2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空训练(4)(III).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空训练(4)(III)xx高考英语完型填空(日常生活类) 完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 In 1882 a baby girl caught a fever that was so fierce that she nearly died. She_ but the fever left its mark一she could no longer see and _. Because she could not hear,she also found it very _ to speak. So how did this child,blinded and deafened at 19 months old,grow up to _a world-famous author and public speaker? The fever cut her _ from the outside world, depriving (剥夺)her of sight and sound. It was _ she had been thrown into a dark prison room from which there could be no _ . Luckily Helen was not someone who _ easily. Soon she began to explore the world by using her other _. She followed her mother wherever she went, _onto her skirts. She touched and smelled everything she came across. She 51 their actions and was soon able to do certain jobs herself,like milking the_or kneading dough (揉面).She even learnt to _people by feeling their faces or their clothes. She could also _ where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the _ of the ground under her feet. By the age of 7 she had invented over 60 different _ by which she could talk to her family. If she wanted bread for example,she would pretend to _ a loaf and butter into slices (片).If she wanted ice cream, she _herself with her arms and pretended to shake. Helen was unusual in that she was extremely _ and also very sensitive. By her own _ she had managed to make some sense of an alien and confusing world. But even so she had limitations.【小题1】AescapedBsucceededCfinishedDsurvived【小题2】AcryBsleepChearDread【小题3】AdifficultBimpossible CableDusual【小题4】AexplainBbeeCmanageDchoose【小题5】AdownBoffCinDup【小题6】Aeven ifBnot onlyCso thatDas if【小题7】AincreaseBreleaseCpunishmentDpraise【小题8】Agave outBpicked up Cgave upDturned up【小题9】AsensesBplansCprojectsDdreams【小题10】AfallingBhangingCsteppingDrushing【小题11】AcopiedBstoleCexpressedDfigured【小题12】Achickens BchildrenCcowsDbirds【小题13】Aask BfindCleadDrecognize【小题14】Aremember BtellCforgetDimprove【小题15】Afeel BknowledgeCopinionDsight【小题16】AdirectionsBsignsCnotes Dtopics【小题17】Aorder BcookCcutDthrow【小题18】Areached BheldCdroppedDopened【小题19】Agenerous BkindCintelligent Dhonest【小题20】Alives BrelationshipsCeffectsDefforts完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Growing trees in the concrete jungle of Los Angels brings neighbors benefits beyond beauty. As the 36 of TreePeople, a nonprofit organization he founded in 1973, Andy, now 54, has inspired hundreds of thousands of volunteers to 37 plant more than two million trees throughout Southern California.TreePeople 38 tools, blueprints, planting demonstrations, and tree-care supervisors free to all the participants, 39 me. “You will need their support,” Andy said, referring to my neighbors. “ 40 the munity behind you, the trees you plant will die in five years.” So I started knocking on doors, hoping to share 41 Id learnt in TreePeoples seminar(培训班) about the critical role of trees in removing smog from the 42 , cooling our homes and preventing water runoff. Strange 43 it may seem, some people are afraid of trees. “The roots destroy sidewalks,” one neighbor said, “ 44 will ruin my pipes. And I dont want leaves.” 45 told me. When I called Andy about the 46 I was getting from my neighbors, he encouraged me to keep trying. So my son and my wife delivered cookies while I went door to door. It 47 us half a year to sign permission forms from 16 neighbors for 21 trees.When the big day arrived, I was excited and 48 . What if I threw a planting tree and 49 else came? But as I set out shovels(铁铲), my son and wife made cakes and doughnuts, 50 started to gather. Friends brought friends. Neighbors came with cousins and grandchildren. A local middle school even 51 with half the seventh grade. More than 300 people joined us.Then Andy led us in a 52 : weling each tree into the world and 53 it name. After the ceremony, as I shook hands with volunteers and my neighbors, I 54 help but feel wed acplished 55 great. After all, trees need people, and people need trees.36. A. friendB. interviewerC. presidentD. volunteer37. A. bravelyB. activelyC. anxiouslyD. generously38. A. supportsB. affordsC. showsD. provides39. A. includingB. consideringC. containingD. reminding40. A. ForB. WithoutC. WithD. Except41. A. whatB. whichC. thatD. how42. A. cloudB. windC. skyD. air43. A. whileB. ifC. howeverD. as44. A. YouB. IC. TheyD. It45. A. The otherB. AnotherC. OtherD. Others46. A. resistanceB. acceptanceC. agreementD. praise47. A. spentB. paidC. tookD. covered48. A. movedB. disappointedC. surprisedD. nervous49. A. everybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. anybody50. A. volunteersB. journalistsC. friendsD. neighbors51. A. made upB. took upC. showed upD. cheered up52. A. ceremonyB. marchC. activityD. celebration53. A. callingB. leavingC. makingD. giving54. A. wouldntB. shouldntC. couldntD. neednt55. A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything参考答案 CBDAB ADDCB ACDBA CADCB完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项. Culture shock is a plex topic, but Im a simple man with simple perspectives. So my experience of foreign culture boils down to three basic stages: anger, acceptance and appreciation.When I _36_ my life in China I was often filled with frustration and _37_over the way things were. Things were seen as clearly “_38_” and I rejected the view of there being other ways of doing things. Afterwards I came to _39_different ways of doing things _40_still saw my own ways as superior.My views were still heavily colored by _41_and I often accepted situations I felt _42_by simply coining the phrase Thats China, _43_ China was a backward country that simply didnt do things correctly. Finally, _44_, I came to understand and appreciate the new _45_ and ways of doing things, sometimes using them as effectively as the_46_.For example, fish is never _47_ with the head in my country, thus my feelings went from “Ugh! I cant eat this! The fish is _48_at me saying, Youre a _49_ man. Take this off the table,” to “Ill let my friends enjoy, but Ill just stick with the other_50_,” and to Would anyone mind if I eat the eyeball?It is not the same with every westerner, and some take _51_ than others to go through the three stages. It all depends on how _52_ you are and how tightly you _53_to your own culture. It took a little over a year of living in China _54_ I finally appreciate the new culture. Now, Im more _55_in China than in my own country.36. A. ended B. began C. continued D. enjoyed37. A. curiosity B. fear C. purpose D. anger38. A. wrong B. right C. wise D. smooth39. A. find B. use C. accept D. refuse40. A. or B. but C. while D. so41. A. preferences B. references C. facts D. standards42. A. necessary B. important C. nervous D. stupid43. A. mentioning B. saying C. meaning D. referring44. A. therefore B. however C. besides D. thus45. A. character B. personality C. revolution D. culture46. A. locals B. foreigners C. researchers D. citizens47. A. bought B. sold C. served D. separated48. A. glancing B. laughing C. shouting D. staring49. A. kind B. cruel C. brave D. unique50. A. fishes B. vegetables C. dishes D. soups51. A. more B. less C. further D. longer52. A. adaptable B. considerable C. dependable D. enjoyable53. A. get B. hold C. catch D. insist54. A. since B. as C. before D .when55. A. anxious B. weled C. fortable D. miserable【参考答案】3640. BDACB 41-45 ADCBD 46-50 ACDBC 51-55 DABCC阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项.An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to 36 the house-building business to live a more 37 life with his wife and 38 his extended family. He would miss the paycheck(工资)each week, but he wanted to retire. They could 39 . The employer was 40 to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes, 41 over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He used bad workmanship and 42 materials. It was an unfortunate way to 43 a dedicated(献身的)career. When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to 44 the house. Then he handed the front-door 45 to the carpenter and said, “This is your house.-my 46 to you.”The carpenter was shocked! What a 47 ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so differently. 48 it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting 49 than our best into the building. Then, with a shock, we 50we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would do it much differently. But, you cannot 51 You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or build a wall. Someone 52 said, “Life is a do-it-yourself project.” Your 53 and the choices you 54 today, help build the “house” you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build 55! 36. A. continue B. start C. leave D. find 37. A. leisurely B. lonely C. orderly D. friendly 38. A support B. share C. enjoy D. care 39. A. go off B. get by C. pass on D. work away 40. A. polite B. nervous C. proud D. sorry 41. A. but B. while C. whichD. before42. A. perfect B. inferior(劣质的) C. superior D. tough43. A. satisfy B. improve C. meet D. end 44. A. buy B. repair C. inspect D. sell 45. A. roof B. window C. key D. design46. A. gift B. promise C. salary D. words 47. A. disappointment B. shame C. pleasure D. success48. A. So B. Yet C. As D. Such 49. A. worseB. more C. rather D. less 50. A. realize B. explain C. think D. admit51. A. step forward B. go back C. e outD. look around52. A. never B. again C. once D. nearly 53. A. attitude B. experience C. skill D. advantage54. A. learnB. take C. see D. make55. A. badly B. wisely C. early D. confidently【参考答案】 3640 CACBD 4145 ABDCC 4650 ABADA 5155 BCABD完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Hi Cindy,Please dont worry if you feel a little strange around boys. You are in the process of 36 from a little girl into a young woman and there are 37 called hormones(荷尔蒙)that are changing not only your body but your 38 . For example, you say you used to feel at ease 39 boys and you would usually run and fight one another for 40 . That was Cindy, the little girl, Cindy the 41 woman doesnt want to fight boys or even run with them 42 your interests are changing. That is what is making you feel strange and it is also 43 to the other girls around you and also to the boys. Your life is 44 a different stage but you should understand that this is (a) 45 normal, and(b) something that will pass quickly.I think you should again try to 46 around boys. You can still talk with them about 47 your like including sports, movies, web sites and celebrities (名人). I 48 that you not try to fight with them, however, because the 49 are being much bigger and stronger. I think you will find that you will 50 being with boys but that your feelings will be different from the 51 they used to be. I know you are not supposed to have a 52 while you are still in school in China, but if you start to find some boys very handsome and you are strongly 53 to some of them, dont be surprised, 54 , this is all very normal. For now, you should 55 your school work, though you will find that some boys are attracted to you. This will be a new adventure for you and my best advice is to relax and enjoy it.Good luck, Brad36. A. starting B. surviving C. changing D. ranging37. A. cells B. nutritions C. objects D. chemicals38. A. head B. mind C. life D. study39. A. against B. for C. with D. without40. A. fun B. honor C. good D. praise41. A. brave B. young C. smart D. unique42. A. before B. when C. until D. because43. A. referring B. appealing C. happening D. pointing44. A. setting B. entering C. reflecting D. representing45. A. perfectly B. possibly C. hardly D. nearly46. A. play B. fool C. date D. relax47. A. somebody B. anybody C. anything D. something48. A. demand B. remend C. mand D. determine49. A. girls B. adults C. kids D. boys50. A. enjoy B. hate C. avoid D. regret51. A. model B. standard C. way D. style52. A. girlfriend B. boyfriend C. degree D. job53. A. attracted B. opposed C. exposed D. accustomed54. A. Rather B. Besides C. Afterwards D. Again55. A. depend on B. decide on C. concentrate on D. agree on【完形填空参考答案】3640 CDBCA 41-45 BDCBA 46-50 DCBDA 51-55 CBADC

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