2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练(2)(I).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解训练(2)(I)阅读理解训练 Big cats have existed on the earth for millions of years, though scientists arent sure exactly how long. But a new study indicates that a skull(颅骨) of a snow leopard(豹) relative that was recently unearthed is 4.4 million years old. That makes it the oldest big cat fossil(化石) ever found.A team of US and Chinese scientists unearthed the skull in Tibet. This creature is not a direct ancestor to big cats, but it is closely related to the snow leopard, study leader Jack Tseng told the Associated Press. The fossil lends evidence to the belief that big cats existed in Asia and spread out from there.Big cats are at the top of the food chain and have few predators of their own. Big cats include snow leopards, clouded leopards, tigers and lions. Based on genetic judgements, most scientists believe they first existed in Central Asia. But previously, the oldest known big cat fossil was 3.6 million years old and found in Africa.The new fossil findings were published in the November 13 issue of the science journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. Tseng and his team were fossil hunting in the Himalayas in xx when they discovered some bones, including the buried cat skull. The researchers were able to determine its age by studying the surrounding rocks and soil. The skull indicates that the animal was about the size of a clouded leopard, which can grow up to 50 pounds. In xx, the team returned to unearth more cat bones.David Polly from Indiana University told the Associated Press that the fossil is “convincingly older than the_current_record_holder”. He added that there could be even older big cat fossils in the Tibetan plateau to uncover.文章大意:本文讲述了最新考古发现一个大型猫科动物的颅骨化石。5What does the newly unearthed skull prove?ABig cats might have their origins in Asia.BThe oldest fossil is 4.4 million years old.CThe snow leopard is the oldest big cat.DThe skull is of big cats direct ancestor.答案:A推理判断题。由第二段最后一句话“The fossil lends evidence to the belief that big cats existed in Asia and spread out from there.”可推知,该化石使我们相信大型猫科动物起源于亚洲,然后繁衍到其他地方。6What does the underlined word in Paragraph 3 mean?Arelatives.Benemies.Cpartners.Dprotectors答案:B猜测词义题。所在句意为“大型猫科动物位于食物链的顶端,所以几乎没有天敌”。7How do the researchers know the skulls age?ABy measuring its size and forehead.BBy examining other bones around it.CBy studying its chemical position.DBy exploring the rocks and soil around it.答案:D细节理解题。由第四段第三句话“The researchers were able to determine its age by studying the surrounding rocks and soil.”可知,通过研究化石周围的岩石和土壤来测量化石的年代。8Where was “the current record holder” in the last paragraph found?AAsia.BAfrica.CAmerica.DAustralia. 答案:B推理判断题。画线词意为“现在的纪录保持者”,应该指的是新化石发现之前的最古老的化石;而第三段最后一句话“But previously, the oldest known big cat fossil was 3.6 million years old and found in Africa.”可知,它是在非洲发现的。【北京市丰台区xx统一模拟】D Whether we should allow marine (海洋的) parks to stay open has been widely debated in our munity recently. A variety of different arguments have been put forward about it. Smith, a sociologist, argued that dolphin parks provide the only opportunity for much of the public to see marine mammals. As this argument goes, most Australians live in cities and never get to see these animals. Marine parks allow the average Australian to appreciate our marine wildlife. However, in fact, there are many places where they can be seen in the wild. Moreover, these places do not charge an overpriced entry fee they are free. Dr. Alison Lane, the director of the Cairns Marine Science Institute, insists that we need marine parks for scientific research. She argues that much of our knowledge of marine mammals es from studies which were undertaken at marine parks. The knowledge which is obtained at marine parks can be useful for planning for the preservation of marine mammal species. However, Jones, a zoologist, explains that park research is only useful for understanding captive animals and is not useful for learning about animals in the wild. Their diets are different, they have significantly lower life lengths and they are more likely to have a disease. In addition, marine mammals in dolphin parks are trained and this means that their patterns of social behaviour are changed. The Marine Park Owners Association holds that marine parks attract a lot of foreign tourists. This position goes on to state that these tourists spend a lot of money, increasing our foreign exchange earnings and assisting our national balance of payments. However, foreign tourists would still e to Australia if the parks were closed down. Indeed, surveys of overseas tourists show that they e here for a variety of other reasons and not to visit places like Seaworld. Tourists e here to see our native wildlife in its natural environment and not to see it in cages and concrete pools. They can see animals in those conditions in their own countries. In a word, perhaps an agreement cannot be reached now. However, a question does deserve our consideration: If we continue with our past crimes against these creatures, how will our future generations view us?67. Who support(s) the idea of closing marine parks? A. Most Australians. B. Alison Lane. C. Smith. D. Jones.68. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 3 ? A. The results from studies are valuable in animal preservation. B. Scientific research at the marine parks has its limitations. C. Captive animals have biology changes in marine parks. D. Human behavior causes harmful effects on the animals.69. Which is NOT the reason to keep marine parks? A. For entertainment purpose. B. For scientific research purpose. C. For economic purpose. D. For political purpose.70. The author tries to persuade readers to accept his argument mainly by . A. pointing out the problems with keeping the marine parksB. using evidence he has collected at the marine parksC. discussing the advantages of animals natural homesD. questioning the way the animals are studied【参考答案】67. D 68. B 69. D 70. A 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 【江苏省苏锡常镇四市xx模拟调研】 A Many of you should not own dogs. Its that simple. The reason is that, if you own a dog,you must train a dog, and many dog owners out there, it is safe to say, have little or no controlover their dogs, because they do not train them. Strong words? MaybeBut they are simple, honest words, as untrained dogs living inresidential neighborhoods bark at will, run loose, and visit and damage neighboring propertieswith their ownersblessings as they deliberately let them run. Take note of the fact that you, the dog owner, cannot control your dog causing a continual nuisance(麻烦事)that damages the quality of life in your neighborhood. Theres nothing more annoying to most people than a dog that barks and nothing more confusing than trying to understand the deficient(有缺陷的)mentality of the dog owner who allows his dog to do so.After all, the irresponsible dog owner hears the barking too, and so those who must put up with it are continually left wondering-what are they thinking, are they deaf? Many dog owners believe it is not possible for their dog to be trained, an indication that the owners themselves lack self discipline, and most likely have never really tried to apply discipline to other issues in their lives, not with consistency, or that they are simply lazy and inattentive to their own adult responsibilities at the expense of others. Irresponsible dog owners, though, do train their dogs. A dog is a reflection of its owner.Whatever a dog does (run loose, bark at will, jump on guests entering the front door, soilneighboring lawns) is a result of the decisions of the owner. The choice not to do something isindeed a choice. The good news is that with mere consistency, a dog can be trained rather quickly, in acouple of weeks if the owner takes his responsibility seriously. Again, that process will be areflection of the owners behavior, and the primary ingredient(要素)in that behavior is notallowing the dog, not even once, to repeat the bad behavior without consequences when told and directed not to. You can stop your dog from barking with simple firm voice mands, direct eye contact, and force of will in a relatively short time, provided you are consistent and a reasonably mature person. Dogs, what,s more, love this training because pleasing you, their owner, is what they arc all about. The upshot(结果,要点)will be that you have a more connected relationship with your dog, a better dog that is suited to its environment.56. Which is NOT the reason for dog owners to have little or no control over their dogs? A. They are lazy and unwilling to train their dogs. B. They think their dogs can act well without training. C,They lack self-control over many issues in daily life. D. They dont give enough attention to their responsibilities.57. Whats the authors attitude towards owners of untrained dogs? A. Prejudiced. B. Unclear. C. Disapproving. D. Curious.58. This article is mainly written to A. instruct dog owners how to train dogs B call on dog owners to train their dogs C. sing high praise for responsible dog owners D. analyze the relationship between dog owners and their dogs59. It can be concluded from the passage that A. responsible dog owners can put up with dogsbarking B irresponsible dog owners deliberately train their dogs to do something wrong C. we should not own dogs because they can damage the quality of our daily lifeD whether a dog can be trained properly may depend on the dog owners behavior【参考答案】56-59 BCBD 【江苏省苏锡常镇四市xx模拟调研】 Taking place every spring in the worlds leading publishing and cultural capital, its aunique opportunity to explore and understand the innovations shaping the publishing world ofthe future.When:08-10 April xxWhere: Earls Court Exhibition Centre, Warwick Road, London, SW5 9TAWho Attends? The London Book Fair attracts a global audience of visitors and exhibitors from all areas of the publishing munity. 25,000 Attendees(出席者),113 countries Key visitor audiences include: Literary Agents/Scouts Publishers Booksellers Library and Information Professionals Production, Distribution, Technical and Creative Professionals1,500 Exhibiting panies The LBF floorplan allows exhibitors to showcase their products and titles by sector: AcademicArt, ArchitectureDesign!ChildrensYoung AdultDigitalMobileGeneral PublishingPublishing Solutions】STMELTEarls Court Information The Earls Court Business Centre offers a prehensive range of business services,including: Ining and outgoing fax and telephone calls Photocopying and printing Internet access Telephone points for laptops PC workstations with standard office software Courier serviceVisa Information If you are not a British citizen or a citizen of one of the European Economic Area (EEA)countries, you may need to acquire a visa-entry clearance certificate-before you travel toBritain. Visitors can access the visa letter service only once they have registered for theLondon Book Fair online. On pletion of your registration you will receive a confirmationemail which includes your badge number and a link to the visa letter service pletion page.Here you need to plete all your contact and pany details, your badge number, yourpassport number and your date of birth. Once you have successfully submitted this information,it will produce,a printable letter that you can take to your nearest British consular. Exhibitors can access the visa letter service via the Exhibitor Portal online. Join us in April xx at Earls Court, London, registering as a visitor allows you access toexhibitors, show features and over 250 Love Learning seminars and events. The London Book Fair team is on hand to help you with any questions you may have about visiting or exhibiting at the show.60. According to the passage, we can learn that the London Book Fair A. is held in different cities in the UK every year B requires visitors from EEA countries to get a visa C. attracts a global audience with no limit to exhibitors D. gives attendees three-day access to seminars and events61The Earls Court Business Centre A. allows panies to exhibit their art products B enables customers to work on the Internet C. informs people of the key visitor audiences D. offers readers the service of visa application62. Which of the following statements about the visa letter service is true? A. You11 get the visa if you plete the confirmation email. B You can receive the confirmation email without registering online. C. The London Book Fair offers this service to registered exhibitors and visitors online. D. The visa letter service pletion page saves you the trouble of going to the British consular.【参考答案】60、D 6162、BC

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