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2019-2020年中考英语复习-名词练习()1.Hangzhou is _ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here.Ahome Bhouse Cfamily Droom()2.Are there any _ in your school? Yes, there are. AGermen BGermans CGerman()3.Just search the Internet, you can get almost all the _ you need.Ainformations Binformation Cpicture Dstory()4.Im so hungry.Please give me _ to eat. Athree bread Bthree pieces of bread Cthree pieces of breads()5.Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy _.Afood Bwater Cpear Dcarrot()6.Would you like some _? Oh, yes, just a little.Aapples Bcarrot Cpears Dchicken()7.I am very thirsty now. Would you like some _?Atea Bfish Cnoodles Dpotatoes()8.How far is your cousins home from here? Its about two _ ride. Ahours Bhours Chours Dhour()9.Whose room is this? Its _. ALucy and Lily BLucy and Lilys CLucys and Lilys()10.Oh, Nancy! Do you live here?No.This house is _.Im here to see his baby.Amy son Bmy sons Cthe baby Dthe babys()11.Mr.Jackson keeps lots of _ on his farm. Asheep Bchicken Cgoose Dpandas()12.All the _ in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holiday.A.men teachers Bwomen teachers Cwomen teacher()13.I like _ best of all the vegetables.Apotatoes Btomato Cbreads Drice()14.Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of _.Aknowledge Benergy Cchange Dcourage()15.I have great _ in learning math and I am so worried. Atrouble Binterest Cfun()16.Do you like _?No.I like blue.Aorange Bapples Cflowers Dmilk()17.Tomorrow is _. The students want to buy some flowers for their teachers. ATeacher Day BTeachers Day CTeachers Day Dthe Teachers Day()18.My _ skirt is on the chair. Asisters Bsister Csisters Dsisters()19.Lisa was so careless that she made many spelling _ in her homework.Aplans Bdecisions Cgrades Dmistakes()20.The Chinese _ Mo Yan won the xx Nobel Prize in literature (文学), and it cheers us up.Aartist Bscientist Cwriter Dsinger ()21.The boy didnt sleep well last night because of the _ from the factory. Avoice Bnoise Cmusic Dsong()22.Whats your favorite _, Bob?Cats.Theyre so lovely.Aplant Bjob Csport Danimal()23.If you work harder, youll have another _ to play the violin at a concert.Asleep Bchance Cmistake Dproblem()24.Betty, pass me the _.Ill cut the cake.OK, Mom.Here you are.Asugar Bscarf Cknife Dnote()25.There are some _ in Dayton Art Museum.For example, no food or drink is allowed inside.Ajobs Brecords Crules Dpaintings()26.Whose _ are these? I think they are Johns. Akey Bkeies Ckeys()27.What a good _ youve given me! Thanks a lot.My pleasure.Ainformation Bnews Csuggestion Dadvice()28.I want a sweet milk.Put some _ in my cup, please.Aice Bsoup Csalt Dsugar()29.My teacher gave me much _ on how to study English well when I had some trouble.Aadvice Bquestion Csuggestion Dproblem()30.More and more people e to visit Mount Huangshan.Thats true.It has bee the _ of Anhui.A.pride Beffort Cpraise Dcourage()31.Mum, I want to buy an iPhone 5s for a change.Well, I think there is no _.Its almost the same as an iPhone 4s.Areason Bneed Canswer Dway()32.After PE., I often feel very thirsty.Why not buy some _ to drink?Abread Bnoodles Capple juice Dteas()33.Our school uniforms are out of _.We think young people should look smart.Aluck Bsight Creach Dfashion()34.Is the schoolbag under the desk yours? No, its my_.He left it there just now. Abrother Bbrothers Cbrothers()35.When is _ Day?Its on June 1st, Dave.AChild BChildren CChilds DChildrens()36.Mr.Black is a teacher of _.She and her classmates like him very much.Amy sister Bmy sisters Cmy sisters Dmy sisters()37.Excuse me, is the museum far from here?No, its about _.A5 minutes walk B5 minute walkC5 minutes walk D5 minutes walk()38.Would you like some _ for dinner? OK.Atomatos Btomato Ctomatoes()39.The sun is shining brightly.Why not wear a pair of _ to protect your eyes?Ashoes Bpants Csunglasses()40.Do you know how many _ you have?Atooths Btoothes Cteeth()41.Im told your class has 3 new ers.Yes.One is a _, the other two are _.AJapan; Germany BJapanese; German CJapanese; Germans DJapanese; Germen()42.What animal do you like best? I like _ best.Atigers Bapples Cvegetables Dtrees()43.Whats your favorite food? I like _ best.I had a large bowl last night.Atomato noodle Btomatoes noodleCtomato noodles Dtomatoes noodles()44.I paid ¥10 for _ this morning.A4 bottle milks B4 bottles of milk C4 bottles of milks D4 milk()45.Jeff will e to understand you one day.Its a matter of _!Apleasure Bvalue Ctime()46.Yesterday Lucy told us such good _ that we were all amazed at it. Anews Bideas Csuggestion Danswer()47._ mothers cant go to the parents meeting because they are too busy. AJacks and Paul BJacks and PaulsCJack and Pauls DJack and Paul()48._ is ing.What can I get for my mother?What about a scarf?AWomens Day BWomans Day CWomens Day()49.Times magazine says that smart Lego has bee one of _ favorite toys.Achild Bchildren Cchildrens()50._ plan is to go to Bali Laguna (巴厘岛) for their vacation.ABlacks BThe Blacks CThe Blacks DThe Blacks答案15ABBBA 1610DACBB 1115ABABA 1620ACDDC2125BDBCC 2630CCDAA3135BCDBD 3640BCCCC 4145CACBC4650ABACD

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