来理解词句的能力。答案及剖析:1.B猜测词义题。He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case与原文中的She was pumping me for details of the new project.相仿,所以该pump意为“to keep asking someone for information,especially in a way that is not direct”。2.C推理判断题。“The TV program kept pumping out mercials”一句与“The government keeps pumping out the same old propaganda.”相仿,故该pump out意为“to produce words or loud music in a way that is repeated,forceful and continuous”,那是人们所不喜欢的、讨厌的东西。3.A事实细节题。从原文可知,“pump-priming”意为“the activity of helping a business,programme,economy,etc.to develop by giving it money”,所以答案为A。4.D推理判断题。“His speech was OK but it had no real punch”与“I felt the performance/speech/presentation lacked punch.”有关,可知punch应当是“interesting and powerful”的意思。


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