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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分模块知识Unit5Meetingyourancestors微测新人教版选修.单句改错1As far as I know, the temple dated back to the 13th century._2At that time, we had no alternative but wait at home._3I think the reform is of great significances to the development of the firm._4Breaking the law, he has arrested._5If only I attended the party the other day._【答案】1.dated dates2.在wait前加to3significances significance4.在has后加been5在attended前加had.语境填空accelerate, mess, somehow, significant, ripe, dizzy, arrest, applaud, ample, sharp, assume, spit, interrupt 1I cant find anything on this_desk.2He felt sick and_ and then passed out.3He did not seem _with time going by.4A man _ associated with the robbery already.5His efforts to improve the situation are _.6Exposure to the sun can _ the aging process.7This exercise will help students_ up their reading skills.8Therell be_ opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun.9It is reasonable_the economy will continue to improve.10Notices in the waiting room requested that you neither smoke nor_.11Im terribly sorry _, but may I use your phone? Its rather urgent.12All the members should realize the value and _ of what they are going to do.13_, hed managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him.【答案】1.messy2.dizzy3.to ripen4.has been arrested5to be applauded6.accelerate7.sharpen8.ample9to assume10.spit11.to interrupt12.significance13Somehow.短语活用at most,at least,date back,look ahead,regardless of,fed up with,cut up,show sb.around1The past is past.Let us _.2_what you do, you should obey the law.3The other day, we visited a temple_ to preGreek times.4Its time for the class.However, there are_10 students in the classroom.5To make the soup, you should first_ some carrots and beef into small pieces.6After the tourists arrived at the destination, the guide _the place of interest.7I_ the new neighbors who moved here a month ago.They make loud noises almost every day.【答案】1.look ahead2.Regardless of3.dating back4at most5.cut up6.show them around7.am fed up with.完成句子1那个时候要是我没有和招待员达成妥协该多好呀。If only_ that receptionist.【答案】I hadnt promised with2你只有学会倾听,才能结交更多的朋友。Only if you learn to listen_.【答案】can you make more friends3我匆忙赶到火车站,结果发现火车已经离开了。I hurried to the railway station, _.【答案】only to find the train had left4恐怕除了向警方告发你以外,我是别无选择了Im afraid I_ you to the police.【答案】have no alternative but to report/can do nothing but report /cant do anything but report /cant help/choose but report5我认为保持良好的心态是非常重要的。I _ a good state of mind.【答案】attach significance/importance to keeping up/think it important to keep up

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