2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空初期练习(4).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空初期练习(4)完形填空Susan was a shy but clever girl.She couldnt see too well and had worn glasses for many years.Some of her classmates began to_1_at her big glasses.Lewis started calling her“Four Eyes”She acted like she didnt mind,but in fact Susan couldnt_2_it.One day,the class went to visit some famous caves,when Lewis put his foot in a hole and slipped.While_3_,he grabbed onto Susan,who was walking next to him,and both fell down the hole and landed in a very big_4_cave.All that could be seen was a single ray of light ing from the cave roof,and some_5_which had fallen through the hole.Susan and Lewis shouted for help,but no one came.He used the_6_light to look for a way out.But after hours of_7_,he found nothing,and started feeling_8_.It must have been_9_,when Susan noticed that the ray of light was descending from the hole in a straight line,and_10_on the floor in front of her._11_,she took a piece of_12_that had fallen into the cave,and,using her_13_as a magnifying glass,she_14_the ray of light onto the wood until a little_15_sprang up.Now they had a torch.Lewis watched all this with surprise and_16_.He grabbed some more branches,and off they went together,to_17_the cave.It took them some time,and they had to_18_quite a few torches,but finally they found a way out.He now_19_having given her that name,_20_seeing that it was her glasses that had saved them both.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。聪明而腼腆的Susan因为戴眼镜而受到同学的嘲笑。但在一次班级出游中,嘲笑她的同学Lewis和Susan一同掉进了一个漆黑的洞穴中,是Susan用自己的眼镜聚集太阳光点燃了洞里的枯树枝两人才得以走出洞穴。1A.shout Blaugh Cpoint Dglance解析从后一句“Lewis started calling herFour Eyes”可知,同学们开始嘲笑Susan戴眼镜。laugh at“嘲笑。”答案B2A.stand Bunderstand Cresist Dstop解析根据前句和转折词可知,Susan表面不在乎别人的嘲笑,但事实上难以忍受。stand“容忍,忍受”,符合语境。答案A3A.passing Bwalking Ccrying Dfalling解析Lewis在滑倒的时候抓住了走在他旁边的Susan。由语境可知D项正确。答案D4A.narrow Bempty Cdark Dcold解析从下句只能看到从洞顶射进来的一束光和后文两人用火把照明可知,山洞里非常黑。答案C5A.branches Bstones Cleaves Dfruits解析从后文Susan用树枝做火把可知,有些树枝掉到了洞中。答案A6A.natural Bstrong Cartificial Dweak解析从前文可知,只有一缕阳光照进洞中,由此可知光线很微弱。答案D7A.waiting Bsearching Cplanning Dtalking解析Lewis试图借着光亮寻找出去的路,但是经过几个小时的寻找,并没有找到出口。答案B8A.annoyed Bstarved Cfrightened Dpuzzled解析经过几个小时的寻找仍未找到出口,他开始感到害怕。答案C9A.noon Bsupper timeCearly morning Dlate afternoon解析阳光直射在洞中,由此判断此时已经是中午了。答案A10A.shining Breflecting Cspreading Dlanding解析从时间到了中午这一细节可知,阳光从洞口射入,落在地面上。land“落下,掉下”,符合语境。答案D11A.Slowly BQuickly CQuietly DFinally解析Susan很快拿起了一块掉在山洞里的木头。故B项正确,其他三项均不符合语境。答案B12A.rock Bgrass Cwood Dpaper解析后文有提示,Susan用树枝做成了火把,因此此处指“木头”。答案C13A.keys Bshoes Cglasses Dknives解析从本文最后一句可知,正是Susan的眼镜救了两人的命,因此此处指她将眼镜用作放大镜来点燃木头。答案C14A.collected Bfocused Cplaced Dpoured解析由语境可知,此处指她用眼镜把阳光聚集在木头上。focus“集中(光束于)”,符合语境。答案B15A.air Bsmoke Clight Dflame解析在阳光的照射下,木头点燃了,出现了小火苗。答案D16A.excitement BshockCwonder Dpride解析看到眼前发生的一切,Lewis感到既吃惊又兴奋,因为两人可以借助火把找到洞穴的出口了。答案A17A.explode Benlarge Cexplore Ddig解析他又捡了一些树枝,他们一起去探索洞穴。答案C18A.break Bburn Chold Dmake解析两人花费了很长时间,烧掉了好几根火把,但是最终他们找到了出口。答案B19A.preferred BrememberedCenjoyed Dregretted解析Susan的眼镜救了两人的命,因此Lewis后悔当初给Susan起那个外号。regret doing sth“后悔做了某事”。答案D20A.especially BactuallyCcarefully Dthoroughly解析尤其是当他看到正是她的眼镜救了两人的命。especially“尤其”,符合语境。答案A【xx嘉定区】完形填空。Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Girls that eat with their families are less likely to develop eating disorders, a study says.New research shows girls who regularly have family meals are much less likely to adopt extreme weight control 50 such as vomiting (呕吐), using laxatives (泻药) or diet pills.A study 51 more than 2500 American high school students found that girls who ate five or more family meals a week had a much healthier 52 with food in later life.The research, 53 in international magazine Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, polled students aged 13 to 17 in 1999 who were followed up five years later. Regular family meals were found to have a protective effect 54 the girls age, weight, socio-economic status, dieting habits or relationship with her family.Experts say doctors should 55 families to have dinner at the table 56 on the couch in front of the television to keep away from serious eating disorders.Belinda Dalton, director of eating disorders clinic The Oak House, said eating with family helped “normalize” young peoples relationship with food.“When the young are feeling that theyre not treated properly or when they are feeling pletely depressed, they 57 something that they can control and food is something 58 and accessible for them to control. 59 , if theyre sitting with their family on a regular basis then their family can be more in 60 of their eating,” Ms Dalton said. “Its about young people feeling 61 their family and that builds self-esteem (自尊) and sense of 62 and that works very actively against someone developing an eating disorder.”An eating disorders expert, Kirsty Greenwood, said meal times were often difficult for sufferers. “Its typical that they feel very 63 of their eating habits and often wont eat with other people. Perhaps its because they havent 64 the importance of the family meal in their growing up,” she said.50. A. behaviorsB. therapies C. progressD. development51. A. promotingB. surveying C. impressingD. delivering52. A. relationship B. termsC. panyD. munication53. A. spreadB. proposedC. publishedD. emerged54. A. in terms ofB. because ofC. regardless ofD. in honor of55. A. temptB. stimulateC. encourageD. attract56. A. apart fromB. more thanC. other thanD. rather than 57. A. turn downB. turn toC. turn overD. turn up 58. A. availableB. reliableC. reasonableD. responsible59. A. SimilarlyB. ConsequentlyC. ClearlyD. Regularly60. A. emphasisB. controlC. responseD. relation61. A. related withB. associated toC. connected withD. attached on62. A. costB. expenseC. delightD. worth63. A. ashamedB. proudC. confidentD. ignorant 64. A. experiencedB. acceptedC. profitedD. benefited 【参考答案】50-54: ABACC 55-59: CDBAC 60-64: BCDAA 【xx黄浦区】完形填空。Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.There is a Web site called the “World Database of Happiness”. It bines and analyzes the results of hundreds of surveys from around the world that have been conducted on life satisfaction. Most of the findings are _50_, but a few are surprising.The database makes it clear that there is not a strong connection between material wealth and general happiness. It is a clich(陈词滥调) to say that money cant buy happiness, but the old saying seems to be _51_ by research. Many people still stick to the belief that gaining riches will be the answer to all their problems, yet they are probably _52_. Studies have been _53_ on people who acquired sudden wealth, such as lottery winners. In most cases, after the _54_ joy had worn off, people were not left with a sense of lasting happiness. In fact, they tended to revert to the way they _55_ before they became rich. Previously contented(满意的) people continue to be contented, _56_ those who were miserable before sink back into misery. If material wealth does not bring happiness, then what does? Perhaps happiness has something to do with where you live. The authorities at the World Database on Happiness have surveyed _57_ of happiness in different countries. _58_, people in America, Canada, and Singapore are very happy; people living in India and Russia, not surprisingly, are not happy. Other surveys consistently _59_ the importance of relationships. _60_ relationships in particular seem to be the key to long-term contentment. The Web site suggests that falling in love and having children are two of the _61_ that bring the greatest happiness. Nowadays people look to technology as a(n) _62_ source of satisfaction. People increasingly spend more time alone watching TV or surfing the Internet _63_ spending time with family. Can technology truly make people happy? It is too difficult to tell, but one thing is sure: If the Web sites research is accurate, time spent with your family is a better _64_ than time spent making money.50. A. different B. predictableC. satisfactoryD. unexpected51.A. challengedB. widespread C. overtakenD. supported52.A. generous B. positiveC. hesitated D. mistaken53.A. turned out B. done withC. carried outD. put forward 54.A. essentialB. pleasant C. initialD. enviable 55.A. felt B. had C. chose D. lived 56.A. asB. so C. and D. while57.A. levelsB. standardsC. sensesD. examples58.A. StrangelyB. HopefullyC. ApparentlyD. Surprisingly 59.A. point to B. hold upC. deal withD. depend on 60.A. PartnerB. FamilyC. RelativeD. Society61.A. situationsB. relationsC. destinationsD. references62.A. convenientB. alternativeC. everlastingD. adequate63.A. as far asB. rather thanC. as well asD. in case of 64.A. environmentB. circumstanceC. investmentD. civilization【参考答案】5054BDDCC 5559ADACA6064BABBC【xx界虹口区质量监控测试题】完形填空。Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.When we read books we seem to enter a new world. This new world can be similar to the one we are living in, or it can be very_50_. Some stories are toldas ifthey were true. Real people who live in a _51_world do real things; in other words, the stories are about people just like us doing what we do. Other stories, such as the Harry Potter books, are not_52_. They are characters and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would beimpossiblefor us.But there is more to books and writing than this. If we think about it, even realistic writing is only_53_. How can we tell the difference between what is real and what is not real? For example, when we read about Harry Potter, wedo seem to learn something about the real world. And when Harry studies magic at Hogwarts, he also learns more about his real life than_54_. Reading, like writing, is an action. It is a way ofthinking. When we read or write something, we do much more than simple look at words on a page. We use our_55_, which is real, and our imagination, which is real in a different way, to make the words e to life in our minds.Both realism and fantasy (幻想)usethe imagination and the “magic” of reading and writing to make us think. When we readsomethingrealistic, we have to _56_ that the people we are reading about are just like us, even though we_57_that we are real and they arenot. It sounds_58_, but it works. When we read, we fill in missing information and_59_the causes and effects of what a character does. We help the writer by_60_that what we read is like real life. _61_, we are writing the book, too.Most of us probably dont think about what is going on in our_62_ when we are reading. We pick up a book and loseourselvesin a good story, eager to find out what will _63_ next. Knowing how we feelwhenwe read can help us bee better _64_, and it will help us discover more about the real magic of books.50. A. different B.possibleC.important D. necessary51. A. mon B. usualC. normal D. certain 52. A. instructive B.realisticC. reasonable D. moral53. A. planned B. thinkableC. designed D. imagined54. A. magic B.lessonsC. dreams D. experience 55. A. grammar B. knowledgeC. skill D. words 56. A. recall B. ensureC. imagine D. understand 57. A. hope B.findC. learn D. know 58. A. terrible B. dangerousC. serious D. strange59. A. think about B.talk ofC. learn from D. forget about 60. A. guessing B. tellingC. pretending D. promising 61. A. In a way B. As usualC. On the contrary D. By the way62. A. society B.mindsC.life D. world 63. A. appear B.argue C.happen D. develop64. A. writers B. fans C. professionals D. readers【参考答案】50-64: ACBDA BCDDA CABCD


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