2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Lesson1 P1教学设计 北师大版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Lesson1 P1教学设计 北师大版必修1教材分析本课是第3单元的第1课。本课的语篇是一篇有关中国三大传统节日-端午节、中秋节、元宵节的阅读文章。学生将在本课获得有关端午节、中秋节以及元宵节的有关信息,学习有关节日的词汇,理解文章大意,使用略读、细读等阅读策略。学生要将阅读信息内化,转换成自己的语言,并口头介绍一个中国重要的节日。本课的语法是各种时态的被动语态的构成和用法。学生在初中阶段已经学过一般现在时和一般过去时这两种时态的被动语态的构成和用法,本课的重点是进行时态和完成时态这两种时态的被动语态的构成和用法。学生要能够在语篇中识别、在语境中运用这两种时态的被动语态的构成和用法。本课计划按两课时完成:第一课时重点是阅读文章和重点词汇的掌握,让学生学习有关传统节日的词汇,使用略读和细读等阅读策略,从文章中提取信息,处理信息,进行口头介绍另一节日;第二课时复习巩固有关节日以及庆典的词汇,从课文例句中发现、归纳各种时态的被动语态的构成和用法,并在不同的语境中恰当地使用不同时态的被动语态。教学内容话题: 中国三大传统节日-端午节、中秋节和元宵节(阅读)词汇: 重点词汇: celebrate, decorate, include, serve, take part in, traditional 相关词汇: seasons, months, food, mark, light, activities语法:各种时态的被动语态的构成和用法第一课时First Period教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 总结和正确使用有关节日(尤其是中国传统节日)的词汇;2.运用本课所学的相关词汇口头介绍一个重要的节日教学过程教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式&时间IP&TimeWarm-upStep 1T shows students some pictures on P35 and ask them the question:What are they celebrating? PPT 3根据标题和图片引出话题,激活学生的背景知识。CW 1Step 2T asks the students to discuss:In which situations do people hold celebrations?PPT 3-5引导学生参考使用话题相关词汇,增大学生词汇量PW 2Pre-readingStep 3Ss listen to the tape and write down the five celebrations. PPT 6 学案在听力材料中呈现相关词汇,帮助学生落实词汇IW 3Step 4T has the students to discuss: What other Chinese festivals do you know? When are they celebrated? PPT 7 学案 II 介绍中国其他的节日,帮助学生了解相关背景知识,激发学生的民族自豪感PW 4While-readingStep 5T shows students three pictures and get them to answer: Which festival is celebrated? Then get them to check the answer from the textbook. PPT 8使用图片检测学生的相关话题词汇,提高学生学习词汇的兴趣CW 2Step 6Ss read the text quickly and answer the questions: What do the Lantern Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival mark? Why is the Mid-Autumn Festival so important? PPT 9 学案 帮助学生学会通过快速阅读查找文章大意等信息IW 3Step 7Ss read the text again and do Ex 3 on Page 36. PPT 10-13 学案 通过细读这一环节提取和整理课文相关细节信息IW 5Step 8Ss discuss with the partner and find out the layout of introducing a festival. PPT 14帮助学生基本掌握如何介绍一个节日CW, PW 6Vocabulary Step 9 Ss fill in the blanks with proper words according to the text, then make new sentences using the key words PPT 15-20掌握和巩固所学词汇,并能够在新的语境中学会恰当使用新学词汇CW, IW 7Post-readingStep 10Students work in groups of four to introduce a festival which is most important in China for children, or for young people, or for old people, or for women and men. PPT 21-22 学案 对所学知识进行内化,培养英语口头表达能力CW, GW 12Homework 1. Read the passage again and do Exercise 5 on P79.2. Write an introduction to the festival that your group talked about in class, trying to use the new words learned in this lesson. PPT 23注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work第一课时学案I. Listening: Which five celebrations do you hear?II. Discussing: What other Chinese festivals do you know? When are they celebrated?SpringFebruaryMarchAprilSummerMayJuneJulyAutumnAugustSeptemberOctoberWinterNovemberDecemberJanuary. Fast reading: 1) What do the Lantern Festival and the Dragon Boat Festival mark? 2) Why is the Mid-Autumn Festival so important?. Careful readingFestivalsSeasons & date/monthTypical activities or foodThe Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Lantern FestivalThe Dragon Boat Festival. Group work: Introduce a festival which is most important in China for children, or for young people, or for old people, or for women and men.第一课时讲义(见PPT)第二课时(second period)北京市十一学校 于艳教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 学生能够识别五种时态的被动语态;2. 学生能够在上一课的基础上,运用所学词汇和不同的被动语态进行口头介绍庆祝活动。教学过程教学过程Teaching Steps教学活动Activities教学意图Intentions活动模式及时间IP& timeStep 11.T explains the objectives.2.Ss say the Festivals in September.引出话题,激发学生的所学知识和词汇。CW3Step 2 T asks students four questions about the texts. (The questions and answers are related with the Passive)激活上节课的信息,在语境中呈现本课要学习的语法。CW5Step 3 Ss read the answers and find out the structure of the Passive.通过再次的朗读,学生发现两种时态的被动语态在形式和功能上的区别。 CW4 Step 4Ss make up sentences using the Present Passive Voice and the Past Passive Voice with the help of pictures and key words. 通过给定语境,强化这两种时态的被动语态的使用。IW&PW4Step 5 Students read a passage about the Spring Festival and underline the passive sentences of different tenses. 帮助学生发现更多的具有相似结构的被动语态形式,引出新的被动语态形式,体会他们的用法。IW&PW6Step 6Give more pictures to use the new forms of the Passive ( the Present Continuous Passive, the Past Continuous Passive and the Present Perfect Passive)尝试在新的语境中使用三种时态的被动语态。(句子层面)PW&IW5Step 7T concludes the three forms of the Passive by students.T asks students when we use the Passive. 帮助学生归纳整理语法规则,加强学生对结构的理解。CW3Step 7 1. T shows some pictures of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.2. T asks students to introduce the big celebration orally using the Passive3. T helps students to evaluate the report by a evaluation form and sentence patterns. 4. T asks some students make a report. 综合运用课本的词汇与被动语态的语法。(语篇层面)CW&GW 15Homework Write the report.To write their report and consolidate what theyve learned 注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group WorkLesson1 Period 2 学案1. The structure of the passive: _ 1) the present simple passive voice: _(一般现在时被动语态) 2) the past simple passive voice:_(一般过去时被动语态) 3) the present perfect passive voice:_(现在完成时被动语态) 4) the present continuous passive voice:_(现在进行时被动语态) 5) the past continuous passive voice: _(过去进行时被动语态)2. Read the passage and underline the passive sentences. The Spring festival is celebrated in January or February every year, which marks the end of the lunar year and the beginning of another new year. Last year, we rushed back to my hometown for a family reunion. Before we came back, the house was cleaned and kinds of food were bought. When we arrived home, we saw the doors and windows were decorated with paper-cuts and couplets(对联)and the lanterns were put up. A big reunion dinner was being prepared by my mother. After enjoying a delicious dinner, we stayed up and watched the Spring Festival Party. Since 1983, the Spring Festival Party has been broadcast on CCTV. Watching the programmes has bee my family tradition. Outdoors the red lanterns were lit . At midnight when the bell was striken, fireworks were set off and the whole sky was lit up. Everybody was filled with happiness. Although the traditions of the festival are being changed now, this festival is still the most important celebration for all Chinese people.3. Group work-SpeakingThe opening ceremony of the xx Olympic Games was a big celebration on August 8th. Look at the pictures and then introduce the opening ceremony orally, using the key words and at least three passive sentences. (Every student should say at least one sentence. Each group needs a student to write down the introduction and make a report. Your report:The opening ceremony of the xx Olympic Games was a big celebration on August 8th. _


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