2019-2020年七年级下册:could you help me, please(三)(旧版).doc

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2019-2020年七年级下册:could you help me, please(三)(旧版)一、阅读理解。1根据对话所述,判断所给句子正误(T/F)。Sam: I want to take some flowers to my bedroom. Could you help me, please?May: Certainly ! Where are they?Sam: Theyre over there, in the red bag. Can you carry it?May: Oh, its a big bag, but its not heavy! I think I can carry it.Sam: Thank you!May: You re wele.() (1) The flowers are in the blue bag.() (2) May can carry the bag.() (3) The bag is big and heavy.() (4) The flowers are Mays.() (5) May cant help Sam.2根据对话,选择正确答案。D=Daisy, M=Mum, S=Shop AssistantD: What can I put on today, Mum?M: Your blue trousers?D: Theyre very small.M: Your red trousers?D: Theyre Frankies old ones. Theyre very old.M: Lets go and find some new trousers.D: Yes! Lets!M: Could you help us, please? We want some new trousers.S: These white ones are very nice.M: No, not white. Those black trousers look nice, Daisy?S: Let me help you.M: How are those, Daisy?D: Theyre great!(1) Daisy s blue trousers are _.A too big B too small C too old(2) Daisy s red trousers are _.A too big B too small C too old(3) Who likes the white trousers in the shop?A Mum B Daisy C the shop assistant(4) Who likes the black trousers in the shop?A Mum B Daisy C the shop assistant(5) Whose are the blue trousers?A Mum s B Daisy s C Frankie s二、完型填空。Dear friend,Hi! Im 1 American boy. My name is David Smith. Im thirteen years old.Im in New York. Do you know New York? 2 very big. Im in the West Middle School. There 3 about four hundred students. I am in Class 2, Grade 2. My 4 Tom is in Grade 1, and my sister 5 is in Grade 3. We go to school together in Dads car early in the morning.There are thirty boys and girls in my class. Some of 6 are from other 7 .Six are from Japan, and four are from England. Five are from Canada. But there isnt anyone from China. So I want to find a Chinese 8 . I want to learn Chinese, and I want to see Beijing some day.Please write to 9 . 10 David() 1 A an B a C the D /() 2 A It B Its C Its D Is() 3 A is B are C be D am() 4 A sister B brother C teacher D father() 5 A Jim B Mike C Peter D Kate() 6 A they B them C we D you() 7 A classes B countries C grades D schools() 8 A boy B girl C friend D people() 9 A me B I C us D we() 10 A Yours B YouC Yours D Yours三、改错。四、书面表达。请各用一句话描述图中提示的人或物,注意用上恰当的形容词。_参考答案一、1(1)F (2)T (3)F (4)F (5)F 2(1)B (2)C (3)C (4)A (5)C二、1A 2C 3B 4B 5D 6B 7B 8C 9A 10A三、1C,areis 2C,isare 3D,is inin4 D, aan 5 A, look atto look at四、1 Alice is young. Margaret is old.2 Hermans ear is new. Davids car is old.3 Alberts house is large Johns apartment is small.4 The white box is light. The black box is heavy.5 Bob is tall. Bill is short.6 Marys letter is long. Susans letter is short.

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