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2019-2020年七年级英语下册期末知识点复习(含答案)一、语言技能1.选择家的类型与方位 。2.学习有关城市与国家的词汇。3.介绍家中的房间与家具名。4.运用介词描述事物的方位。5.熟练运用基数词。6.运用序数词给事物、事件排序以及谈论时间表、日期、得分和结果等。7.正确使用电话用语。8.熟悉职业名称、人物名称和地点名称。9.特殊疑问句的语序以及提问。10.熟悉社区中的地点和公共交通方面的词汇。11.掌握问路和指明路线的日常用语。12.识别并运用词汇描述地点、设施和人。13.了解周围生活中较不寻常的、令人惊讶的事情。14.学会运用有关技能、责任和个性的话题。15.学会谈论在社区里年轻人该如何帮助他人。16.学会介绍宠物。17.学会养宠物所需承担的责任。二、要求掌握六个单元课文中出现的重点单词和常用词组。要求掌握单词有:capital, beach, sea, town, wooden, over, climb, ladder, quiet, rain, while, street, share, lie, friendly, above, grow, most, bookshelf, shower, lamp, bath, chalk, below, printer, shelf, top, tidy, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen, seventy, ninety, thousand, million, arrive, seventh, sixth, e, exam, second, third, fourth, fifth, ninth, eleventh, twelfth, twentieth, sound, bathroom, afraid, still, message, none, order, badminton, underground, air, pollution, area, country, lake, building, such, place, like, close, far, hey, until, so, Western, local, theatre, teach, take, less, waiter, shopper, sick, hospital, ham, chip, beef, fork, plate, each, loaf, packet, Coke, either, right, thirsty, finger, hold, week, group, full, nearby, ride, bicycle, wonderful, sunny, rice, bottle, instead, follow, north, north-west, south-west, call, robber, drive, quickly, at once, police, uniform, just, push, away, fail, use, knife, work, route, along, right, another, stop, traffic, light, win, jump, later, suddenly, surprised, catch, crossroads, straight, corner, road, hotel, cross, off, across, round, onto, train, stair, railway, south, step, side, bridge, join, win, paper, turning, towards, note, page, monitor, postcard, bright, UFO, travel, Earth, Moon, elephant, plant, without, lightning, strange, unusual, noise, frightened, anybody, nobody, carefully, everything, search, weak, soft, crazy, kick, can, lose, practise, even, early, bark, anyone, hard-working, frog, kill, die, baby, tail, gram, dangerous, snake, tongue, return, guide, belong, bone, neck, understand, believe, word, remember, goldfish, second, weight, daytime, move, back, easily, quietly, call, fly, careful, collect, brave, fire, alone, smoke, hurt, pour, over, rush, save, blanket, burn, arm, call, idea, leg, sad, visitor, quick, slow, rude, award, member, super, sport, snow, ski, might, sportswoman, however, weather, term, memory, orgazine, grade, result, high, plan, difficult, Internet, lose, act housework, lesson, likely, pet, ought, parrot, rabbit, hold, feed, carrot, wide, trick, build, camp, stick, bite, trouble, end, anywhere, middle, open, drawer, empty, care, ring, doorbell, feather, wing, knock, cage, pull, brush, frighten, once, clean, weigh, kilogram, owner, speaker, shy, basket, worry, slowly.常用词组有:bunk beds 双层床sitting room 起居室,客厅dining room 餐厅in front of 在的前面air conditioner 空调at least 至少ground floor 一楼swimming pool 游泳池football pitch 足球场beautiful and quiet 美丽而安静的in the centre of Moscow 在莫斯科中心in a town near London 在伦敦附近的镇上a busy street 一条繁华的街道in front of the wardrobe 在橱柜前面on the shelf 在架子上opposite the air conditioner 在空调对面works of art 艺术品youth centre 青少年活动中心air pollution 空气污染not until 直到才in the centre of 在中心be close to 靠近less than 比少never mind 没关系have to go far 不得不走很远have a lot of work to do 有很多事要做a good place to go 一个好去处enjoy Beijing Opera 欣赏京剧why dont you ./ why not 为何不most of them 他们大多数Western restaurants 西式菜馆each other 互相police station 警察局in the end 最终, 最后railway station 火车站Yours faithfully (用于书信结尾)你忠实的follow me 跟着我go down 下去;顺着/沿着走be sure 确定;确信be afraid 害怕go up 上去at once 立即;马上in police uniform 穿着警察制服go along 顺着/沿着走turn left 向左转turn right 向右转traffic lights 交通灯zebra crossing 斑马线as usual 像平常一样, 照例run into 碰见, 遇到say to oneself 自言自语be afraid of sth / sb. (doing sth) 害怕某事/某人(做某事)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事crazy about 热衷于,为而着迷take care of 照顾be fond of 喜欢wake up 醒过来; 叫醒at birth 出生时take turns 轮流push off 推离fact sheet 资料单not any more 不再belong to 属于key ring 钥匙环up to 直到turn around. 转过身来anything unusual 任何异常的东西happen to sb / sth 某人/物发生了什么in the daytime = in the day 在白天on land 在陆地上be surprised to do sth 惊奇地做某事be surprised at / about sth 对某事感到惊奇put out 扑灭by oneself 独自,单独rubbish bin 垃圾箱keep away (使)不靠近,(使)离开instead of 而不是, 代替,取而代之do ones best 尽力no problem 没问题hear from 收到的信(或电报等)be able to 能,能够help sb. out of 帮助某人逃脱hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事hear sb do sth. 听见某人做某事(通常是听到的全过程)keepfrom 使远离(be) in danger 处在危险之中happen to sb 某人发生了什么be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事be grateful for ones help 感激某人的帮助No problem. 没问题on ones way to 在某人去路上want sb to do sth 想叫某人做某事ought to 应该in the sun 在阳光下fish tank 鱼缸fantail goldfish 扇尾金鱼bring sb sth 给某人拿来某物watch sb do sth. 观看某人做某事look beautiful 看上去漂亮的too much 太多all over 遍及,到处make sure 确信、务必,be interested in sth / doing sth 对感兴趣take care of 照顾knock on 敲(门)of all 在所有当中with eyes open wide 睁大眼睛look after 照顾until the end 直到最后makes a lot of noise 很吵闹black and white 黑白条纹的三、要求对课文中出现的日常用语会交际使用。Where would you like to live? I live in the centre of Moscow. That sounds great.May I speak to Neil, please?Lets go to the supermarket. Ill meet you at school at 8 a.m. tomorrow. Are there any tomatoes? No, there are none. We held a party last week. The party was a lot of fun.We will take the bus to the Summer Palace.Walk over the bridge to South Road and then turn left.Eddie is jumping over the chair.I am going to take another route.A giraffe has seven bones in its long neck.Simon is crazy about football.I love my toys. They are mine.This is Amys T-shirt.Thank you for joining us this evening.How old are you?Be careful with matches.Do not leave the stove on.I dont like animals.I play with my dog in the park.Cats are very clean. You dont have to bathe them.Dont chase the cat.You must not touch a fish with your hands.四、语法知识点:基数词和序数词的用法及区别1表示数目的词叫基数词。最常用的基数词有:1one,2two,3three,4four,5five,6six,7seven,8eight,9nine,10ten,11eleven,12twelve,13thirteen,14fourteen,15fifteen,16sixteen,17seventeen,18eighteen,19nineteen,20twenty,30thirty,40forty,50fifty,60sixty,70seventy,80eighty,90ninety,100a hundred,1000a thousand。2表示顺序的数词称为序数词。序数词一般以与之相应的基数词加词尾th构成。如:tenth(第十)。但下面这些基数词在变为序数词时,有特别的地方:onefirst, twosecond, threethird, fivefifth, eighteighth, nineninth, twelvetwelfth.以-ty结尾的词,要先变y为i,再加-eth。例如:twentytwentieth, fortyfortieth。以one, two, three, five, eight, nine收尾的多位数词,要照第一条办法变。例如:twenty-onetwenty-first, twenty-twotwenty-second, thirty-fivethirty-fifth, ninety-nineninety-nintha hundred and fifty-threehundred and fifty-third序数词主要用作定语,前面要加定冠词。例如:This is the first public performance of the play.这是该剧的首次公演。【注意】在谈到编号的东西时,通常用序数词。例如:the first part第一部分the twenty-third section第二十三章也可以用基数词来表示(这时名词要放在基数词之前,名词和基数词都要大写):the first part第一部分Part Onethe twenty-third section第二十三章Section Twenty-third如果数字较长,序数词总避免使用,例如:第201号房间:Room 201第319面:Page 319第一拖拉机厂:the Number I Tractor Works第六号车厢:Carriage No.6第七路公共汽车:Bus Number Seven定冠词the的用法在下列几种情况需要用定冠词the:1.特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。Show me the photo of the boy.The book on the desk is mine.2.指双方都知道的人或事物。Where are the new books, Jim?They are on the small table.3.指上文提过的人或事物。Ji Wei lives on a farm. The farm is not big.4.用在世界上独一无二的事物前。The sun is bigger than the moon.5.用在序数词和形容词最高级前。The first month of the year is January.6.用在由普通名词构的专有名词前。the Great Wallthe Womens Hospital7.用在一些习惯用语中。in the morning(afternoon, evening)on the left(right),at the back(front)of,the day before yesterday, all the same不用冠词的情况1.专有名词和不可数名词前。例如:China, Grade Two, Bill Smith, milk2.词前已有作定语用的等代词。例如:The letter is in her bag.e this way, please.I have some questions.3.复数名词表示一类人或事物时。例如:My father and mother are teachers.I like cakes.4.在星期、月份、季节、节日前。例如:It is Sunday(Monday, Tuesday, etc.)today.June 1st is Childrens Day in China.It is cold in winter.5.在称呼或表示头衔的名词前。例如:Mr Mott is going on a trip.What colour are Mrs Greens shoes?6.在三餐饭和球类运动的名称前。例如:He went to school before breakfast this morning.Can you play basketball?7.某些固定词组中。例如:at home, by train, go to school, at breakfast, on time等的名词前不用冠词。一般将来时一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反常发生的动作。常与表示将来的时间状语连用。如:in a few days,tomorrow,next week,next year等。例如:I will go to my hometown next week.We will e to see you every Sunday.1.一般将来时的构成。一般将来时由“助动词will+动词原形”构成。在口语中,will在名词或代词后常简缩为ll, will not常简缩为wont。在疑问句中,主语为第一人称(I和we)时,常用助动词shall。肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句I/We will go. I/We will not go. Shall I/we go?You will go. You will not go. Will you go?He/She/It/They will go. He/She/It/They will not go. Will he/she/it/they go?【注意】在表示“带意愿色彩的将来”时,常用will。例如:Ill give you a hand. 我愿意帮你。在同对方是否愿意,或表示客气的邀请或命令时,常用will。例如:Will you go to the office with me?你愿意和我一起去办公室吗?Will you please clean the blackboard?你能擦一下黑板吗?在表示建议或征求对方意见时,可用shall I (we)的疑问句,例如:Shall we go home now?我们能现在回家吗?Shall I put my handbag here?我能把我的包放在这里吗?2.be going to+ 动词原形表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情,用于多种人称。例如:What are you going to do next Sunday?下星期天你打算干什么?Theyre going to meet outside the school gate.他们打算在校门口见面。Were not going to have any classes next week.下个星期我们不上课。表示方位的介词常用的移动方向的介词有:across“横过、穿过”, over“越过,从上边过去”, to“向、往、到”, up“向上,向上”, down“向下,沿着往下”, through“通过、穿过”, round“围绕、环绕”, from“从、自、来自”。介词和其它名词一起构成介词短语,介词短语在句中通常作状语、表语。例如:He helped an old man go across the street. 他帮助一位老人穿过马路。They climbed over the hill. 他们爬过了小山。A train is going through a tunnel. 火车正过隧道。Daniel is down the stairs. Daniel正在下楼梯。Its ten minuteswalk from our school to the museum.从我校到博物馆十分钟路程。感叹句感叹句多用how和what引起,how和what与所修饰的词放在句首,其他部分用陈述句语序。在口语中谓语常省略。1.how作状语,修饰形容词、副词或动词。如:How fast they are working!他们干得真快!How well she dances!她跳得真好!How lovely they are!真好看!How he hated these beasts! 他多么恨这些畜牧!注释: 没有how a 这种形式。2.what作定语,修饰名词(名词前可有其他定语),可数名词前要加不定冠词a(an)。如:What a fine voice she has!她嗓子真好!What good news it is!多好的消息呀!(不可数名词,不需要加任何冠词)What silly questions you asked!你问的问题真傻!(名词复数前也不需要加任何冠词)感叹句用来表示强烈的感情。句末用感叹号“!”,读时用降调。在口语中常用省略句,后面的主语和谓语往往省略,有时只用一个词或词组。如:How cold!太冷了! Wonderful!太好了!(形容词性和名词性)物主代词1. 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中通常可用作定语,后面要跟名词。如:Mary lost her handbag. 玛丽丢了包。Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。2. 名词性物主代词,相当于名词,具有名词的特性,在句中可作主语、宾语及表语等。它后面不能再加其它的名词。如:This isnt my jacket. Mine is black. 这不是我的夹克衫,我的是黑的。Our English teacher is more friendly than theirs. 我们的英语老师比他们的更友好。3. 名词性物主代词还可以和of连用,构成双重属性。如:Jim is a good friend of mine.吉姆是我的一个好朋友。Look at that big red nose of his. 看他的大红鼻子。情态动词can和may的用法1. can / could来谈论能力。can情态动词,“能、会”,有两种形式,can为现在式,could为过去式,其后跟动词原形,用于一切人称和单、复数;它的否定式为can not (cant), could not (couldnt)。例如:I can ride a bike, but I cant drive. 我会骑自行车,但不会开车。Lucy could read at the age of four, but Lily couldnt.露西4岁时会看书,但李莉不会。Can Sandy play tennis? Yes, she can.Could Amy fly a kite last year? No, she couldnt.2. can / could谈论可能性。can / could除了表示能力“能、会”外,还可以表示可能性,“可能、会得、可以”。例如:Fire can be dangerous if we are not careful. 如果我们不小心,火可能是危险的。It was snowing in Canada. We could go skiing there.加拿大在下雪,我们可以在那里滑雪。3. 用may / might谈论可能性。may情态动词,“可能、或许”,它有两种形式, may和might;其后直接跟动词原型,用于一切人称和单复数。两者的区别是:1.may表示可能发生的几率要比might(来得)更大些。试比较:She may go to the fashion show on Sunday. 星期天她可能要去参加时装展(可能性较大)She might go to the fashion show on Sunday.(对去的可能性怀疑更大些)2.may和might在表示“可以”,或在疑问句中征求对方的许可时,might的语气要比may委婉些。试比较:May I e in? Yes, you may. 我可以进来吗?可以。Might I e and see you? 我可以来看你吗?3.might也可以作为may的过去式,用于过去时中。例如:She was afraid her mother might be ill. 她担心她妈妈可能生病了。值得注意的是:在对May I ?问句作肯定回答时,通常不用过去严肃或正式的Yes, you may。而用Yes, please 或of course 等;作否定回答时,常用please dont或 No, you cant(mustnt)。祈使句祈使句表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召等,谓语动词用原形。它的特点是省略了主语you,不需要回答。例如:Be sure to get here before nine. 千万九点以前到。Take care not to catch cold.小心别着凉了。Get out! 滚!祈使句的否定式多以do not(通常缩写为dont)引起,也可用never 引起。例如:Dont trouble to e over yourself. 你不必费神亲自过来。Never forget class bitterness! 不忘阶级苦!Dont be late next time.下次不要迟到。祈使句的反意疑问句用will you, 但以lets开头的祈使句要用shall we。例如:Lets go, shall we? 我们走,好吗?Let me try, will you? 让我试一下,好吗?Dont leave, will you?不要离开,好吗?情态动词should、ought to和must的用法1. 情态动词should 和ought to作“应该”是同义词。例如:You should/ought to play with your pet for some time every day.2. should用于第一人称的疑问句中,表示征询对方的意见,语气较婉转。例如:What should we do? 我们该怎么办呢?的用法:3. ought to表示责任上、道义上的“应该”。它没有人称和时态的变化,它的语气比should强,常有责备或督促的意思。例如:They ought to go tomorrow. 他们应该明天走。4. must的用法: must表示“必须”“应该”,表示说话人的命令和要求。例如:You must do everything carefully. 你必须认真做好每件事。Must I go now? Yes, you must / No, you neednt. must 的否定式有二个:当回答由must引起的问题时,否定回答用neednt或dont have to,表示“不必”的意思;当表示“不允许,禁止”时就用mustnot。例如:You must not play balls in the street. 你不许在街上踢球。 have to与must意思接近,只是have to着重强调客观需要,must着重说明主观看法。I must clean the bedroom.(主观想法) I have to clean the bedroom. (客观想法) must be 可以表示推测“一定”“大概”,只用于肯定句。例如:The bike must be Li Pings. 那辆车一定是李平的。 表示推测的否定句,“不可能”、“不一定”,用cant be , 不用mustnt be。例如:He cant be in Shanghai now. 现在他不可能在上海。

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