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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit3Isthisyourpencil练习(A卷,无答案)(新版)人教新目标版一、 选择题( )1.Is this _ruler? Yes, its her ruler. A. my B. her C. his D. your( )2、Is that your puter game in the case? No, it isnt. A found and lost B lost and found C lose and find( )3、This is _ bag. A. me B. I C. my. D. you( )4._ Gina, this is _ book. A. Im, my B.Im, an C.Shes, his D.Hes, her( )5、Is your eraser. Yes, it is. A that B he C those( )6. -How do you that. -R-I-N-G. A find B draw C spell( )7、Whats this? Its watch. A a B an C /( )8、Look ! Whats that? A set of . A key B keys C keies( )9.Whos girl over there ? Shes my good friend . A.that B.this C.it( ) 10. _these your pens? No, _. They are his pens .A. Are, it isnt B. Is, it isnt C. Are, they arent D. are, it is二、完成下列句子1_ _(这是) your pencil ? _ , _ _(是,它是)2_ _(那是)his book? _, it _(不,它不是).It is_(我的)book.3. My name is Gina. (对划线部分提问) _ _ your name?4. Its an orange. (对划线部分提问) _ _ this?5. Is that your notebook? (做否定回答) _ ,_.三,选词填空1、 at inI can say it English.Is that your watch the lost and found case?Please call me 18725637.It is 3:00.2、 a an theIs this eraser?Is that ruler?He is in school.It is beautiful watch.四、从第栏中找出与第栏相对应的答语。1.What is this in English? ( )2.How do you spell “pen”? ( )3.Is this your eraser? ( )4.Your gold ring is nice. ( )5.That girl is my sister. ( ) A P-E-NB It is a ruler.C Yes, it is.D She is very beautiful.E Thank you.

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