2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 School life American High School Life素材 牛津译林版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 School life American High School Life素材 牛津译林版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit1 School life American High School Life素材 牛津译林版必修1High SchoolIn America, after middle school es high school, which includes grades 9 through 12. Students are required to take certain subjects like English, social studies, math, science, and physical education. In addition, they choose among elective subjects to plete their high school education. Electives include subjects in technology, music, art, and foreign languages.Each student in the school has their own locker for books and personal items. This convenience saves students from carrying textbooks, and allows students a small space they can decorate with posters and favorite objects.Cheating in any form is strictly prohibited in American schools. And in fact, high school students usually dont cheat. A student caught in plagiarism, forgery, or copying another student faces severe discipline, even expulsion.School ActivitiesEach school holds certain yearly activities for the entire school body, such as homeing, prom night, holiday celebrations, etc.Homeing is celebrated each fall, usually on a weekend, and events leading up to it may last all week. While homeing is celebrated differently at each school, it usually includes a parade and the crowning of the Homeing King and Queen, and ends with a football game and school dance.The prom is a formal dance for students in grades 11 and 12, and is generally anticipated as the most important social event of the school year. It can also be a time of anxiety, as boys have to work up the courage to ask a date to the prom, and girls hope the right boy invites them. These couples dress in formal clothes girls in long gowns, boys in suits. Some students even arrange a limousine and driver for their group of friends to arrive in style! At the prom, students dance, have snacks and drinks, and chat. Prom usually ends with a Prom King and Queen being announced and crowned on stage before an envious audience.Besides hosting events for holidays such as the Fourth of July and Halloween, individual high schools often have their own special events. One day might be“Inside Out/Backwards Day,”where students and teachers should wear their clothes reversed all day, perhaps walk and speak backwards, and even go to classes in opposite order. And some schools hold contests where, if certain academic goals are met, the principal will kiss a pig, shave his mustache, or dress as a woman for the day.SportsMost high schools have at least one sports team that petes in local events, and all students are encouraged to be involved in athletics. Schools often offer football, baseball and softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and soccer. Some may even have sports like golf, swimming, gymnastics and cross-country skiing.JobsMany high school students have part-time jobs by the age of 15 or 16, some even earlier. Their first jobs are often babysitting or cutting lawns, but later they will likely get a job at a fast-food restaurant, video store, or clothing shop.DrivingSixteen years old is legal driving age in most states, and students usually want to own a car as soon as they can. Some parents allow their children to drive a family vehicle, and may even buy a car as a graduation present. Others prefer that their sons and daughters earn enough to purchase a used vehicle. Regardless, many teenagers feel its a necessity to own a car, and will do whatever it takes to be able to drive. 美国高中生活全貌高中在美国,初中学业一结束就进入高中,包括9到12年级。学生们要完成某些必修课,如英语、社会学、数学、自然科学和体育,此外,学生们选修一些课程来完成高中教育。选修科目有应用科学、音乐、美术和外语。每位学生在学校都有自己的储物柜,用来存放书本或私人物品。这下可方便了,学生们勿需携带课本,而且还使得他们有个小小的空间,可以装点以海报及心爱之物。任何形式的作弊在美国学校里都是严令禁止的,事实上,高中生们一般都不作弊,若学生被抓到剽窃、弄虚作假,或抄袭其他学生的作业,都会受到严厉的处分,甚至是开除。学校活动各学校每年都会举办一些全校性活动,如返校节、学年舞会(高中或大学在学年末举办的正式舞会)、节日庆典,等等。返校节在每年秋季举办,通常选在周末,相关活动可能持续一周。每所学校举办返校节的方式有所不同,不过通常都会包括游行、给返校节“国王”与“王后”加冕,并以橄榄球赛及全校性舞会来压轴。学年舞会是为11及12年级学生举办的正式舞会。学生通常会把它看成是学年中最重要的社交活动,不过也有些人为此焦躁不安,因为男孩子们得鼓足勇气找舞伴去参加这个舞会,而女孩子们则希望自己的意中人能向自己发出邀请。这些情侣们要身着正式服装(女孩子穿长礼服,男孩子着西装)。有些学生甚至弄来豪华轿车和司机,载着一群朋友去参加舞会,时髦得很!舞会上,学生们可以翩翩起舞、吃着点心、喝着饮料,还可轻松闲聊。舞会结尾,就会公布“舞会国王”及“舞会王后”的名字,然后在一群艳羡的观众前,为他们俩登台加冕。除了举办日庆祝活动,如7月4日(美国的国庆节:编者注)及万圣节,个别高中还常举办自己独特的活动。有那么一天,叫“反穿衣/颠倒日”,这一天,学生和老师们都得把衣服反过来穿,可能走路说话都得倒着来,甚至去教室都得朝反方向走。有些学校则举办辩论赛,如果达到某些教学目标,那校长就得吻一头猪,刮掉胡须,或者一整天都着女装。体育大多数高中至少有一支球队参加当地的各种大赛,校方鼓励所有的学生参加运动。学校通常有橄榄球、棒球及垒球、篮球、排球、网球和足球,有些学校甚至还提供高尔夫、游泳、体操及越野滑雪项目。工作许多高中生在十五六岁就开始做兼职工作了,有些甚至更早。最初他们一般是做临时保姆或是割割草坪,不过后来可能会在快餐店、录像出租店或服装店找到一份工作。驾驶大多数州的法定驾车年龄为16岁,学生们总想能尽快拥有一辆车。一些父母允许自己的孩子驾驶自家车;有些甚至买车当毕业礼物送给孩子;另外还有些父母则希望自己的儿女能自己挣钱买辆二手车。不管怎么说,许多青少年还是觉得有辆车是必要的,只要能开上车,干什么都行。

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