2019-2020年七年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do同步测试牛津上海版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Module 2 Unit 4 Jobs people do同步测试牛津上海版I. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.(用括号内单词的适当形式填空)1.Mrs Wang , Miss Tang and Susan have _(different) jobs.2. Marys job is to make sick people _(good).3. My aunt types letters every day. She is a _(type)4. There are a lot of new_(pany) near our school.5.Peter is a removal man. He moves many _(furniture) to peoples new flat every day.II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.(用括号内的动词的适当形式填空)1.What job _ your father _(do)?2.Alice _(work) in a hospital every day.3.My sister is a teacher. She _(teach) English.4. Kitty _(go) to Rose Garden School with her sister every morning.5. Her job is _(answer) the phone. She is a _(secret).III. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子)1.Most of the students have lunch at school. (改为否定句) Most of the students _ _ lunch at school.2.His aunt draws plans of buildings.(改为一般疑问句) _ his aunt _ plans of buildings?3.Whats your fathers job?(保持句意相同)What _your father _?4.My mother works in a supermarket. (对划线部分提问) _ _your mother work?5.Mrs. Wang is a famous engineer. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Mrs. Wang?. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (首字母填空)Bob is 11 years old. He goes to a boarding school (寄宿学校). He s_1_ at school five days a week. He is in the basketball club and m_2_ club. He likes playing baseball very much and he is good at singing and playing instruments. He can play the v_3_, the piano and the guitar well. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, are music teachers. They teach in a_4_ school. They like music very much and do well in music. They often sing at singing shows on TV. Bobs sister, Mary, is five years old. She can sing a lot of songs. She can dance w_5_, too. She says she wants to be a musician and a famous dancer.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _5. _ Unit 4 Jobs people do Exercise Two I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)( ) 1.Danny is very busy. He moves _ furniture to peoples new flat every day.A. a fewB. manyC. muchD. a little( ) 2.Does she wear_ uniform in her job?A. aB.theC.anD. /( ) 3.The Blacks usually_ shoppingA.goB. goesC.wentD. gone( ) 4.Dont worry! I have got _ information about your lost child.A.a lot ofB. manyC. a fewD. a lot( ) 5.Its raining. _your raincoat, or you will have a bad cold.A.WearB. Put onC. DressD. PutII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子)1. .Most of the students have lunch at school. (改为一般疑问句) _ most of the students_ lunch at school.2. John has stayed in the hospital for a week because his leg was broken.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ John stayed in the hospital because his leg was broken?3.Whats your mothers job?(保持句意相同) _ _ _ your mother _?4.My sister goes to the cinema twice a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ your sister go to the cinema ?5. Her father will e back in a few weeks. (对划线部分提问) _ _ will her father e back?III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.(用括号内动词的适当形式填空) 1. Firemen usually use fire-engine _(put) out fires.2. He saw a policewoman _(catch) a thief in the shop yesterday.3. My uncle _(work) as a removal man in a removal pany.4.He wants to be a policeman because he likes _ (help )others.5. Maary _(go) to the park yesterday and she _(enjoy) herself there. Choose the words or expressions and plete the passage. (完形填空)Last Saturday, my parents and I went to summer camp. We went to the mountains. We -66- the foot of the mountains by bus. In the middle of the mountain there was a river. The water was very -67-. There were some fish in the river. On the mountain there were -68-. They were very beautiful. At noon, many people got together. It was so -69-. We had our meal on the mountain. The food was very delicious. -70- eating, we went on our trip. At last, we got to the top of the mountain. We were all very happy. It was really interesting.( ) 1. A. reached toB. got C. got toD. arrived( ) 2. A. clean B. dirty C. big D. small( ) 3. A. grassB. flowers C. foodD. people( ) 4. A. popularB. busy C. easyD. crowded( ) 5. A. BeforeB. When C. AfterD. Since Unit 4 Jobs people do Exercise Three I. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)( ) 1.I live on the tenth floor. Every day, I go up and down_.A. in the liftB.on the liftC. at the liftD. by the lift( ) 2.I enjoy _ with all the people in my office.A. workB. workingC.to workD.worked( ) 3.There is _ uniform on my bed.A.anB. aC./D. the( ) 4.What about _ the stamp show tomorrow?A.go toB.going toC. to go toD. went to( ) 5.There is _ ink in the bottle, is there?A.a littleB. littleC. a fewD.fewII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子)1. People have kept dogs for millions of years. (对划线部分提问) _ _ have people kept dogs?2. We call people from Canada Canadians.(对划线部分提问) _ _ we call people from Canada?3.My sister likes English better than Chinese.(保持句意相同) My sister_English _Chinese.4.We should take good care of dogs. (保持句意相同) We should _ _ dogs _.5. Henry is a postman (保持句意相同) Henrys job is _ _ letters and parcels.III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs.(用括号内动词的适当形式填空) 1. A secretary _(go) to the meetings and _(answer ) the phne.2. Dont bother your aunt. She _(just arrive)here .3.Yesterday my father _(meet) a friend of his in the street.4.please_(not fly) kites here. Its very dangerous.5. _ an ambulance man_(wear) a uniform?. Choose the words or expressions and plete the passage. (完形填空)Peter is nine years old. He is in Grade Two this year. He likes to play football and watch football matches. And he often 66 newspapers. He does his best to know where and when a football match will be. Now Peter is having lunch. He is 67 the radio, too. He is very happy because there will be a nice football match on TV at four this afternoon. He wants 68 it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons. So he finds a way.“Hello, Mrs Black,” Peter says to his teacher on the phone. “Peter is bed. He wants to ask for half a days leave.”“Oh, I m 70 to hear that,” says Mrs Black. “But who is that?”“Its my father, Mrs Black.”( ) 66. A. sees B. looks C. watches D. reads( ) 67. A. listening B. listening to C. hearingD. hearing to( ) 68. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. to watch( ) 69. A. tiredB. sleepC. sickD. afraid( ) 70. A. sorryB. happyC. gladD. angry Unit 4 Jobs people do Exercise FourI. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)( ) 1._ ambulance worker came and took _ SPCA officer to the hospital.A. An, anB.A, anC.The, aD. A,at( ) 2.A policeman and a policewoman came to the _ of the accident.A. sinceB. sceneC.scienceD.scientist( ) 3.Dont help them. You should let the children _the housework by themselves.A.doesB.to doC.doD. doing( ) 4.When we _Shanghai, it was already 10 oclock in the evening.A.gotB.reachedC. arrived atD. arrived ( ) 5.Ten minutes ago a motorcycle _ fire in the street.A.caughtB.catchedC. catchingD.catchesII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子)1. Both Ben and the motorcyclist were hurt. (改为否定句) _Ben _the motorcyclist_ hurt.2. Sam ran away because he was afraid.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Sam _ away?3.A doctor and a nurse took care of them carefully.(保持句意相同)A doctor and a nurse _ _them carefully 4.Ben had a broken arm. Ben _ _ a broken arm.(改为否定句) _ Ben _ a broken arm?(改为一般疑问句)5. The policeman stopped the traffic to let the car e through easily. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the policeman stop the traffic?III. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.(用括号内单词的适当形式填空) 1.A _(motorcycle)is lying on the ground and he was hurt.2.After we heard the sound, we went to the bus stop _(immediate)3. Two ambulance workers drove Ben _(quick) to the hospital.4. Bens arm and Peters leg were _(break)5. Ben looked _(happily) when she saw Sam home. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (首字母填空)Hainan is in the south of China. The weather there is d_1_ from that of the north of China. There is no winter in Hainan. Many people go there in winter, because its c_2_ in the north of China. In summer, its very hot. Its usually sunny, but it often r_3_ suddenly. So people often take a pair of sunglasses and a raincoat at the same time. Hainan is a good p_4_ to go for holidays and have fun. We can go fishing, swimming and so on. When we want to have a rest, we can lie on the b_5_ and enjoy the blue sky and the white clouds.Would you like to go to Hainan? 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _5. _ Unit 4 Jobs people do Exercise FiveI. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)( ) 1.Simon saw me _ some second-hand cars near a park yesterday.A. sellingB.sellC.soldD. sells( ) 2.My sister looked _ at the letter, with tears in her eyes.A. happyB. happilyC.happierD.happiest( ) 3.There is something wrong with my mobile phone, Ive decided to buy _one.A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD. others( ) 4.Danny is removal man and he moves _ furniture to peoples new flats.A.a littleB.a fewC. a lotD. a lot of( ) 5.A street cleaner_ the street early every morning.A.emptiesB.collectsC. sweepsD.correctsII. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子)1. An officer found Sam at last.(改为否定句) An officer_ _ Sam at last.2. They drove quickly to the hospital.(对划线部分提问) _ _ they _to the hospital?3.Kitty was very excited to see her friend.(改为否定句)Kitty _ _ very excited to see her friend.4.Dont play in the street.(改为反义疑问句)Dont play in the street,_ _?5. Lets have some bread for lunch. (改为反义疑问句) Lets have some bread for lunch,_ _?III. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. (首字母填空)Traveling to all countries of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we know and u 1 each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine(设想) you will hold a m 2 at four oclock, what time should you e 3 your foreign business friends to e? If they are German, they will a 4 on time. If they are American, theyll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they are British, theyll be fifteen minutes late.The British seemed to think since the English l 5 was widely used in the world, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very soon they f 6 they were pletely(完全地) wrong. For e 7 , the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese p 8 not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know e 9 other, and they dont drink at lunch. The Germans like to talk about business b 10 dinner; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Unit 4 Jobs people do Exercise SixI. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案)( ) 1.When all the children are quiet, Miss Wang tells them _ her trip to Japan.A. onB.forC.aboutD.at( ) 2.As a secretary, you must_ meetings and _notes.A. gotakeB. go tomakeC.go totakeD.gomake( ) 3.We put on scraves and gloves to _us _ in winter.A.keepwarmB.makewarmingC.keepwarmingD.givewarm( ) 4.My father is busy. He often keeps working _ midnight.A.whileB.sinceC.untilD. for( ) 5._ fine weather it is today!.A.WhatB.What a C. What anD.HowII.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.(用括号内单词的适当形式填空)1.Every morning Simon _ (see) the street cleaners _(clean) the street.2. _(final), both Tom and the dog got home_(safety).3.Its dangerous for _(motorcycle) to drive too fast in the street.4. Please go to the nearest _(bake) to buy some bread.5._(post) deliver letters and parcels.III. Reading prehension.(阅读理解)My name is Daniel. I am a student in a mixed British school. I leave home at 6:.m. and walk 20 minutes to catch a bus to school. I have a one-hour bus ride to get to school. I begin classes at 8:.m. and finish classes at 2:00 p.m.My name is Jack. I am a student in an American school. I start classes at 7:.m. and finish classes at 1:25 p.m. from Monday to Friday. And then I have lunch at school until2:30 p.m. After lunch I go home. I am Vera. I am from the Philippines. I go to school from 7:.m. to 5:00 p.m. I dont change classrooms, but the teachers do. I dont have schoolbags. I just bring a box to school on the first day. I keep my books in it. I am Julia. I am living in Singapore. My classes start at .m., but I have to get to school at 7:15. Our classes are over at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and at 2:05 p.m. on Mondays, and at 12:30 p.m. on Fridays. Choose the best answer.( ) 1. Daniel usually gets to school at_.A. 6:.m.B. 7:.m. C. 7:.m.D. 8:.m.( ) 2. Jack goes to school_days every week.A. four B. five C. six D. seven( ) 3._ neednt bring a schoolbag to school.A. DanielB. Jack C. VeraD. Julia( ) 4. The four short passages all talk about different_.A. subjectsB. busesC. school namesD. school lives( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT right?A. Vera has to change classrooms every day.B. Julias classes start at the same time every day.C. Jack studies in an American school.D. Daniel walks 20 minutes to catch a bus to school.

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