2019-2020年高中英语 M1U2 Reading学案 牛津版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 M1U2 Reading学案 牛津版必修1语言点同步讲解1. bend 曲身;使弯折 2. explain 解释;说明3. charge 照顾;管理 4. trust 信任;相信5. cross 交叉6. remind 提醒7. suffer遭受痛苦;受惩罚 8. plain 抱怨;诉苦 9. argue 争论;争吵 10. fix解决;修理 11. disobey 违背;不遵守 12. insist 坚持 13. contain 包含、包括 14. concern 担心;关心 15. destroy 破坏16. vacation假期 17. behaviour行为;表现 18. fault 过错;错误19. action行为 20. choice 选择 a) advice 建议;忠告;意见21. situation 情况;近况22. mad 生气的;发疯的a) rude 粗鲁的23. close 亲密的;接近的 24. lately 最近的25. truly 诚恳地;真诚地 26. crazy 疯狂的;痴迷的重点短语:1. in charge (of) 负责;掌管 2. like crazy 发狂似地3. turn up 调大;开大;露面4. do with 对待;处理5. instead of 代替6. in the form of 以、形式7. on vacation 在度假8. be aware of 知道、;对、明白9. be proud of 对、感到骄傲10. stay up 熬夜11. keep in mind 熟记、,记住、12. refer to 提及;句型:1I cant wait to2Not that he has been so rude , I feel like3Where I want to do 4Every time I watch a DVD,知识点:1talk about problems mon to teenagers访谈一些关于青年常见的问题。mon adj 共有的,公共的,普通的,常见的Heart disease is one of the mon causes of death. 心脏病是最常见的死因之一。Bad dream are fairly mon in children.噩梦在孩子中较常见。 mon property 公共财产 mon language 常用语言 mon sense 常识 mon people 老百姓 mon knowledge 人所共知的事 in mon 共有的;公用的 in mon with 和、共同有,和、一样 have in mon 共有、 in mon to sb 对、来说是常见的2It may feel like your family and the adults around you do not understand many of the problems you have.Feel like 感觉象是;觉得像;摸上去像;想要Do you feel like parents try to force you to spend your spare time doing things you dont like?你觉得是你的父母企图强迫你花时间做你不喜欢的事情吗?Look like 看起来像 seem like 似乎像 sound like 听起来像 smell like 闻起来像 taste like 尝起来像It look like rain 天看起来要下雨。 The noise sounded like a plane.那声音听起来像飞机。3Do you have to turn up your music so loud ?你非得把声音调得那么大吗?turn up 旋大,开大;出现,露面,被找到Turn up the radio a little ,Its too low.He suddenly turned up at the party.他突然出现在聚会上。Your lost pen will surely turn up one day .你丢掉的笔终会找到的。turn around 转身turn in 上交 turn away 不理,大发走 turn out 结果是,生产 turn down 调低;拒绝 turn back 折回,返回 turn on 打开 turn off 关Hundreds of people were turned away because the tickets had been sold out.The plan turned out wellHe was turned down to join the army because of his age.4.You are back early! (Looking around the room ,sounding frightenedfrightened 是frighten 的过去分词We were all frightened to see the accident.V.ed 形式多用来说明或修饰人;V.ing 形式则多用来说明或修饰事物worried /worring pleased /pleasing excited/exciting encouraged/encouraging interested/interesting satisfied/satisfying surprised/surprising bored /boringscared/scaring5.What did you do with the money we left?do with 处理,处置,对待I didnt know what to do with the old tree.The new teacher didnt know what to with the class.I cannot do with loud noice.do with /deal with :do with与what 连用 deal with 与how 连用How will you deal with the money.6.Daniel, we thought, you were an adult,a person from whom we could expect good decisionexpect sb/sth expect sb to do sth expect to do sth expect thatI dont expect so.我想不会=I expect mot.None of us expected it. 我们谁也没料到这种情况。Expect/.hope /wishIll expect you for supper .我将等你吃晚饭。You cant expect him to support you.你别指望他会支持你。 Words and expressions to the play l cant wait to do意为“迫不及待想干、”例如:I cant wait to see him.我迫不及待想看他。He cant wait to go to the market.他迫不及待地要到市场去。l Its so nice to be home.It is +adj./n. +(for sb)+to do句型此句型中,it 为形式主语,真正的主语是to do,译为“(对某人来说)做某事是、”如:It is important for man to explore the outer space.Its not right to cut down young trees and burn down.Its easy to say but difficult to do.Its impossible to mix oil with water.Its important to learn English.It is my duty to help you.It is a pleasure to meet you.l Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog.l此句中,followed by a big dog 是过去分词短语做状语,表伴随状况,除此之外,用做状语的过去分词还可表示时间、原因、方式、结果、条件、让步等含义。例如:Seen from the space,the earth looks like a huge water covered globe. 从太空看,地球就像一个被水覆盖的球体。Seen from the top of the hill, the park looks like a garden.从山顶看,公园像个花园。Given more time, we could have done it better.如果多给点时间,我们能把它做得更好。Folded up along the lines, the paper will be a paper box.沿着线折叠,这张纸就成了一个纸合。Though made with great care, the food was still not to her taste.尽管精心烹制,食物仍然不合她的口味。I wont go to the party unless invited.我不会参加聚会,除非邀请我。When heated, water can be turned into vapour.把水加热,水就会变成水蒸气。l what am I to do? “be +to do”结构表示安排、命令、职责、义务、目的、用途、可能性、命中注定等。例如:we are to meet at the school gate. Youre to be back by 10 oclock. I am to inform you that the meeting will be held in hangzhou. A knife is used to cut They were never_(他们注定以后永远不再见面) A new hospital _in our district.(我们区将建立一个新的医院。) What is _when something gets into your eyes?(如果你的眼睛里进了东西,你该怎么办?)l You are supposed to know the law.l be supposed to do (1)应该,有、义务 (2)被认为,被看作是(往往含有事实并非如此之意。) 例如:Customers are not supposed to smoke here. 顾客不可以在这里吸烟。 Tom, youre not supposed to go out at night. 汤姆,晚上你不要出去了。 Cats are supposed to be afraid of dogs,but my cat has just driven Mr. Brown dog out of the yard. 按说猫本应是怕狗的,但我的猫刚刚却把布朗先生的狗从院子中赶了出去。 Lu xun was supposed to be a doctor,but he became a famous writer. 鲁迅本应该当医生,但他却成了一位著名的作家。 Is the servant supposed to clear the outside of the windows or only the inside. 这个佣人应该打扫窗户的外面呢,还是仅仅打扫里面呢?l Listen to me young man remember the day when we left you in charge?In charge (of):负责(、)Who is in charge here ?谁负责这儿?He is in charge of the Heath Department.他负责卫生部的工作。The doctor in charge was a tall man.负责的医生是一位高个子男人。The officer in charge requested John to put on his clothes.负责的官员要约翰穿上衣服。*in charge of = take charge of *in/under the charge of sb=in/under sbs charge意为“由、负责”The boy was in Marys charge.这男孩由玛丽照顾。The hospital is in/under the charge of doctor Green.医院由格林医生负责。The project is in his charge.这工程由他负责 。deserve vt. “值得,应当受到”,后面跟(1) 名词或代词 He deserved his glory. 他应当得到光荣。(2) 用过去分词做表语。 He felt that her praise of him was deserved 他觉得她对他的表扬是值得的。/他觉得他应当受到她的表扬。(3) 不定式: You deserved to succeed.你应该取得成功。(4) 从句或动名词He said that he really didnt deserve she should be so kind.她说他真的不值得她对他这样好。Such bad behaviour deserves a beating.这种坏行为该打.l Maybe ,but now that he has been so rude to us ,I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us . Now that 是个固定短语,用来引导壮语从句。意思是“既然,由于” Now (that)John has arrived, we can began right now.既然约翰已经来了,我们可以立即开始。 Now that he has finally turned off the radio ,we can have a good sleep. 由于他最终关掉了收音机,我们睡了一个好觉。 She has a very heavy responsbility now that she has to take care of her younger brther after her fathers death. 由于她在她父亲死后得照顾她的两个小弟弟,她的负担非常重。Feel like 是固定短语意思是(1)“希望,想要”feel like=have a wish/want I dont feel like (having) a big meal now. 我现在不想吃大餐。 Well go for a walk if you feel like it. 如果你想散步,我们就去。 He feel like a good rest after a days walk.走了一天之后,他想好好休息一下。(2)“使人有某种特别的感觉”feel like=give one a particular feling/feel as if one is a particular kind of person This material feels like silk. 这种材料摸起来想丝绸。 I was only there for two days but it felt like a week. 我仅在那儿呆两天,但我感觉象一周。 They made me feel like one of the family. 他们使我感觉我是这家人之一。l This is not the family where bad behaviour goes unpunished and yougo unpunished 意思是“不会被惩罚”这儿go 是连系动词表示“保持某种状态”(通常不是期待的状态):in a particular and usually undesirable state His plaints went unnoticed. 他的抱怨没有人注意。 All the man here go armed 这儿所有的人都武装起来。 The food easily goes bad in the summer. 食物在夏季很容易边坏。 It is necessary not to let errors go uncorrected. 不能让错误不订正是必须的。l I forget what I did with the letter. (1):与could,can连用想要,需要 (2)同deal with与what连用对待,处理 (3)同have sth to do with与、有关 (4)以、对付过去,凑和着用 The teacher didnt know what to do with the class.老师不知道怎么对待这个班。 Can you do with some cakes for lunch?午饭吃点蛋糕,你能将就吗? If we cant afford meat, we shall have to do with fish.如果买不起肉,我们就将就着吃鱼吧。 That has nothing to do with us.那件事与我们无关。l You should be out playing instead of working indoors.你应该到外面去玩玩,不该闷在屋里工作。 Instead of “代替,而不是”,其后可接名词/代词/动名词/介词短语/形容词等等。 例如:He studies in the evening instead of during the day.他在晚上学习而不是在白天。 They went there on foot instead of by bus.他们步行去那儿不是乘公交车去的。 Things are now better instead of worse.情况变好了,而不是更糟糕了。We feel you should not have done that.我们觉得你不应该做那事。Should not have done表示“某事本不应该做却做了”You should not have made that mistake again.你本不应该再犯那个错误We shouldnt be late for school.我们不应该上学迟到。Should have done表示“本应该做某事却没做” You failed in the exam. You should have studied hard.你考试失败了。你本应该努力学习的。I should have cared more about my friends.我本应该多关心我的朋友。理解长句:1The room is a mess, with pizza boxes lying on the floor and dishes piled in the sink. 句中with pizza boxes 是“with+宾+宾补”结构,在句中作伴随状语。补充说明the room is a mess的情况。* “with+宾+宾补”结构中,宾语补足语可以是形容词/副词/介词短语/现在分词/过去分词/不定式等等。这种结构在句中可以做状语也可做定语。2Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has arms crossed and looks angry. 句中looking at Daniel 是现在分词短语做伴随状语,表示伴随着谓语动词sits on his bed同时发生。Task presentA:Present 作动词的用法如下:1) 演出,展出:The school is presenting a play.学校正在演出一场戏。The gallery will present the works of a new artist.美术馆展出一位新艺术家的作品。2) 送给,增与:They present the flowers to their teacher.他们把花送给老师。Our class presented the school with a picture. 我们班赠给学校一幅画。3) 颁发、递交、呈递The mayor presented the prizes.那位市长颁奖。Please present your report to the manager.请把你的报告交给经理。4) 提出(论点、看法等):He presented his views and sat down.他提出他的观点,然后坐下来。5) 呈现、出现、显露:Every country of latin American presents a similar picture.拉丁美洲的每个国家呈现出类似的风光。6) 引见介绍:May I present you to my husband?我可以将你引见给我丈夫吗?B:Present 当形容词可以表示:1) 在场、出席:Every member of the class was present.班上每个人都到场了。2) 存在:Oxygen is present in the air.氧气存在于空气中。3) 现在的:At the present moment he is supposed to be in Paris.现在,他应该在巴黎。C:present 作名词,1)表示“现在”There is no time like present没有什么时候像现在这样。2)礼物、赠品 frustrated A:frustrated 是形容词,意为“挫败的、失败的、沮丧的、泄气的”I found him quite frustrated last night.昨晚我发现他相当沮丧。Dont be so frustrated! Everything will be OK.不要这样气馁!一切都会过去的。B:frustrating 现在分词,意为“令人灰心的”The result of the exam is frustrating to us.考试的结果令我们灰心。It is frustrating to hear the experiment has failed.实验失败的消息让人极度灰心。C :frustrate 是及物动词,表示:1) 粉碎、挫败、使失败He frustrated our plan.他挫败了我们的计划。The bad weather frustrated all our hopes of going out. 坏天气使我们所有外出的希望全泡汤了。2) 使泄气:He was frustrated by his poverty.贫穷使他灰心。All this is rather frustrating.所有这一切相当令人泄气。phone-in (电台、电视台的)听(观)众来电直播节目。a regular morning phone-in.早晨固定的听(观)众来电直播节目。a phone-in problem sevice.为你答问服务来电直播节目。 gist: 要点、主要意思(不可数)I havent the time to read the report .Can you give me the gist of it?我没有时间看报告。你能把大意告诉我吗?He gave me the gist of the headmasters report.他把校长报告的大意告诉了我。 mood 在句中意为:“情绪、心理状态”(可数名词)What was the general mood of the class?这个班总的情绪如何?He didnt want to go home in that mood.他在那总心态下不想回家。 for nothing A:在句中意为“白费”“白白地”We took all that trouble for nothing. 我们白费力找这些麻烦。All his good work was for nothing .他的一切努力都是白费的。B:免费、没花钱They will repaired it for nothing.他们将免费修理它。I get this book for nothing. 我免费得到这本书。C: 无缘无故地They quarrelled for nothing.他们无缘无故地吵架。 mix up with把、和、混淆在一起,把、看作是(另一个人)注意:当mix up 的宾语是代词时,这个代词需放在mix与up 之间。She had mixed him up with someone else.她把他和另外一个人搞混了。Hes forever mixed me up with my brother.他永远弄不清我和我哥哥。 be meant (to do)意为“必须(做),应该(做)”You were meant to ask why I was disappointed with the idea.你该问问我对这种想法为什么感到失望。They were meant to look after their aged parents.他们应该照顾他们年迈的父母。l 在本单元they are meant to be read aloud 应译为“这些话是为朗诵准备的” keep in mind 记住,放在心里You have to be home by 11 oclock. Keep that in mind.你必须到11点回家。记住这一点。Please keep my words words in mind.请把我的话记住。 character是名词,A:在句中意为“人物”,(包括文艺作品中的人物)Black is one of the charactors in a play I am now writing.布莱克是我正在写作的一个戏里的人物之一。B:性格、本性、个a)(多做不可数名词)Such influence can change mans character for the better.这种影响可以使人的性格变好。b)(有时作可数名词)I choose my friends for their good characters.我按照好的品格选择朋友。C:性质(多作不可数名词)The two problems are quite different in character.这两个问题性质相当不同。D:一个一个的字(指非拼音文字)写出或印出的字母和符号(可数)The letter ran to 1xx Chinese characters这封信多达1xx中国字。The japanese used chinese characters.日本人使用中国字。 A am /are/is being+形容词/名词是be动词的现在进行式,表示一时的状态。He is being silly.他在发傻呢。She is being friendly.她这样做是为了表示友好。 Xiao Hong is being a good girl today.小红今天很乖。provide在句中意为“提供”,是及物动词A:The Red Cross provided food and shelter for disaster victims.红十字会为受难灾民提供食品和收容所。B:常用词语为proidewith:给、提供、His firm provided him with a car.他的公司给他提供一辆小汽车。Can he provide you with information?他能提供你信息吗? advice A:作不可数名词,意为“忠告”、“劝告”“建议”act on/follow /take ones advice 听从/遵守/接受某人的劝告。Let me give you a piece of /a bit of/a few words of advice.让我给你一条/一点/几句话的忠告。He give me some advice on learning/how to learn English well.他给我一些如何学好英语的建议。B:advice 的动词为advise。作及物动词,+n./v-ing/ sb+to do/that从句。(用法同allow)The doctor advised a plete rest.医生建议他休息。The doctor advised him to take a holiday. 医生建议他休息。They adviced starting early /an early start.他建议早点出发。They advised that we should put off the meeting.他们建议我们推迟会议。B:“建议某人不要做谋事”可用advise sb not to do sth 或advise sb against doing sth表达They advised her not marry/against marring quickly.他们建议她不要太快结婚。 Tidy (v):to make neat; put in order整理Tidy up :When are you going to tidy your room up?你何时整理房间?Well have to tidy away these papers before we have dinner.我们吃晚饭前得把这些文件清理走。 What is up?(你)怎么了;出了什么事了 ? Clean up (phr. V) :to clean thoroughly and remove anything unwanted.清理:Its your turn to clean (the kitchen)up.Clean up this mess. bitA:a bit of difference =a little difference B: A bit cold =a little cold C:not a bit =not at all He is not a bit surprised at the news.他对此消息一点不吃惊。 Not a little =very much 非常He is not a little surprised. 他对此消息非常吃惊。 D:bit 前可用人称代词,意为“某人的一分力量”,而little 无此用法。Little 可用作不定代词,bit 无此用法。We should do our bit for our country.我们为祖国尽自己的一分力。Little does he know about his illness.他对病情知道得很少。 be proud of 意为“以、为荣”“因、而骄傲”如:He is proud of knowing the president. 他以认识总统为荣。Her prarents are proud of her great success.她父母以她的成功而骄傲。We are proud of being/to be a Chinese.我们因自己身为一个中国人而感到骄傲。be proud of 与take pride in 同义。 be nerous about 意为“对、感到紧张”,近义于 “be anxious about/beworried about”, be nervous about中,可用at代替about. fix up their problom fix=work out/settle/solveproject( Unit 2)Writing an advice letterl as though(if) 好象 用作连词,引导一个方式状语从句或表语从句。A:当as if /as though 用在look,smell,taste,sound等后面,议论可能或真实的事或情形时,用陈述语气。It looks as if /as though its going to rain. 看起来天好像要下雨。It sounds as if /as though someone is knocking at the door.听起来好象有人敲门。B:当as if /as though 意为“像”、“好象”、“似乎”,引导从句,表示与事实相反的情况:如表示与现在事实相反,动词用过去时,be动词用were;与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。It seems as if/though this pen were mine.这支笔好象是我的。She loves the boy as if/though she were his mother.她爱这个男孩就像她是他妈妈一样。He looked as if/though he had known the answer.他看起来好象已经知道这个答案了。You look as though you had seen a ghost.你看起来好象见过鬼似的。C:as if 后面可直接跟分词或不定式。如:He opened his mouth as if to speak.他张开口,像要说话一样。He stared at the girl as if seeing her for the first time.他目不转睛地盯着那姑娘,好象第一次看见似的。l insist “坚持、一定要、强调” (不及物动词),lA:后接 on或upon加名词、动名词或动名词的复合结构。We insist upon a definite answer.我们一定要得到一个肯定的答复。They always insist on a high standard.他们一贯坚持高标准。He insisted on seeing us home.他坚持要送我们回家。They insisted upon her staying in hospital.他们坚持要留在医院里。B:a:后面接that从句,做宾语,如“坚决要求、该、;坚持认为、定要、”(通常表示将来的动作或状态),从句的谓语动词用should+动词原形。should 可以省略。b:(从句中如表示现在和过去的事实用陈述语气),表示“坚持(看法、意见);坚持说;确信”,不用should She insists that she (should)be paid equally.她坚持要得到同等的工资。 I insisted that you (should) be there on time.我坚决要求你准时到那儿。He insisted that he heard someone in the next room.他坚持说他听到隔壁屋里有人。The boy insisted that he had not done that and (should) not be punished.那男孩说他没做那事,不该受到惩罚。类似的动词有:advice建议,ask要求, beg请求,mand命令,demand要求,desire要求,请求,suggest建议、要求、命令 require需要、要求等表示“建议、要求、命令等语气”。l Suggest vt. +名词或代词;+动词的ing形式;+(that)从句lA:建议;提议He suggest that we (should)start early.他建议我们早点出发。He suggested (going for ) a walk.他提议去散散步。注:a:建议某人做某事用advise sb to sth 不能说suggest sb to do sth. b:suggest后加从句,如suggest表示“暗示;启发”,这时从句不用虚拟语气The police suggested that the thief might be one of the family members.警察提出窃贼可能是一名家庭成员。Her yawn suggests that she is sleepy.她打哈欠表明她困了。l Allow vt. +ving; +宾语+补语(to-v)lThey dont allow smoking here.他们不允许人们在这儿抽烟。They allowed her to go to the party.他们允许她参加聚会。注:allow用于被动语态时不能用it做形式主语。People are not allowed to smoke in the lecture hall./Smoking is not allowed in the lecture hall.不能说It is not allowed to smoke in the lecture hall.Allow me让我来(做)吧Allow for 体谅,为、准备、考虑到、 You should allow for his youth.你应考虑到他的年轻。 Allow of 允许、容许(多用于否定句)The situation allows of no delay.情况不容拖延。Such conduct allows of no excuse.这样的行为是不容辩解的。You allow of no exception.你也不例外。l Forbidforbade/forbad;forbidden vt.禁止,不许(做某事);阻止 +名词;+动名词;+sb to doForbid the meeting. 禁止这一集会。She forbad him wine.她不许他喝酒The school forbids students to smoke/forbids students smoking .学校不许学生抽烟。l Forbid 的句型转换:我不准你进入这个房间。I forbid you the room.=I forbid you to enter the room.I forbid your entering the room.=I forbid that you (should) enter the room.Every time 引导时间状语从句意为“每次;每当”=wheneverEvery time I e across difficulties, I will turn to my father for help.每当我碰到困难时,我就会向父亲求救。 We would meet him every time we went to our uncles每次我们去叔叔家,都会碰到他。注:every time 是连词,类似的连词还有:each time ,next time ,the second time Each time he e here ,he would tell me a different story.每次他来这儿,都给我讲一个不同的故事。Ill return you the book next time I e to see you .下次我来看你的时候我将把书还给你。They fell in love with eath other the second time they met.他们第二次见面时,就爱上了对方。重难点检查根据汉语提示写出相应的英文词组或句型:1、扮演某人 无私的行为 第四幕 采取行动要三思而后行。Think well before you _.咱们谈论够多的了;该行动了!Weve talked enough; its time _ _!你简直像个小孩!You are _ like a child.2、在度假 去度假 暑假你还记得我们一起度假的那个夏天吗?Do you still remember the summer _ we _ the vacation together?3、感到吃惊 使我吃惊 令人吃惊的消息 令我吃惊的是得知她结婚是件令人惊喜的事。It was _ pleasant _ to learn of her marriage.真是出人意外的事!_ a surprise!那男孩的智力使她很吃惊.She was _ by the boys intelligence.我感到惊奇的是那计划竟然成功了._ _ _, the plan succeeded.4、他弯下身来听那孩子说话.He _ forward to listen to the child. 他低下头匆匆往前走去。She _ her head and hurried on.我看不见是否有小汽车开过来。因为路上有个拐弯。I cant see if there is a car ing because there is a _ in the road.5、保持联系 触觉 感人的我告诉过你,别动我的东西!I told you not _ _ my things!这段话使我们深深感动了。We _ _ _ by the statement.尽可能常给我写信,我不想和你失去联系。Write to me as often as you can. I dont want to _ _ _ you.5、你没发现他很难相处吗?Dont you find him difficult _ _ _?你用这些钱干什么?_ will you do with the money?正确处置这些垃圾是非常必要的。Its necessary to _ _ the rubbish _.7、向某人解释某事经过反复解释,同学们终于明白了。After repeated _ the students unders


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