2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Living well素材 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Living well素材 新人教版选修7话题词汇1unfortunate adj.不幸的;遗憾的2disability n残疾3loss n丧失4sympathy n同情5overe v克服6do well in在方面做得好7physical disability身体残疾8meet with遇到;经历;会晤9have great potential有很大的潜力10make fun of取笑经典语篇根据下列提示写一篇残疾人事迹报道的短文,词数100左右。1王红是我的同学,一个可爱的女孩,但她是个残疾人。她10岁时因一场大火,烧伤了左眼和右臂。2她不但学会了照顾自己,还鼓励其他残疾人保持积极乐观的生活态度。3她学习刻苦,成绩在班上名列前茅。4我们希望所有人都不要歧视残疾人,要为他们做些事,比如建设一些方便他们的公共设施。佳作欣赏Wang Hong is my classmate.She is a lovely girl.But at the age of ten,she became disabled in a big fire,which made her left eye blind and right arm lost.She didnt give up anything in spite of her disability.Not only has she learned to take care of herself,but also she encourages other disabled people to face life bravely and lead an active life.Wang Hong learns hard and takes the head in our class.And we all are inspired by her.We hope other people dont look down upon the disabled.What healthy people should do is to do what we can to help them,such as making public equipment more convenient for them to use.思维发散1将第句中的定语从句改为现在分词短语作结果状语But at the age of ten,she became disabled in a big fire,making her left eye blind and right arm lost.2仿照第句用what引导的主语从句完成句子按照我的理解,在愉快的关系中最重要的是理解。(xx赣州模拟)To my understanding,what matters most in a happy relationship is understanding.3仿照第句用“make复合宾语”完成句子八万多人参加了比赛,使它成为了该地区最大的体育赛事。Over 80,000 people peted in the race,making it the biggest sporting event in the area.重点单词A写作单词1adapt (vt.)使适应;改编2conduct (n.)行为;品行;(vt.)指挥;管理;主持3exit (n.)出口;离开;退场4ambition (n.)雄心;野心 ambitious (adj.)有雄心的;有野心的 ambitiously (adv.)有雄心地;有野心地5politics (n.)政治(学)political (adj.)政治的6beneficial (adj.)有益的;受益的benefit (n.)利益;(v.)有利于,受益7annoy (vt.)使不悦;惹恼annoyed (adj.)颇为生气的8resign (vt.& vi.)辞职;辞去(工作、职位等)retire (vi.)退休9congratulate (vt.)祝贺;庆贺congratulation (n.)祝贺;贺词10graduation (n.)毕业;毕业典礼 graduate (vi.)毕业11suitable (adj.)适合的;适宜的suit (vt.)适合;(n.)套装B阅读单词12eyesight (n.)视力13clumsy (adj.)笨拙的14outgoing (adj.)外向的;友好的;外出的;离开的15panion (n.)同伴;伙伴16adequate (adj.)足够的;充分的17entry (n.)项目;进入;入口18fellow (n.)同伴;同志;伙伴;(adj.)同伴的;同类的19dignity (n.)尊严;高贵的品质20profit (n.)收益;利润;盈利21munity (n.)社区;团体;社会22disability (n.)伤残;无力;无能disabled (adj.)伤残的disable (vt.)使丧失能力;使伤残23hearing (n.)听力;听觉hear (v.)听见;听说24noisy (adj.)吵闹的;嘈杂的noise (n.)噪音25absence (n.)缺席;不在某处absent (adj.)缺席的26software (n.)软件hardware (n.)硬件27psychology (n.)心理(学)psychologist (n.)心理学家psychologically (adv.)心理(学)地;精神上地28encouragement (n.)鼓励;奖励encourage (vt.)鼓励29abolish (vt.)废除;废止abolition (n.)废除;废止30slavery (n.)奴隶制slave (n.)奴隶31literature (n.)文学(作品);著作;文献literary (adj.)文学的32assistance (n.)协助;援助assistant (n.)助手assist (vt.& vi.)协助;援助33access (n.)(接近的)方法;通路;可接近性accessible (adj.)可接近的;可进入的;可使用的34handy (adj.)方便的;有用的 hand (n.)手;(vt.& vi.)传递;上交 35outwards (adv.)向外inwards (adv.)向内36approval (n.)赞成;认可approve (vt.& vi.)认可;批准disapprove (vt.& vi.)不赞成,反对.重点短语1in other words换句话说2out of breath上气不接下气3all in all总而言之4make fun of取笑5all the best(口语) (祝你)一切顺利6adapt to适合7sit around闲坐着8as well as和;也9in many ways在很多方面10never mind不必担心11meet with遇到;经历;会晤12cut out切去;省略;停止(做某事).经典句式1She is proud to have taken part in petitions and to have broken a record by running two laps (800 metres) this year.今年她很自豪地参加了多次比赛,而且打破了两圈(800米)赛跑的纪录。2Sometimes,too,I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered.而且有时候我的身体很虚弱,以至于不能去上学,因此我的学习受到了影响。3Just accept them for who they are,and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.接受他们,给予他们鼓励,让他们能像你一样过得丰富多彩、充实美满。4I read in the newspaper today that you are to be the architect for the new Bankstown cinema.今天我从报上了解到,您将成为班克斯敦新电影院的建筑设计师。5I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。.课文语法填空Marty is a disabled but 1.fairly(fair) positive person who never feels sorry for 2.himself and has learned to adapt to his disability.Marty always 3.considers(consider) he has a good life.He is realistic 4.about his disability but he never stops doing as much as he 5.can.He keeps himself busy 6.doing(do) things like writing and puter programming 7.that do not require physical strength.He has friends with 8.whom he can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets.He also studies hard.He is a 9.mentally(mental) strong and independent boy.Marty is able to live as rich and full 10.a life as everyone else.1. adapt v.使适应;使适合(adjust);改编,改写(rewrite)应试指导分词作状语的考查(1)adapt (.) to (使)适应于adapt oneself to使自己适应adapt.for.为改编(写);改造以供之用adapt from根据改编(写)(2)adaptable adj.有适应能力的;能适应的(3)adaptation n.改编本;适应 (1)During the onemonth stay,I had to adapt myself to their American lifestyle and help them understand the best part of Chinese culture.一个月的生活中,我只好使自己适应美国的生活方式并帮助他们理解中国文化的精髓。(2)This machine has been specially adapted for using underwater.这机器是为水下使用而特别改装的。多维训练(1)单句语法填空The play is adapted from a novel.These teaching materials can be adapted for older children.When you go to a new country,you must adapt to new manners and customs.This play is an adaptation(adapt) of a short novel.(2)同义句改写The director was fully convinced that this moving story,if it was adapted for television,would be a hit.(改为省略句)The director was fully convinced that this moving story,if adapted for television,would be a hit.2. absence n.C & U缺席;不在某处;U缺乏(1)absence of mind心不在焉in sb.s absence某人不在时in the absence of sth.缺乏某物(2)absent adj.缺席的;不在的;缺乏的be absent from缺席(1)What if she bees the mistress of the house in your absence?你不在的时候,要是她成了那房子的女主人怎么办?(2)In the absence of actual data,no reliance can be placed on such figures.在缺乏实际资料的情况下,这样的数据不可靠。特别提醒(1)absence通常为不可数名词,但表示缺席或离开的次数或时间时,为可数名词。(2)表示做某事缺席,其后通常接介词from。多维训练(1)单句语法填空Nothing happened during his absence(absent) from America.He has never been absent from class this term.He came back after an absence of six months.(2)同义句改写The decision was made while I was not there.The decision was made in my absence.When lacking proof,the police could not take action against the man.In the absence of proof,the police could not take action against the man.3. annoy vt.使不悦;惹恼(make sb.angry);打扰(bother)(1)annoy sb.with/by因而使某人烦恼(2)annoyed adj.烦恼的,恼火的be annoyed at/about sth.因某事而生气be annoyed with sb.对某人生气(3)to ones annoyance使某人生气的是(4)annoying adj.讨厌的;恼人的(1)Try making a note of the things which annoy you.试着把烦心事写下来。(2)He got very annoyed with me about my carelessness.他因我的粗心大意而对我很生气。多维训练(1)用annoy的正确形式填空Brown said he was by no means annoyed;on the contrary,he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.The annoying thing about the scheme is that its confusing.To her annoyance,the stranger did not go away.(2)同义句改写Brown said by no means was he annoyed;on the contrary,he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.(用倒装句改写上题句)What annoyed her was that the stranger did not go away.(用主语从句改写上题句)4. access n.(接近的)方法(means);通路(path;road);(使用或见到的)机会;权利(常与to连用)(opportunity,or right to use);可接近性应试指导后跟介词的用法(1)have/get/obtain/gain access to拥有的机会;可以接近;进入give access to准许进入(接近)(2)accessible adj.可到达的;易懂的;随和的be accessible to可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的(1)Women had no access to education in old days.在过去,妇女没有受教育的权利。(2)A manager should be accessible to his staff.一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。特别提醒(1)access的本意是进入某一地点的“通道,入口”,侧重进入的手段与途径,其含义是抽象的,一般用作不可数名词。其引申义可指“接近或取得的方法、手段、权力等”,常与介词to连用。此外,access在计算机术语可作“访问,进网”讲。(2)在access to中,介词to后可接名词或代词,一般不接doing。多维训练(1)一句多译药品不应放在孩子们拿得到的地方。Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.(accessible)Medicine should be kept where it is out of childrens range.(range)Medicine should be kept where it is out of childrens reach.(reach)(2)单句改错The access to entering the village is riding a bike.去掉entering5. in other words换句话说多维训练短语填空(1)He told me that he had words with the manager and lost his position.(2)How can we improve medical care to benefit people?In other words,how can we create a health care system that helps people?(xx杭州质检)(3)Jack is good,kind,hardworking and intelligent.In a word,I cant speak too highly of him.(4)Gail kept her word and returned all the money.(5)Being the office supervisor,I had to have a word with a new employee who never arrived at work on time.6. out of breath上气不接下气多维训练(1)单句语法填空I saw him kicking his legs in the air and breathing(breath) heavily.(xx湖北)Jack took a deep breath and then dived into the water.When we breathe(breath),the air goes into our lungs.The performance left me breathless(breath) with excitement.(2)完成句子如果你跑得很快,你可能喘不过气来。If you run very fast,you may lose your breath/be out of breath.当我赶到学校时,我几乎上气不接下气了。When I hurried to school,I was almost out of breath.这条意想不到的消息使我震惊地屏住了呼吸。The news was so unexpected that I caught my breath from shock.7. meet with遇到(run into;e across);经历(experience);遭遇;会晤多维训练短语填空(1)Theyve got to watch every penny to make ends meet.(2)We often meet with many unexpected difficulties.(3)We are confident in meeting your needs and wont let you down.8. I have a very busy life with no time to sit around feeling sorry for myself.,我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。句型公式:现在分词短语作伴随状语现在分词(短语)作伴随状语,表示伴随情况,没有相当的状语从句,汉译时一般译成并列复合句。(1)He made the boy sit there,promising they would not hurt him.他让那个男孩坐在那儿,保证他们不会伤害他。(2)Last night,Mike made a call to me,saying sorry for his absence from my wedding ceremony.昨晚,Mike给我打了个电话,对缺席我的婚礼表示歉意。多维训练(1)完成句子The children ran out of the classroom,laughing and talking merrily/happily(欢快地谈笑着)Mr.Parkinson stood up and left the room,closing the door behind him(关上了身后的门)There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,staring at the night sky(凝视着夜空)(2)单句改错Mark begins his book with a catalogue of vegetables,explains their benefits for each.explainsexplainingNever losing heart and youll make a quick advance in your project.losinglose.语境填词1Senior citizens 65 and older and disabled(残疾的) customers may ride for half the regular fare.(xx新课标全国)2They can seem forgetful and clumsy(笨拙的)(xx北京)3In addition,I am an outgoing(外向的) girl who has rich experience in organizing school activities.(xx陕西)4In my first literature(文学) class,Mrs.Smith asked us to read a story and then write on it,all within 45 minutes.(xx重庆)5I had recently had a beagle,the first and only animal panion(伙伴) I ever had as a child.(xx天津).单句语法填空1Although/Though the job takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.(xx湖南)2His latest book The Social Animal,however,is more ambitious(ambition) and serious than his earlier books.(xx湖北)3Whenever the young animal is frightened,disturbed,or annoyed(annoy),it typically rushes to its mother and rubs itself against her body.(xx浙江)4Another beneficial(benefit) aspect of group exercise is the informational support participants receive from the instructor.(xx福建)5Before building work began,a lot of people didnt want the Shard(碎片大厦) though the plans were approved(approval)(xx湖北)6At the graduation(graduate) ceremony,just as she expected,she was very proud to stand with a class of care,manners and confidence.(xx广东)7“Your partner can save your lifeyou can save your partners life,” Wellman said as the pair received congratulations(congratulate) from friends.(xx安徽)8Always keep(keep) in mind that your main task is to get this pany running smoothly.(xx湖南)9All in all,I think studying English by activities,especially in connection with recent things,is a better method.(xx湖南)10He found some difficulty adapting to the local culture.(xx广东).短语填空1The next day we met with the people who ran the park.(xx湖北)2Robins are singing all nightas well as during the day,Britishbased researchers say.(xx四川)3Whether from jealousy or fear of someone who looked so different,my older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin,or made fun of my clumsy walk.(xx江苏)4Instead,we are diurnal creatures,with eyes adapted to living in the suns light.(xx浙江)5Everyone knows conversations starting with weatherspeak are not requests for weather data.In other words,English weatherspeak is a means of social bonding.(xx重庆)6The designs are cut out of the nylon with a hot knife that seals the edges and then fastened directly onto the kite.(xx安徽).完成句子1例如,我喜欢的是这一章,该章讲的是Harold发现如何才能独立思考。I enjoyed,for instance,the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own.(xx湖北)2每当我说“是的,我要去尝试。”时,我就获得了力量。I gained strength every time I said,“Yes,Ill try that.” (xx天津)3吃太多和什么都不吃同样是坏事。To eat too much is as much a bad thing as to eat nothing.4就像古时候的水手一样,鸟能利用太阳和星星找到它们的路。Like ancient sailors,birds can find their way using the sun and the stars.(xx重庆)5为了赶上早班飞机,我们提前预定了出租车并且很早就起了床。To catch the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.(xx北京)写作素材(关于个人发展)1汤姆是我的好朋友,是个外向的人。2尽管很笨拙且视力有缺陷,但是他有雄心,想有尊严地活着。3毕业后,在伙伴的鼓励和帮助下,他接触了文学。4现在他的作品已被改编为电影。5我祝贺他的成功。提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用who引导的定语从句,省略句,过去分词短语作状语等。连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)Tom,who is my good friend,is an outgoing person.Though clumsy and disabled in eyesight,he was ambitious and wanted to live a life with dignity.After graduation,encouraged and assisted by his panions,he gained access to literature.Now his works have been adapted for films.I congratulate him on his success.阅读理解ASome people collect stamps.Other people collect works of art or musical instruments.But a man in the American state of Maryland collects secrets.For the past 10 years,people have been sending Frank Warren postcards and other objects with secrets written on them.He now has a million secrets.“Its a drawing of a lift.And the secret says: I feel guilty when I take lifts for one floor,so I limp when I get out.” Frank said.Ten years ago,Mr.Warren created an art project called PostSecret.People then began to send him postcards,other objects and emails telling their secrets.Every Sunday,he chooses 10 secrets and puts them on the website.Mr.Warren says he created PostSecret so people could share their secrets in a safe place.“I was struggling with secrets in my own life.And it was by creating this safe place where others could share their secrets with me,I think that space was something I needed just as much as they did.”He has published six books full of the secrets people have shared with him.One secret in each book is his.Eric Perry delivers mail for the US.Postal Service.He has brought thousands of secrets to Franks home over the past three years.“I have a couple of the books that Franks given me and Ive read them all and my family has read them all and its wild!” The project itself was once one of Franks secrets.His wife Jan didnt know exactly what he was doing until the first book was published.The publisher told him that the address was going to be on the book,and he refused.However,the address was there just because of the contract between them.Actually Warren wasnt very happy about that.Some people tell Frank of their secret desire to kill themselves.So he and the PostSecret munity have raised more than 1 million to help prevent suicides(自杀)1It is implied in Mr.Warrens words in Paragraph 2 that .Athe person was ashamed of using an elevator for one floorBAmericans are not allowed to use an elevator for one floorCthe person felt guilty when pretending to be a disabled oneDhe has received different secrets about using an elevator答案A解析细节理解题。根据“I feel guilty when I take lifts for one floor,so I limp when I get out.”可知,A为正确答案。2Mr.Warren created PostSecret in order to .Asatisfy his curiosity about others secretsBcollect more materials for his series of booksCoffer a safe place for people to share their secretsDearn a lot of money by sharing others secrets online答案C解析细节理解题。由第四段第一句话可知,Mr.Warren创办这个项目是为了为人们的秘密提供一个安全的存放地,故C为正确答案。3What was Mr.Warrens secret according to the passage?AHe once took the lift only for one floor.BHe is interested in collecting others secrets.CHe created an art project without telling his wife.DHe helped prevent others from mitting suicides.答案C解析细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,这个计划本身曾经就是个秘密,Mr.Warren的妻子并不知情。故选C。BIn my first week as a graduate student at Cambridge University in 1964 I met with a fellow student,two years ahead of me in his studies;he was unsteady on his feet and spoke with great difficulty.This was Stephen Hawking.I learned that he had a bad disease and might not live long enough even to finish his PhD degree.But,amazingly,he has reached the age of 73.Even mere survival would have been a medical miracle,but of course,he didnt merely survive.He has bee arguably the most famous scientist in the world for his brilliant research,for his bestselling books,and,above all,for his astonishing victory over hardship.Stephen received his “death sentence” in 1964,when I thought it was hard for him to go on with his study.Stephen went from Albans School to Oxford University.He was said to be a “lazy” undergraduate,but his brilliance earned him a firstclass degree,an “entry ticket” to a research career in Cambridge and a uniquely inspiring achievement.Within a few years of the burst of his disease he was wheelchairbound,and his speech was so unclear that it could only be understood by those who knew him well.But his scientific career went from strength to strength:he quickly came up with a series of insights into the nature of black holes (then a very new idea) and how the universe began.In 1974 he was elected to the Royal Society at the exceptionally early age of 32.The great advances in science generally involve discovering a link between phenomena that were previously conceptually unconnectedfor instance,Isaac Newton realized that the force making an apple fall to earth was the same as the force that holds the moon and planets in their orbits.Stephens revolutionary idea about a link between gravity and quantum(量子) theory has still not been tested.However,it has been hugely influential;indeed,one of the main achievements of string theory(弦理论) has been to confirm and build on his idea.He has undoubtedly done more than anyone else since Einstein to improve our knowledge of gravity and he is one of the topten living theoretical physicists.4What impressed the author most about Stephen Hawking?AHis brilliant research.BHis bestselling books.CHis serious disease.DHis defeating hardship.答案D解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句中的“.and,above all,for his astonishing victory over hardship.”可知令作者感受最深的是他能克服常人难以逾越的困难。故选D。5What made Stephen Hawking start his research career at Cambridge?AHis death sentence.BHis “lazy” attitude.CHis aboveaverage talent and ability.DHis rich experience.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“He was said to be a lazy undergraduate,but his brilliance earned him a firstclass degree.”可知选C。6It can be inferred that Stephen Hawking was born .Ain the early 1940s Bin the late 1940sCin the early 1930s Din the late 1930s答案A解析推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“In 1974 he was elected to the Royal Society at the exceptionally early age of 32.”可判断霍金出生于1942年。故选A。7What can we learn from the text?AHawkings theory was proved years ago.BHawking was not as successful as Newton.CString theory built on Hawkings idea.DHawkings theory has had little influence on others.答案C解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“.one of the main achievements of string theory(弦理论) has been to confirm and build on his idea.”可知,霍金的理论帮助弦理论得到证实。故C项正确。.完形填空After my brother died in an accident,my mother w


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