2019-2020年中考英语复习考点跟踪突破36 完成句子.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语复习考点跟踪突破36完成句子1所有宠物在生活上给予它们主人爱与安慰。All pets provide the owners with love and fort in their lives.2我更愿意待在家里看电视,而不是跟朋友在外闲逛。Instead of hanging out with friends,I prefer to watch TV at home.3熬夜对健康不好。Staying up late is bad for your health.4我最好的朋友跟我相似,因为我们都勤奋。My best friend is similar to me because we are both hardworking.5我期待着收到你们所有人的来信。I look forward to hearing from you all.6去野营是多好的建议啊!What good advice it is to go camping!7我衷心祝愿你们能成功通过这次考试!I sincerely hope that you can succeed in passing this exam.8处于困境时尽量微笑面对生活,这样你很快就会又高兴起来。Try to smile at life when you are in trouble and soon youll be happy again.9我和我姐姐尝试了滑翔,我感觉像一只鸟。My sister and I tried paragliding.I felt like a bird.10要么你要么我将去超市买些水果。Either you or I will go to the supermarket to buy some fruit.B(xx,白银)1这本书你可以借阅一周。You can keep this book for a week.2这是个难题!不是所有的学生都知道如何解决它。This question is difficult!Not all the students know how to solve it.3那边出了什么事?那么多人挤在大门口。Whats happening over there?So many people are crowding around the gate.4在爱因斯坦完成学业之后,他继续在瑞士学习物理。After Einstain graduated from school,he went on to study physics in Switzerland.5他老是发薪日还没到就把钱花光了。He is always running out of money before payday.C(xx,自贡)1xx年,“duang”这个词在因特网上很流行,但是我们在现代汉语字典中找不到它。The word “duang” is very popular on the Internet in xx,but we cant find it in a modern Chinese dictionary2雾霾对我们的健康有害,人人都应参与拯救环境的行列中。Thick haze is bad for our health.Everyone should take part in saving the environment.3刘翔虽然告别了他心爱的跨栏,但我们仍然以他为骄傲。Liu Xiang said goodbye to his loved hurdle,but we are proud of him.4不要花费太多时间在游戏上,我认为你是在浪费生命。Dont spend too much time on games.I think you are wasting the life.5令我们惊讶的是,在中国达人秀里,刘伟用脚弹钢琴弹得如此之好。To our surprise,Liu Wei played the piano by foot so well in Chinas Got Talent.D(xx,达州)1专家们建议,家长应该亲自和孩子交流沟通。Experts suggest that parents should municate with their children in person2老人与海这本书值得一看。The book The Old Man and the Sea is worth reading3众所周知,钓鱼岛属于中国。As we all know,Diaoyu Island belongs to China.4凯文在母亲节给他妈妈买了一条红色的围巾。Kevin bought a red scarf for his mother on Mothers Day.5四川的人口比云南的多。The population of Sichuan is larger than that of Yunnan.E(xx,辽阳)1父母在孩子教育方面起着重要的作用。Parents play_an_important_role in educating their children.2暑假到来时,将会有很多令人兴奋的事情等着我们去做。When the summer vacation es,therell_be/there_will_be many exciting things waiting for us to do.3毫无疑问,速度与激情7是最受欢迎的电影之一。Speed and Passion 7 is without_doubt one of the most popular movies.4我们如果学会齐心协力,就会克服许多困难。If we learn to_pull_together,we can overe many difficulties.5乡下的空气比城市的清新得多。The air in the country is much/a_lot_fresher/cleaner than that in the city.F(xx,盘锦)1每个人天生具有学习的能力。Everyone is_born_with the ability to learn.2一些父母认为智能手机会妨碍孩子们的学业。Some parents think smartphones can get_in_the_way_of_(their) childrens schoolwork.3莎士比亚不仅是个作家,而且还是个演员。Shakespeare was not_only_a_writer_but_also_an_actor4上周汤姆的老板因他犯错把他开除了。Toms boss kicked_him_off/asked_him_to_leave/asked_him_to_go_away because of his mistake last week.5艾米是个有创造力的女孩,她能好好利用旧东西。Amy is a creative girl,she can put_(the)_old_things_to_good_use/use_(the)_old_things_well/get_(the)_old_things_well_used/get_(the)_old_things_used_well/use_(the)_old_things_reasonablyG(xx,十堰)1十堰的三合汤多美味啊!How_delicious/tasty the Sanhe Soup is in Shiyan!2Tim在竞赛中表现很好。他渴望被赞美。Tim did well in the petition.He was_thirsty_for/was_eager_for/is_thirsty_for/is_eager_for being praised.3我的英语老师对我的学习有很大的影响。My English teacher makes a_big/a_great_deal_of/a_lot_of_difference to my study.4他和他的同学在学校一样积极。He is as_active_as his classmates at school.5在“东方之星”这次事故中,中国政府直到最后一刻也没有停止对失踪者的搜寻。In the accident of the Eastern Star,Chinese government didnt stop_looking_for_the_lost_(people)/stop_searching_for_the_lost_(people)/give_up_looking_for_the_lost_(people)/give_up_searching_for_the_lost_(people)/stop_the_search_for_the_lost_(people) until the last moment.H(xx,鞍山)1杰克通常步行上学。Jack usually goes to school on_foot2我想知道他对这次旅行的看法。I want to know what he thinks_of the trip.3我们应该和贫困地区的孩子们交朋友,并帮助他们学习。We should make_friends with the children in poor areas and help them with their study.4我们将来会实现遨游太空的梦想。The dream that we travel in space will_e_true in the future.5梅西很小的时候就喜欢踢足球。Messi enjoyed playing_soccer/football when he was very young.6迈克尔乔丹比其他人更擅长打篮球。Michael Jordan is_better_at_playing basketball than others.7杰克一到大连就会给你打电话。Jack will call you as_soon_as he arrives in Dalian.8妈妈要去购物,因此我不得不在家照顾妹妹。I have to look_after/take_care_of my sister at home because my mom will go shopping.9杰克长大后想当一名医生。Jack wants to be a doctor when he grows_up10多亏了我们的政府,迄今为止,中国大部分村庄都修建了公路。Thanks to our government,so_far/up_to_now new roads have been built in most villages of China.I(xx,福州)1建立自贸区为福州带来新的机遇。Setting up the freetrade zone brings new possibilities to Fuzhou.2为纪念抗日战争胜利七十周年,全国将于9月3日放假。Theres going to be a national holiday on September 3 in memory of Chinas victory in AntiJapanese War seventy years ago.3多么令人悲伤的消息啊!数以千计的人在尼泊尔地震中丧生。What sad news!Thousands of people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal.4别忘了毕业后与你的老师和同学保持联系。Dont forget to keep in touch with your teachers and classmates after you graduate.5只要我们共同努力,中国梦就一定会实现。As long as we work hard,China Dream is sure to e trueJ(xx,六盘水)1近来可好?Hows it going?2家乡在我心中最美。Hometown is the most beautiful in my heart.3老师们通常严格要求学生。Teachers are usually strict with their students.4在公共场合,举止要文明。We should behave well in public5不要把今天的事情拖到明天去做。Dont put_off todays work till tomorrow.K(xx,无锡)1我记忆中的父亲不苟言笑,对我严格要求。In my memory,Father was a man of few words and he was_strict_with_me2这些短信很无聊,不值得回复。These short messages are so boring that they arent_worth_replying_to3人生价值并不取决于你是谁,而是你做什么。The value of life does not depend_on_who_you_are,but what you do.4这对新人相爱多年,今天终成眷属。真好!The new couple have_been_in_love with each other for many years and they are finally getting married today.How nice!5新天鹅湖的特别之处在于它是以现代方式编曲的。What makes New Swan Lake special is that its_made_up_in_a_modern_way6别做白日梦了!别指望你会碰巧引起导演的注意。Stop daydreaming!Never expect that youll happen_to_catch_the_directors_attentionL(xx,长安一中模拟)1在周末,学生最好参加各种活动,而不是打游戏。Students had better join_in/take_part_in all kinds of activities instead of playing puter games on weekends.2我们每个月看望父母两次。We visit our parents twice_a_month3几个澳大利亚志愿者去年来到这个小学教学生英语。Several Australian volunteers came to the primary school to teach kids English last year.4现在很多动植物处境危险,我们应尽力保护它们。Many animals and plants are in_danger and we must try to protect them.5事实上,大多数人都愿意去努力地工作、快乐地生活。In fact,most people would_like_to/are_willing_to work hard and live happily.M(xx,碑林区模拟)1他经常扮成小丑来取乐。He often dresses_up as a clown to make fun.2这条河不像过去那样干净了。The river is not_as/so_clean_as it used to be.3他每天花更多的时间来看书读报。He spends_more time reading_books and newspapers every day.4多吃水果和蔬菜对身体有好处。Its_good_for our health to eat more fruit and vegetables.5尽管我失败了多次,但我从不放弃梦想。Though I have failed many times,I never give_upN(xx,未央区模拟)1我妈妈告诉我不要和陌生人说话。My mom told me not to talk to strangers2西安作为一个历史悠久的古城而闻名于世。Xian is_famous_as a historical ancient city.3在他回家的路上,他看见一个女孩正在照顾一位躺在路上的老人。On_his_way_home,he saw a girl looking after an old man who was lying on the road.4春季是最舒服的季节。Spring is the most fortable_season5不要早上不吃早饭去上班,你必须吃些东西。Dont go to work without_(eating)_breakfast in the morning.You must eat something.O(xx,西工大附中模拟)1时间所剩无几了,恐怕我们得马上做出决定了。Theres little time left.Im afraid we have to make_a_decision at once.2xx年, 加拿大作家爱丽丝门罗因为获得诺贝尔文学奖而出名。In xx,the Canadian writer Alice Munro was_famous_for winning the Nobel Prize in literature.3丽贝卡一取得进步,就会给我写信。Rebecca will write to me as soon as she makes_progress4越仔细,犯的错误就会越少。The_more_carefully you do things,the fewer mistakes you will make.5我们要学会依靠自己。We should learn to depend_on ourselves.


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