2019-2020年七年级英语下册专题讲解+课后训练:Mudule4 Life in the+future.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册专题讲解+课后训练:Mudule4 Life in the+future本单元提纲1. 主题功能:能够谈论未来的生活2. 重点单词:change, ask, traffic, cheap, heavy, hour 等。3. 重点短语:in the future, not.any more, on the internet, e true, heavy rain 等。4. 核心句型:Will school be different in the future?Everyone will study at home.等。语法结构:will结构的一般将来时重难点精讲Will school be different in the future?将来学校会不一样吗?本句是一般将来时的一般疑问句,结构为“will+主语+动词原形+其它?”。该句式的答语有两种形式:肯定回答Yes,主语+will否定回答No,主语+wont一般将来时表示的是未来的事情或者是对将来的预测,will没有人称和数的变化。如果表示将来不会,就要用will not或者缩写成wont。题一:翻译:那边将会有一个大型的公园。将来每张桌子上都会有一台电脑。我想人人都将用电脑学习。他们将不用课本。学校里会有电脑吗?In the future意为“将来,未来”。in the future意为“将来”in future意为“今后,以后”,相当于from now onIn twenty years time, maybe there wont be any schools.在20年后,也许将不会有任何学校。in twenty years time意为“在20年后”,其中years是名词所有格结构。在一般将来时中,“in+时间段”表示“在一段时间之后”。题二:翻译:谁知道将来会发生什么事情?今后多注意你的拼写。(be careful with)五年后我将成为一名律师。There will be.是there be的一般将来时结构。肯定句:There will be.否定句:There wont be./There will not be.一般疑问句:Will there be.?肯定回答:Yes,there will.否定回答:No,there wont.注意:there be的一般将来时结构还有:There is/are going to be.,结构与there will be相同。题三:There _ a football game and a concert this weekend.A. is B. are C. will D. will be There _ a party this weekend.A. is going to haveB. are going to haveC. is going to be D. are going to be puter wont be able to do that.电脑将做不了那件事。be able to是固定搭配,意为“能,能够”,后跟动词原形,will be able to是be able to的一般将来时。be able to和can的区别:can:用于一般现在时和过去时,过去式为could。没有人称和数的变化。be able to:根据句子的需要可用于更多时态。I have been able to dress myself.我已经可以自己穿衣服了。What will life be like in the future?将来的生活会是什么样子?What willbe like.?用以询问“将会是什么样子?”。What be.like?还可以用于询问某人的性格特点。题四:翻译:我们将能飞往月球。你的生活将会是什么样子?你妹妹是个什么样子的人?她很友好。Teachers wont use chalk on a blackboard and students wont use pens and paper, or erasers any more.老师们将不再在黑板上使用粉笔,学生们将不再使用钢笔和纸,或者橡皮。not.any more是固定搭配,表示“不再”。any more位于句尾。“不再”的表达法:not.any more any more位于句尾no morenot.any longer any longer位于句尾no longer题五:翻译:我们再也不去那里了。他们不再居住在乡下了。我再也不乘飞机去那里了。I will _ take the plane to go there _ _.No more expensive cars-itll be cheap to travel everywhere by plane, not only over land, but also over the sea or even into space.不再有昂贵的汽车,乘飞机到处旅行将会变得便宜,不仅仅是在陆地上,还可以在水上或甚至在太空。cheap是形容词,意为“便宜的”,反义词是expensive。not only.but also表示“不仅.而且”,用于连接两个并列的成分,等同于not only.but.as well.题六:翻译:不仅仅是我哥哥,我也喜欢游泳。她不仅聪明,而且漂亮。Not only my friends but also I _ interested in basketball and Kobe is our favorite star.A. be B. am C. is D. areThe sea level will rise as well.海平面也会升高。rise是升起,上升的意思,The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.as well意为“也;又”,多位于句尾,和too是同义表达。also和either也表示“也”,但also位于肯定句句中,either用于否定句句尾。题七:翻译:我妈妈是名老师,我爸爸也是。她不喜欢流行音乐,我也不喜欢。take,bring,carry,fetch的区别take表示“带走”,从说话人带到别处;bring表示“带来”,从别处带到说话人处;carry表示“携带”,没有方向感;fetch表示“拿,取”,是一个双向动作。题八:翻译:她会带我去动物园。红色能够带给我们好运。我搬不动它。请给我打点热水来。题九:能力提升与拓展We clean our classroom everyday.(用tomorrow改写句子)We_ _ _classroom tomorrow.They will do some shopping this evening.(对划线部分提问)明天在我们学校将会有一场足球比赛。They will go home in two days.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _they _home?My brother will send a photo to me soon.(变为否定句)Im going to study English tonight.(改为一般疑问句)Module4 Life in the future题一:There will be a big park over there.There will be a puter on every desk in the future.I think everyone will use puter to study. They wont use books.Will school have puters?题二:Who knows what will happen in the future?Be careful with your spelling in future. Ill be a lawyer in five years.题三:DC题四:We will be able to fly to the moon.What will your life be like?Whats your sister like? She is very friendly.题五:We wont go there any more.; They dont live in the country any more.; not.any longer题六:Not only my brother, but also I like swimming.She is not only smart but pretty as well.题七:My Mom is a teacher, my father as well.She doesnt like pop music, and I dont like it either.题八:She will take me to the zoo.Red can bring us good luck.I cant carry it.Please fetch some hot water for me.题九:will clean; What will they do this evening?; There will be a football match tomorrow; How soon .get; My brother wont send a photo to me soon.; Are you going to study English tonight?


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