2019-2020年高中英语 13.5 SectionⅤ 单元语法突破课时训练 北师大版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 13.5 Section 单元语法突破课时训练 北师大版必修5.用所给词的适当形式填空1.The (miss)girl was last found (play)in the park alone.答案:missing;playing2.(found)in 1993,the EU,together with the US,is one of the two largest economies in the world.答案:Founded3.(devote)to his research work,the professor cared little about any other thing.答案:Devoted4.I didnt know the girl (suspect)of having taken the money.答案:suspected5.The little girl hurried to the city cinema only (find)that the film had already been over.答案:to find6.Dont leave the water (run)while you brush your teeth.答案:running7.Charlie Chaplin is considered (make)a great contribution to the film industry.答案:to have made8.The Browns have a fortable house (live in).答案:to live in9.(throw)their hats into the air,the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.答案:Throwing10.To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English (speak)as much as we can.答案:spoken.用适当的情态动词填空1.This watch be a girls.Look!Its so big and heavy.答案:cant2.The actor attend the news conference,but we are not sure of that.答案:may/might3.Beijing is so beautiful a city,so you have enjoyed yourself there,right?答案:must4.Look!The light in the office is still on.Mrs White be marking the test papers.答案:must5.Is it our son who broke the vase yesterday?It be him.He was in his grandparents the whole day.答案:cant6.Im afraid Mr.Harding see you now.Hes busy.答案:cant 7.You have a wrong number,” she said.“Theres no one of that name here.”答案:must8.Jack described his father,who have been a brave boy many years ago,as a strong-willed man.答案:must9.Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is?She be in the classroom.I saw her there just now.答案:must10.The traffic is heavy these days.I arrive a bit late,so could you save me a place?答案:might.阅读理解 I am the third daughter in a family of five.I was born at Malden Hospital and was immediately sent to Floating Hospital in Boston.I had a hole in my heart and a low platelet count(血小板计数),which are mon problems of people with TAR syndrome(综合征).I came home for a short stay after my birth and then went back and did not return home until just before Thanksgiving.My parents have told me that after I was born our family doctor had a very important conversation with them.He said,“You have two choices with your daughter.One is that you do everything for her now,in the future,and after you die;the other is that you do nothing.” My parents picked the former.I do not have a great many memories of my childhood but I do remember I spent the first ten years in and out of hospitals.I do remember I stayed in the Boston hospital until I was around 2 years old and then I went to Shriners.I guess few children can bear that.Ive grown up with great determination.I think that was a personality trait that I was born with and then my family developed that in me as I grew up.I had to deal with a lot of people making fun of me,staring at me,and pitying me.At a young age I realized that I could hide my pain with laughter.So I used that method when other children made fun of me and they stopped a lot faster than if I cried.Laughter was not the expected response so I guess they didnt feel it was fun to continue.There was emotional and physical pain.I required the aid of a walker until I was about five years old.I had about ten major operations before the age of ten.I had to relearn to walk several times.I think having TAR syndrome has made me a strong person physically and emotionally.Despite these difficulties and challenges,I have gone on to be awarded a Masters Degree and a black belt in Tae Kwon Do(跆拳道),and I am now an inspirational speaker.1.From the first paragraph,we can learn that .A.the writers parents knew about her disease before she was bornB.the writer didnt go back home until she was two years oldC.the writers parents found that they could do nothing for herD.the writers parents were brave enough to accept the cruel reality提示:推理判断题。根据第一段“Oneisthatyoudoeverythingforhernow,inthefuture,andafteryoudie;theotheristhatyoudonothing.”Myparentspickedtheformer.可知当作者的父母知道了她的病情后,还是选择为她做一切,由此判断他们勇敢地接受了残酷的现实,因此D项正确。答案:D2.What was the writers childhood like?A.It was hopeless.B.It was hard for her.C.It was quite enjoyable.D.It was fun.提示:推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知作者从出生后就长时间住院,这种状况很少有孩子能忍受,由此判断,童年对她来说是艰难的,故选B项。答案:B3.What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A.The authors born disability.B.The authors childhood memory.C.The authors great determination.D.The authors ability to deal with others.提示:推理判断题。根据第三段首句“Ivegrownupwithgreatdetermination.”可知作者认为她的坚定与生俱来,然后在她的成长过程中,又得到父母的进一步培养,故选C项。答案:C4.When other children made fun of her,the writer would .A.remain silentB.shout backC.laughD.cry loudly 提示:细节理解题。根据最后一段的“AtayoungageIrealizedthatIcouldhidemypainwithlaughter.SoIusedthatmethodwhenotherchildrenmadefunofme.”可知,当受到他人嘲笑时,作者选择和嘲笑她的孩子一起笑,故选C项。答案:C.七选五Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to bee a better student in several ways.1Second,your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.Third,note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report.2Whenever or however you take notes,keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process.3The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.Write your notes in your own words.4Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes,you may want to use your own shorthand.When you do,be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.5A.Use words,not plete sentences.B.There are three practical note-taking methods.C.You must write your notes on separate paper.D.Otherwise,you may not be able to read your notes later.E.You will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.F.That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.G.First,the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.答案:15 GEFAD.完形填空I was 15 when I walked into McCarleys Bookstore in Ashland.As I was looking at 1 on the shelves,the man behind the counter,2,asked if Id like 3.I needed to start 4 for college,so I said yes.I 5 after school and during summers for the lowest wages and the job helped pay for my freshman year of college.I would work many other jobs: I made coffee in the Students Union during college;I was a hotel maid and even made maps for the US Forest Service.But selling books was one of the most 6. One day a woman asked me for books on cancer.She seemed fearful.I showed her almost 7 we had at that time 8 and found other books we could order.She left the store less 9.Ive always remembered the 10 I felt in having helped her.Years later,as a 11 in Los Angeles,I heard about an immigrant(移民)child who was born with his fingers connected,weblike.His family could not 12 a corrective operation,and the boy lived in 13,hiding his hand in his pocket.I 14 my boss to let me do the story.After my story was broadcast,a doctor and a nurse called,offering to perform the 15 for free.I visited the boy in the recovery room soon after the operation.The first thing he did was to hold up his 16 hand and say,“Thank you.” I felt a sense of 17.In the past,while I was 18,I always sensed I was working for the customers,not the store.Today its the same.NBC News pays my salary,19 I feel as if I work for the 20,helping them make sense of the world.1.A.mapsB.titlesC.articlesD.reports提示:当你到书店的书架前,你首先看到的是书的“名称或题目”。答案:B2.A.the readerB.the college student C.the shop ownerD.the customer提示:柜台后面一般是售货员或店主,结合选项选C项。答案:C3.A.a bookB.a jobC.some teaD.any help提示:根据下文作者的回答可知店主问作者是否想找“一份工作”。答案:B4.A.planningB.savingC.preparingD.studying提示:因为上大学需要钱,所以需要“积攒,节省”。答案:B5.A.readB.studiedC.cookedD.worked提示:根据上文“找工作”可得出答案。答案:D6.A.boringB.surprisingC.satisfyingD.disappointing提示:根据下文作者帮助别人可知卖书使作者感到“满足”。答案:C7.A.anythingB.somethingC.nothingD.everything提示:根据下文和本句中的副词almost(我几乎把书店里所有的书都给她看了)可得出答案。答案:D8.A.in needB.in allC.in orderD.in store提示:根据后文的otherbooks可推测此处是指把贮藏的所有的该方面的书给她。instore“存储着,预备着”。inall“总共”,不能与前面的everything搭配。答案:D9.A.worriedB.satisfiedC.excitedD.puzzled提示:根据上文作者热情地把书店几乎所有的书都拿给她看,以及下文作者对自己工作的满意心情可以判断,那位妇女走时是带着“不太担心的”心情离开的。答案:A10.A.prideB.failureC.regretD.surprise提示:从上文的叙述和下文的“.Ifeltinhavinghelpedher.”可知作者因帮助了这样一位妇女而感到很“自豪”。答案:A11.A.doctorB.store ownerC.booksellerD.TV reporter提示:根据下文的NBCNews得出答案是电视台记者。答案:D12.A.payB.costC.affordD.spend提示:由下一段作者报道了男孩的故事后,一个医生和护士打电话主动提出免费为他做手术可判断他家里“付不起”矫正的手术费。答案:C13.A.shameB.honourC.horrorD.danger提示:因为手是残疾的,再根据后面“把手藏在口袋里”判断答案为“羞耻”。inshame“羞耻地”;inhonour(of)“表示敬意,为了纪念”;inhorror“惊恐地”;indanger“处于危险之中”。答案:A14.A.advisedB.forcedC.persuadedD.permitted提示:根据下文“我写的故事被播出了”可知作者“说服”了老板让其写这个故事。答案:C15.A.actionB.programC.treatmentD.operation提示:从上文提到correctiveoperation得出答案。perform只与operation搭配。performtheoperation“做手术”。答案:D16.A.repairedB.connectedC.injuredD.improved提示:从上文,手术后在医院康复期间,作者看望了那个小孩,小孩做的第一件事就是举起他那动手术“修复过”的手。答案:A17.A.pleasureB.sadnessC.interestD.disappointment提示:看到那个小孩的手已经好了,作者有一种“高兴”的感觉。答案:A18.A.at the TV stationB.in the Students UnionC.at the US Forest ServiceD.at McCarleys Bookstore提示:从“.Iwasworkingforthecustomers.”可知此处指文章的第一句话中提到的书店。答案:D19.A.soB.andC.butD.because提示:从句子的前后意思可知表示转折关系。答案:C20.A.readersB.viewersC.customersD.passengers提示:因为作者现在是一位电视工作者,所以所做的工作是为看电视的“观众”而做的。makesenseof“理解”。答案:B


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