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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5Canada-“TheTrueNorth”阶段质量评估新人教版必修第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man want to do?ABuy a book.BReturn a book.CExchange a book.答案:C2What will the man do?AGet some apples. BBuy some sweets.CSee a dentist.答案:A3Which language does Mary speak well?AChinese. BFrench. CEnglish.答案:C4When should the woman have arrived?ABy 10:40. BBy 10:45.CBy 10:55.答案:A5Who doesnt like being around a lot of people?ADavid. BJohn. CAlice.答案:C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6至7题。6How many people did the man travel to Canada with?AOne. BTwo.CThree.答案:B7Where did the man stay in Canada?AAt a friends. BAt a hotel.CAt his aunts.答案:A听第7段对话,回答第8至9题。8When will Mrs King arrive in Miami?AOn March 24th. BOn March 23rd.COn March 20th.答案:C9Why will Mrs King go to Los Angeles?ATo do an interview. BTo have a sales meeting.CTo attend the opening of an office.答案:A听第8段对话,回答第10至12题。10What is Mr Smiths plan for today?ATo have lunch with a customer.BTo pick up his grandparents.CTo walk around the city.答案:A11Why does the woman want to talk to Mr Smith?ATo find a guide. BTo ask for leave.CTo ask about work.答案:B12Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?AColleagues. BRelatives.CFriends.答案:A听第9段对话,回答第13至16题。13What kind of fruit are not in season now?AWatermelons. BPeaches.CStrawberries.答案:A14What dont the speakers need to buy?AEggs. BTomatoes.CLettuce.答案:C15What will the man make?ARoast chicken. BSandwiches.CA salad.答案:C16What is George going to bring to the picnic?AWhite wine. BFruit juice.CCola.答案:B听第10段独白,回答第17至20题。17Where will Mr Smith go first?ADresden. BManchester.CParis.答案:C18Who will Mr Smith meet on Wednesday?AMr Cameron. BMr Braun.CMr Adam.答案:B19How long will it take Mr Smith to fly to Rome from Warsaw?AAbout two hours. BAbout three hours.CAbout four hours.答案:C20When will Mr Smith return to Beijing?AOn Friday. BOn Saturday.COn Sunday.答案:B第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。(Text 1)W:Can I help you?M:Yes.My friend bought this book here for my birthday,but I already had one.So Id like to exchange it for another one.(Text 2)W:Dad,can we go to the shop?I want to buy some sweets.M:Ill buy you some apples,but I wont buy any sweets after your visit to the dentist last week.(Text 3)W:Mary is fluent in English,and shes just started to learn Japanese.M:I hear she also knows a few words in Chinese and French.(Text 4)W:Excuse me.Do you know if the bus is going to e?Its already 10:45.M:Oh,Im afraid youve just missed the last one.It left five minutes ago.(Text 5)W:John is certainly the funniest person in class.He always makes us laugh.M:Yes,and his brother David also has a good sense of humor.W:Yes,but their sister Alice is different from both of them.She doesnt like being around a lot of people.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第6至7题。(Text 6)W:Mike,did you go to Canada as planned in the summer?M:Yes.I had a great time there with my cousins Andy and Anna.W:Where did you stay there,at a hotel?M:No.Do you remember my friend Mark?He is working in Toronto now.We stayed at his apartment.W:Do you have any other friends there?M:No,but I have an aunt there.She lives in the north of Canada.Its too far from Toronto,so we didnt go to visit her.听第7段对话,回答第8至10题。(Text 7)W:Hi,Nick,its Ruth.M:Hi,Ruth.Did you get the tickets for Mrs King?I sent them this morning.W:Yeah.They arrived about an hour ago.M:Uhoh,where does she want to go?W:She needs to arrive in Miami by March 20th.The head office moved the sales meeting to Miami,so she needs to attend the sales meeting there before the opening of the Chicago office.M:So she still wants to go to Chicago?W:Yes.She still has to be there on March 23rd.And then shes moved the interview in Los Angeles to the 24th.听第8段对话,回答第10至12题。(Text 8)W:Dave,is Mr Smith in his office?M:I dont think so.I saw him leaving his office about three minutes ago.He said hed have lunch with an important customer at noon.W:Will he be in the office this afternoon?M:I dont know.Do you want to talk with him?W:Yes.I need to take a few days off because my grandparents are ing over to visit.M:Were quite busy these days.I dont think Mr Smith will permit it.W:What should I do?I cant let my grandparents walk around the city by themselves.M:Do you have any friends who can show them around?W:I dont think so.If I cant take a few days off,Ill just find them a guide.M:Thats a good idea.听第9段对话,回答第13至16题。(Text 9)W:Look,you say what you think we should get,Tom,and Ill write it down.M:I think we should have a roast chicken,and different sorts of salad and lots of fruit,like oranges,peaches and watermelons.W:Oh,watermelons are now not in season yet!Lets stick to something simple like,um,sandwiches and chips.M:What!Thats not very exciting for a picnic.We can do roast chicken and sandwiches ourselves.W:OK,thats great!Now,er,what shall I put on my listbread,butter,um,some cheese?M:Yes,and tomatoes.What about lettuce?W:No needI have one in my fridge.We need some eggs.I can fry them.Oh,just wait till you taste my special sandwiches!M:I cant waitthey sound amazing!Lets also get a cucumber and two carrots,and,um,some slices of beef.Ill make a salad with cold beef.I think everyone will like that.Now,what else do we need?Oh,yes,the drinks!There are a lot of us,remember.Some bottles of white wine,some cans of cola.W:Sounds good!And George is bringing some fruit juice.听第10段独白,回答第17至20题。(Text 10)First,you fly from China on Monday at 8 in the morning.You arrive in Paris airport at 2:15 pm.You have a meeting with Mr Mitterand for two hours.On Tuesday you fly from Paris to Manchester,England.You leave Paris at 1:15 pm and arrive in Manchester at 1:40 pm.You have a meeting with Mr Cameron for four hours.On Wednesday you fly from Manchester to Dresden,Germany.You leave Manchester at 8:50 am and arrive in Dresden at 1:20 pm.You have a meeting with Mr Braun for two hours.On Thursday you fly from Dresden to Warsaw,Poland.You leave Dresden at 8:45 am and arrive in Warsaw,at 12:15 pm.You have a meeting with Mr Adam for three hours.Then you leave at 4:55 pm and fly to Rome.You arrive in Rome at 9 pm.On Friday you have a meeting with Mr Pagano for three hours in the morning.Then you leave Rome at 1:55 pm and arrive in Beijing at 11:15 am the following day.Thats the schedule for the following days,Mr Smith.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的4个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项。AAfter leaving Vancouver Airport,I got on the Skytrain to downtown Vancouver.Id hardly sat down when two local ladies got on the train,sat next to me and started chatting with me.When I got to Burrard Station,I asked a passerby for directions to my hotel.He took a lot of time to explain it to me.But I still got confused and had to ask another passerby for directions.This time I was guided along the street practically to the door of my hotel.So far,after just 45 minutes in Vancouver,Id met four Vancouverites (温哥华人),all of whom were unbelievably friendly and helpful.Before I came to Canada,I was told Canadians were friendly.Well,thats really true.When I arrived at my hotel,it was 4:00 pm and I only had one day to explore Vancouver,so after admiring the harbour views from my hotel room,I had a quick shower,cast one more longing glance at the bed,and then stepped out into the bright Vancouver sunshine.It was a sunny spring day.I planned to visit Stanley Park,just a tenminute walk from my hotel,so I took a bike from Spokes Bicycle Rentals and cycled through the park,stopping every few meters to take photos,admire the wildlife and watch the locals enjoying the sunshine.As a traveler,one can walk,bike,or go roller skating around Vancouvers Stanley Park.Its a popular local hangout (某人常去的地方) whether you want to sunbathe or pose for your wedding photos.I could have hung out in Stanley Park until dusk,but I had to keep moving as two friends and some Vancouver locals were meeting me at the hotel at 6:00 pm.So I had to leave to meet them.If you are interested in my time in Canada,e back to my blog tomorrow.语篇解读作者讲述了他在温哥华的一段旅行经历。21When the writer was on the train to downtown Vancouver,_.Ahe offered to talk with two womenBhe asked some strangers for directionsCtwo local women kept talking with each otherDtwo local women left him a friendly impression解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段的“two local ladies got on the train,sat next to me and started chatting with me”以及第二段的“So far,after just 45 minutes in Vancouver,Id met four Vancouverites,all of whom were unbelievably friendly and helpful”可知在火车上,两个当地的女人给作者留下了非常友好的印象。答案:D22What does the writer think of Stanley Park?AHe thinks it is too big to take a walk in it.BHe thinks its a poor place to take wedding photos.CHe thinks its a nice place to enjoy sunshine in spring.DHe thinks it is too crowded with too many locals in it.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第四段的“Its a popular local hangout whether you want to sunbathe or pose for your wedding photos”可推断作者认为Stanley Park是一个可以在春天享受阳光的好地方。答案:C23What would the writer do at night?ASpend time with two friends and some locals.BGo to visit some friends at their home.CKeep hanging out in Stanley Park.DTake a good rest at his hotel alone.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第五段的“but I had to keep moving as two friends and some Vancouver locals were meeting me at the hotel at 6:00 pm.So I had to leave to meet them”可推断作者晚上会跟两个朋友和一些本地人待在一起。答案:A24What is this passage mainly about?AThe writers impression of Canadians.BThe writers visit to Vancouver,Canada.CWhy the writer enjoyed his trip to Canada.DThe writers most unforgettable experience.解析:主旨大意题。作者主要讲述了他在温哥华的旅行经历,故选B。答案:BBThe first people in Canada crossed the Bering Strait from Asia.In the north the Inuit lived by hunting seals,walruses and whales.They also hunted caribou.On the west coast people hunted deer,bear and beaver.They also fished.On the plains people lived by hunting buffalo.In the east people grew crops of beans,squash,maize and sunflower seeds.The first Europeans to reach Canada were the Vikings.In 986 a Viking called Bjarni Herjolfsson was blown off course by a storm and he spotted a new land.However he sailed away without landing.In 1001 a man named Leif Eriksson landed in the new land,which he named Vinland (it was part of Canada)However Eriksson did not stay permanently.Later the Vikings did establish a colony in North America but they abandoned it because of conflict with the natives.However after the Vikings Canada was forgotten until the end of the 15th century.In 1497 the English king Henry sent an Italian named John Cabot on an expedition across the Atlantic to Newfoundland.Cabot discovered rich fishing waters off the coast of Canada.Then in 1534 and in 153536 a Frenchman named Jacques Cartier (14911557) sailed on two expeditions to Canada.On 10 August 1535 (St Lawrences Day) he sailed into the St Lawrence River,which he named after the saint.However no permanent European settlements were made in Canada until the early 17th century.In 1603 a Frenchman named Samuel de Champlain (15671635) sailed up the St Lawrence River.In 1604 he founded Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia)In 1608 Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec.(The name Quebec is believed to be an Algonquin word meaning a narrow part of a river)In 1642 the French founded Montreal.The new colony in Canada was called New France.By 1685 the population of New France was about 10,000.By 1740 it was 48,000.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,讲述了加拿大人口的构成及城市的逐渐形成。25In which part of Canada did people grow crops?AIn the north.BIn the east.COn the west coast. DOn the plains.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句In the east people grew crops of beans,squash,maize and sunflower seeds.可知答案。答案:B26Who was the first European to reach Canada?ALeif Eriksson. BBjarni Herjolfsson.CJohn Cabot. DSamuel de Champlain.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段前两句The first Europeans to reach Canada.called Bjarni Herjolfsson was blown off course by a storm and he spotted a new land.可知Bjarni Herjolfsson是最早来到加拿大的欧洲人。答案:B27What is the last paragraph mainly about?AEuropeans set foot on Canada.BEuropeans started expeditions.CEuropeans fought against the natives.DEuropeans began to make permanent settlements.解析:主旨大意题。文章最后一段第一句为该段的主题句。答案:D28What is the best title for the passage?AThe early history of CanadaBThe languages of CanadaCEuropeans started expeditionsDThe war between Europeans and Canadians解析:主旨大意题。文章各段落主要讲述了加拿大人口的构成及城市的逐渐形成。综合来看,文章讲述了加拿大早期的历史。答案:ACEDMONTON,CANADAThe Etzio is one of the oldest buildings in one of the citys oldest neighbourhoods,but its set to be knocked down.Edmontonians are hoping more can be done to preserve (保留) more of the citys history.“The reason the area is popular in the first place is because its a historic neighbourhood.And I think its important that we preserve that history,” said Mark Wilson,owner of Vivid Print,a shop on Whyte Avenue at 103 Street.Wilsons business is located in a building two doors down from the Etzio,a building that is more than a century old.But after 117 years on Whyte Avenue,the building is ing down to make way for a new threefloor development.“It has bee acceptable to simply pull down old buildings and put up new buildings that look old,” said Wilson.“The words on the sidewalks here say historic area.Well,its not historic if all the buildings are 10 years old.”Its a move that disappoints Wilson and others on the street who believe more should be done to keep the character of Edmonton.“I think in this area its important because it keeps the flavour of Edmonton,and Edmonton is known for Whyte Ave,” said a woman on Saturday afternoon.“Some of the old culture should still be there,I think,” added a man who was walking along the street.“It makes Edmonton unique (独一无二的)Without it,it just bees another mall or it could be any other city in the world.”Wilsonlooking fondly at the old buildingbelieves a little piece of history is lost with every building thats torn down.After the Etzio building is torn down,the Old Strathcona Hotel and the Ross building will be the only two buildings left from the 1800s.语篇解读本文是一则新闻报道。古建筑面临拆除,市民多有不舍。29Why does Wilson consider the Etzio important?AIt helps him develop his business.BHis neighbours live there.CIts a symbol of history.DHis shop is inside it.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的because its a historic neighbourhood可知,Wilson认为Etzio重要是因为它是有着100多年悠久历史的古建筑,是历史的见证。答案:C30In Wilsons eyes,what will be done to the city is_.Aacceptable BpopularCunpleasant Dstrange解析:推理判断题。根据第四段Wilson说的话和第五段中的Its a move that disappoints Wilson可以推测,Wilson对于拆除Etzio这一做法感到不愉快。答案:C31What does the underlined word “it” in the text refer to?AThe Etzio building. BThe old culture.CEdmonton. DThe street.解析:篇章结构题。倒数第三段中连续出现了四个指代词it;我们先来分析第一个it:It makes Edmonton unique,这句中的It指代上一句中的Some of the old culture;接着的这句Without it,it just bees another mall or it could be any other city in the world中的第一个it指代的也是the old culture,第二、三个it均指代Edmonton。该段的大意为:古老的文化应该保留下来,这些古老的文化使得Edmonton很独特;如果没有这些古老的文化,那么Edmonton这个地方就会变成另一个商场,或者和世界上的任何一座城市没什么区别。答案:B32What can be the best title for the text?A117yearold building to be torn downBNew development being met with disagreementsCEdmonton business owner makes a moveDOld buildings in Edmonton face an uncertain future解析:标题归纳题。本文是一则新闻报道,文章首段就点明了主旨,即:The Etzio is one of the oldest buildings in one of the citys oldest neighbourhoods,but its set to be knocked down。由此可知,A项作标题统领了全文。答案:ADAn animal that is of great importance to the southeastern coast of Oman is the abalone,a shellfish that has bee the center of the nations multimilliondollar industry.Once,abalone shellfish were brought to the surface in the hope that their bodies had beautiful pearls.Today,the shellfish are caught for a different reasonrestaurant menus!The fresh white shellfish has a pleasant taste and is the most highly valued product from Omani waters.Abalone live in shallow (浅的) sea waters.Young abalone live in small groups,holding on to the undersides of rocks,while the adults live in larger groups together in rocky cracks.They can only survive successfully in areas where cold,rich water rises from the sea bed.There,in the shallow,brightly lit conditions,the abalone shellfish live.The environmental requirements for cool water conditions are seldom met and,as a result,abalone fisheries worldwide are very restricted.Until recently,there was a threeyear official order against abalone fishing in Oman and now fishing is only allowed from October 20 to November 15 each year.The coast of Dhofar in Oman is one of the friendly environments that support abalone populations.The southern coast of Oman experiences monsoon (季风) winds across the surface of the sea from April to September.As these winds blow across the surface,the rich cold water from the depths of the Arabian Sea can easily rise and move towards the coast.After the monsoon period,fishermen jump into the sea,reaching a depth of 10 meters.Groups of up to ten men search for abalone living on rocks and remove the shells using a knife,before ing up for air.A good fisherman searches for large adults and will get up to 600 abalone a day.语篇解读本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了阿曼的鲍鱼产业。33Why do Omani fishermen catch abalone nowadays?AThey are good pets.BThey are very delicious.CThere are pearls in their bodies.DTheir shells are beautiful and useful.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的Today,the shellfish are caught for a different reasonrestaurant menus可知,如今阿曼的渔民采集鲍鱼是因为它味道鲜美。答案:B34What do we know about abalone?AThey prefer the darkness.BThey live under the sea bed.CThey face bad rocky conditions.DThey need special environments.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的They can only survive successfully in areas where cold,rich water rises from the sea bed可知,鲍鱼的生长需要特殊的环境。 答案:D35What does the underlined word “restricted” in Paragraph 3 mean?AStrange. BControlled.CUnpopular. DUnderdeveloped.解析:词义猜测题。根据划线词下一句中的there was a threeyear official order against abalone fishing in Oman and now fishing is only allowed from October 20 to November 15 each year可知,鲍鱼的捕捉受到严格的控制。答案:B第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。One of Sri Lankas most incredible (难以置信的) places to visit is the rock fortress (要塞) of Sigiriya,which is in the northern part of the island._36_ On its top are the ruins of a fifthcentury palace.This is a very popular tourist destination (目的地) and can be quite busy sometimes._37_However,it is such a great place that its worth the effort._38_There is a bus service from the town of Polonnaruwa.You can do the visit in a morning or an afternoon.You should take a sun hat and some water for the heat,but you shouldnt need food,because there is lots available when youre there.When you arrive,first climb the stairs to the wall paintings._39_ Then,you continue climbing the iron stairs to the top of the rock.However,it can be very windy.So do take care.From the top you can see the ruins of the fortress,the water pools,and wonderful views

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