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2019-2020年九年级上学期第一次月考英语试题(VIII)一、听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句子。(共3题,每题1分)1. A. Lets make it eight past five. B. Lets make it half past eight. C. Lets make it five past eight.2. A. My grandfather began working in the year 1960. B. My grandmother began working in the year 1916. C. My grandfather began working in the year 1916.3. A. Theyve been working here for nearly ten minutes. B. Theyve been walking there for nearly ten minutes. C. Theyve been waiting here for nearly ten minutes.二、听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出与你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。(每题1分)1. A. Some visitors came to my school last week. B. No visitors came to my school last week. C. Few visitors came to my school last week.2. A. It is ten years since he didnt go to the health club. B. He went to the health club ten years ago. C. He has been a member of the health club for ten years.三、请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。(共3题,每题1分)情 景:你的同学考试失败了,你表示遗憾。Questions:1._ 2._ 3._四、听短文回答问题。(共3题,每题1分)第 1 小题:What is being more popular these days?第 2 小题:Why do other people prefer buying things in a shop?第 3 小题:What advice is given for those online shoppers?五、请用英语描述下图,要求六句话以上。(此题4分)第二部分:笔试部分选择题从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共15小题,每小题1分)1. Human beings create mountains of rubbish every day which is harmful to our Earth. A. give B. found C. produce 2. A big fire took place last night.A. took away B. took away C. happened 3. Dont lose your temper with that boy.A. be hungry B. be angry C.be sad 4. A huge number of people queued for the whole day to buy Ipone 6 in Hong Kong yesterday.A. many B. much C. several 5. I must study hard to pass the exam in order not to let my parents down.A.make disappointed B. make surprised C. make frightened 6. I will go to France instead of Italy. A. insteadB. take place ofC. in place of7. Do you know how to deal with these old newspapers? A. how to do withB. what to do with C. how should we deal with8. The film started ten minutes ago. A. has started for ten minutesB. has been on for ten minutes C. has been over for ten minutes9. As we all know the red rose represents love. A. stands onB. stands forC. stands with10.The lady glanced at both of them and then walked over to Debbie. A. watched B. saw C. looked quickly at 11. She came to remind him that tomorrow is her birthday . A. speak B. tell C. discuss 12. Your whole appearance does municates things A. looks B. gestures C. eye expression 13.They promised that they could serve the customers well A. believed B said for sure C. told 14. I want to avoid giving him my lecture tonight. A .keep B .keep away from C .stop 15. The boy felt ashamed of asking such a foolish question. A. was happy about B. got bored with C. felt embarrassed about完形填空(15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共10小题,每小题1.5分)Two boys were walking down a road. They noticed a man working in the field. The younger _l6_ looked at his older friend and said, Lets hide his shoes, so that he wont be able to find them after work. It must be funny! The _17_ boy thought for a moment and said, The man looks poor. Look at his clothes! Lets do this instead: hide a(n) _18_ coin in each shoe and see how he deals with them. The younger boy _19_. They placed a silver coin in each shoe and then hid themselves _20_. Soon the farmer came out. He put on a shoe and immediately felt the coin under his foot. He held the coin in his hand, looked at it in _21_ and wanted to know who had put it in his shoe. Then he looked around to see who had done it, but no one was there. He then put on the _22_ shoe and felt the second coin. The man was so excited when he found another one in his shoe. He then _23_ to his knees and said something. The boys could _24_ hear it as they were very close. The poor farmer _25_ in gratitude(感激). He spoke of his sick wife and his boys in need of food. He expressed thanks for the _26_ from an unknown person. After the farmer _27_, the boys came out from their hiding place and _28_ started their long walk home. They felt _29_ inside. They learned how happy it was to _30_ others.16. A. farmer B. friend C. boy D. man17. A. younger B. older C. happier D. taller18. A. silver B.gold C. iron D. new 19. A. listened B. escaped C. agreed D. shouted20. A. again B. outside C. there D. nearby21. A. joy B.sadness C. surprise D. anger22. A. rest B. other C. first D. single23. A. got B. came C. dropped D. rose24. A. honestly B. hardly C. easily D. necessarily25. A. watched B.cried C. ran D. shared26. A. love B. advice C. food D. money 27. A. checked B. slept C. left D. understood28. A. luckily B.slowly C. lonely D. carefully29. A. sad B. happy C. relaxed D. bored30. A. invite B. teach C. call D. help阅读理解(30分)i阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)AMy name is Reyes and Im a student in Miami Senior High School. Last Thursday I went to attend the opening day of a football club with my friend David. After we returned to school, I found my wallet was gone. In it was my high school ID card, along with my driver s license. Bad luck. Now you have to get a new school ID card, said my friend David. I felt a bit upset, but I still said, Maybe someone will find it and give it to me. Hearing that, David laughed and said, Dont be so naive (天真的). Why would someone bother to do that? I thought he was right. Nowadays everyone is too busy with their own life. Why would someone waste time doing something like that? But we were wrong. This Friday, my headmaster found me and handed me my wallet. I couldnt believe my eyes. A man brought it to school this morning. He left without leaving his name, said the headmaster when he handed me my wallet. I was more surprised when I opened it. In it were $20 and a note, which read, I added $20 to it so that you can know the world is a great place. Do me a favor. When you get the chance, do something ice for someone else. My headmaster took a photo of the note and mailed it to the entire staff of the school. He also broadcast the story to all the students as a lesson in kindness. He wanted us to know that there are kind people in the world. He also wanted to encourage us to do good deeds in life. Ive decided to pay it forward.31. What did the author find as soon as he returned to school? A. Someone had returned his money. B. Someone had bought him a wallet. C. He had lost all his money. D. He had lost his wallet.32. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that at first the author and his friend _. A. thought people around them were very naive B. believed there were kind people in the world C. didnt think people were busy with their own life D. didnt believe someone would be kind enough to help33. How did the author feel when the headmaster handed him his wallet? A. Tired. B. Worried. C. Surprised. D. Interested.34. Why did the stranger put $20 in the wallet? A. Because he had been asked to do so by its owner. B. Because he wanted its owner to pass the kindness from then on. C. Because he thought its owner must be a very poor student. D. Because he didnt want its owner to think he had stolen the wallet.35. We know from the passage that the author has decided to _. A. take a photo of the note B. do something kind for others C. broadcast the story to others D. tell the story to all his teachersBWhen I first entered high school, I knew no one at my school. All my friends in middle school went to other schools. I wanted to make some new friends. However, I was shy and wasnt good at making new friends. On my first day at school, I looked at others who were walking in groups happily. How I wish I were one of them! I guess I was very lucky then. At lunch in the dining hall, when I was eating at a table alone, a girl came to me. Excuse me, is this seat taken? she asked. I immediately shook my head. She smiled and sat down opposite (面对) to me. I felt little awkward and didnt know what to say at all, but I really wanted to municate with her. It was a good opportunity to make friends. With her. When I looked up, I found she was smiling at me. Her smile calmed me down. I really like this school. Its beautiful, but I dont know. Anyone here. All my friends went to other schools, said the girl. Hearing her words, I immediately said, My friends are not here, either. Can we be friends? I was surprised. I couldnt believe I would say something like that, and to my surprise, that girl immediately said yes. We both smiled. We became very good friends. Now its the beginning of a new term again. Many students may have no friends at their new schools. If you are also as shy as I used to be, please dont be afraid to talk to others. You may get a surprise and make a new friend. After all, others want to make new friends, too.36. We know on her fast day at school, the author _. A. hoped she could go to her old friends schools B. only knew a few people at her school C. hoped she could make some new friends D. met some old friends at her new school37. The underlined word awkward in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _. A. bored B. excited C. interested D. embarrassed38. After the girl sat down opposite to the author, the author _. A. immediately shook her hand B. immediately said something to keep calm C. wanted to talk with her D. wanted her to go away at once39. What did the girl do after the author asked if they could bee friends? A. She agreed at once. B. She thought for a long time. C. She felt a little down. D. She sat down in no time.40. Whats the authors purpose in writing the passage? A. To encourage shy people to talk to others. B. To show that high school is really exciting. C. To tell us how lucky she was in high school. D. To advise us to have a good first day in high school.CHere are some tips on how to relax after a long days work._ This will not only make sure you dont notice the cleaning you should do, but also make you more relaxed. When the light is weak, you will be more likely to relax your eyes. Use candles instead of electric lights! They can help you feel fortable and relaxed._ When it es to relaxing, it is important for you to enjoy a good meal. Cook some food yourself. Enjoy it when you are cooking as the process (过程) can help you relax. Make the food .as delicious as you can! If youre too tired, you should think about ordering food just for this night, but dont make it a habit!_ Nothing can take your mind off work as a good friend can! Make sure you dont talk about work all night but do something fun together! After work, your friend is probably tired too, so dont plan on doing everything at once and save the exciting and fun activities for future. Have a cup of tea, play a game or watch your favorite TV series. Its good for you to be social after a long day of work._ It is important to get a good nights sleep if you are planning to work better the next day and have the energy to do something nice after work. If you are working hard for a long period of time, enough sleep is necessary for keeping you going. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Make your body relax and let go.41. According to the author, in order to feel relaxed, we should _. A. stay under brighter lighting B. do the cleaning in the daytime C. relax our eyes by using electric lights D. turn down the lights and light some candles42. What does the underlined word it in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. Food. B. A meal. C. Relaxing. D. Cooking.43. We can infer from Paragraph 4 that _. A. being social after a long days work can help us relax B. watching TV series with friends wont help us feel relaxed C. friends are usually too tired to e out for social activities D. we should plan on doing everything at once for fun with friends44. What is the order of the titles for Paragraphs 2 to 5?a. Eat good food. b. Invite a friend over. c. Go to bed early. d. Turn down the lights.A. a-b-d-c B. a-d-b-cC. d-a-c-b D. d-a-b-c 45. This passage is most probably written for _. A. people who work hard B. students who study hard C. students who want to learn better D. people who are bad at socializingDThe Eiffel Tower is very famous in France. It is visited by 7 million visitors a year. The Eiffel Tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel in the late 19th century. On Monday, March 31st, xx, itturned 125. The look of the Eiffel Tower is greatly loved by people today, but things were different when the design was first shown to the public. Many French artists thought that the design was ugly. However, Eiffel did not change a thing. He believed that once it was pleted, people in Paris and visitors around the world would love the tower. He was certainly right. The tower became popular with the public as soon as it opened on March 31st, 1889, two years after the construction (连筑) began. Over 3,000 people came to look at this new tower and even made the effort to climb the l,710 stairs to the top. The 984-foot-tall tower remained the worlds tallest man-made structure until 1930. In that year the l,046-foot-tall Chrysler Building in New York City beat it. Today, the tower houses a number of restaurants on its first and second levels. The third level has been turned into a vast platform (平台). From there visitors can see the entire city of Paris. While visitors are allowed to take the stairs to the first two levels, the platform can only be got to by taking the elevators. To ensure that the Iron Lady always looks good, the tower is cleaned and repainted every eight years. Its an effort that takes a team of 25 workers, an entire year. If you travel to Paris one day, dont miss it, the excellent achievement. Happy 125th Birthday, Eiffel Tower!46. When Gustave Eiffel first showed his design to the public,_. A. the public celebrated the birth of it B. many French artists disliked the design C. the public thought it would be a popular tower D. many French artists decided to change the design47. When did the construction of the Eiffel Tower start? A. In 1887. B. In 1888. C. In 1889. D. In 1890.48. What do we learn about the levels of the Eiffel Tower? A. The first level is provided for hotels. B. Restaurants are all on the second level. C. The third level is mainly for sightseeing. D. The elevators can go to all the three levels.49. From the passage, we know that the Eiffel Tower _. A. is l,046 feet tall B. is also called the “Iron Lady” C. is cleaned by 25 workers each year D. is visited by 70 million visitors a year50. The writer mainly wants to tell us about Eiffel Towers_. A. 125th celebration B. popularity C. brief history D. designer语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。I came from one of those families where you have to shout loudly at the dinner table in order to get a word. In xx, I spent the summer _51_ (live) in South Africa. It was a very important year for _52_, because I learnt to listen. I listened to a Nigerian taxi driver recalling memories of his fifth birthday; I listened to a Germans _53_ (introduce) of Brazils beautiful beaches; I listened to_54_ old couples lovestory _55_ was very moving. I listened, and I listened. Sometimes I _56 _ (speak), but mostly I listened. _57_ that summer, I thought I knew how to listen. I could sit down with anyone and hear their stories. I nodded and responded _58_ (proper) at the right times, but most of the time I was thinking _59_ I should say next. Ever since my summer in South Africa, Ive noticed that _60_ my mouth is closed, my mind will be wide open and I will learn the most about the speaker and even myself.书面表达(15分)最近的一项研究表明大约20%的学生有不吃早饭的习惯。请根据下列内容用英语写一篇题为 “Top Meal of the Day”的短文。字数80-100词。原因: 1.晚上学习太晚,不吃早饭可多睡一会儿; 2. 家长太忙无法照顾,给钱让孩子自己解决; 3. 一些女生为保持苗条身材不吃早饭。结果: 1.课上想睡觉; 2. 考试成绩变差。建议: 1.早饭不可少,它能够提供全天所需能量的30%,而且有助于思维; 2.青少年的健康应从早饭抓起。Top Meal of the DayA survey shows that _

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