2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 The next step Reading教案2 牛津译林版选修11.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit4 The next step Reading教案2 牛津译林版选修11Thoughts on the design:本部分为知识点讲解,通过课件呈现并拓展重点词汇、短语及句子的用法。在巩固练习中链接相关高考题,并引导其使用课文中的知识点完成书面表达。帮助学生夯实基础知识的同时提高其语言运用能力。Teaching aims: After learning the language points, the students will be able to: 1. Master the important words, phrases and sentences;2. Use the phrases and sentences in the text to write an article.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Presentation of words and phrases 1. Check out phrase translations.(1) say hello to sb.(2) look through(3) at some point在某个时刻或地方(4) decide on(5) make some big adjustments to my life(6) believe it or not(7) do laundry(8) live on ones own(9) squirrel away(10) be measured in millimeters(11) look forward instead of backwards(12) make the most of (13) do not hesitate to do(14) apply to a certain university(15) feel like the prodigal son returning(16) give the washing a short spin2. Expand the usage of “look”, “through”, “point” when doing the first step.拓展一:look 的相关短语(1) 环视,往四周看 look about/around/round(2) 照看;照顾 look after(3) look at (仔细)察看,检查;思考,考虑,研究(4) 回顾 look back (on sth)(5) 轻视,看不起 look down on/upon . (6) 寻找 look for(7) 盼望;期待 look forward to (doing) sth(8) look into 朝里面看;调查(9) 看起来像 look like (10) 旁观 look on(11) 把看成 look on/upon as (12) 注意,提防,当心 look out (for sb/sth)(13) look sth over 查看;检查 (14) 转过头来看 look over ones shoulder(15) 正视/直视某人 look sb in the eye(16) look sb up and down 上下打量某人(17) look up 好转,改善(18) look up (from sth) 抬头看(19) (在字典中)查阅 Look sth up in the dictionary(20) 钦佩;仰慕;尊敬 look up to sb(21) 你今天气色不好。 You dont look yourself today.练一练:(1) Ive _ all my papers but I still cant find the contract.(2) Only one man tried to help us, the rest just _ in silence.(3) _ those days, I still cant figure out what went wrong.(4) We need to _ very carefully_ ways of improving our efficiency.(5) Practical measures have been taken and things are _! Answers:(1) looked through (2) looked on (3) Looking back on (4) look at (5) looking up拓展二:有关 through的词组搭配get through 接通;完成;通过go through浏览;经历;检查,审查break through突破live through活过,经历仍然活着练一练:(1) Our troops had no difficulty in _ the lines of the enemy.(2) The old man cant _ the winter if not operated on immediately.(3) She _ her notes before the exam.(4) The country has _ too many wars.(5) _ the task, they went home.Answers:(1) breaking through (2) live through (3) looked through/went through (4) gone through (5) Having got through拓展三:point 的常考点(1) His speech was short and to the point. 切题,中肯 (离题,不切题 go/get/wander off the point )(2) It is a turning point in his life. He is on the point of success. 这是他人生中的转折点,他就要成功了。(3) I was on the point of telephoning you when you came. 就要做= was about to telephone(4) Theres no/not much point in plaining; they never take any notice. 埋怨也没什么用, 人家根本不理睬。练一练:(1) After graduation she reached a point in her career _ she needed to decide what to do. (xx 江西) A. that B. what C. which D. where(2) Do you agree with the point _ exams should be abolished so that students can really enjoy their studies? A. that B. what C. which D. whereAnswers:(1) D (2) AExplanation通过翻译文中的重点单词和词组,及时拓展相关知识要点及考点,并有巩固练习配套使用。使学生对这些词汇的用法一目了然,提高其运用能力。Step 2 Important sentences 1. List important sentences and ask students to pay attention to the structures.(1) I am writing this article to give you a quick preview of what to expect from university life either in China or abroad.(2) Moving to Canada meant making some big adjustments to my life.(3) Although I knew everybody has to leave the nest at some point, leaving my family was the hardest part, and some people cannot handle being away from home.(4) My advice to you is to prepare and think ahead, and you will be sure to have an easier time in making the transition from home to university.2. Expand the structures related to “expect”, “mean”,“with ” when doing the first step.拓展四:expect 结构总结expect to do sth expect sb/sth to do sth expect sth from sb expect (that) expect a lot/too much of sb 对某人期望过高expect sb home/back 期待某人回来 (1) As is expected, the whole family was shocked by the news. (正如所料)(2) 这栋楼预期在下个月底完工。 It is expected that the building will have been pleted by next month.The building is expected to be pleted by next month.练一练:(1) Ive worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job. (2000全国)A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects(2) I _ to stop her from entering the room, but it was too late. A. expected B. expect C. should expect D. had expected(3) If you are admitted to a key university, _ as a prize? Im longing for a cell phone. A. what you expect your father will offer you B. do you expect what your father will offer you C. what do you expect will your father offer you D. what do you expect your father will offer you Answers:(1) B (2) D (3) D 拓展五:mean的用法mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味着 mean双宾语 meansbto do打算某人做had meant to do 本打算做 (表未曾实现的愿望)(1) To others, happiness means achieving success in something, such as meeting a goal. (M6U2 P18) 对其他人来说,幸福意味着获得成功。(2) I didnt mean to cheat, but it was still cheating anyhow. 我本不打算作弊的。(3) He means what he says. 他说话是当真的。(4) 虽然她很生气,但她对你无恶意。Although she seemed angry, she meant you no harm. (5) 我本打算帮你学英语的,但我太忙了。I had meant to help you with your English, but I was very busy.Explanation列出课文中重要知识点,拓展相关知识要点及考点,利用配套练习巩固其用法,提高学生的实战能力。Step 3 Homework Provide students a Chinese passage and ask them to write an article about arrangement of university life.你将步入大学,面对新的学习和生活环境,请根据提示写一篇英语短文,谈谈你打算如何安排你的大学生活。开头已给出。内容要点应包括:(1) 确定新的学习目标;(2) 改进学习方法;(3) 学会独立生活;(4) 参加各种课外活动;(5) 处理好与同学的关系。参考词汇及句型要求:think ahead; squirrel away; make the most of; make the transition from home to universityv-ing作主语;it作形式宾语;疑问词+to doI will go to college in the near future Explanation课后利用课文中所学重点知识,写出自己对大学生活的设计。这是对整个Reading部分的主题以及重要知识点的全面总结和巩固。

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