四年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 1 in the school(period3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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四年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 1 in the school(period3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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四年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 1 in the school(period3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第2页
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四年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 1 in the school(period3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第3页
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Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit: 1 In the schoolPeriod: 3Date:Aims:Purpose: Open an interaction by buying things制定依据:内容分析:重点:用名词的复数形式表达多于一样的物品以及 There be句型的使用。 难点:形状的表达。Teaching ProcessStageContentMethodPurposePre-task preparation1. Review the sharps 2. Introduce: rectanglesdraw a circle, a star, a square, a triangle.-What sharp is this?-Its a circle.To review and elicit the new teaching.While-task procedureLearn “Ask and answer”Play the cassette : Read and guess. For more able students, encourage them to give you the answer.Write : Its a (sharp) Its (colour) What is it? on the board . For more able students , encourage them to make their own riddle and let the class guess.4. Learn the soundsRead the words in ask and answer.Listen to the cassette.Ask: How many stars? (write)There are fourteen stars.There are fourteen.Count the numbers of triangles, circles and rectangles.Take out Photocopiable page 28 . Students work in pairs to ask or to count and answer.To catch the sentences.To elicit: To strengthen the knowledge.To encourage.Post-task activity1.Exercise2.Play a guessing game1.Drawing Workbook page 18.2.S1: Its a(sharps).Its What is it?S2: Its a To consolidate.板书a star / stars a square /squares a triangle / trianglesa circle /circles a rectangle /rectanglesThinking & Rebuilding

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