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2019-2020年七年级英语寒假检测试题一、单项选择题.(30分)1.- _Lucy from the USA? No, she_from the USA. She es from the UK.A. Does; doesnt B. Does; isnt C. Is; doesnt D. Is; isnt2.-_ ? - No. My name is Mark.A. Are you Mike B. Whats this in English C. How are you D. Whats your name 3. Which floor do you live _ in this building ?A. in B. on C. for D. of 4.- Shall we have a cup of tea ? - _.A. Good idea B. Thank you C. Thats OK D. Me, too.5. There are about ten _ working in the police station.A. policeman B. policemen C. postman D. postmen6. I think puters are very useful . We can get _ on the Internet.A. game B. information C. idea D. message7. Tom, with his classmates , _ the windows.A. is cleaning B. are cleaning C. cleaning D. clean8. Some of us _ to school in the morning .A. by bus B. take the bus C. on bus D. by a bus 9. Mo Yan looks _ when he gets the Nobel Prize in Literature.(诺贝尔文学奖)A. happily B. happy c. sorry D. really10. Tom is _ a white shirt _ our Open Day.A. on; on B. in; in C. in; on D. on; in11. Look! The boy there _ a nice watch in his hand .A .is B. has C. is having D. have12. This shop is _ from 8;00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It usually _ at 8:00 a,m.A. opens; opens B. open; opens C. open; opening D. opens; open13. - Your brother speaks English very well. - Yes, so he does. He practises _ English every day.A .speaking B. speak C. speaks D. to speak 14. Mum wants to make a cake . She needs _ some eggs.A. buy B. buys C. to buy D. buying 15. I read the newspaper _ breakfast.A. as B. for C. at D. in16. - Is your name Ruby ? - Yes, _.A. you are B. it is C. I am D. He is 17. The pair of glasses _ nice. I like _ very much.A . is; it B. are; them C. is; them D. are; it 18. He spends much time _ puter games every day.A. plays B. to play C. playing D. Good night19. - Would you like to have _ coffee ? -No, thanks. I dont want _ drinks now.A. any; any B. any; some C. some; some D. some; any20. You can visit their new school _ you are free tomorrow.A. when B. if C. so D. because21. - Whats the date today ? -Its _ 1st. Its our Chinese National Day.A. January B. July C. August D. October22.- _ do people in the USA celebrate Christmas ? - Once a year.A. How many B. How often C. How old D. How long23. Which festival es in November ? -_.A. The Mid-Autumn Festival B. The Dragon Boat FestivalC. Thanksgiving Day D. The Spring Festival24. - I hear you have got a new iPhone 6 plus ._ I have a look ?- Yes, certainly.A. May B. Do C. Shall D. Should25. - Mum, Im hungry .- Oh, there _ some orange and bread on the table. A. is B. are C. be D. will be26. Its important _ English well.A. of us to learn B. for us learning C. to us to learn D. for us to learn 27.- The dress is 60 yuan. - Good. Ill take it. Its so _.A. cheap B. expensive C. white D. small28. He is _ to buy _ for his parents.A. rich enough; enough present B. enough rich; enough presentsC. rich enough; enough presents D. enough rich; presents enough 29. He needs _ hamburgers because he is very hungry.A. two more B. more two C. other two D. two another30. The bag _ leather .A. is made of B. is made from C. is made in D. made out of二完型填空(10分) All the students in our school love sports. Every morning after we get up, we do some _31_ around the playground . After the second class we do morning exercises. We only have two PE lessons a week, _32_ we do physical training (训练)at five every _33_. Our favourite sport is basketball. All the_34_ like playing it and many of the girls like it, too. Another favourite sport is_35_ and in every class there are a lot of football fans .We often play volleyball when the weather is _36_. We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often have _37_ with the teams from other schools. When there is a match , many of us go to _38_ it. Besides(除了) ball games , some of us _39_ swimming , and we often go _40_ at weekends in summer. We have a sports meeting every year at the school. 31. A. reading B. shopping C. running D. swimming32. A. but B. when C. and D. before33. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. Sunday34. teachers B. parents C. boys D. students35. tennis B. volleyball C. badminton D. football36.A. fine B. bad C. free D. glad37. A. meetings B. dreams C. activities D. matches38. A. play B. watch C. find D. know39. A. liking B. likes C. like D. to like40. A. dancing B. singing C. walking D. swimming三阅读理解(20分) AHalloween is a festival on October 31st .The name of the holiday means-”hallowed” because it es the day before All Saints Day . Before the festival ,people paint homes ,shops and classrooms in the tradtional Halloween colours ,orange and black .Some people make costumes at home .Some people buy them in shops. People also make decorations for the festival. These decorations look like witches , black cats ,ghosts ,skeletons and jack -o-lanterns .Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins that are cut to look like faces . People think that Halloween is the childrens New Years Eve ,On that day children dress up in special costumes and masks.They eat too much and go to bed very late after celebrating .They go from one door to another saying “trick or treat”. People give them candies , cookies ,fruit or money. Adults and older children also celebrate Halloween with parades(游行) , festivals and costumes parties .One kind of the parties weled by children is dunking for apples .Apples are put in tubs (木桶) full of water .People try to get the apples using only their mouths ; they cannot use their hands.( ) 41.When is Halloween?A .Its on the day before All Saints Day B.Its on the childrens New Years Eve C.Its on October 30thD.Its before Childrens Day( ) 42 Why do people think that Halloween is the childrens New Years Eve ?A Because Halloween es the day before All Saints DayB Because on that day children can go to others homes C Because on that day children can get money from their parents D Because on that day children dress up in special costumes ,eat a lot and go to bed very late after celebrating ( ) 43.Which is NOT right about mon(普通的)costumes accordingtothepassage?A.Theyarecolorful. B.Theyarewitches,ghosts,skeletons,andpopularTVcharacters,andsoon.C. SomeofthecostumesaremadeathomeD. All of the costumes are bought in shops .( )44. What are the traditional Halloween colours?Red and green. B. Orange and black.C. Black and white . D. Orange and brown.( )45. Which of the following statements is NOT right ?Jack-o-lanterns are pumpkins that are cut to look like faces.B. Adults also celebrate Halloween together with children.C. Adults give the children candies, cookies ,fruit or money as a treat.D.People can get the apples using their hands.B I have an uncle .He is 22 years old .He was born in Yangzhou . Hes very strong and he looks like a player .He studies in Shanghai. He is good at all his lessons . My uncle likes sports ver much .He loves football ,basketball , baseball ,tennnis and more . He plays baseball and basketball very well. He likes to watch the sports games on TV .He does sports every day .He has a small sports collection(收集).He has 3 tennis rackets ,2 baseballs ,3 basketballs and a football. ( )46.My uncle .A . works in Shanghai B studies in Yangzhou C. likes sports D .is a player ( )47.He plays very well A football and bsketball B the violin C baseball and basketballD the piano ( )48. He likes to watch the sports games .A . On the playground B on TV C . at school Din Shanghai( )49.He does sports .A . once a week B twice a week C . every day D five days a week( )50.From the passage (文章) ,we know that my uncle is A good worker B a good student C.a good teacher D a good singer 一、单项选择题. 题号123456789101112131415答案题号161718192021222324252627282930答案二、完形填空题号31323334353637383940答案三、阅读理解题号41424344454647484950答案四、词汇(20分)1.Do you often write (信)to your friends ?2. This pair of shoes looks very (现代的) 。3. Millie likes to visit (博物馆)at the weekend.4. He (很少)goes to buy books because he has many at home.5. I like watching (比赛)on TV at the weekend.6. Let the girl in a red drees (look) after your clothes .7. It takes me about an hour (help) my mother do the housework.8. Thank you very much for (write) to me 9. This kind of desk has three (foot ).10. One of the tall (build) is our school hall.11. Doing morning (exercise ) is good for our health.12. We have an after- school (activity ) at school every day .13. My cousin always (go ) (shop) on Saturdays.14. There are no (library) in his school 15. - (who) radios are these ? -Theyre (we) .16.My brother ofgen goes to school without (eat) breakfast.17.I want to give Amy a present ,but I dont know what (buy)18.Our school is beautiful. What about (they)?18To keep (health) ,all of us need vitamins.20.Jim , (not be ) so lazy! 五、阅读理解(10分) Alice is a middle school student .She is a good girl .Uncle Li is her neighbour .He has no child and cannot see anything He works in a factory near Alices school .He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and es home at 4:30 in the afernoon. Alice rides to school at 8:00 in the morning and es home at the same time as Uncle Li does in the afternoon .On weekdays Alice gets up early to take Uncle Li to the faactory .Ater schhool she takes Uncle Li home .On Sundays Alice helps Uncle Li clean the house and do some cooking .Uncle Li thanks her very much .He says ,”Alice is a good girl .I like Alice ery much.”根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Who is Alices neghbour?_2.Where does Uncle Li work?_3.When do Alice and Uncle Li e home in the afternoon?_4.How does Alice get to school in the morning _5.What does Alice help Uncel Li do on Sundays?_ 六、首字母填空(10分) Tom is a young man .He has a very big dog and he has a very s 1 car . He likes p 2 tennis . Today he plays tennis for two h 3 at the club and then he wants to go home b 4 car . His dog es a 5 him, but it does not jump into the same car .It jumps into the n 6 car .”e here ,foolish dog !” Tom shouts at it ,but the dog still s 7 in the next car .Tom p 8 his key into the lock(锁)of the car ,but the key does not work. Then he looks at the car a 9 . It is not his car! He is in the w 10 car! And the dog is in the right car!1. 2. 3. 4. 5. _6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _

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