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2019-2020年高中英语Unit7TheseaLearningtoLearn课时作业北师大版必修.单词拼写1Liu Xiang didnt _(参加) in the match because he hurt his foot.答案:participate2I cant_(评价) his ability without seeing his work.答案:evaluate3Red sky is a _(征兆) of good weather.答案:sign4If you can _(安排) for me,Ill be very grateful.答案:arrange5Fan Bingbing is a famous _(女演员) who is known to us all.答案:actress6The painting es from his private_(收藏)答案:collection7Lions sometimes _(狩猎) alone.答案:hunt8Children like_(海豚) very much because they are so lovely.答案:dolphins.完形填空Who says people arent honest any more?Last year,my husband and I went to Beach Kayaking on the north shore of Oahu City for our summer vacation in Hawaii.We left the_1_and were driving when I noticed the truck that was driving behind me stop_2_!I mentioned it to my husband and I _3_what that was all about,but my husband didnt think it mattered.So we went a few_4_miles.Then we stopped at a 711 store for a Coke.And that was_5_my husband noticed that he had left his wallet at the beach.We went back there and started to search anxiously,but no _6_.It was lost,or we feared it was _7_since he said he remembered_8_it on a stump (树墩) next to where we_9_ourselves.We drove home in a hurry to_10_all of our credit cards _11_anything was charged to them by any other shoppers all around the island.We lived on the south shore so it was about a 45minute_12_.When we got in,there was a _13_from a man who said that he had found the wallet and he left his_14_.We called him at once and he said he was driving behind us when he saw the wallet_15_off the car.This man _16_stopped to pick up the wallet!We went to pick it up that afternoon,very_17_that all the money was _18_and all our credit cards were found.The man wouldnt accept _19_.As he stood with his arm _20_his young son,he replied,“teaching my son this good lesson is the payment enough.” We were touched and happy.语篇解读 谁说现在的人们都不诚实了?作者从自己的一次亲身经历中切实体验到了人间还是有真善美的。1A.beachBislandChotel Dcity解析:根据空前面的“Beach Kayaking”可知,这里表示我们离开海滩(beach)。答案:A2A.hurriedly BimmediatelyCsuddenly Danxiously解析: 就在那时,“我”注意到后面行驶着的那辆卡车突然(suddenly)停了下来。答案:C3A.wondered BconsideredCunderstood Drealised解析:“我”把这个情况告诉了丈夫,想知道(wondered)发生了什么事。答案:A4A.hotter BfasterCless Dmore解析:go a few more miles表示“又行驶了数英里”。答案:D5A.because BhowCwhen Dwhether解析:就是在那个时候(when)“我”的丈夫注意到他的钱包丢在海滩了。答案:C6A.person BwayCmoney Dluck解析:我们回到了那儿,开始焦急地找钱包,但是我们不走运。故luck运气,符合题意。答案:D7A.taken BfoundCsold Dreturned解析:钱包丢了,或者我们担心钱包被拿走(taken)了。答案:A8.A.throwing BsettingCkeeping Dhiding解析:set在此处表示“放,置,使处于”,“set it on a stump(树墩)”意为“把它放在树墩上”。答案:B9A.reminded BenjoyedChelped Dintroduced解析:enjoy oneself表示“玩得开心”。答案:B10A.cancel BgetCcollect Dcheck解析: 我们急匆匆地开车回家,在这个岛上的其他任何购物者把所有账单都记到这些卡上以前,注销我们所有的信用卡。答案:A11A.as BuntilCafter Dbefore答案:D12A.walk BdistanceCdrive Dflight解析:根据上文的“We drove home”可知,此处应用drive。答案:C13A.letter BmessageCwallet Dcard解析:下文提到有一个人发现了钱包并且留下了他的电话号码,由此可知,空处应用message。答案:B14A.money BhomeCtruck Dnumber答案:D15A.fly BlieCbreak Dturn解析:他说他正驾车行驶在我们后面,就在那时他看到钱包从车里飞了出来。fly off飞离,飞出,符合题意。答案:A16A.finally BactuallyCfirstly Dexactly解析:此句解释了前面“我”所看到的不解情景,原来是好心的司机看到我们的钱包掉了,停车帮我们捡钱包。actually事实上;finally最后;firstly首先;exactly确切地。答案:B17A.hopeful BhelpfulCgrateful Dcareful解析:我们那天下午就去取钱包了,发现所有的钱和信用卡都在,我们感激不尽。答案:C18A.safe BgoneCshort Dtidy解析:safe表示“未受伤害的,未丢失的”等。答案:A19A.thanks BinvitationCpayment Dappreciation解析:根据后文的“payment”可知此处应用payment。答案:C20A.under BforCbehind Daround解析:他站着搂着自己年幼的儿子,答道答案:D.阅读理解When I met him,I had a lot of anger inside of me.Ive lived my whole life in Spanish Harlem,but in my neighborhood,there are shoot ups all the time.I know kids who have been shot or beaten up.I have friends who ended up in prison.I could have ended up that way,too,but Mr Clark wouldnt let that happen.Mr Clark worked long hours,making sure I did my work.My grades rose.In fact,the scores of our whole class rose.One day,he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera,and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem.Before the show,he treated us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full.We did not want to let him down.Mr Clark was selected as Disneys 2000 Teacher of the Year.He said he would draw three names out of a hat;those students would go with him to Los Angeles to get the award.But when the time came to draw names,Mr Clark said,“Youre all going.”On graduation day,there were a lot of tears.We didnt want his class to end.In 2001,he moved to Atlanta,but we always kept in touch.He started giving lectures about education,and wrote a bestselling book based on his classroom rules,The Essential 55.In 2003,Mr Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to deliver school supplies and visit the orphanages(孤儿院)It was the most amazing experience of my life.Its now my dream to one day start a group of womens clubs,helping people from all backgrounds.1.Without Mr Clark,the writer_.Amight have been put into prisonBmight not have won the prizeCmight have joined a womens clubDmight not have moved to Atlanta解析:细节理解题。根据第一段最后两句可知答案为A项。答案:A2The Essential 55 is_.Aa show Ba speechCa classroom rule Da book解析:细节理解题。 由第四段最后一句可知,The Essential 55是一本书的名字。答案:D3How many students names were finally drawn out of a hat by Mr Clark?ANone. BThree.CFiftyfive. DAll.解析: 细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,老师没有抽签来决定哪个学生去,而是带所有的孩子去了洛杉矶领奖,因此选A项。答案:A4What can we learn from the passage?AIt was in Harlem that we saw The Phantom of the Opera for the first time.BMr Clark taught us not to talk with our mouths full,and we did.CMr Clark was selected as Disneys 2000 Teacher of the Year in Los Angeles.DIn 2003,Mr Clark moved to Atlanta,and he always kept in touch with us.解析:细节理解题。 由第二段最后两句可知,B项正确。其中A项错在in Harlem;C项错在in Los Angeles;D项错在In 2003。答案:BBSlow parenting means parenting children in the contact of nature without any interference of materialistic influence.We can also term it as “selfraising”In slow parenting children are allowed to do what they think proper and parents just keep a watch over the child.Curiosity of the child leads to exploring and discovering things.Parents provide little help only when its too necessary,otherwise keep themselves away from the child and just have a look on him/her.This brings about a feeling of selfdependency and they are encouraged to solve their problems.This is a natural way of learning.When a child is left to learn in a natural environment,the childs natural development takes place.Influence of any materialistic way doesnt let the mind develop naturally.Watching TV,playing video games or joining classes of dance,swimming or any other sports will not let the mind develop naturally.Here creativity of their mind is developed.They explore ideas.The logic behind this is that the kids of animals learn by nature,so can our kids.So let our children play in the garden,to watch flowers,plants,birds,butterflies and other gifts of nature.In the classes of dance,swimming etc.their creativity is influenced and their natural creativity is suppressed.In these classes they are overburdened and cant enhance their creativity.So let them play in the open air or garden without any burden instead of joining classes.Generally parents give toys to their children and explain how to operate them.But those parents who believe in slow parenting give toys and observe how the children are managing them.Their skill to learn and understand es out.Maybe the process is slow,but it will be their exploration,which will make them selfdependent,and selfcapable to learn.语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。文章说明了“慢育”的具体实施方法并论述了其优点。5In slow parenting,parents_.Agive the whole directions to what their children doBkeep a close watch over their childrenCgive their children freedom to do what they think properDset limits to what their children do解析:细节理解题。从文章第一段第三句可知,在“慢育”过程中父母允许孩子做他们认为合适的事情。B项错在父母密切监督孩子,故排除。答案:C6What is the main advantage of slow parenting according to the passage?AKeeping children away from materialistic influence.BArousing childrens curiosity.CMaking children interested in exploring natureDHelping children to be independent.解析:细节理解题。从文章第一段最后一句及最后一段最后一句可知,作者强调“慢育”可以培养孩子的独立意识。答案:D7We can infer from the third paragraph that_.Aexploring nature is a good way of slow parentingBchildren cant learn by nature like the kids of animalsCslow parenting should be done in a logical wayDchildren should join some classes解析:推理判断题。文章第三段主要介绍了让孩子在大自然中探索、玩耍。 由此推断,这是“慢育”的一种重要手段。答案:A8The author believes joining various classes_.Acan train childrens ability of solving problemsBis no good to childrens creativityCis a necessary part of slow parentingDalso helps improve childrens creativity解析:细节理解题。从文章第三段后半部分可知,作者认为参加游泳、舞蹈等训练班只会压制孩子的创造力。答案:B


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